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Everything posted by southsideirish71

  1. southsideirish71


    QUOTE(DrunkBomber @ Jan 31, 2007 -> 10:11 PM) Well, I got and am currently using Vista on my new computer. It seems ok so far. Its a lot more different then I thought it would be. Make sure that you have your AV, the Vista firewall, and your antispyware on and ready to go. Also turn on the autoupdate feature, as they are already getting patches ready. The first exploits for Vista will be through the applications on Vista probably through email or messenger spam. They will target vulnerabilities in IE and messenger like in older versions. Just because this is on Vista doesn't mean you will be invulnerable. If I was going to target the system, I would look at the IPv6 stack as it is enabled on all Vista machines by default. You could encapsulate a normal IPv4 packet in IPv6 and see if it will answer and pass it through without checking it for security. I will probably install it on a VM just so I can mess around with it. First one to write an exploit will be famous.
  2. southsideirish71


    QUOTE(Texsox @ Jan 29, 2007 -> 06:54 PM) The hacker thing is interesting. How would it be different that loooking for something in all the other versions of Windows? It would more than likely effect the entire Windows family. Or do you think they would want to find something that attacks Vista and not all the others? Microsoft is paying a lot of the puppet security research facilities funded by Microsoft to proclaim the security better than anything out on the market, which is a load of crap. These are the same moronic research facilities that state that large Unix systems are not as powerful or reliable than a Windows box The gaunlet has been thrown down. There will be a mix of malware and attacks, some that affect all of the Windows family due to compatibility issues and ones that are Vista specific.
  3. QUOTE(Steff @ Jan 29, 2007 -> 05:52 PM) Not this year. That was a big help for those that didn't get there in time and just wanted to get in lines for wristbands or get in on the Oz seminar. I'm happy they are there and hope they extend their contract past the next 2 years. My overall experience was pretty positive this time. The lines were manageable, and there were plenty of guest relations people around helping out with how to get from point A to point B. The sox are also trying to make this better and better every year. They had some guest relations people going around with PDA's doing surveys of how this soxfest compared to others and things you liked and didnt like trying to get feedback. The stairs were not that bad. Brooks and the sox are trying to make an effort of trying to improve on the sox experience year in and year out. My favorite touch was the Pride Crew asking the trivia questions. As always I picked up something from the vendor area that was pretty original. I picked up a 18 wheeler Sox championship truck for Brendan, and a cool picture that had the park at 1917 with the old sox logo, and it was split with the parade with the 2005. I think they did a great job, and would say that it should stay at the Palmer house. It was better than the crazy people event of last year.
  4. southsideirish71


    I wouldnt be first on the block to get this. I would wait until the first service pack is out for it. That is usually the gage we use to put it into production. The next thing is to verify that your apps will work with it. And make sure your PC can handle it. The new security features look promising, however I will wait until its out in the world in production when the malware people get their hands on it. The religious OS wars will be pretty snippy this time between Apple and Microsoft.
  5. The thing that everyone needs to remember about Boras and his client is that this relationship is not a chance meeting. Its not like Joe just looked into the rolodex for agents and stopped at the Bs. Boras makes contact with impact or potential impact players. Players sign with Boras because he makes them money. Boras goes to these players because they will make him money. Its not like Crede was forced to go with Boras. Joe Crede has one group of people to worry about when he considers where to play. His wife and his kids and himself. That is about it. He like a lot of players have been roasted by the fans and media, almost traded how many times, etc. This is a business relationship, and nothing more. We as fans get in love with a name on the back of a jersey and identify with them. When they go its sad. However its an inevitiability that year to year that the dynamic of the team will change. New names will appear, new heros are born every day. Eventually you will see your favorite player go. As a person that has seen countless favorites move on, Move on and find a new favorite player. edit: Damn you Kalapse for getting my point in ahead of me. I need to type faster.
