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Everything posted by southsideirish71

  1. How long does it take to get over Covid fatigue. Moncada is way off right now.
  2. They will win again. When the face sub 500 teams and left handed pitching. Wake me when they start taking series from good teams.
  3. We are back to the old format. You either win the division or you are one of two wild card teams. Last year's sox team misses the playoffs if we followed that format.
  4. At least the owner opened up the checkbook this off-season to help build depth. If Timmy is on the DL for any period of time that might be a death knell.
  5. The framer behind the plate hasn't put down the sign.
  6. The seattle and Texas series is where we should look good. Until we prove we can consistently beat rhping and good teams we just need to survive and beat up on bad teams. If we can beat bad teams at a high clip we are going to have problems.
  7. Well they didn't lock him up yet. So right now we burned a major league asset for a pure rental
  8. I see the team that couldn't beat above 500 teams here. Thank God that cheap owner gets to keep his money.
  9. They have to prove they can beat above 500 teams.
  10. This was a team that couldn't beat above 500 teams last year. We better figure out how to catch because this offense looks pedestrian against RHP.
  11. Well good to see Scrooge McDuck gets to swim in his gold instead of getting some more players this off-season. Sure looks like a World Series team to me.
  12. Just check the calls Cishek got in the top of the inning versus Moncada.
  13. I understand that. It was more tongue and cheek than anything.
  14. Our defense so far is fun bad. And that is without Eloy doing his normal gymnastics in LF.
  15. Well if Ray Ray is consistent he will blame Foster. Foster screwed that up in his eyes because he didn't pitch it into the mitt of Eaton.
  16. Catch the fucking ball. Defense is really shitting the bed this series.
  17. Might be a good time to get the ball down Dallas.
  18. He found another cause to have this year. It's not the passed ball. It's not the defense. It's the pitcher who didn't pitch the ball into the mitts properly.
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