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Everything posted by southsideirish71

  1. QUOTE(South Side Fireworks Man @ Sep 3, 2006 -> 03:13 PM) Twins lose! Twins lose! Twins lose! 2 out of 3 to the Yanks in Yankee stadium. We however have had 6 games against the worst 2 teams in the AL. And we are going to split them. f***ing pathetic.
  2. QUOTE(daa84 @ Sep 3, 2006 -> 03:13 PM) its just stupid to have freddy on the mound right now with expanded rosters Well think about who our manager is.
  3. QUOTE(CWSOX45 @ Sep 3, 2006 -> 03:10 PM) You mean this has happened before against soft tossing lefties? Yet Greg and Ozzie haven't made the ADJUSTMENTS? Funny. Since 2000 any soft tossing lefty or more to the point, anyone spotting a fastball away can dominate this team.
  4. Guys like Rodgers, Moyer, Redman, whatever want right handers to pull their weak ass fastball on the outside corner to the SS and 3rd baseman. To beat this type of pitcher, either they have to make mistakes over the middle, or you have to go oppo on it. But going oppo would cause Gregs head to explode.
  5. Pull baseball. Its hard to believe that this is the 7th best offense in the AL since the allstar break. Whoops it used to be number 1, then they fell in love with pull and lift.
  6. QUOTE(shoota @ Sep 3, 2006 -> 03:03 PM) I disagree. You have to give them the chance at the W. How about the team. Can we worry about the team getting the W, I could care less which pitcher gets the W as long as we do.
  7. Now here is proof that our manager has no clue. The game is still in reach, so what does he do. He warms up a guy who has been giving it up like crazy. Why, because last year he was good. We have 3 lefties now in the pen, after seeing what boone logan did the other night, why in the name of god would you put Cotts out there. Dumb. Then again, when you have Mack coming out in a paper basically stating he doesnt know why he is out in CF, and our coaches still say he is going to play because changing would be giving up. How dumb is that.
  8. Like clockwork, here comes the 5 runs. Between our crappy pitching staff, our goof of a manager who doesnt make adjustments, and our pathetic hitting this team is pathetic right now.
  9. QUOTE(shoota @ Sep 3, 2006 -> 02:58 PM) Von Joshua? We keep firing a guy, and then hiring someone else from the minors that preaches the same philosophy. Its stupid.
  10. QUOTE(Texsox @ Sep 3, 2006 -> 02:57 PM) I'm surprised we have a winning record. We are a below 500 teams since the allstar break.
  11. Next time we get a hitting coach, get someone from an organization that preaches OBP, and line drive swings. We keep dipping into our system that preaches swing for the fences. f***ing sad.
  12. Nice to see anothe soft tossing lefty owning our offense. Its like clock work, Soft Tossing Left after allstar break = ownage. Thanks to our coaches and our hitters for coming up with a great plan to attack this guy. Swing hard and hope for the dong is our approach. Worthless. 3 f***ing hits, sad.
  13. QUOTE(Dick Allen @ Sep 2, 2006 -> 06:40 PM) He won a division, manager of the year and had the best record in the AL in 2000. And he did it with a payroll far from the highest in the division. Take last years pitching and put it on some of hte manuel teams, and I think he wins a few division championships. People forget we had horses*** pitching for years, especially trotting out Felix Diaz, Danny Wright, Scott Showenweis, poop on a stick.
  14. Someone needs to inform Mr. Pauly Pull Baseball that you can hit the ball to the right of where the SS positions himself. If someone where to employ a shift for Mr Konerko, he would hit 213 for the year. Stop being Rob Deer Kong. If they pitch you low and away, take it up the middle or to right. You cant constantly hit dribblers to the SS and think that you are going to be productive. Worthless hitting lately.
  15. QUOTE(SoxHawk1980 @ Sep 2, 2006 -> 03:15 AM) First, unless you have some inside information I don't know about, you have no idea if Contreras is injured at all, much less that he has a back problem. Personally I think he has some minor injury which is causing him pain when he pitches but that's all. What I do know is that the odds are that he is 40+ years of age. How many pitchers bounce back and improve after age 40. This is why it was never a good idea to sign Contreras to a long-term deal. So, your prediction of Contreras magically snapping back to top form with a fastball in the mid 90's next spring amounts to wishful thinking. It is possible, but unlikely. Also, I hope your speculation about a back injury isn't true. Back injuries tend to nag, linger and recur, particularly at Count's age. I'd much rather it was some muscular soreness or a minor fraying of the labrum. A nagging back problem is the kind of thing that could make count a 5+ ERA pitcher for the rest of his career. The inside information is that he went on the DL for Sciatica earlier this year. They jabbed a needle in his spine(an epdidural to calm it down), if it was something minor they wouldnt of given him that. Before he was on the DL he was throwing the ball 95-97, and was pretty much over the top, dropping down only to give a righty a different arm angle. Now he is exclusively 91-92, and is throwing sidearm to every right handed hitter. You dont need to be sherlock holmes to figure this one out.
