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Everything posted by southsideirish71

  1. Gio and Danks have looked good so far in their brief stints. Has masset pitched yet?
  2. QUOTE(Jimbo @ Mar 1, 2007 -> 03:27 PM) NOT THE OPPOSITE WAY!! Walker must be away from the dugout, he wont put up with guys not lifting and pulling. Crede will be running sprints after the game.
  3. QUOTE(mr_genius @ Feb 28, 2007 -> 10:31 PM) obviously you are not a scientist like Balta, if you were you would realize the mighty Goracle can not be housed in a simple 8 room / 3 bath home. He must dwell in a energy devouring mansion. no less then 20 rooms, AC on 24/7. And one mansion will not due, 2 is a must else his life force weakens. So you see, his mass energy use is not hypocritical at all. This whole global warming and internet thing is keeping the goracle from his life work, finding and destroying the true menace to the world.
  4. QUOTE(Nokona @ Feb 28, 2007 -> 04:40 PM) Before everyone busts an artery, remember that most pitchers don't throw everything they've got their first starts of ST. It's not the end of the world The main goal for the first part of ST is to get their mechanics in order, throw(hopefully with some pop to it), hit their spots and work on a pitch or 2. I just want to see Buerhle strengthen his arm to pre-2006 levels.
  5. QUOTE(The Ginger Kid @ Feb 28, 2007 -> 03:42 PM) hope bobby just felt something funny and decided not to risk it. Hopefull that is all that it is.
  6. Well Jenks might be hurt. I think I just vomitted in my mouth.
  7. BA tags one. Nice, almost out. Double off the wall scores Crede.
  8. Holliday puts on up into the hurricane and is rockets out of here.
  9. QUOTE(Jimbo @ Feb 28, 2007 -> 03:02 PM) traffic in tehran?? A car bomb opened up a traffic jam on the I-666 to Iraq.
  10. One question would be is how Buerhle's velocity progresses this spring. Last year he was in the low to mid 80s. 2 years ago he was 88-90 for the most part. That little bit of velocity is huge for Buerhle. If he sits at 83-85 he better have pinpoint control.
  11. QUOTE(Flash Tizzle @ Feb 28, 2007 -> 02:45 PM) Garland now giving it up as well. I'd really like to believe both pitchers aren't feeling 'loose,' or gradually working on certain pitchers and/or endurance. The big thing is to make sure that they arent walking people, and that they are keeping the ball down and hitting their spots. If they are walking people, leaving the ball up and getting torched its not so good.
  12. QUOTE(SoxAce @ Feb 28, 2007 -> 02:39 PM) I got a feeling we'll be seeing that alot this season. Kudos to Walker and Konerko. Sure because our teams for years have hit the ball to the right side. LOL. Until I see the pull monkey derby end for more than a few weeks, I still reserve judgement. Buerhle felt good about his performance.
  13. QUOTE(retro1983hat @ Feb 28, 2007 -> 02:39 PM) BA GIDP! Walk will fix him
  14. Tinkerbell is telling Peter that his time in neverland might be over as Erstad steals 2nd.
  15. Wait a second, a leadoff hitter for the sox took a walk. WTF is going on. He didnt K looking. I demand a recount.
  16. Well on the sunny side, Mark is getting cheaper by the pitch.
  17. This lady needs to pick up the temp for the national anthem. She is getting slower as the song goes. Oh Good lord, an american idol she isnt. Yikes.
  18. So instead of a computer becoming self aware to end the world. Its just a Blue Screen of Death, or piece of malware that will end it. Time to build the bomb shelter.
  19. Maybe Santo should of ditched the clicking of the heels a bit earlier in his career, and he might of made a few more friends on the HOF ballot.
  20. People need to take performances in ST especially at the beginning with a grain of salt. Its about getting your work in, and working on new things. Especially pitchers. I have seen ST games where a pitcher will leave out their entire arsenal, just to work on throwing one pitch for a strike.
  21. QUOTE(Texsox @ Feb 26, 2007 -> 05:26 AM) NSS, here is the balancing act. When the prisoners are put to work, they are now competing with workers that did not commit a crime. The government stops buying from Company A in Tallahassee and starts buying from Pontiac Prison. I am all for putting the prisoners to work. It keeps them busy, and you can use a reward system. You work so much, you get more free time in the yard. You can buy items(non contraband) from a in house store. Make them learn a work ethic. It beats them lifting weights, fashioning weapons and running gang activity. We know they can already do all of that, hence why they are in there in the first place. As far as the competition thing. Buying from the prisoners is still a better option than mainland china. Because frankly, if we are shopping for a price that is where they are going to go for the purchase anyways.
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