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Everything posted by southsideirish71

  1. QUOTE(greg775 @ Sep 4, 2006 -> 03:20 PM) "Someone else" isn't all that much better if better at all. You keep saying this without any stats what so ever to back this up. Pods has been absolutely brutal since the allstar break. Yet you ignore that, for whatever reason and think that guys with much higher OBP and better D are not gong to be better. Outside of your "gut" feeling, what statistical facts do you have to prove your assumption that Pods's replacement isnt much better.
  2. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Sep 4, 2006 -> 12:24 AM) If he's hitting 300+ over the past nearly 3 months then how is he not an everyday player? That's nearly half a season of well above average offensive production from a rookie who is also one of the best defensively at his position. How is it that Podsednik can hit .250 for the year and he has to be an everyday player but Anderson hits 15 points lower and must be benched? His quote about we should of figured a way to get Thome without giving up rowand speaks volumes.
  3. QUOTE(greg775 @ Sep 4, 2006 -> 12:23 AM) Let me throw it back at you. You all think BA is fine? An everyday player? Tell me why. He is hitting over .300 for the last 3 months. He catches pretty much everything hit to him, and has great range.
  4. QUOTE(greg775 @ Sep 4, 2006 -> 12:18 AM) As far as Mack in cf ... he obviously thinks BA is not ready for everyday duty and despite the love of BA on here the guy is hitting .233 with 32 rbis and 43 runs scored in 300 at bats. He does not deserve to be an everyday player right now. Who is the backup? The roster says it's mack. I agree he's horrible; I don't blame Oz. I blame the moving of Rowand. We shoulda found another way to get Thome. BA wasn't ready for prime time and yes I realize he's hitting .300 or whatever it is the last couple months. You blame the moving of Rowand. Rowand couldnt hold Andersons jock in center field defensively. I hope you realize that. The comment about him not deserving everyday status is foolish at best. The guy is hitting 300 for the last 3 months. He hit like crap for 2 months, and then has hit good for 3 months. I guess then Pods and Uribe are not deserving of being a starting player right now either. Pods is hitting below .230 for the last 2 months, and Uribe is batting .240ish and is a vet.
  5. All these chuckleheads from Boston have to do, and I am sure its been grilled into their heads, is throw low and away until you get 2 strikes, then boune one into the opposing batting box. When Konerko stops pulling every pitch no matter how far low and away it is. When Pods is on the bench, and someone else is playing in LF. When BA is our centerfielder and not a platoon mate with a butcher. When we bring back Hrniak to chat with Uribe so we can get him to ditch Profundo, and start squaring the ball up. When we get AJ to hit to all fields again. These are when I start saying that we have an advantage offensively in a series. But until then, any crappy pitcher with an 8 ERA might as well be Cy Young. Because Freddy Kruegar might 2 hit us with the way we have been pulling and lifting lately.
  6. We are a baseball retarded, that is all that needs to be said. Our manager is worried more about getting his relative wins instead of the team. He is worried more about being stubborn and keeping a guy who doesnt want to play CF in centerfield because he trusts him. And our offense thinks that this is the softball beer league where the pull and lift works. Sprinkle some Joey Cora and that recipe adds up to below 500 baseball since the allstar break. We are not a very good team right now. If we tank out and dont make the playoffs, I hope someone gets Ozzie so upset that he implodes says something stupid and we can fire him and hire someone who has a clue.
  7. Ozzie needs a new magic 8 ball. The one he has been using is broken. He turns a 1 run game into a blow out by making dumb moves. First dumb move, lets have Freddy start the 8th. He threw 104 pitches, and we know he is not that good this year. So he gives up the double. Then of course mr. dumball pulls him. Then lets use Neal Cotts. With a man on 2nd in a close game you dont turn to your worst reliever out of the pen. but he does, he is a contact pitcher and has a mid 6 ERA since the allstar break and a 2 and a half WHIP since the ASB. Then after that, he goes to his next contact pitcher. Bmac. This with 3 guys who throw upper 90s and can strikeout people. This with a new lefty in the bullpen who just showed he can strike out lefties with mid 90s stuff and a funky delivery. Then for some reason Uribe is positioned at the edge of the grass, instead of at double play depth. The bench calls the defensive positioning. So we lost today because Ozzie wanted to get his relative the win, instead of the team and got burned because of it. He should be fired at the conclusion of this season. He has no clue how to manage. I would say that we are seeing why Pena was driven out of KC after taking them to the 2003 sucessful season. Crazy ass decisions and dumb baseball.