  16. QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Sep 2, 2006 -> 09:59 AM) past few seasons that those guys are doing a fairly solid job. Guys like Whisler are finding their feet in AA etc. Well Minny aren't exactly going to go over to their main rival and say "Hey, this is how we drafted Matt Garza at pick #25, and this is why you should have picked them there instead of Broadway". Why are they doing such a great job at it? I dunno, do they have more scouts, better scouts, or more scouts all over the world, and are actually willing to spend money on more prospects than we are? I think the latter point is something we need to address over the next 5-10 seasons, especially in the Latin America Region. To be honest when Garza was drafted the exact comment out of Flash's mouth was now here is another hard thrower that will dominate us for the next bunch of seasons. I wish we would stop drafting the same type of pitcher, and take a chance on someone with plus stuff that can be at the top of the rotation instead of guys who project to be 4 or 5 starters. With our park and how it plays we need to seriously start drafting 2 types of guys. Either guys with plus stuff who can strikeout major league hitters, or guys with a heavy sinker. Picking up flyball guys who are in the low 90s/high 80s who pitch to contact is not the way to go. And for all those with such Broadway love, take a gander at Felix Diaz and how he absolutely dominated AAA pitching. Then he and his medicore fastball met up with the Indians. And they pounded him into the 5th level of hell. Contact pitchers when they lose control get absolutely rocked. Guys who have a 97 mph fastball can make mistakes from time to time that may not get hit as hard as the guy who makes a mistake in the zone with a 91 mph straight as an arrow fastball.
  17. In balls deep. Hopefully the O will stop the pull and lift crap, our pitching stops giving up 7 or more runs, and our insane coach starts the starters once in a while. This shouldnt even be close. We should be leading this thing already, and planing our rotation for the playoffs. But Mack in CF, Pods in the leadoff, f***.
  18. To the offense. If they throw it inside, you can turn on it. However if they spot you low and away, for the love of god, dont pull it because you think you can muscle it out into left. This specifically goes to the poster children of pull baseball these days AJ and Konerko. Konerko and AJ when they use more of the field are dangerous. When they pull the ball only, they are worthless. Mark needs to man up and pitch. Our goofy insane coach needs to play our good CF everday, and stop putting a butcher in CF. If he states pitching and defense and ozzie ball and then sends Mack out in CF I will puke. He is so full of s*** on this its not even funny.
  19. QUOTE(Heads22 @ Sep 2, 2006 -> 02:02 AM) http://chicago.whitesox.mlb.com/NASApp/mlb...sp&c_id=cws This is why I can't knock Rob on his effort or anything. It's not his fault Ozzie doesn't put him in a position to succeed. When Mack is doing interviews stating that he is not a good option in CF and our manager still puts him there, then I question our managers thought process. Timo playing 1st base was funny last year, well not really but it was for one game. Timo as a DH was not funny, kind of sad and embarassing. Timo as the leadoff guy was sad. These were all bad things last year, but ozzie kept marching Timo out in positions he couldnt play. Mack is the same thing this year. Ozzie knows that Mack isnt a CF but keeps marching him out there. Pods cant play at all in LF and he keeps playing. These are basic baseball decisions that a AA manager could make. Play BA every single day, back him up with Sweeney. Play Mack/Sweeney and Ozuna in LF and keep Mr Dergan on the pine for a pinch runner.
  20. QUOTE(Gene Honda Civic @ Sep 2, 2006 -> 01:42 AM) I'll eat my hat if Sweeney starts in LF before the Twins clinch the Wild Card. Mackowiak has been the obvious choice for LF for months now, yet he has, what, zero(?) starts in LF. Unless you're a pop-gun-hitting speedster, or Timo Perez, who lead off 10 times last season, Ozzie's not leading you off. It's probably Ozzie's biggest flaw as a manager. Cheat look what the rumor in the paper is today. The latest is we will replace our weak hitting hitting LF with an older version of him in Dave Roberts in the offseason. Just start Sweeney next year, or Mack or a Mack/Ozuna platoon. Ozzie has a facination with the Marlin Juan Pierre type. I am surprised that he doesnt attempt to get KW to pick up that pile of dung in the offseason. Garbage. Anyone but Pods should be starting. Pods would be on the Royals bench right now.
