For the 2nd time in only 3 years , Illinois is held as a bridesmade again, only a stepping stone for anyone and everyone to get there " DREAM JOB". Lon Kruger said he would only leave for an NBA job, Now Self claims "Kansas is only job he would of left Illini for". They are both BS excuses Self would of left to replace Eddie Sutton at Oklahoma State also. Illinois 2 best recruits 1 said he would stay , the other said he would now leave and that does not even count C.Villenueva who now will NEVER go to Illinois and I bet he will go to Kansas, Self hurt Illinois bad right now as May 10 is last signing day for seniors. I liked Self but Champaign can be just as big a hotbed for basketball as f***ING Lawrence Kansas. Self will never get out of Roy williams shadow at Kansas , at Illinois he could of made his own legacy.