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Everything posted by southsideirish71

  1. This is another example of a "rehabilhitated" sex offender that convinces a few shrinks that he wont poke anything anymore. Then he gets out, and then starts a pillaging spree because his wittle brain is broke. Either warehouse these freaks, or make them wormfood. They cannot be fixed. I know the American Psychiatric Association thinks that a few prozacs and they can cure a sex offfender or even a pedophile, but it doesnt work that way. Just warehouse them, or plant them in the back and get some good flowers out of it. They shouldnt be allowed to re-enter society and hurt others again.
  2. QUOTE(BobDylan @ Aug 30, 2006 -> 02:12 PM) Well, the problem in my field is that there is very little to be taught. Most is up for open interpretation. As far as dressing like a business professional in the arts, it depends what kind of art. If it's music, you might get some attention (I think there are bands that already do it, however). I know Clinic dresses in O.R. scrubs. I know Buckethead wears a bucket over his head (go figure). The Vines wear white suits. Red Hot Chili Peppers wear socks over their penis's. Generally it's just a gimmick and the music is what counts, but for the musicians it can mean a lot. It's kind of like how I can write in only one space in my apartment. It's all about being comfortable out there. Artists are bizarre people. It's extremely difficult, even for themselves, to say what makes them tick. Certainly the t-shirt he wears could have made a big difference. I guess artists dont go to catholic or private schools then. Because they are forced to wear uniforms or have a dress code. But then again I graduated with a guy who was an artist. Maybe he is just a bad one then, because he went to a catholic school.
  3. winning a game to go into the wild card lead going into september = great having to use your close when you score 12 runs = dumb
  4. Nice strike call blue. You realize that you are not getting paid by the hour right.
  5. The sad thing is the back end of our pen could of used a night off. When your offense scores as many runs as we have tonight, our starters should of been able to come out, our pitchers should of been rested, and we should of been getting ready for tomorrow.
  6. Shockingly Cora didnt have Uribe go on contact there. He is showing some amazing restraint.
  7. Joey held a runner. Stop the presses. Ross does what our hitters should do with 2 strikes. He cuts down on his swing a bit, and goes oppo. Nice line drive swing Ross.
  8. QUOTE(mr_genius @ Aug 29, 2006 -> 10:05 PM) 9 runs? wtf just got home. our pitching really does blow atleast we scored 11 so far Big game Freddy was given a 7 to zip lead. That is the best part.
  9. QUOTE(Jordan4life_2006 @ Aug 29, 2006 -> 09:56 PM) I'm not gonna blame Ozzie for this one. Cotts and Riske flat didn't get it done. If you can't bring them in when you're up 6, when can you? Cotts ERA in August before tonight, 8+, his WHIP post allstar break is 2.42. Pretty much you dont need an advanced sabrmetric formula to see that he is just bad. The minute he gave up the 2 run dong. You need to pull him. Immediately.
  10. And the best part of this, is that Riske and Cotts are shaking off AJ. LOL How about this, when you are not a good pitcher then if you shake off our catcher, you run foul poles after the game.
  11. Cotts and Riskes favorite Tom and Jerry character. Nibbles.
  12. I love it when we bring the poop part of our bullpen out so we can get save situations for our closer. How nice of the poopers to pitch in.
  13. QUOTE(Tony82087 @ Aug 29, 2006 -> 09:46 PM) I really didnt even think that would be possible this year, but its looking more and more like that is what needs to happen. Either he has completely lost it, or hitters have just figured him out. Either way, he isn't cutting it on the major league roster. Hopefully Cotts can put this season behind him, come back strong next season. They need to teach him at least one more pitch. If he could learn to throw a cutter it would help him with righties. A slider would help him with lefties.
  14. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Aug 29, 2006 -> 09:44 PM) Is it obvious to anyone else that his arm angle is all off. He is flattening out his wrist on delivery. Anyone? His problem is that he gets behind everyone and is pretty much a fastball pitcher. When you get ahead 0-2 or 1-2 you can then go up the ladder. When you are 3-2 and 3-1 and people know that you are only throwing a fastball, you are more likely to get rocked.
  15. I think its time for Neal to learn another pitch besides the fastball. I mean the meatball is something he picked up this year, but he throws it every pitch. Cotts needs to go down for a bit and learn how to pitch again.
  16. QUOTE(knightni @ Aug 29, 2006 -> 09:40 PM) I thought it was f***ing pussy boy. That works also.
  17. This is why Mr I let inherited runners score like crazies ERA is over 8 for the month of August.
  18. QUOTE(knightni @ Aug 29, 2006 -> 09:37 PM) PFB...? Pink Fuzzy Bunny. He is more like a mall easter bunny than anything.
  19. QUOTE(knightni @ Aug 29, 2006 -> 09:34 PM) So, the Ranger's not on your friends' list eh? Nope the PFB is not on my personal favorites list.
  20. And the funny thing will be the amount of spin the PFB on the post game show will make of the Joey Cora play. He will say "I dont necessarily agree with the play, but Joey has been aggressive all year long and we wouldnt be in this position without his aggressiveness" Then he will hand out some useless gift card to the first moron that calls in agrees with him.
  21. QUOTE(knightni @ Aug 29, 2006 -> 09:26 PM) Cora almost did it again... Cora needs to be a bench coach. He can sit next to Ozzie they can keep each other company. Ozzie can say crazy things, Joey can agree with him. And then we can hire someone that wont be a windmill over at 3rd.
  22. QUOTE(Allsox @ Aug 29, 2006 -> 09:25 PM) C'mon Brian, need a base hit in the worst way! Let's bury Tampa right here! We buried Tampa already. Then Freddy took his shovel, dug them out, dusted them off.
  23. If I see a post game quote of "It takes a perfect throw to make that play" No Joey. I bet the little league WS champs from Georgia would of pegged Kong out on that play. Now granted he out weighs them by 150 pounds so he could still plow the 12 year old. AJ Doubles, thanks Joey. You truly are a gem on this team. And this guy manages in the winter league. Make sure Anderson is on another team.
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