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Everything posted by southsideirish71

  1. QUOTE(WHarris1 @ Aug 25, 2006 -> 11:49 PM) MY FAVORITE RONGEY LINE... Eventually this team needs to beat someone like Johan, or Schilling, or Kazmir. Uh...dumbass...we have beat Johan, raped Verlander a few times, and Roy Halladay. Probably during the game, Rongey has the cubs game on so he can get a full game of his favorite team. After the game someone gives him a few key things that happened in the game so he can sound like he watched it.
  2. QUOTE(Whitewashed in @ Aug 25, 2006 -> 11:47 PM) Wow Rongey is just making himself look more like a moron. "Its going to be tough to win tomorrow since we probably won't score more than 3 or 4 runs." "Ross Gload being sent and thrown out looked like it wasn't a bad decision at the time." Confused!!!!!
  3. QUOTE(Dick Allen @ Aug 25, 2006 -> 11:45 PM) If Pods isn't going to attempt to steal, he really shouldn't be playing professional baseball. Maybe Widger can get him on his softball team next summer. Pods hasnt done a damn thing and starts pretty much unless a left is out there. Meanwhile our super defensive stuff centerfielder who has been hitting, is on a platoon gig. He only gets in if the starter has a left hand, or with 2 strikes because the pitcher has a left hand. I bet you mack starts in CF on Sunday and Mr. Dergan is in LF on sunday also.
  4. QUOTE(chisox72 @ Aug 25, 2006 -> 11:43 PM) Uhoh...hold the phone.... Schuster just informed us that Pods "just hasn't been coming through." He must have just gotten the memo.... Thank god for this on the mark reporting. Cotts has been struggling a bit will be his next levinesque moment.
  5. Here is the Rongey duck and Cover. Well tonight the sox fall to the twins 37 to nothing. The good news is that this is only one loss in the loss column. I have every confidence that tomorrow our pitchers will pitch better, because they have done it before in their careers. Lets take a caller, Matt from Lemont is on the phone, Hello Matt. Matt: Hi uh Chris, Well I want to know where Freddys velocity went, he is throwing so slow....Rongey interupts... Well Chris great question, I am sorry that you got disconnected, but if you call in again we will hook you up with 2 VIP tickets to Shoeless Joes sportsbar. Freddy Garcia, he has pitched well before in his career, and I think you take too much into his velocity. Maddux has 300 wins and never threw hard. Alright next caller. Jim from Downers Grove hello Jim Jim: I am a season ticket holder coming back from the game. I have never seen such a pathetic .....call goes dead. Rongey: We seem to have lost Jim. Too bad. Maybe if he was using Skype phone service he would be okay. Skype is free and can make real calls. I use skype every day. Skype you can get it at skype.com. Well thank you for your calls, and hopefully the whitesox will get back on track tomorrow. They face Johan Santana which wont make it easy. But I think they can do it, because they all have had hits before in their career. Maybe if they get a few hits, it will help their confidence a little and they will be better off for the strectch run. No save of the game with the score being 35-0, but our drive of the game was Torii Hunter who hit 3 grand slams off of hard luck starter Freddy Garcia. The affilicates are done now and you in Chicago please hold on for more of the post game show with the PFB.
  6. QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Aug 25, 2006 -> 11:31 PM) Maybe Damaso Cotts should go help McCarthy collect plastic cups during the game. That would be more effective IMO. Cotts should ask Politte his theory on what happens to guys who cant get people out.
  7. QUOTE(Flash Tizzle @ Aug 25, 2006 -> 11:30 PM) Is he injured or what? Why can't anyone within the media answer the question, or management answer it? Someone on this board mentioned Cooper citing McCarthy's "sore shoulder" as an excuse, but then why haven't there been any newspaper reports about it? Have I just missed them? He pitched one inning last week. How the hell could he have a sore shoulder.
