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Everything posted by Soxfest

  1. Soxfest


    Espn for the 5 year in a row have made Yankees -Mets series home and home games Sunday night games of the WEAK. I frankly get tired of that every year, the SOX-Cubs should be on at least once. I guess it is that EASTCOAST bias of ESPN again showing it's ugly head.
  2. Schmidt is an asshole and always has been.
  3. World lost a good man, heaven is waiting for you, this time you get to ride the trolley........RIP
  4. I cannot stand BP , they are a bunch of self richous bastards , i have had my run ins with them on other message boards. :fyou
  5. Last time I checked he is not a doctor , He said the same s*** about J.Vasquez 3 years ago. His opinion is meaningless, Honel will be just fine.
  6. I see they have a NEW policy if they think someone is cheating they move 5to last place , like we care thayt is probably the most traffic they will have all year.
  7. I saw that BS on SI site today, when he said the Sox needed 2 starters I knew this asshole did not have a clue,TWIN KISSASS
  8. Soxfest

    Guess what...

    Koch this, i am just use to dumbass moves at Halas hall bringing him back would just fit , I hope like HELL he is GONZO
  9. Soxfest

    Guess what...

    Miler will be resigned to a lower cap value and still start .
  10. Maggs has yet to reach his peak season, could be this year.
  11. Morgan can only spot relieve at this point, and we have no need for that.
  12. HE IS A 200% UPGRADE OF liefer, i like the prospects of him in 03
  13. JM has been a failure , I hope he is gone soon and take KW with you.
  14. Soxfest

    Mike Smith

    Idiot says he cannot trade any of HAWKS young goal scorersfor a proven one, they have to come from minors, RUTTU and a russian prospect neither one have signed in last 3 years. This jerk is a Pulford puppet if i have ever seen one. :fyou
  15. He had a bad hand from July on that was alot of the problem.
  16. Why would'nt you use it I do , i can make a cd for $2.00 including case and cover. Record assholes charges 15.00 to 20.00 for cd sure they do not like it, most of us told them to f*** off, but it was fine when we got screwed for years and it cost them maybe 1.00 a cd to make. If you do not take advantage of the word FREE then go waste your hard earned money.
  17. Soxfest


    Crede may struggle this year , but he will be an allstar within 3 years tops......great prospect
  18. This will be his last year in CWS uniform , you can book it.
  19. Soxfest

    Jay M

    As I stated I am ONLY talking about today's article ONLY
  20. Good stuff ............Thanks
  21. Soxfest

    Jay M

    Jay's column on Frank was right on, I do not agree with much he writes but on this topic I agree.
  22. Have to decline, RP are hard to come by
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