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Everything posted by southsideirish71

  1. QUOTE(beautox @ Sep 4, 2006 -> 07:31 PM) Hes gone and Tejada will be in It doesnt matter who you get, the minute the done the whitesox uni they forget that their is entire field and start with pull monkey s***. Thome for years is a prolific all fields power guy. He is a guy who if you pitch away he will hit it to left field. He comes here, and they immediately start a shift because they realize that he will turn into a pull monkey. AJ, spray hitter his whole career. Now a pull monkey. Uribe, 243 average, and he tells the broadcast team that he is going to homer every game. You come to the sox, you stop being a hitter and become a softball player. You figure out why. Now the twins turn their hitters into tough outs. They preach being a tough out, and using the entire field.
  2. QUOTE(fathom @ Sep 4, 2006 -> 07:31 PM) Wow, nice bunt by Pods. How about a hit-and-run? Well that was quick. I want to vomit.
  3. Prancer uses his 2 gear speed and gets lucky with a bad throw.
  4. Walk Come on guys, dont let this little bump in the road stop you, stay the course. We are in the AL we need to hit home runs. Remember to clear your hips and to dip your back shoulder, and let the power do the rest. I think he cant keep up with the pinpoint control on the outside corner. He will eventually throw it over the middle. Ross Gload "But Coach, we have had teams throw us low and away all 2nd half." Walk "Shut up Gload, that is why you will never be a big home run hitter like our big boys, and that is why you sit on the bench, you pull baseball son or sit down"
  5. Hopefully Garland pitches a complete game and has the game of his life. And we get our solo dong by one of our pull monkeys.
  6. QUOTE(CWSGuy406 @ Sep 4, 2006 -> 07:22 PM) Oh, we're funny to watch. I'm sure other teams' fans love watching their pitchers throw to the outside corners all day and have our hitters still ground out on a weakly hit, pulled grounder. BTW, I didn't know Boston re-acquired Pedro for tonight's game... Every team is now pitching us this way. Throw low and away, bounces the occasional pitch in, and let the pull monkeys do the rest for you.
  7. QUOTE(Mr. Showtime @ Sep 4, 2006 -> 07:22 PM) Isn't he starting due to injuries? Or is that the point being made?
  8. I didnt know that Julian was such a top notch pitcher. Maybe we should add him to our rotation next year, and build our staff around him. He obviously is a hidden talent stud. 3 hits through 5 innings. Corpseball.
  9. Pauly pulls it, because that pretty much is all he can do. Then AJ pulls it. Now I have a question, if Julian Taverez can start a game, why cant Bmac.
  10. Julian Taverez is not ontop of his game. Our morons can make any crappy pitcher look like Cy Young. This is what we call classic Corpseball. Low and away, low and away, low and away
  11. QUOTE(SoxFan562004 @ Sep 4, 2006 -> 07:11 PM) Hawk should be set on fire for saying the Sox organization has a good approach to hitting. The numbers may be there, but the approach the last month has been an f'n joke Maybe when we bring these pull monkeys in they should tell them "hey, try going the other way" Now Hawk is telling us what a hititng coach does. maybe they should pipe this up in the dugout, so Greg can figure out what his job is.
  12. 2 hits through 4 innings versus a pitcher that can be described as bad. Thank God we have our hitting shoes on today. What does our coaching staff do for a living outside of park their asses in the dugout, wear a nice uniform, and smile a bit.
  13. What do our hitters do before a game to prepare. Do they invision the ball only over the middle of the plate. Do they prepare their upper cut swings. I mean its like they have never seen a low and away pitch, yet lately this is all they see.
  14. Cy Freddy Kruger owning our lineup. I wonder if this douche will wind up with 10 ks on our lineup.
  15. Freddy Krueger looks like Cy Young against our terrible offense these days.
  16. Lets see what Prancer does tonight. He already has his first inning K.
  17. Uribe pretty much is worthless at the plate. He has been in the league long enough, has talent, yet has no discipline.
  18. QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Sep 4, 2006 -> 06:36 PM) Happy SSI? When we get men in Scoring position and they still take that approach I will be happy. If they have their backsides pucker up, and they try to hit the highway on the other side of the monster then I wont.
  19. Paulie and the rest of our pull monkeys should take a peek at what Manny did right there. 2 strikes, man on first, pitch away. He stays back and hits it up the line to right.
  20. Julian Tavarez pitching is about the worst thing our guys can see. Its the equivalent of seeing the Royals pitching staff out there. They go up and think I can make Sportscenter if I hit it over the monster. Boy will that look cool.
  21. If our hitters would try and hit line drives and not try and lift and pull slow stuff away, our offense would be fine again. But the minute their rectums got a little tight after the first boston series. So anytime they see something slow, their brains process "kill it" and they either wind up hitting a dribbler to the pull side, King on something in the dirt, or popping it straight up. Loretta hits a line drive single up the middle, and I want to vomit because our hitters wont do that.
  22. Nice approach guys. A piece of s*** pitcher K'd 3 guys. Nice f***ing offense we have here now. Swing as hard as you can. I cannot wait till the day when they finally fire Walker, and hopefully this time we can actually go outside of this organization and get someone who can teach a line drive swing. Not the lift and pull crap we have seen here since 2000.
  23. QUOTE(fathom @ Sep 4, 2006 -> 06:13 PM) How are we swinging right through 88 mph high sinkers? You swing for the fence you miss a lot.
  24. Nice swing Jermaine... Meatball down the cock, missed.
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