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Everything posted by southsideirish71

  1. Kenny Rodgers shall be known as poopy hand for the amount of pine tar that was on his hand. Kenny Rodgers called it dirt. A clump of dirt isnt yellow and doesnt glisten under the lights of the night.
  2. QUOTE(SoxFan562004 @ Oct 19, 2006 -> 08:18 AM) I love South Park and enjoy Dog The Bounty Hunter, so this new one was tremendous. Do you want bear mace in your eyes, Bra.
  3. My worse case scenario is that we get Pierre in CF and Pods is back in LF due to Ozzie loving the slappy speedsters at the top. Oh boy that OF wont throw anyone out.
  4. Well what I am wondering watching the Tigers juggernaut through the playoffs is, do they know their pitching is doomed for next year. I expect all of their arms to have at least a few MPHs off of them. I expect one of them to become a junkballer due to them just changing their philosophy. Because the wear and tear of playoff baseball and 12 more games destroyed our staff supposedly for this year. I expect the same for the next year for the tiggers.
  5. QUOTE(Texsox @ Oct 12, 2006 -> 10:26 AM) Under current lawsyou do not. I do not wish to live in a society where we are under constant 24/7 survelience. I have not committed a crime and do not wish to be treated like a criminal. I think it is creepy that the government wants to watch me anytime I am in public. You are already under 24x7 survelliance. You think those birds in space flying around are not taking pictures of you. As I was told a long time ago. Assume everything you say on the phone, or type on the internet or you do out in public is public domain and you are fine. I never believe for a second that outside of my house I am not under watch.
  6. I dont see why this is a big deal. The minute you walk into any establishment you are under constant survelliance. Go to Europe, where they already have some of this type of survelliance up already. If it can save lives and help solve crimes go for it.
  7. QUOTE(Buehrle>Wood @ Oct 11, 2006 -> 10:47 PM) I don't know if this has to to with the hacking or anything, but I keep getting security warnings when I click into certain threads( like Page 64 of the White Sox Catch-All thread). I've never seen them on this site before so I don't really know why they are appearing. I believe the warning you are talking about is relatively benign. It seems to be linked to someone in that thread using an image in their signature that is linked to a protected website. The website now has authentication box that is ssl encrypted. You get a pop to accept the certificate. The link starts with https://vcs-sel.valpo.k12.in.us I will IM the person who has this image linked so they know.
  8. Well human beings are protective of their children, so obviously this creature is not human. I dont understand how people can put their kids in such danger and hurt them so. I would give up my life before harm came to my son. The more I see stuff like this, the more I wonder what is in these peoples hearts.
  9. QUOTE(mreye @ Oct 10, 2006 -> 09:29 AM) Our third girl was born last Wednesday, Oct 4. Bridget Anne. Congrats I like the name.
  10. QUOTE(Steff @ Oct 6, 2006 -> 02:07 PM) I know a 13 year old that's 5'9" and 170lbs. Physical attributes mean nothing where such abuse is concerned. And also to your point how many 9 year old girls are starting puberty now due to environmental/steroids in the meat/ issues. There are some pedophiles that are attracted to the pre-pubesiant child and their features, and there are some pedophiles who are attracted to the child like innocence. Both are sick and should be warehoused in some prison or planted in a hole in the back of the prison. We had some pervert who stated because some 10 year old had pubic hair that he really thought she was 18. The only problem with that he was on parole for a child sex crime. As a former member of law enforcement I have seen all sorts of sick and twisted people that took a lot of self control not to glock them right there.
  11. QUOTE(Jeckle2000 @ Oct 9, 2006 -> 09:30 PM) Well then why don't we just sign LeTroy Hawkins... The guy is a stud setup man... He's gotten a head case rep and he can't close so he might come at a discount... Nearly a 4 1/2 ERA with a 1.46 WHIP with a .300 BAA. Yup thats a stud setup guy.
  12. Its funny how some people believe that items such as a book, or a video game, or a movie are going to turn someone into a satan loving murderer. Anyone who is this weak minded that a simple suggestion turns them to a dark path was meant to be on that path anyways.
  13. Here is the little piece of reality that our sox fans should look at when deciding to root for the tigers. You are rooting for a team that will make more and more money the further they go. How much of a windfall did our team have by winning the world series, how much did our payroll go up. That money can be reinvested in the club making them tougher to deal with. For that reason I hope they get swept out with Oakland.
