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Everything posted by Soxfest

  1. Soxfest

    Cubs Suck

    Cubs played Pitt w/o Giles, Cinn w/o Griffey and Larkin it will catch up to them bastards :fyou :finger Cubs
  2. Temp was same for Cub game there was 27,000
  3. garland need to get some aggressiveness
  4. garland is laboring already.
  5. 7-6 overall, 0-4 VS KC , No reason to excited for fans yet.
  6. Wake up Garland .....DAM
  7. garland do something tonight!
  8. Soxfest


    Self is leaving on a jet plane , do not know when he'll whip Illinois ass again..........................................................
  9. Howry has made good money, let him rot in AAA
  10. More errors , more losses 0-6 and climbing when defense sucks, problems galore
  11. Kansas has offered him a 5 year contract , bye Self Dam it anyway. f***!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Soxfest

    great website

    APU , that is some good s*** on the mug.
  13. I have heard this non-sense for 5 years, let another sucker pay JR, he gets enough of my money with the SOX.
  14. Hey when you average the most pitches PER INNING of any closer in MLB in 02, people get a good look at your stuff and figure you out in this league.
  15. Oh another non playoff year , buy your tickets for next year, Hell NO
  16. HSC , you are right all the news and websites have ATTACKED UMPIRE as a headline this is getting a little much.
  17. Rex..... He may have options but he will not get a big dollar salary to run team. Molto... I know plenty about him for years, not just last couple.
  18. Maybe there is something about Koch being on 3 teams in 3 years, the only thing he is closing is our chances of winning right now, this is terrible.
  19. Soxfest

    great website

    That guy is funnier than anything on SNL.
  20. Soxfest


    JB come on home in July , when Lee is history in Chicago.
  21. I am all for JM fired , but Backman is just another JR cheap way out as a manager, Backman will work for peanuts on First job, I see T. Bevington #2 AGAIN and it SUCKS. Get a guy with experience for once.
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