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Everything posted by southsideirish71

  1. Wait till they either bring that corpse back for next year or promote him. The only one that may get fired is the strength and conditioning people and maybe just maybe Frank M. I think they are arrogant enough to chalk this up to injuries and try another bite at the apple next year.
  2. Maybe he can make some cute bracelets, and they can have a motto. Just hit the fucking ball, catch the fucking ball and play reputable baseball.
  3. When it stops becoming profitable, then he will do something. As long as it rains cash they could trot children out there and he would be happy. He doesn't care about the results. He cares about the cashflow.
  4. Only losers hire a near 80 year old walking corpse to manage their MLB team.
  5. It's amazing. It seems like our team is constantly facing Cy Young every single night.
  6. Look at the suckers, I mean fans. One of my greatest accomplishments is just doing enough to make it look like there is a slight plan. The only plan is to make it rain at home.
  7. The mumbling corpse of a manager would have to wake up before he could get to the point of raising his voice, forget yelling.
  8. The throw also didn't have any carry. He threw the ball on a low-line drive.
  9. I am sure a guy near 80 yelling at anyone would scare the world.
  10. Thank you Tony for your recommendation to get him. He is the obvious thing that will put us over the top. They will all make their golf tee times in October just as you designed.
  11. If they bring back TLR then you might as well wait till nature takes its course and he or the owner is in the afterlife.
  12. The rest of the AL Central must thank JR for sabotaging this team. Here is this young core, lets hire the old duffer who barely knows what day it is.
  13. Tony looks like he is on the verge of death after these games in the post-game interviews. He mumbles, gets confused, and looks out of it. Great fucking hire JR.
  14. So to the TLR Official Excuse Crew, why the fuck did the simpleton intentionally walk another hitter on a 1-2 count. I can wait for your answer while you put down the water you are carrying. It's probably heavy.
  15. He has had a short arm action for a while now. So it's laughable for this comment and the others talking about changing the arm slot. This was the same thing he did when he had his resurgent year. So besides the fact that it hurts your mechanical sensibilities, it has nothing to do with his struggles this year. If he massively bulked up and doesn't pay attention to his mobility and flexibility, then yes, that can cause all sorts of issues with his ability to drive through and get everything behind the ball. Injury is another possibility. The sticky stuff could affect his spin rate. Another thing is not staying behind the ball and driving through it. Cutting it or having a crazy arm side run can also decrease spin rate. That would be easy to see and would be something identified pretty quickly. They have every technological toy in the tool shed to analyze this and to help fix it. If it's an injury or a change in flexibility, then no tool can help that.
  16. This is clowning at this point. This is like younger travel teams where the kid just keeps running to second because they are fundamentally bad.
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