  14. QUOTE(Tony82087 @ Oct 6, 2006 -> 09:26 PM) No worse than "Boomer" was with the BoSox vs. Us. "A ground ball to Graffanino, OH NO!!!!!!!!" Thank God I was at game one so I didnt have to listen to that clown. Unfortunately I didnt have tickets to game 2 so I had to listen to boomer and Piazza do stupid baseball talk.
  15. QUOTE(The Ginger Kid @ Oct 5, 2006 -> 03:45 PM) Does anyone know if QuesTec is now a permanent fixture at the Cell or was that a one year thing? It rotates. And thank god its gone.
  16. QUOTE(greg775 @ Oct 5, 2006 -> 09:56 PM) Maybe if Brian Anderson hit over .200 the first two months of the season his manager wouldn't have gotten sick of the thought of putting this automatic out in the lineup. I cannot for the life of me understand the love of this guy. I can understand people writing, "I still have faith in Brian if we have patience. He might learn how to hit in the bigs." I cannot understand people that wanted this guy to have 500 at bats. BA was AWFUL at the plate this year. He was great defensively. I cannot understand why you make statements like this. You crap on Anderson, yet think piles of dung like Mark Redman and Aaron Guiel are the next whitesox in waiting. You should really watch more baseball outside of the KC area before you make these statements. How about this, if you think that Brian is terrible then you f***ing hate Joe Crede. Because before a few years ago Joe Crede stunk at the plate. You must hate Uribe, because he still cant hit. You probably never liked that Robin Ventura guy because he was horrible when he first came up.
  17. QUOTE(greg775 @ Oct 3, 2006 -> 02:57 PM) Does anybody with inside knowledge of the Sox know anything about Uribe? Is he a hothead? Does he not take instruction well? He seems to have a ton of offensive tools but has the totally wrong approach. Will he not take coaching to spray the ball all over the field? He's a great defender? What's his problem not using those tools offensively? I mean you can tell he has potential the way he takes a whack at the ball? Too impatient at the plate? Trying for hrs too much? SEND URIBE TO WINTER BALL WITH A HITTING COACH The solution is simple. Take a 7 inch spike, before he gets settled into the batters box, have the 3rd base coach call time, drive said spike into his front foot imobilizing hiim from flying open and doing his tazmanian devil spin. Now in reality, either A.) Fire Greg Walker and hire Papa Jack or B.) Hire Hrniak as a special assistant to work with Uribe and keep Greg away from him.
  18. QUOTE(IggyD @ Oct 3, 2006 -> 02:16 PM) Yes, I think it is BS too. Doesn't your statement contradict itself? If she knew, then how could she not have imagined? IF she knew… And that also begs the question...what else are they hiding? Hmmm... the Conspiracy thickens....and now a few words from the PNAC document.....lol This thread and all conspiracy threads started by you can be explained by the following Formula. RT | THS Its simple. Here is rational thought, here is an impenetrable wall, and here is the Tin Foil Hat Society.
  19. QUOTE(greg775 @ Oct 3, 2006 -> 06:08 PM) Exactly my point. Thomas didn't hit .219 and the ankle didn't matter. Can you argue it's a business of results? I know we "had" to make changes after winning it all. But did he make the right changes? BA .... sucked. Rowand was missed. Blum ... starting today for Padres, could have remained, was Mack that good? Marte and Viz ... could they have been helpful especialy with Hermy hurt? Frank ... again, he is carrying that team single handedly. I am just saying Big Hurt is making KW look VERY BAD with each and every home run and each and every stellar performance. If Oz gets lambasted, why not KW for this move which can be second guessed. And I do love Thome. He was good this year; but did we need him when we could have had Hurt and addressed other needs like letting Aaron continue to play balls out and run into walls in cf.???? Geoff Blum? Marte? Rowand? You should buy the baseball package and watch more games, because you are missing a whole lot here. Basing baseball decisions on the commemorative 2005 DVD is not a good way to go. On the 1985 Bears commemorative video Willie Gault catches everything. Everyone looks good on the WS DVD its just a fact. 38 year old guys of the 270 pound 6'5 stature who have a bad wheel over 2 concecutive seasons are not the cornerstone of a championship team I would make. But you keep telling yourself that everyone knew he would be healty and all of the other teams such as the twins who passed on him because of health reasons who were going to get a bargain didnt have your insight. If you are trying to convince people that 6'5 270pound 38 year olds with a foot that keeps breaking is a sound investment for an important position
