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Everything posted by southsideirish71

  1. One day, the mighty Rowand will retire and then all of this crap about reacquiring him will be done. Then the legend of Aaron Rowand will start. Aaron Rowand once killed 50 men with a diving catch. Rowand once single handedly won a world series with his grinderism. He once cured cancer and still had time to rob a Yankee of extra bases with a diving extendo catch. Good lord.
  2. QUOTE(elrockinMT @ Feb 14, 2007 -> 04:54 PM) I think the Garcia trade was a huge question mark as far as us giving up a proven winner for youngsters. Freddie developed a new picth and threw back to back one-hitters and that ain't shabby. We lose him and get two potentially good pitchers, but no Aaron Rowand, who I think most will agree is who we wanted. But, anyway we saved money and got two ML ready prospects. Ok, now we wait and see. But, saying the Cubs did good on their pitching selections? Please Mr. Rogers they barely hit the .500 level. Plus they got paid a ton. Who wanted rowand? Not me. He is a 4th OF and currently trade bait for the Phillies. If he was so great and grand, teams would like up to trade for him.
  3. QUOTE(Colorado Sox Fan @ Feb 14, 2007 -> 04:29 PM) I don't care about the Cubs comparison. I agree with Rogers. There's nothing in the offseason moves that excites me about this team. Say what you want about Freddy, but he would give us 15 wins. Now we have Vazquez as #4 starter vs. #5 and it's anybody's quess who the #5 is. I just don't see how we're a better team without Garcia and Mac. I don't care about 2008 or 2009. I want to see a world series challenger in 2007. This team doesn't cut it, unless we pick up a starter at the trade deadline. Bullcrap. In 2008 and 2009 you would be here moaning about how bad the sox are, and how they didnt think of the future and how could they keep pitchers that were obviously going to leave via free agency. You like a bunch of people probably said in 05, as long as they win the WS I wont care what they do in 06 and 07. Well guess what, its 07 and you do care, just like you will in 08 and 09.
  4. Phil Rodgers needs to get over the Garcia trade. So let me get this straight, we are a bad team now because we got rid of one pitcher from our rotation yet the cubs add the mighty Ted Lilly, Jason Marquis, and other spare parts of crap and they are the bestest team in the world. One team won 90 games, the other team lost nearly as many. You would think by Phil's comments that we had the record the cubs did last year.
  5. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Feb 14, 2007 -> 02:31 PM) On Sportsnight they said "the loveable losers no more" when describing the cubs. Umm excuse me? When did they not finish in last place in 2006? I had a moronic cub fan friend of mine tell me a few weeks back that I need to let go of the 2005 White Sox championship because it was in the past, and that sox fans are now obsessed with winning a championship years ago. I laughed at him, and then told him that I was at game 2, I remember the feel of the cold rain on my face, I remember what it felt like when Scotty Pods hit the walk off. I remember the feeling after the clincher in game four. I suggested that he obtain a ouiji board to contact someone who can say the same about the last cubs championship.
  6. Next winter??? People are already b****ing that we are going to be cheap next winter. How about this, lets worry about the 07 season that hasnt been played yet before we start to worry about 08. The team with one of the highest payrolls in baseball is playing this year, and I dont see how that will change by next year. Its not like we are going to go from a 90+ million dollar team to a 40 million dollar team next year with the evil JR pocketting all the profits. Stop with the worries already.
  7. This should be an non-issue. It is very easy to determine if the browsing activity on a PC is intentional or not or redirected from spyware. How many people have had a popup storm bomb their machine. You hit the wrong site, and it just bombs popup after popup. All it takes is one sextracker cookie, and a non-patched version of IE. The only way to shut this is to kill the browser by hitting control-alt-delete and killing the browser process and sometimes the spyware instance itself. Its understandable that she got startled and didnt know exactly what to do when this started to happen with her audience the age that they were. The only way this would of sunk in to the jury is if they did a demonstration of how it works. Hopefully the appelate court will overturn this one.
  8. Social Engineering overcomes a multi million dollar development effort. What a shocker. The problem with this type of encryption is that it has to be relatively static for it to work on these types of platforms. You get a few smart people, a lot of spare time and enough processing power and they can crack this type of encryption.
  9. QUOTE(MinnesotaSoxFan @ Feb 13, 2007 -> 08:10 AM) I was though! Remember the rule, what happens in chat, stays in chat.
  10. I will be curious on the final season ticket number count as opposed to last year. I am happy that the team is doing this well with attendance. It only helps keep a high payroll and it keeps this team competitive. I made a small Ozzie plan committment that I do every year, and to me the cubs/sox game and a dibs on some of the better games ahead of the single season sale pays for it for me. I hope that the stadium is packed every day and we can keep this momentum going as a franchise.
