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Everything posted by southsideirish71

  1. QUOTE(Greg The Bull Luzinski @ Sep 17, 2006 -> 04:36 PM) That ass goblin that keeps honking the horn in the stands in Oakland deserves to have his testicles placed in a garlic press. They are going to go to the star trek convention with the 2 virgin men who are dancing and play the drums. Oakland is werido land.
  2. Lift and Pull, Chicks dig the long ball. I feel like I am watching Carlos Lee and Jose Valentin coming up with the bases loaded. I thought that is why we got rid of those selfish players. And we replaced them with supposed grinders.
  3. QUOTE(Flash Tizzle @ Sep 17, 2006 -> 04:30 PM) That was a terrible strike call on Crede before the strikeout. However, that last swing was vintage Choke Crede. Spot it low and away and you will defeat a Greg Walker lead offense.
  4. QUOTE(whitesoxmanager @ Sep 17, 2006 -> 04:24 PM) i guess you dont quite see the intangibles in a player do you... i remember AROW as about as clutch as needed...need a bunt...done...need a key walk...done...need a sac fly...done...need to get hit by pitch...done...need to hit the ball the other way...done...there is no doubt that he tired last year at the end....but i want that guy on my team no matter what! as for your FT comment...i guess you are too young to remember the young FT that came to our team and was a stud from the beginning...he is like Jerry Rice to the SF niners & Walter Payton to the Bears...HE WILL ALWAYS BE THE HEART & SOUL OF THE WHITESOX...do you get it? now maybe you could be more like Tony LaRussa and provide me with some of your neat little stats...? I am 35 years old so you can ditch the "you are too young to remember jazz". The comment I made about heart and soul of the team was dealing with last years 2005 team, which was the context of your crazy talk. Not the 1993 Frank Thomas, or the 1997 Frank Thomas neither of which have anything to do with the Frank Thomas who played for the better part of a month and got hurt. How could he of been the heart and soul of the team when he went home after he got hurt and kind of showed up when they clinched. Arow as clutch, LOL. So he hit .235 in september but it was a clutch .235. He hit great for the first 2 months of the year, and then he and Walk tweaked his mechanics to get more power on the ball. To center it up more. After that he was done in by a steady diet of sliders.
  5. QUOTE(whitesoxmanager @ Sep 17, 2006 -> 04:19 PM) we havent looked like a team with a bunch of "gamers" for a long while now... i will say this one more time...there is no reason to break up a WS team until the midway point of the next season...then you consider major moves to improve if needed... What major moves were made. We took an overrated defensive centerfielder and turned him into Thome and Konerko. Kong wouldnt of stayed if we didnt sign Thome. We then said goodbye to a 270 pound guy who broke his foot 2 times in 2 years who is 40ish. We ditched Damaso Marte who was a mental midget gascan. We ditched El Duque who was 100 years old. We ditched Viz who was blah, sometimes good sometimes bad. We ditched Timo who shouldnt play baseball, and currently isnt. We ditched We Willie Harris who put a little slogan of its my time. Well he is now not on any team either. Mack and Cintron are so far better than Timo and Willie its not even funny.
  6. QUOTE(BearSox @ Sep 17, 2006 -> 04:18 PM) puh-lease. The reasons the Sox aren't winning? Timo Perez and Timo Perez. KW at least took away one of Ozzies pets. Timo would of been our starting CF by about June and balls would of been bouncing all over the OF as he one armed them.
  7. QUOTE(whitesoxmanager @ Sep 17, 2006 -> 04:14 PM) the reasons we arent winning? Aaron Rowand Frank Thomas we let the heart & soul of the team go bye bye... sad very sad... I surely do miss Rowand hitting .245 in August, and .235 in September. And not showing up in the playoffs. God I wish I still had that on our team. Frank Thomas, the heart and soul of the whitesox. LMAO@You
  8. QUOTE(BearSox @ Sep 17, 2006 -> 04:10 PM) Yes, Paulie is a pull hitter first, but he has the ability to go to Right - Right Center. Putting the shift on Konerko would be the best thing for Konerko. Because Konerko knows how to hit the ball to the rightside. He can just aim for that big whole between the 1B and 2B and hit little grounders for base hits. Here is his hitting chart from last year. Pretty much this year its the same thing. And then tell me he doesnt pull the ball a s***load. And if Pauly can go to right on command, why in the name of god does he keep on pulling low and away pitches over and over.
