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Everything posted by southsideirish71

  1. Gload gets a bunch of hits, and returns to the bench. Nice one Ozzie. But you get your dimunitive speed guy up at the top of the lineup. Uribe cant hit anything yet starts every single game.
  2. Well considering this is the last ticket in my plan, except for my ALCS tickets, I get 2 of them in my Ozzie plan, wooo hooo. I am going to go there with this thought. I am going to have a few beers, and a few brats, enjoy one more day of the game of summer, and then give it a fine farewell and look forward to the hotstove season. Maybe they can shock us and have a miracle happen. If not I thank them for last year, and hope to god they come out with their pride hurt, and a new goal, and a purpose. And hopefully Cora and Walker are spending their last days as whitesox employees. That at least will make me happy about 07.
  3. QUOTE(Hangar18 @ Sep 18, 2006 -> 10:06 AM) Sorry ...........I'm still a FRANK THOMAS FAN, if you couldnt smile watching the Best Sox Hitter ever ..... The name on the front means a crapload more than any name on the back. I liked Frank, and I am a big Frank Thomas fan( of his playing), but the minute he steps up near the plate against us. I want him struckout silly every single time. I could care less if he was 0-15 against us and booed out of the stadium. He is not a whitesox player anymore. You can cheer for a player, but to get a smile from watching a guy end your teams season is f***ed up. We should of won this f***ing thing easily if we played to our level. Its our own damn fault we are not in the dance this year. I will not watch the playoff this year, because I will know in my heart that if we played to our level no team in the damn playoffs could of beat this team, if they pitched, hit and played D to their capabilities.
  4. QUOTE(Jordan4life_2006 @ Sep 17, 2006 -> 09:46 PM) I think Kalapse said it in another thread, and I've been saying it for about two months. This season will go down as the most dissapointing in recent memory. Only the '94 season compares, IMO. This team simply fell apart starting with that last series with Boston going into the break. I am waiting to hear KW speak about it the day after the regular season ends. Because I remember him getitng livid when Carlos Lee and Jose Valentin did the same thing swinging for the fences with RISP and less than 2 outs. Now we have a team filled with guys doing the same thing. He hates this kind of crap.
  5. QUOTE(greg775 @ Sep 17, 2006 -> 09:44 PM) No it isn't. Are you serious? There have been plenty worse than this monstrocity of mediocrity. Many many many worse than this. Greg, When you have a team as talented as this one, coming off of a world series, do you think its a bit disasterous that they dont make the playoffs. The 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001 teams frustrated me. In 1997 when we had the white flag trade I nearly lost my mind on the give up. But this one should of made the playoffs. There was not one major injury this year. 9 game lead on the twinks at the ASB and a 6 game lead on the yanks. Thats a choke job Greg. Manuel took a lot of "talented" teams to the brink of the playoffs only to watch them s*** themselves in the month of september. This is no different, just more painful. This team should of been in the dance. But they wont get a chance to make it. And its entirely of their own fault collectively.
  6. QUOTE(credeisamazing @ Sep 17, 2006 -> 09:35 PM) what happened to all the people that had faith in the team?? this post is disgusting me with the way that people are acting. it's still possible. it's going to be hard, but it's still there. you never knwo what's going to happen. seriously though, that's a ridiculous way to act. things happen. we came off a championship year, so the standards are higher, but it's not the same team. suck it up and think about it. have faith in your team The cubs sell their fans believe blue wristbands for a 1 dollar. I am a realist, and what about a team who has played under 500 baseball for half of the season screams, that they can overcome a 4 game lead in 14 games.
  7. QUOTE(winninguglyin83 @ Sep 17, 2006 -> 07:32 PM) it's time for us to start debating who want in LF, at SS, backup catcher and in the bullpen. backup the truck. time to clean house. and bring back Rowand. of all the guys we traded away, he's the one I think we missed most in the clubhouse. You Rowand worshipers are funny. The guy hit .245 in August, and he hit .235 in September and hit for nothing in the playoffs. Yet in your mind, because you saw him throw himself on the ground to catch a ball, that Brian glides in to catch without breaking a sweat, you think that the season is lost becaused of his missing presence. Good lord what next, a candle memento for Timo Perez and El Duque. The 2nd half of this season our hitters became pull hitters for the most part and were exploited by low and away pitching. Rowand would of been one of many right handed victims on low and away stuff just like he was last year. If AJ was the AJ of the first half when he forgot about power asperations, and just shot the ball all over and had a great average he would of been a much better fit than the AJ who hit .250 and had more power. If Thome was the same guy earlier in the year who hit the ball all over the field hard. If Konerko was a guy who picked up people who walked Thome, and made them pay. Then our offense would of been fine. But to blame it on someone is missing that was on the WS DVD and blame it on that is a joke.
