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Everything posted by Soxfest

  1. If he chooses to go he gets nothing, free agent.
  2. 9 hitter continues to destroy Sox pitching
  3. “Hi Mom i’m hurt again” bobble head day
  4. Tim looks like Moncada right now does not care either way
  5. Espn can’t kiss Dodger ass enough, every Sox comment is backhanded jab. Burger, swing rate
  6. Must be nice to have an organization that spends money every year and play exciting baseball. As opposed to an owner who refuses to sign a player to 100 million dollar contract, one of only 3 teams now and would prefer 2nd place every year!
  7. Getting to the point he is heading toward another 1st round bust, he is getting worse not better.
  8. Fat, out of shape and never cared to get in shape. He is pathetic has to be dfa
  9. Can’t keep pitching Lynn every 5th day. This is no different than Dallas, only common thread is Hahn strikes again.
  10. Team has absolutely a defeatist attitude and very little fight ever…..takes right after the Owner.
  11. He was guarding the line, should have been earlier. Here comes a 1-2-3 inning
  12. Grifol is so F’N inept……Seby needs demoted tonight for Perez.
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