  9. Comcast pans out to some fools banging on drums and dancing. Those two men, still are living in their parents basement. I bet they can analyze the subtle differences between Star Wars I the original and Star Wars I the directors cut.
  10. QUOTE(BearSox @ Sep 17, 2006 -> 04:04 PM) Konerko isn't a dead pull hitter. I hate when people think that. Konerko can hit the ball to all parts of the field. Especially when he is going good. Your kidding right. Pauly is a pull hitter, everyone knows that. When Pauly goes good its when he hits the ball to right center. When pauly is going bad he pulls ever single pitch you throw out. 24 double plays to SS and to the 3rd baseman say hello.
  11. QUOTE(3E8 @ Sep 17, 2006 -> 04:00 PM) While the amount of breaking pitches out of the zone thrown to him has ramped up. On Uribe its real simple. Bounce slow breaking pitch into the left handed batters box for strike one. Throw low and away fastball that he fouls back, with his front foot pointed towards third almost into the splits. Then throw a 55 footer. Strikeout. Shocking how watching Uribe hit like crap last year, it was a small little tweak by Hrniak that kept him closed off, and him centered on the ball. But then again the genius that is our hitting instructor decided that really wasnt what fixed him. And decided to try a spread approach that Pablo uses. The spinoramtic is back in full Tazmanian flux. My question is, when something finally works with a frustrating hitter. Why in the name of god would you change it. And even if you did change it, why would you you not return to it when you have failed.
  12. QUOTE(Heads22 @ Sep 17, 2006 -> 03:58 PM) Brian just earned himself a bench spot. Heads lefty on the mound on Monday Brian starts. Verlander on the mound on Tuesday pretty much puts Brian on the bench. Yet Uribe and his free swinging crap approach will be out there.
  13. QUOTE(fathom @ Sep 17, 2006 -> 03:57 PM) SSI...did you notice that the A's had a pull shift on for AJP? I would do that on him, and put the same thing on for Kong. That plus pitching low and away would really put this offense into the crapper.
  14. Uribe is not a streaky hitter. He is a crappy hitter. The only thing that has happened over the last few years, is that Uribes BA has plummetted down.
  15. Nice double for Anderson. 3 doubles in 2 games for BA.
  16. QUOTE(fathom @ Sep 17, 2006 -> 03:49 PM) Looks like I spoke too soon, as it's only a cramp hopefully. Haeger is warming up in the pen. He's staying in the game...good to see it's not a serious physical injury. Now a smart team would bunt him off the mound. Just as I am typing.
  17. I feel like I am at a Brazil vs Venezuela soccer friendly with the horns, bongos, cow bell and the rest of the clown garbage you get in Oakland.
  18. Page me when Thome does something in September that helps the ballclub. Low and Away and we dont even swing anymore. Walker what do you get paid for. the entire pitching universe has figured out how to exploit your rob deer lift and pull offense. Can you go back and start trying to get the line drive swings back.
  19. QUOTE(Dick Allen @ Sep 17, 2006 -> 03:36 PM) Frank's contract negotiations this offseason should be interesting. Yeah thats when smiling happy Frank goes away. Cha Ching!!!!! I wish they would stop pimping that crappy mi manera series.
  20. QUOTE(Dick Allen @ Sep 17, 2006 -> 03:33 PM) He never does. He has no baseball instincts. He face plants into 2nd, and then lies there like a dead dog instead of looking up to spot the ball.
  21. Prancer cant advance on a ball thrown into centerfield.
  22. DJ has loved watching Pods this year. I guess the bar has been set low.
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