  6. QUOTE(LVSoxFan @ Jan 29, 2007 -> 10:36 AM) Well, uh yeah. What's the big mystery? So yes: I prefer the lower runs/better pitching '05 team the feast-or-famine runs/iffy pitching of '04 and 2nd half '06? I'm not sure what we're arguing about here? And don't tell me the '06 team was clutch hitting like '05, more runs or not. Our offense in 05 sucked. It was horrible at times. Remember Dye and Konerko couldnt hit at all starting out the season and we survived on crazy pitching. Remember Timo Perez as our DH, remember how in August no one could hit at all. Our 05 team's offense got hot towards the end of September and crazy hot in the playoffs. Outside of that period of time our offense was horrible, and a lot of us were worried how it was going to do in the playoffs. Everyone can have fantasy memories of 05 as how clutch the offense was, it wasnt. Clutch hitting teams dont jumble their lineup right before the playoffs because our number 3 hitter(Jurassic) couldnt hit all and we needed a desperate change. The formula for 05 was pitch like crazy, catch the ball and dont do stupid things The thing that made us a championship team was the fact that the hitting decided to show up in the playoffs. The reason our team didnt make the playoffs last year was a few items. From the management side Ozzie putting in a corner OF in CF, Joey Cora waving everything that wasnt anchored down around. From the pitching side our pitchers not pitching a good entire season, some of them not pitching at all. Our bullpen being crappy and not holdling leads. And our Jeckle and Hyde Offense. The first part of the season they hit the ball like crazy, line drives, lots of homers not pressing. In the 2nd half it was terrible. Guys trying to hit home runs, and our offense morphing into the 2004 whitesox.
  7. QUOTE(Jimbo @ Jan 29, 2007 -> 11:01 AM) First Mark needs to get into shape and stop eating every piece of meat he kills in missouri. He is in good shape. The only thing he needs to do is pound righties inside with his cutter, and keep the ball down. He has been a proven pitcher for years.
  8. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Jan 28, 2007 -> 03:28 PM) You should have refused to answer out of protest. She didnt accept my first answer which was a curse word. \
  9. I had a great time today at the Sunday soxfest. I was able to park for free 2 blocks on the street, bonus. The wierd thing was the layout. In soxfest's past everything is pretty much on one level, this time it took a while to figure out where everything is at. Using the narrow stairs between some of the floors was a bit interesting. This was about as quick of an autograph line I have seen. they strictly enforced the sign one item routine and kept the lines moving. I was able to get a good amount of autographs. Konerko, Cintron(which no one showed up for), Sweeney who stole Brian Anderson's hair and shirt from last years Soxfest, Fields, and Owens. Out of everyone Fields seem to go out of his way to personalize things. He asked me my first name, and then personalized the item for me. That was pretty cool. I won about 5 shirts and 5 hats with the silly trivia stuff from the Chevy Pride Crew. The first question to me was "Who is the whitesox hitting coach".
  10. Hopefully this means we will see some more stuff guys from the draft instead of some safe picks. Passing up Garza and others for Broadway based on Broadway being safe might have finally sunk in for Kenny when he saw Garza make the bigs last year.
  11. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Jan 25, 2007 -> 09:05 PM) Which means that if that moment comes, the entire middle east will cease to exist. Trust me, when a mushroom cloud is going off over Tehran I dont think that other governments in the middle east will be willing to run into the frey.
  12. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Jan 25, 2007 -> 09:00 PM) Do you really think Israel would launch a war with an unprovoked nuclear strike? How long do you think that Israel exists the minute Iran can get the weapons over to Israel. Drive them into the sea, scatter their electrons to the 4 corners of the world...what does it matter. I believe that the minute Iran tests a nuclear weapon, Israel is at war with Iran and will use whatever means necessary to stop the threat.
  13. QUOTE(Rex Kicka** @ Jan 25, 2007 -> 07:03 PM) Diplomacy and negotiation are the same thing. The sooner you accept it, the sooner you can begin to heal.... or something. Well if they have an underground test in Tehran, we wont have to negotiate. Because Israel will take some of their fusion based weapons and turn Iran into glass. Maybe we can hold some dumb negotiations while cash starved and crazy NK starts to bring terrorist organizations in, to sample some of the product.
  14. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Jan 24, 2007 -> 11:05 PM) I feel you. I'm not suggesting we shouldn't be uncomfortable. I guess my point is that if we're gonna be uncomfortable about a rape scene we should take a closer look at other types of violence in film and ask ourselves why we've become so desensitized to it. But lets take a look at movies, and how they depict children and violence. There is a lot of slasher movies where you see the bad guy drive a knife into a victim, however how many times have you seen a graphic murder of a child in a movie. It really doesnt happen. Most times its either assumed, or you pull away so much you cant see the act happen.
