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Everything posted by southsideirish71

  1. For all of the lets just keep crede people. Tell Crede to do the following and he will be safe from trade. 1.) Fire Scott Boras as his agent. The most important and will start the rest of the chips to fall. 2.) Sign a fair, but not rich long term deal. 3.) Agree to minor recommended back surgery. Remember as much as Joe has given us lip services about how he would never let his agent get in the way, he already is. The Whitesox want him to get some surgery on his back, he doesnt want to on the recommendation of his agent. He could sign a deal, however his agent wants to burn his arbitration years and get his man to jackpotland. You can either negotiate a fair deal, like Kong did where he chose less money and less years to be here. Or you can sign Boras as your agent and decide that you want to buy have the state of Missouri. Joe will be a very very rich man, and his family will never have a want in the world. I cant blame him, but lets stop acting as a group that KW is either trying to be cheap, or is being foolish. KW is a pretty smart GM.
  2. QUOTE(longshot7 @ Nov 28, 2006 -> 12:45 PM) Santana is not worth it. Sometimes the best trade is the one that's not made. What exactly is worth it then, if a young hard throwing pitcher that has been considered one of the best pitching prospects in baseball. Take a gander at our system, and then take a gander at the contract status of our starters. How many pitchers will we either have to pay a kings ransom for, or replace. If anyone thinks that Crede is going to give us a hometown discount with Boras as his agent, then I suggest a little less of the hard stuff during the day.
  3. QUOTE(aboz56 @ Nov 28, 2006 -> 12:11 PM) Sorry if this was posted before... http://www.nbc4.tv/news/10414500/detail.html I mean I can't even really comment on this...it's just plain despicable. After they are done with the trial and get the guilty, just dig a hole in the back and throw her in, cover her up and forget that she existed. How can anyone do this to a child is beyond me.
  4. QUOTE(SoxFan562004 @ Nov 28, 2006 -> 12:03 PM) IMO young pitching would have to be the centerpiece of any Tampa deal. They won't take a veteran pitcher making a ton of money. They would want Bmac or Santana so they could control him for 3-4 years at a reasonable rate. MB, Javy, JG, FG, or the Count would not interest them at all. A 3rd team would have to be added How about this, why in the name of god would we send young cheap pitching with the current climate for a bat. Pitching is much harder to obtain and develop than any player no matter how special. We have had numerous teams that had monster beasts who could kill you 5 ways to sunday with the bat, then we trotted out poop and stink for pitching and watch the twins run off with the division. If we pick up Santana, I am for keeping him. And start to build a top flight rotation. We won in 2005 based on a terrible offense for most of the season, they got hot in the playoffs and all, and lights out pitching and a good pen. Take a look at the teams for the most part that have won it all over the last 6 years. How many of them had a great offense and so so pitching. Keep the arms and build around that. If we wanted the OF strength over pitching we would of never have shipped off Young.
  5. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Nov 28, 2006 -> 11:48 AM) that brings up and interesting point. Who would we rather deal for Crawford if TB would take either, BMAC or Santana? I would rather keep Bmac and Santana, and then move another starting pitcher for the prospects needed to make the Crawford deal. The AL Central, the toughest divison in baseball, is basically a freakin arms race. Whomever has the best pitching wins.
  6. QUOTE(Tony82087 @ Nov 28, 2006 -> 11:42 AM) Too early?????? There are already b****ing about deals Kenny HASN'T MADE YET, so this seems about right. Tony remember the immortal soxtalk rule, if you havent made at least 2 blockbuster deals by Turkey day the offseason is a failure. Maybe someone can ask KW again at soxfest. So now that 2007 is over, how are we going to get better for 2008.