  11. QUOTE(spiderman @ Feb 12, 2007 -> 09:27 PM) Do you think that's Sicso will spend the 07 season being converted to a starter ? I'm not sure, but if we have an ineffective or, unproven at least, 5th starter in Floyd, and a 4th starter who can get blown up at any time, I wouldn't be shocked if they went to 12 pitchers. Early in the season, though, with the off-days, it may not be necessary to use 12 pitchers, but once they start playing 6 or 7 days a week, it wouldn't be shocking to me. I remember plenty of times that we could of pulled a tired Freddy Garcia mid season, or a Vazquez who had 6th inning issues and still Ozzie kept his formula. Starting pitchers go to X inning. This was with those 2 giving up 6 and 7 runs. Ozzie doesnt use his pen a lot, Unless Floyd gives up 16 runs, he aint coming out of the game.
  12. Evil American pigs, I will get them all. I cant wait till I hear how the tests went. So Cornell Yi, how many megaton was it. Well how many kilotons was it, you mean it was 7 tons. Oh s***, back to the negotiating table.
  13. QUOTE(spiderman @ Feb 12, 2007 -> 09:14 PM) 1) Buerhle 2) Contrereas 3) Garland 4) Vazquez 5) Floyd ?? 6) Jenks 7) MacDougal 8) Thorton 9) Masset 10) Aardsma 11) Sisco There's no chance that Charlie Haegar can make the team out of the bullpen ??? How many bullpen arms does the team lead by a manager that goes to the bullpen less than anyone in baseball.
  14. QUOTE(WilliamTell @ Feb 12, 2007 -> 03:10 PM) What about Ben Davis, I remember that insane thread a couple of years ago, craziness. The thread was only the half of it.
  15. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Feb 12, 2007 -> 07:34 AM) His not being punished was the biggest crock of s*** from the league who is hunting down Barry Bonds. Everytime this guys pitches against the sox they should check him for the foreign substance.
  16. QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Feb 12, 2007 -> 02:04 PM) My question is this, Would we not play Thome against real good lefties and instead go with Perez? I know for the most part I wouldn't simply because Thome is a better player and draws a ton of walks. Jason, The answer is because Thome while dangerous was terrible against lefties last year. Overall he hit .236. But lets look at some of the other numbers against rotation guys he will face. Thome hit a grand .000 against Sabathia. And he hit a lovely .071 against Cliff Lee. Against Santana he hit .191. Against Rodgers he hit .191 also. This is why I am not all that broken up about Eddie hitting against some of the tougher lefties in our division. Thome can change the game with one swing, however more often than not his swing misses tough left handed pitching. And with our overall craptacular hitting against good left handed pitching we need whatever edge we can use.
  17. QUOTE(fathom @ Feb 12, 2007 -> 02:02 PM) I've been begging the Sox to sign Perez for a while now. He's fantastic against LHP, and he did very well in his brief time in the AL Central last year against the top lefties in the division. He'd be a great guy to have face the likes of Santana, C.C., etc. I just hope he can make the 25 man roster. Great signing! This is a nice little signing. With all of the tough lefties in our division this is a good investment.
  18. Anyone that says that they would accept 3 80 to 90 loss seasons in the hopes of one world series are not being totally realistic. We all said for years, if only they could win one world series I would be happy. Well guess what they did, and 90 win seasons are still not good enough. If we went to 80-90 loss seasons it would cripple this organization for a long time. KW is protecting an investment, that a lot of season ticket holders and partial owners have. Does everyone want to win the world series every year, sure. Do you want to toe the line and spend the season ticket package plan to keep the team afloat over the next 3 years while the team is the marlins. NO.