  8. The redsox should sign one day contracts with their ballgirls to throw the next 2 games. I figure they might get the ball up to 68. If Lopez just can teach them to throw it away, the sox will get 3 hit over the next 2 games.
  9. Uribe swings, then poses. Thank god profundo boy is on this team.
  10. Gload a lefty seems to be able to figure off a lefty that would have Kd both Thome and AJ if they faced him.
  11. ozzie manages like a mental patient. You have 3 guys who throw upper 90s and can strike out guys. You have a new lefty who hits 95 and has a funky lefty delivery. So you start the 8th by trying to get your relative the win, instead of the team. Then you bring out a contact flyball pitcher named neal cotts who has a mid 6 ERA and a mid 2 WHIP. Then you back it up with another flyball contact pitcher. And then you have a SS playing on the edge of the grass.
  12. The flyball pitcher gets his flyball. Thank god it was in the infield.
  13. QUOTE(MHizzle85 @ Sep 3, 2006 -> 03:40 PM) Still am a fan of ozzie, he just needs to learn to not use his "guys" so much I wonder if other playoff teams start their starters less than 25% of the time as a group.
  14. The appendage aware manager is making his decisions based on dumball. Lets use a couple of contact pitchers here. This is where you either need a strikeout guy, or a guy that can induce a double play. This is not where you bring in a flyball contact pitcher.
  15. Why is Pablo still in this game this late. Mack should be in left.
  16. QUOTE(maggsmaggs @ Sep 3, 2006 -> 03:32 PM) Yeah, Juanny better take his ass to the bench. Cintron should start starting more, Juan is in one of the funks where it takes him weeks to get out of. Last year we brought Hrniak in, who fixed Uribe for the last month. Then our management decided that Juan didnt need a leg kick, and decided to go another way. He is back to hitting like crap this year.
  17. Our super smart manager, has decided to march out a guy with 104 pitches to start an inning to get the W. Now he backs up his moronic decision with another dumb one. Putting the guy with the mid 6 ERA since the allstar break and a whip of 2 1/2. Someone needs to break ozzies 8 ball now, its defective.
  18. QUOTE(WHarris1 @ Sep 3, 2006 -> 03:29 PM) f***ing Christ, quite a contrast in that inning. Its real simple. With the pull and lift monkeys on our team, anyone that challenges the group of Rob Deers on our team over the plate are dumb. You just throw soft crap low and away or low and in, and they will get themselves out.
  19. It funny watching our guys react to breaking stuff low and away in the dirt on 2 strikes. Watch the little league world series and you will see better reactions on breaking stuff.
  20. QUOTE(Tony82087 @ Sep 3, 2006 -> 03:23 PM) I have a hard time complaining about runs right now. Tony with the talent on this team, we should be destroying pitchers not named Santana right now. We beat ourselves more on O than anything right now.
  21. Well there are the home runs they have been looking for all season long. Hit them out, or we dont score.
  22. 4 hits against a guy barely hitting 83 on the gun. Corpseball makes its annual return to the southside. Thankfully for Dye, Gaithright is very fast, but he has Mack skills in CF.
  23. QUOTE(Tony82087 @ Sep 3, 2006 -> 03:17 PM) We have our 3-4-5 coming up. Please, for the love of god, win this f***ing game. Everyone of our guys will fall over trying to hit the dramatic 3 run dong with no one on base.
  24. QUOTE(iguchi=dank @ Sep 3, 2006 -> 03:14 PM) If our guys tried hitting like G-Load does, we might actually be beating all these pitchers with 5+ era's we've been facing lately. Its just sad and frustrating, but since its been happening so long now I've just lost hope that our approach is going to change. Its amazing the how lucky we are that the twins are in such trouble with injuries. AJ before he got to the sox was a spray hitter. When he was win the Twinks how many times did he beat the sox with a poke to left. But shockingly last year, his first year with the sox his power numbers went up. You come to the sox, you become a pull hitter. Figure out why. Small park and a coaching staff that believes in lift and pull.
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