  21. Yeah, and Brian Anderson is our CF. 2 minutes after Ozzie says that, Mack is playing in CF for 3 out of 5 games. This is more of a ploy to get his wittle speed guy motivated. He has no real plans of using Sweeney in the lineup. He will play him once or twice, and then bury him.
  22. From Macks own mouth... "I've been horrible, actually," Mackowiak said. "There's no point in lying or candy-coating anything. It's been bad. "I don't know if it's not being out there much in your career and you get out there and you are overexposed. Before, I would play one [game] in right, one in center and maybe play third. But when you go out there on a daily basis, you see the stuff you need to work on to get better at a certain position." It's something I need to work on in the winter and try to get better defensively, because it has been absolutely terrible this year," Mackowiak said. "My routes are not as crisp as a guy like Brian's are. You are taking banana routes to balls and it becomes a struggle. "You continue to keep trying to get better, but it's frustrating because it's an important position up the middle to have good defense. It's frustrating to not do your best out there and that it sometimes hurts the team." Maybe Ozzie should read the f***ing paper, and keep Mack out of center. The only one who thinks Mack can play CF seems to be Ozzie only.
  23. QUOTE(maggsmaggs @ Sep 1, 2006 -> 04:53 PM) http://www.battleyourtailoff.com/minorblog/ Go down to the ceiling of their prospects, they are out of their mind on some on them. I realize its a ceiling, but be realistic. . You need your sarcasm monitors on guys. Actually I have chatted with most of the guys who started that site and participate on that site for 5 or so years from my time at ESPN. They were regulars on the Twinks board on ESPN. I am in 2 fantasy leagues with them this year. They are actually a good group of guys. It doesnt shock me with their evaluations, as they always have been real super high on their home grown talent. They know their system is loaded. However you have to know their personalities to know that every ceiling comment they are making is entirely sarcasm. Its dripping with sarcasm in fact. Just imagine Flash giving Lance Broadway the ceiling of Johan Santana. Then someone from another site reading it, and not knowing Flash thinking that Flash thinks that Lance = Johan. You would have to know Flash's posting style to realize the sarcasm. Its the same thing there.
  24. QUOTE(CWSGuy406 @ Sep 2, 2006 -> 12:22 AM) Couple of comments that I don't think have been mentioned yet... -No reason Thome should have played today. Gload has done a MORE than serviceable job out there the past couple nights. It was absolutely pathetic watching Thome "run" out that double play he grounded into. And, I'm not saying that Thome was dogging it, not at all; but looking at the replay, it seemed like he was running WORSE than Frank Thomas this year. His AB against Gobble in the 8th inning was really, really pathetic, too, BTW. One of the worst ABs I can remember this season. DJ tried to make it seem like Gobble threw him two spike curveballs to get him out, but those last two curveballs were awful. -Podsednik is teh suck. If anyone who sits near or around the Sox dugout could bring a "Free Ryan Sweeney!" sign, it'd be much appreciated from a large portion of White Sox fans. I think it'd be funny as hell if someone in the Scout Seats -- preferably the ones in the first row -- held up a sign like that so it was on TV the whole game. Not that it would actually do anything, but it'd make me laugh. -In that big six run inning for KC, one thing I couldn't understand is why Ozzie called for the infield to play back when the Royals started the inning with runners on second and third with nobody out. The next three hitters were, if I remember correctly, Paul Bako, Joey Gathright, and Andres Blanco. If you even come close to making your pitches on these guys, not one of them is going to make solid contact. Something minor, I know, but I thought it would've been the right move there. Man... Boone looked good. Fastball at 94, good biting slider, and I think he even threw a cutter. Sure sucks, though, that if we are blessed enough to back into the playoffs, he won't be on the roster. Did I mention that Podsednik sucks? I have no idea why Ozzie continues to play Pods. It makes no sense. There isnt one thing he is doing that helps the team right now.
  25. QUOTE($I Need Money$ @ Sep 1, 2006 -> 11:58 PM) If we had frank thomas we'd be in first. Frank can pitch?
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