  7. QUOTE(VAfan @ Nov 28, 2006 -> 10:27 AM) Shouldn't this read Crede OR Garcia for Santana AND Figgins? This is a preposterous rumor. Everyone mentions Ervin Santana's name, but I don't salivate over him. 4.28 ERA and 1.23 WHIP. That ranked him 43rd in baseball last year. Figgins is worthless. Crede can't walk for another couple of years. We need his production for the time being. I wouldn't trade him until Josh Fields is ready to take over, if that's what it comes to. Because waiting until the last year of a contract is the worst time to trade a player. Who wants to give up choice grade A talent for someone that has Boras as their agent and is near the finish line for FA. The Angels would like to get Joe in now, so they could work with him and Boras on a long term deal. That is the only way they would give up a Santana. You dont salivate over him, however it seems that every single GM in baseball would snap him up in an instant. And his 4.28 ERA would of looked nice last year with Freddy fastball and the gang throwing lob league all season long. Ervin is a young guy, he will get better. Freddy may get worse, Freddy is definately going to be more expensive. We arent the frickin yankees people. We have a 100 mill payroll, and a lot of money tied up in a few guys. Its better to spread the wealth around and make the team better as a whole for a long time. KW wants to win, but he wants to win every single year. Replacing our rotation with young cheap talent that can win for a long time like the Braves seems like the blueprint he is going for.
  8. QUOTE(VAfan @ Nov 28, 2006 -> 10:33 AM) Joe Crede ALONE is worth more than Santana and Figgins. Why do we always sell our own players so short on Soxtalk?? I believe that its more of we over value our own talent pool than anything on here. Joe Crede is due for a record payday that will make the Konerko deal seem like pennies on the dollar. Remember who his agent is. So the just sit by and let the clock tick isnt going to work. So you either trade him now when his value is the highest, or we stand pat and then pick up a draft pick in a few years. If you are going to lose him, you might as well get something good for him. Santana has pitched in the majors, unlike a lot of the prospects that have been bantered about here. He has a hell of a live arm, and some great upside. He is the type of arm just about every team in the majors would want on there team. And yet people on here think that Freddy and his 86mph fastball, and one more year on his contract are worth more than Santana and Figgins by himself. Somewhere in the middle of our overvaluing of or prospects and talent, and where the Angels fans overvalue their prospects and talent, lies the truth.
  9. QUOTE(Soxy @ Nov 28, 2006 -> 09:39 AM) Jesse Jackson calls for boycott of Seinfeld dvds. Maybe Seinfield should boycott Jesse.
  10. People keep quoting 2005 as a reason not to get rid of player A. Eject the WS DVD already. We won in 2005 because of an overwhelming starting pitching. We lost last year because we became the homer only, and medicore pitching team of previous years. So if this type of deal goes through we will start to assemble some young strong pitching. The same formula that did wonders for championship winning in 05. Pitching wins in this league. Not Joe, not Aaron, or insert favorite player here. Count, Santana, Garland and Bmac looks like a nice foresome for years. Count and Santana miss a lot of bats and give us a dominant 1-2 punch. And the only reason I didnt include Buerhle, for all of the Buerhle fans, is that he is a FA after this year. On paper for many a year our offense should of won us many a championship. Then after getting his ass handed to him, KW wised up and started to assemble pitching. Lets see what he can do with that.
  11. QUOTE(santo=dorf @ Nov 27, 2006 -> 08:40 PM) He had shoulder tendenitis before in ST, and injured his hamstring during his rehab. The Angels also don't want him playing winter ball, and despites his wishes, he did not pitch in the WBC. I'm not trying to say he should be pitching for the Cubs, but let's not pencil him in for a Cy Young and 22 wins just yet. He isn't Johan Santana anymore. I am not saying he is an injury risk or will be pain free for his career, but I wouldnt take too much weight into restrictions that organizations put on young power arms with offseason work, and extra work that can take a long term affect on their arms. Some teams put restrictions on breaking pitches in the minors that skews their numbers even more. Danks is one that they dont let him throw his power curve too much, for fear of stress on his young arm.