  8. QUOTE(Wealz @ Sep 17, 2006 -> 05:21 PM) That's a GM issue. THe GM is not coming up with the hitting approach of the team.
  9. We must have the record for bad backs on a mlb club. Crede, Dye, Konerko, AJ, Thome, Conteras, insert player here. Give them an MRI, if the MRI comes back clean, then give them a shot, and if its just a pain they have to deal with give them an epdiural. Oddly it can stop the pain of childbirth, I think it can help with the swing of Joe Crede.
  10. Long Looping swing by Crede for strike one. And then the pattended pull to the SS GIDP for the rally killer.
  11. QUOTE(fathom @ Sep 17, 2006 -> 05:15 PM) Does anyone kill a rally quicker than Thome? He is on the bench with bad back, and 24 double plays.
  12. So did Thome magically become a pull only hitter, or was he transformed into one by the instruction of our coaching staff. It seem to work for AJ.
  13. One of our trio of pull monkeys, pulls one out. 5-4 Bad Guys
  14. QUOTE(fathom @ Sep 17, 2006 -> 05:12 PM) Why not have PK ph for Thome here? Because they are playing parchizi in the dugout instead of managing. QUOTE(3E8 @ Sep 17, 2006 -> 05:13 PM) I heard PK's back is hurting him Tell the captain to take a midol, and pass the bottle around the clubhouse.
  15. Thats why a line drive level swing is great. When adjusting to a breaking ball mid swing, a line drive swing hitter just has to drop the bat level a bit. A lift and pull home run hitter, needs to drop and readjust. Its called a hitch when you are 11, but we call it the 2006 whitesox swing. Dong or Die is up. Either he will hit a homer, K or popup.
  16. Odd, When Gload faces a lefty he doesnt look stupid like he is completely overmatched like AJ or Thome or Pods. I wonder why this is. 3 hits for Gload, he will be on the bench tomorrow night.
  17. I guess the chapter on stealing is waste of an possible out in moneyball is all thrown out when you have someone who takes 11 minutes to release the ball, and a catcher who couldnt throw out anyone.
  18. Nice execution of that play. Tombstone this year. Its over.
  19. QUOTE(fathom @ Sep 17, 2006 -> 04:52 PM) Keep leaving Contreras in the game Ozzie. Our playoff shot took a hit when Guillen desided to rest our starters as a group 75% of the time. That was in game 2 of the year. Then his goofy pitching decisions. The first one was the boone logan to pitch to Hafner at home in a 1 run game. He followed that up with more of the same ilk. Cora sending the slowest turtles around 3rd with no regard to how baseball has been played for the last 60 years. Walker not adjusting to being pitched low and away the entire 2nd half, competely shutting down our offense. These are the many reasons that we will be sitting home.
  20. QUOTE(SinkingShip06 @ Sep 17, 2006 -> 04:52 PM) agreed. that's why i personally am not opposed to moving thome in the offseason. he epitomizes that theory Actually we have replaced personelle and we still have the same approach. We have the same hitting coach. Thome and AJ were spray hitters. In fact Thome was very well known for hitting homers in left center. AJ was a spray hitter before he came here.
  21. QUOTE(The Ginger Kid @ Sep 17, 2006 -> 04:49 PM) and while we're speaking of worthless pieces of excrement, here comes Uribe He must remind Ozzie of himself, because there is no reason that he continues to trot out there and play everyday with his horrible BA. I get amused that Ozzies reasoning for playing Mack in center is for offense, and then Taz trots out there everyday to swing at whatever.
  22. QUOTE(WhiteSoxfan1986 @ Sep 17, 2006 -> 04:41 PM) Why are we pitching to him? The fact that Thomas has pummelled our team has made this personal with our goofy manager. He will challenge him to prove that we can get him out.
  23. Well that is the 4 run mark. That should about do it with our O. We dont score more than 4 too much these days.
  24. QUOTE(WhiteSoxfan1986 @ Sep 17, 2006 -> 04:37 PM) 3-2 in the most important game of the year, time to bring hermanson in. No, Boone Logan
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