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Posts posted by WilliamTell

  1. All this misguided gloating over swindling the Evil Empire cannot possibly end well. Karma. Instead of thanking our lucky stars that Contreras has a healthy (knock on wood) arm and might just give the Sox a tremendeous boost in the next 2 years, people are dancing in the streets over the fact Loaiza busted up his arm trying to carry the 2003 team into the post-season.


    Yankees, Steinbrenner, Cahsman. Torre will once again make the World Series this year. They might win it all. Where will Kenny "Great Swindler" Williams and the Sox be? I thought so.



    Very touching indeed....Anyways I'm not a Yankee hater, I'm just saying the Yankees probably aren't happy about Loaiza's performance and rightfully so, he's been terrible. We weren't happy with him when he was with the Sox.

  2. Dan Wright might not even be back for next year. 


    It was just an idea, I know it's a bad one, I just think he has talent for a major league roster. It might not be a starter, but a set up or middle reliever could be a possibility.

  3. I'm sure I'll get smashed with this idea and I don't really know his minor league stats right now but if they're decent, why not bring Danny Wright back up for another shot. Nothing seems to be working right now, let's bring him up.

  4. I know some people hate KW, but I do think he is a good GM. Even though I question the trades of Alomar and Everett (Round 2 of each time) the 2 earlier this year with getting Garcia and Davis have really worked out and trading Koch can only be a plus. If there was one thing I'd like to see for next year, it'd be fewer trades because I think having 5 trades in under a year can ruin team chemistry a bit even if you have a manager like Ozzie.

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