  12. QUOTE(Gregory Pratt @ Nov 25, 2006 -> 03:13 PM) Nobody on our team is as bad as BA at hitting breaking pitches. Hell, he has a weird little habit when a curveball comes in where he leans backward and thrusts his crotch over the plate. Ooooh, Rowand. I'd take a rookie Ryan Sweeney over either of them. What???? Everyone of our hitters, especially our young right handed hitters have issues with low and away breaking pitches. I have b****ed about this for years on this site, I think its more with instruction and reliance on trying to hit the longball than personnel. I mean come on...lets rewind a bit. Rewind your mind to Joe Crede coming up, in fact pre-August 2005 he was clinically exposed on the low and away slider. Uribe cannot hit a breaking pitch to save his life. In fact bounce it in. He has a wierd little habit also, his front foot points towards the third baseman, and he starts a tornadic, hypersonic spin, which ends with the ball bouncing in, and Uribe nearly in the splits. Rowand, your lord and savior, couldnt hit a slider if you told him it was coming. In fact your lord and savior hit below 250 for the last 2 months of 2005 season. If you had 2 strikes on him, throw the slider in the left handed box and watch him chase. Brian reminds me of Joe Crede with his swing. Its very long and loopy right now. He needs to shorten it up and center the ball up more. Right now he is trying to get too much extension on the ball, and is trying to do too much with it. In a few years this kid will be a good major league hitter, with excellent defense.
  13. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Nov 27, 2006 -> 07:46 PM) Well, the Angels weren't really sure how to hit his stuff either. The Angels were not exactly ripping up the leagues with their bats either.
  14. QUOTE(VAfan @ Nov 22, 2006 -> 01:56 PM) But Alexander and Karchner were traded in the middle of pennant races by teams that were not in the race, which is exactly my point. Teams in the race will trade anything to give them a half-year of someone they think will help put them over the top. The other trades are hitters for pitchers (or vice versa), which is the much more likely scenario -- again my exact point. We aren't going to get great pitching prospects for one of our 5 main starters. And we also aren't going to turn around prospects to make some third trade, which is what some people have suggested. BTW -- how good is Lastings Milledge? Should we go after that guy? He failed last season, but isn't he supposed to be a 5-tool guy? Joe Borchard was supposedly a 5 tool guy. Too bad he cant hit the little white ball more consistently. With the highway robbery that is currently going on for FAs, I think we can get a good pitching prospect in the lines of Danks or Pelfrey for one of our starters.
  15. Jas another thing to consider is using powerline ethernet adapters. I have a pair of these on my home network and they work great. My brother-in-law just started using them for his xbox 360 gaming and it works a lot better than WiFi. There are a ton of brand names out there, but I just picked up the cheapo Airlink+ versions that run just like the more expensive versions. I picked these up a few months ago for 24 bucks a piece, and they might be onsale again on Black Friday. They are listed for 59 I think regularly. Powerline adapters at Fry's The only word of advice, is if you put something onto the circuit that draws a silly amount of amps at once, such as an Iron heating up, your link will drop. TV's and other items dont seem to have the same amp pull that brings down the network like an Iron heating up for some reason.
  16. QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Nov 21, 2006 -> 09:15 PM) Some are more fundie and others more moderate. The Hajj is mandatory for anybody who follows the religion and has the means to make the trip at least once in their life. Following the Hajj doesn't mean, necessarily, that they are extremely rigid in their religious practices. So out of the 200 or so people on my flight to Jakarta, not one of them was following the religion as tightly as a few american muslims. Now being that I was the outsider looking in here, wouldnt they act like themselves on this plane going home. Maybe again these were just moderate muslims who dont follow it as strictly as their american bretheren. But then again logic points out that out of the 200, I am sure there was probably someone that was more strict. Well I decided to call a co-worker who is Indonesian, and a muslim. I asked him how he coped going back for a wedding a few weeks ago, with not being able to pray. He said that he said his prayers just like usual. He said that they are supposed to stand before Allah as part of the prayers, however that on flights due to flight restrictions it is okay to sit and say their prayers and that is what he used to say. This is what his Imam had taught him back in Indonesia.
