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Everything posted by southsideirish71

  1. QUOTE(IlliniKrush @ Sep 6, 2006 -> 02:34 PM) Tonight... Sweeney is batting leadoff in CF Pods batting 8th in LF Per the Score 670 update. Sweet mother of god. The man child is in the right position. I hope he has a great game, the more great games from Sweeney, the sooner to the end of the Prancer regime in LF. Thanks for the dong in game 2 pods, have a nice rest of your life boinking a playboy playmate. Thats a nice consolation prize.
  2. QUOTE(Hideaway Lights @ Sep 6, 2006 -> 01:39 PM) People are really overreacting to this article Anderson has had a better second half, but even if he is hitting .278 for the second half, that's still not something we should have to live with automatically, especially considering his second half OPS is .749, which is ATROCIOUS for an outfielder. He is also not great at stealing bases. I can't even count the number of times he has been sent with two outs and podsednik up to get a RISP and he's been thrown out by a mile. He's under .500 in terms of SB/SBA. I think Ozzie's point is that he's a mediocre hitter, a mediocre slugger and a mediocre basestealer, and even though he's improved in the second half he cannot rest on those laurels and expect a job to be handed to him next season. Anderson has a lot of work ahead of him, and I think that was the point. Is he a great defender? Sure. His overall offensive game still leaves a lot to be desired. He is still taking bad swings at balls, and he is still not getting good jumps on SB attempts. If I were Ozzie, and I had caught wind that Anderson was considering skipping out of winter ball, I would send the same message. Where are the sources that indicate Anderson has said all along that he was going to winter ball despite what Ozzie thinks? First of all, to dispell your comment about Anderson not great at stealing bases with 2 outs. If this is the first time you have seen the whitesox then I apologzie, but the minute they get 2 outs and have a man only on first, pretty much every single time they will run. Now not only have I just a fan have picked up on this, but scouts across major league baseball have figured this out. We have even seen pitch outs with 2 outs and a man on first because its so predictable. Anderson, Dye insert name here have all been getting thrown out at a good clip due to this automatic plan of attack with a man on first and 2 outs. If you see it tonight, they will run it again. How can you make OPS statements when Prancer has been crapping it up in LF all year long. I mean at least be consistant. If you want Brian out because of OPS, then I guess you want Prancer gone also. This guy is a rookie. Remember Crede who couldnt hit a beachball at third base. Maybe if you want to put some blame, start with our SS who continues to hit in the .230s in year what of his career. Or maybe we could direct some anger towards Prancer out "ignitor" who has been rotten for most of the year. Or how about to our pitching staff who has been a pile of crap for most of the year. I dont understand the hatred for a good defensive CF. I realize he isnt the greastest fielder of all time known as Rowand. I mean he cant hit like Rowand, but then revisionist history is great, because people forget because they didnt highlight it on the WS DVD that Rowand was brutal at the plate in the 2nd half. .245 in August, .235 in September. Do you remember that. Well I do. Do you remember that Rowand was pretty much meat on a slider in the dirt on 2 strikes. Like an automatic out. People forget when this same fanbase was calling out Rowand for "causing" Jenks to give up some saves because he misplayed a few balls out in CF late in games against Cleveland. But then again, the minute Brian forgot to smash his face in the outfield, or throw himself on the ground to catch a fly ball that was misjudged and the minute he started off poor at the plate he was doomed in many of the Rowandites who have this rosey memory of Rowand and his three stooges persona. Brian Anderson is a better fielder than we have had in CF in a very long time. His swing is a work in progress, and he needs seasoning. In all the years of bringing prospects up to the show, how many have started to hit from day one. Please name one, because I dont remember them. I dont care if the sox think he should get more ABs, I think he should also. But in 2 years this kid will be something special. Crede was absolutely terrible with the stick when he came up, I was one of the people who wanted him gone. But after eating a ton of crow on this, I can see the same type of raw skills in this kid. And hopefully the Rowanites will allow this kid to learn and get better. Because a CF with Anderson in it is what Ozzie preaches, and that is Defense.