  19. QUOTE(SoxFan1 @ Feb 8, 2007 -> 10:29 PM) Just for the sake of comparison, would you agree that they play like the Bolton team of the last few years. I may be way wrong as I don't watch the US team play much (moreso UEFA) but it seems like they play the long-ball-lets-hope-someone-gets-it type attack. I know in the World Cup, the biggest problem with the US is that they were going backwards more often than forwards, mostly evident vs the Czechs. They've got speedsters in Beasley and Donovan, but they're not instituting the right offensive attack for success. And IMO, Beasley is gretaly underused by the US. They'd play much better if they got it out on the wings more. They play the long ball and hope, and a bit of the perimeter triangle. However When they play the triangle, they sit back too much and the opposition double teams the pivot man before they can advance the ball. Beasley would break down the line and extend the defense on the wings and would open up the middle more. They have no one at all that can do that on the pitch right now. And another issue is the loss of McBride who was a nice changeup and partner for any striker we would put up. Donovan should be an attacking mid, not a striker. He is too short and has a horrible first touch most of the time. Adu should be up playing with the senior team. This should be done for a few reasons, one to cap tie the kid. The 2nd is to figure out what you have. Adu should be up front. He has fantastic dribbling skills and can provide something that isnt on the team right now and that is someone who can break down a defender one on one. ow most of the US team thinks they can, but basically all they do is provide one or two weak moves. Maybe a step over and a nutmeg and that is about that. Adu should be sold off to a European team, perferably in the Spanish league or Italian league. the english is where you want to send your defenders and your midfielder, but Spain and Italy is where you send your strikers. N
  20. QUOTE(SoxFan1 @ Feb 8, 2007 -> 10:18 PM) I understand what you mean now. And you know I agree with you as far as Wynalda is concerned. Marking is defending. Marking is the American football equivalent of covering, the basketball equivalent of guarding. Mmm, beat me to it. The biggest issue for the US team right now is ironically what Beckham is. Its a midfielder that can feed the ball. Last night gave me headaches watching either some midfielder try and kick a 60 yard pass in the air, or try to constantly thread the needle. At some point just by accident, you would figure that they would learn how to pass on the ground. The feed on the ground is hard to defend. When you lob it in the air everything slows down and you give the defense too much time to get back on the ball. The US has speed, but they never ever use it
  21. QUOTE(CWSGuy406 @ Feb 8, 2007 -> 10:06 PM) Don't crucify me, but -- realize I'm asking this as a kid who has never played a game of soccer in his life and is an extreme casual fan -- is the term 'marking' defending or is it passing? Marking is akin to playing man to man defense. When a defender marks a man, he pretty much follows him around and tries to deny service which is the ball being fed to the attacking player. Last night a perfect example of bad marking was Chris Albright. The Mexican attack was pretty much picking on him all night long, like a good QB in the NFL would pick on the bad DB.
  22. QUOTE(SoxFan1 @ Feb 8, 2007 -> 06:28 PM) My comment had nothing to do with that, but I understand what you're saying. And I'm not sure if that's kinda a shot at me and my Serbian-ness or not, but ok. You are a chat crew member and we are all brothers that wasnt the point of my post. To me I would rather have some bandwagon fan jump up and down, than someone who is claiming to be part of a country that they never plan on going to. It was more of a shot to the 50k Americans of Mexican decent that were in the stadium. Eric Wynalda is horrible. He has no clue. Landon Donovan does this all the time. He looks like the second coming of Ronaldo against concacaff teams, because they play wide open and the marking is poor. The minute he goes up against a physical good marking team, he disappears.
  23. QUOTE(SoxFan1 @ Feb 8, 2007 -> 04:22 PM) The casual fans who only root because it's their country. I dont know. Here is another thought. What is worse. The casual fan that roots for their country for a show of nationalistic pride. Or someone that was born here, and roots for someone else which is obviously what I see when we watch a US game in America. I never see the red white and blue outnumbering the opponent. So did an army of people here on Visa's or were born in other countries just happen to show up. Maybe. Or is it children of immigrants who seem to love it here, except for when the teams play. I was born in Ireland. However if the US were to play the Irish I would wear my red white and blue and root for the Americans to beat Ireland. This is the only country I have known. I am an American citizen. Its somewhere that I have been since I was one years old. Dont get me wrong if Ireland is playing anyonje else, I root for the Irish. I own a Duff and Keane jersey. But there are plenty of people in this country that seem to identify with another country, even thought they have never been there for most accounts and forget why we all came here in the first place. My father used to get mad at me when people would ask what I was and would say Irish. He told me, you are an American.
  24. God what a messed up life for her daughter to inherit. Hopefully they will wisk her away and let her grow up as normal as you could under the situation. RIP
  25. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Feb 8, 2007 -> 02:03 PM) I have no words that can possibly express how unbelievably stupid I feel this article is and how angry I am at having spent a minute reading it. I am sure that the drunken fools who rush to watch a rotten team play in an antiquated dump of a stadium will be lining up to bring goats and their buddies named Murphy to every single ballpark that team hits this year. I remember in 03 when these fools were bringing stupid farm animals to the games and reciting some made up curse backwards. These are the same fans who ate a f***ing blown up baseball in their pasta. The only curse are the people who have to watch these drunken fools urinating in their yards after another fine game at the dump. Wait till Mike Murphy gets a hold of this one. He will be playing goofy soundbites and giggling like a school girl that he can personally lift them from their crappy status.
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