  17. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Nov 21, 2006 -> 08:10 PM) Wow. You're equating prayer to neo-nazi chants? Okay riddle me this batman... I was on a flight to Jakarta about 7 years ago, where I was one of the few Americans on the plane, and one of the few non-muslims on board. Now I dont remember people jumping up to perform prayer. In fact, outside of the bumpy flight and the strange looks from some of the people on the plane the flight was okay. Now lets flash ahead to the year after that. I am on a bird flying to Dubai not real happy about the situation, now some of the faithful are on the plane. A young man and his father performing the Haj. How do I know this, because they explained to me all about how they were doing it. They were from the UK, well at least the son was born there. Now again, they didnt jump to attention, or do anything that these super muslims did on a flight in the US. Now shockingly in all of the information we see from the 9/11 hijackings, the attackers all jumped up at the same time, recited some arabic and then took the plane. I find it ironic that with some muslims performing Haj, and going to the worlds largest Muslim country none of the folks did what these guys did. Why is that.
  18. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Nov 21, 2006 -> 02:33 PM) I'll toss out a ditto on that. Without exact details, it's hard to know exactly what they did, but until the plane starts to Taxi and the flight attendents give the safety presentation, usually it's perfectly ok for people to stand up. Actually its when the fasten seatbelts sign is lit, is when you are supposed to be in your seat with the seatbelt tightened. They usually don't close the door, and start to pull away until everyone is seated, the luggage is under your seat or secured in the overhead.
  19. 3 of them stood up at the same time Before we all jump on the PC bandwagon and start to ridicule the bad airlines. You are telling me that a group of Muslim men standing up in different parts of the plane at the same time is not cause for concern then you need to review what happened on the hijacked planes on 9/11. On 9/11 at once a group of Muslim men all got up at the same time, and then proceeded to take the plane. Get on the plane, and get in your seat. I have flown all over the world, and haven't seen where we have Muslim prayers and everyone stands up on a plane. And I have been to Muslim parts of the world. What I have seen from my own eyes is that they have their prayers before they get on the plane, because during the call to prayer they usually use a mat and prayer on their knees. But hell that is only going to Indonesia and Malaysia, and to Dubai. I guess those muslims are not as special as the ones in Minny who have to stand up on the plane. This is getting dumb. I think this was a setup.
  20. Nancy Pelosi SNL Skit Just remember the safe word.
  21. Bruuuuce Levine is about go have a an orgasm over the signing. He can do something that not other baseball player can do... give me a break bruce. Most telling comment of the interview so far. Bruce says that the cubs are a big big market team and should be spending more like the Boston Redsox and not like they are the Chicago Whitesox. Our payroll is near the top of the AL Bruce stop acting like we are the royals. Nice comment Bruce.
  22. QUOTE(Chisox_10 @ Nov 19, 2006 -> 03:18 PM) Prior can end up coming back strong. Wade Miller could be good Wood makes a strong bullpen even stronger. Now the only problem with your theory, is that how are they going to afford these now that they just signed Alfonso. They are going to need a s***load of these to keep their spring training throwing sessions in full check. QUOTE(Leonard Zelig @ Nov 19, 2006 -> 05:39 PM) My buddy who is a Cub fan thinks Soriano will play right field and that they are looking at Drew or Lugo for center. Jones would be traded. My idiiot cub fan brother just called me to tell me that they are going to be printing up WS tickets now. Before I hung up on him in laughter, I told him well if you want to see a WS ticket come over to my house, I have the one that I used in Game 2 of the 05 series hanging up autographed in my basement. Freakin wierdos.
  23. southsideirish71


    QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Nov 17, 2006 -> 06:41 PM) I already got a 1600 dollar offer for one of mine, we're going to see if we can get more though(ya I'm greedy). I hate you If only I could of got one to make some money off of the boobs who have to be first on their block.
  24. QUOTE(Tony82087 @ Nov 19, 2006 -> 04:25 PM) Very true. Williams might have been playing right into the media's hand,trying to sell that they are serious about dealing Garland to stir up some more interest. Maybe Flash will get his Liriano, well not quite, but better than we have in the system now, pitcher soon.
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