  15. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Jan 24, 2007 -> 10:43 PM) Is a child rape scene different than a scene in which a child is shot, or beaten, or blown up or held hostage? I've seen plenty of those and don't recall any controversy over them. Well there is a social taboo on the subject. I mean rape in general and not just a child rape. I mean how many movies have you seen a violent rape happen simulated or not. And how many violent movies, that have a bad guy and a young female character that is captured and held hostage. The guy basically is asexual outside of his love for violence.
  16. QUOTE(BobDylan @ Jan 24, 2007 -> 09:09 PM) Movies are an art. Art is supposed to draw controversy. This movie has done its job already. Not all movies are art, nor was this something trying for a deeper meaning. At some of these indie film festivals they pass off penetration based porn with a plot as an indie movie. I think the depiction of a rape of a child is not something we need to have in society. The only thing that the creator of the film wanted to bring attention to, is to their own interests and to create a buzz to see their crappy film. Oh look its so forbidden, its so risky, its so shocking. No its f***ing sick and shouldn't be shown. Dakota and the filmakers didnt do this movie for some sort of special tribute or awareness to sex crimes against children. They did it for awards and a paycheck. There is a reason that the original funding from this movie was pulled, yet as always there is someone sick enough to run up and fund anything. I wonder when Nambla and the rest of the freaks are going to buy their tickets. The catholic church can make an outcry to this just as Tex said, however need to also have an outcry at their own moronic goons who have molested kids. There are good priests out there, and it is sad that a few morons have ruined the image of what should be something that should be the image of mans relationship with god.
  17. Repeat pervert huh... After sicko is found guilty, march him behind courthouse, give him a shovel tell him to dig. When he is complete, crack him over the head with the shovel kick him over the edge of the hole, and proceed to cover with dirt.
  18. QUOTE(Tony82087 @ Jan 24, 2007 -> 09:56 PM) Caught the tail end of it. What caught me is Hahn talking about the leadoff hitter. He basically said, "While it's not traditional, we are just looking for someone to get on base. If you can be disruptive on the basepaths like Pods is when healthy, thats a bonus, but just get on base, thats what we are looking for." I have been preaching that forever, and I'm glad some in the organization are saying the same things. Hopefully Ozzie will start to think that way... Last year we could of had Mack and Ozuna in a platoon in LF, and Anderson in CF and we would of probably had a few more games in the W column. But Ozzie wanted prancer in LF for whatever reason, and decided to kick Anderson to the curb and put a corner OF in CF. Ozzie is in love with the Marlins like Juan Pierre guy who cant really do much. My feeling is that he will do whatever he can to pull Owens into the mix, just because he is fast. He cant hit and all, but what does that matter. We get our Marlin model. Hopefully Ozzie is learning, because if he keeps with the appendage based lineups then we are f***ed.
  19. QUOTE(G&T @ Jan 23, 2007 -> 03:33 PM) The Score says the same. And that Pods is having groin surgery. Lisa Dergan strikes again.
  20. QUOTE(greasywheels121 @ Jan 23, 2007 -> 02:36 PM) Reggie Miller is a beautiful man. http://www.indystar.com/apps/pbcs.dll/arti...386/1004/SPORTS Yes he is.
  21. QUOTE(southsideirish @ Jan 23, 2007 -> 02:15 PM) So our nicknames should be literal? If so, you should change your nick to MyFaceLooksLikeMyArse. I'm just sayin', I'm not sayin'. I have a new suggestion for you Ineed2ReadthePersonalAttackPolicy.
  22. QUOTE(redandwhite @ Jan 22, 2007 -> 04:05 PM) The Cubs board is only a click away, Irish. Oddly the redsox boards are also a click away.
  23. QUOTE(redandwhite @ Jan 22, 2007 -> 03:05 PM) I agree with Jason. With the comments Peyton made about the entire Patriots team, it's hard to take this stupid post by southsideirish seriously. Peyton won with class. He didnt call out the coach. Yet of course I didnt say something pro-Boston or pro-New England so I guess it must be wrong. Forget the video that I attached, I must of used some sort of video editing program just to malign the character of the great city of Boston and their wonderful franchises.
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