  3. Hopefully they keep the child of light away from the reaches of the evil one.
  4. Here is a big difference between Vaz and Freddy. Vaz complemented the other pitcher, instead of throwing his teammates under a bus. Freddy hasnt lost a game like this all year long, he loses games where he gives up 5 runs and then blames the O for not scoring enough.
  5. QUOTE(Wealz @ Sep 6, 2006 -> 10:56 AM) Why was Anderson lukewarm about playing winter ball? If you think that sits well with KW remember he released Harris because he wouldn't go there to play short last year. If Anderson didn't want to play winter ball after hitting the way he has this year, he needs an attitude adjustment. What Ozzie said is absolutely right. If he thinks he can keep his job hitting .227 in September next year, he's dead wrong. The comparison between Wee Willie and Anderson is a joke, right. Anderson is a number 1 draft pick and projects to be a starting CF, Willie Harris was a guy who had a ceiling of being a utility guy. Not everyone wants to give up their offseason and the only time they will see their family and friends and be able to let their body relax, and heal. In my opinion, Anderson needs more seasoning, and could use some time playing winter ball. I dont have a problem with him being told to go, I have a problem with our manager calling him out in the press on this.
  6. The offense needs to wake up. In the 2nd half we are now 12th in baseball in runs scored, we are behind the KC Royals in O in the 2nd half, and we have only scored 9 more runs in the 2nd half than the baseball retarded Chicago Cubs.
  7. QUOTE(irishsoxer @ Sep 6, 2006 -> 12:02 AM) Anderson will not be a Sox within 2 years -book it. He has had ample opps to prove himself -come on all you man crushers, he just doesnt have what it takes. A Dhia bronn orm suaimhneas chun glacadh leis na rudaí nach féidir liom a athrú misneach chun na rudaí a athrú is féidir liom agus ciall chun an difríocht a aithint. Slan
  8. QUOTE(greg775 @ Sep 6, 2006 -> 12:56 AM) I hope you are right. Anderson could be like Crede and Garland. It just takes time. But for a team trying to win it all, he has not been a great option this year. I realize his defense is great. Personally I like the guy's hustle and great defense and realize he's hitting way better the last few months. But he did not deserve to play everyday this year. So then you are on board that Pods hasnt deserved to start for a while then also. I guess you are all for ditching Uribe and his .236 average also.
  9. QUOTE(witesoxfan @ Sep 6, 2006 -> 12:35 AM) If you are a 5-tool player, you have no place on this White Sox team. Any dreams of the Sox acquiring Crawford just went out the window, because he would be dead in a week with Ozzie. How many players want to play for a guy who openly s***s on you in the media. Well unless you are one of his boys. Pods playing like crap = trying to hard Freddy throwing 86 = Freddy being Freddy Uribe hitting 235 = we need defense Cintron and Mack getting 300 ABs a utlity guys. I make the f***ing lineup. BA = You better choose speed kid, or I will bury you. You are only hitting .230. Bmac = You are not Cy Young, I am working on Burying you. I swear if KW gets rid of either of these two kids because of crap mouth ..... When do soxfest tickets go on sale. I want to make sure I get my tickets, cant miss the Q&A session.
  10. QUOTE(Wealz @ Sep 6, 2006 -> 12:00 AM) Ozzie's right. They need more from him offensively and why is Anderson lukewarm on the idea of playing winter ball? If Ozzie was worried about offense we would of ditched prancer in left about 2 months ago.
  11. QUOTE(greg775 @ Sep 6, 2006 -> 12:02 AM) How can you hate the one guy who brought us a world championship. I love the guy. He is the best manager in baseball bar none and the best in Chicago history. He brought us a title. I'm glad he's not sold on Anderson. I can't believe how much people on the Internet love a .240 hitter. Wow he's hit .300 since the break. Great. He's a .240 hitter. What did Oz say that was so bad. The guy has to prove he's an everyday player. And Juan Pierre sucks! And yesterday you wanted Aaron Guiel to platoon with Brian. He isnt even a .218 hitter nor is he a centerfielder. He is a 33 year old career .240ish hitter.