  20. QUOTE(CWSGuy406 @ Oct 3, 2006 -> 03:33 PM) Ahh, I see the "Frank never did anything for us in the postseason" crew has already arrived. Hah, some of you guys really crack me up. f***ing FRANK THOMAS!!!! What a game!!!! Greasy, make sure you don't mention that Godchild Paul Konerko went 0-for-9 with 1 BB in the 2000 playoffs. Because, if you DARE say a bad word about Pauly Konerko, you're fishin' for some trouble. Don't bring up "O-E-O, MAGGLIO", either, who hit just .182 in the 2000 playoffs. It was all big jerk Frank's fault we lost in 2000, and don't you forget that!!!! The entire 2000 team did their best to see who hit the highest popup. Frank Thomas was not the reason we didnt do well in 2000's playoffs. It was due to our inability to hit as a team, not becaues of one player. This Frank Thomas love/hate thing is kind of funny. You have two distinct factions on here. My view is simple, I liked Frank Thomas as a player. He was a high OBP, line drive hitting guy. I wish all of our hitters took his approach at the plate. I loved Hrniak when he was here. But unlike some on here, when he played the whitesox I hoped he went 0-12 in the series with 12 strikeouts. Once he left our presence rip the rest of the league apart for all I care. As I said before in the general thread, thank God that the phillies didnt make the playoffs or this place would of been destroyed with the Rowandites. The twinks are going to have a hell of a time winning that series now after their god lost today. I wonder if we can get KW to look at Pappa Jack for roving hitting instructor. The redsox let him go. Maybe he can help some of our hitters get a better handle on how to get on base more. Oh well.
  21. QUOTE(greg775 @ Oct 3, 2006 -> 03:01 PM) Oz catches so much flak from fans. Should KW be fired for letting Big Hurt go? It's a business of results and Big Hurt is fricking amazing. He leads the A's single handedly to a Game One win today?? My gawd. Why is he not a White Sox and why are we not riding Big Hurt this postseason. p.s. poor cardinal fans. They have to listen to Berman do the game. Should KW be fired for letting a 6'5 270 pound guy around 40 who has broken his foot 2 times in 2 years go. You have to be kidding me. When healthy Frank is a great hitter, but to gamble a season coming off of a world series championship on a guy who may have a bad wheel isnt a good call. KW did the right thing. Good job by Thomas on keeping healthy. Thank god that the Phillies didnt make the playoffs or we would have to hear how Rowand was the sole reason that they made it and we didnt.
  22. QUOTE(redandwhite @ Oct 2, 2006 -> 03:49 PM) You'd have to say Trot Nixon is a top ten option in the outfield .268BA this year, .275BA the previous year. 13 dongs in 2005, and 8 last year and a 7 million dollar price tag for bad stats in RF. Uh no he is not a top ten option. I may be willing to take Pappa Jack whom you guys let go as hitting coach you can have Greg Walker for free.
  23. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Oct 2, 2006 -> 11:21 AM) All part of the game... but Boras is not the only one playing. Crede is toeing the line, and will do so until its decision time. KW is, as usual, putting out all sorts of vague, deceptive hints. I wouldn't believe a word out of KW's mouth when it comes to personnel moves. Unless he is standing next to someone who is putting on a Sox uni at a press conference, his words should be taken with more salt than they put in that kung pao chicken you ate last night. But even Joe must realize that KW wont go year to year with Bora$$ until we get to FA. Eventually he will be traded, specifically with his value as high as it can be. Its not like KW is going to call Bora$$ or Crede and say, well Joe we need to make a deal or we are going to trade you. He is just going to make a strong overture to sign a long term agreement with Joe, the minute its rejected. He will be signed to a one year deal and then probably will be sent off at that point. Its sad more so because of the comments from Joe himself. If he just wanted to go year to year and didnt want a long term deal thats one thing, but saying you want one, and then having Satan as your agent who spends his time trying to get his people to FA. He will advise Crede to go year to year to year unless he gets $$$BLOWNS$$$ away.
  24. I thought Mr. Crede was quoted as saying that he wouldnt let Bora$$ be an issue with him staying with the sox, and that he made the final decision. Then right after that, he decides to go to the devil's friend for medical advice. Nice.
  25. This is another sexual predator and my view on all sexual predators is the same. They are animals that dont deserve to be part of human society, there is no cure, there is no amount of rehabilitation that allows these creatures to be part of our society again. Now I am sure the American Psychiatric Society thinks a few shots of Prozac and some therapy and Mr. Pervert will be fixed, but lets say no and just warehouse them. You either warehouse them in a max facility in general pop so they can be as popular as a sex predator can be in a prison. Or you dig a hole in the back of the prison, toss pervert in the hole, and then toss dirt on pervert. Either way is the only way to deal with these types of animals.
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