  12. 2nd half records in the AL Central....This is the tale of the tape. TEAM W L PCT GB Minnesota 32 18 .640 -- Detroit 26 24 .520 6.0 Chicago 22 27 .449 9.5
  13. Another retard calls up the score to profess the problem with the sox is lack of rowand. Because Rowand dove for a ball and Anderson doesnt have to. Moron. For any person that lacks the insight this is all that needs to be said. Anderson >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Rowand in the field. And Rowand hit .245 in August, and .235 in September. Any child with a slider owned Rowand late last year. How many balls bounced in front of Rowand against the Indians. Just because someone runs into a fence, doesnt make him a good fielder. One more rowand call, and I am going to vomit.
  14. QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ Sep 5, 2006 -> 07:58 AM) On the crappy lefty we are going to face tonight. We actually got video of him," hitting coach Greg Walker said. "I watched him the other day. There's a lot to be said for that." Well Grego you have video of Julian. How about this, stop with the lift and pull crap and start having your hitters use the entire field and maybe we can rock this joker. You are telling me that we cant scrounge up video of minor league pitchers when we face them. How about this Greg, have someone in the Whitesox organization purchase a milb.com gamecast account and then capture the video. A few bucks, and a freeware capture engine and you can analyze some more pitchers. Worthless, good for nothing....... Thank God Greg had that video. Worthless POS Hitting coach. The sooner we can get rid of him the better.
  15. The good things from todays game. Was seeing Ryan Sweeney take that sweet swing to the major league level. After seeing that kid in ST in person for the last few years, its nice to see him make it. Hopefully he gets some playing time. Vazquez pitched a hell of a game. Sad....that our o didnt show up.
  16. QUOTE(jphat007 @ Sep 5, 2006 -> 08:50 PM) I think everybody knows that when you say quit, you mean they have given up. No need to try to spin it any other way. You've said as much at other times, no need to try and spin it. If you are gonna say it every other post, at least stand by it. I get a kick out of someone talking about spinning posts when.... Last year they stated that they wouldnt trade buerhle for santana, because at the time Buerhle's ERA was slightly better. Then this year did the same thing because Contreras was starting off great, and even had a siggy with it. The minute Contreras started getting rocked, the siggy disappeared. Revisionist history is kewl. You are just upset that you can spin or be oober positive about the dung on the field.
  17. QUOTE(BearSox @ Sep 5, 2006 -> 08:48 PM) That really doesn't mean anything. And I said lately, not from 3 months ago and plus. Over the last 7 days. .240 BA
  18. QUOTE(jphat007 @ Sep 5, 2006 -> 08:43 PM) This thread was about the team quitting. Why would you put something in the thread that wasn't about that discussion? Hmmm, I wonder.... You should put your resume together, and get that over to the FBI stat. They could use someone with crack deduction skills like that. Osama you better hide better, Jphat is coming for you.
  19. Shockingly it seems that the Twins have figured out how to beat the juggernaut Devil Rays at home. I dont know how they figured that one out, but they did. My hats off to them for going into the hornets nest and coming out with a W.
  20. QUOTE(jphat007 @ Sep 5, 2006 -> 08:40 PM) I don't think anybody would dispute that there is something wrong with the offense right now. That doens't mean they quit. WHat kind of deduction is that? I never said they quit. Our offense is bad though. The Tampa Bay Devil Rays\Royals\Pirates would of put up at least a 4 spot on Julian last night, and this kid tonight would of been rocked.
  21. If you quit on the team now, Allah wont let you enjoy the fruits of championship glory. There is nothing wrong with the offense. We have the best record in .... ah Chicago..
  22. QUOTE(jphat007 @ Sep 5, 2006 -> 08:28 PM) Not only have the quit, they are trying their hardeest to piss off the fans on this board. Not for any particular reason either. Just for the hell of it. Dont you have a post game show on 670 to get ready for.
  23. We need Jermaine Dye in the lineup. He at least can hit a line drive swing. Rob Deer at first is incapable of doing anything but being a 1 trick pony. When he gets his hits, they are pull shots. His outs are pull shots. Worthless.
  24. Thome its only 290 feet to the pole. Just do what you do best, and swing like you are going to s*** the bed and hopefully run into one.
  25. Gooch is behind a fastball down the cock, because he is thinking of tying the game. Then he rolls over on a breaking pitch. Credepopitup. This version of corpseball sucks.
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