  8. QUOTE(chisox72 @ Aug 25, 2006 -> 11:29 PM) Hah! The Sox have to "find a way" to make Cotts effective and give him "condfidence"...... I miss Brian Dolgin..... Brian was the same guy. Dave Wills was the man to miss. He at least would be critical once in a while.
  9. QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Aug 25, 2006 -> 11:27 PM) Of course Rongey doesn't address the McCarthy question. When presented with a real tough question, Rogney goes into his bozo buckets and pulls out a gift card to some crappy sponsor of the show, or to one of his remotes. Because going to Shoeless Joes to see this clown in person is the highlight of someones life. Actually that might be fun. To heckle him in person. I will have to pay attention on the next away game stand.
  10. QUOTE(Whitewashed in @ Aug 25, 2006 -> 11:20 PM) They sure as hell better not be saying they have no chance vs Santana tomorrow because if they don't win this series were in deep s***. The score will be 1-1 in the 8th inning and Ozzie will use Cotts out of the pen with a man on third because the batter is Jason Tyner and he is a lefty. Bmac and Brian are playing cards in the bowels of the stadium in Ozzie detention.
  11. QUOTE(cgaudin @ Aug 25, 2006 -> 11:18 PM) We got no chance tomorrow, but they still have to play the game. Hope for Santana to sprain his wrist while he's shaving or something. We got no clue how to hit this guy. The way we should approach him for a game. Is to try and take his fastball into right. If you do happen to get the change, with you trying to hit the ball to right you may stay back enough on the change to put it in play fair. Just going up there confused and looking for a pitch to park is not a way to beat this guy. Other teams have put runs up against this guy, he is not superman. QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Aug 25, 2006 -> 11:19 PM) You have to give the screener a bogus topic to discuss and then ask Rongey your real questions. I couldnt help myself.
  12. QUOTE(jackie hayes @ Aug 25, 2006 -> 11:12 PM) Awesomeness. Their screener just hung up on me. I asked if I was going to be allowed to ask a real critical question or would Bagdad Bob get all mad at me if I put frown in his happy loss post game palooza.
  13. QUOTE(Drew @ Aug 25, 2006 -> 11:08 PM) I want Thornton to have the ball this game at the top of the sixth, lefty vs. righty be damned. And I want Jenks up in the 9th, because he has the best chance of holding the lead. Those two moves and I think we're looking at a winner tonight. We should handle Javy just like we handled El Duque down the stretch run. The minute he shows one crack, bmac comes in the game. He is the bridge to the back end of the pen.
  14. QUOTE(Whitewashed in @ Aug 25, 2006 -> 11:07 PM) "There was nothing wrong with the decisions in the 6th." - Rongi, sure thing Chris. PFB is in full effect. Ozzie could take a gun and start shooting up the crowd and he would spin it as some of those people were probably old and would of died tomorrow anyways.
  15. QUOTE(Cerbaho-WG @ Aug 25, 2006 -> 10:51 PM) Did Ozzie dive across the plate for a ball clearly outside and poke a three-run homer for Minnesota? Did he hit the hanging slider from MacDougal when the best the Twins could do against Mac's fastball were bleeders back up the middle? Jesus, shut up already and credit this loss to absolute lack of luck. So you would of went Cotts and his 8 ERA for August in first out of the pen, and then Riske over McCarthy.
  16. QUOTE(Cerbaho-WG @ Aug 25, 2006 -> 10:47 PM) Do you want to trot out MacDougal in the 6th? Ozzie was absolutely right in putting in Riske, and it was pure luck that Torii dove across the plate for a ball that was a good two-three inches outside and punched it into the seats. McCarthy is on the team still yes. I guess pure luck is a hitter with 2 strikes taking the ball to right. That has never happened before with the twins. They never hit oppo with 2 strikes.
  17. QUOTE(Flash Tizzle @ Aug 25, 2006 -> 10:45 PM) Absolutely PITIFUL loss. We could have pulled within 4 1/2 of Detroit and seperated a game between ourselves and Minnesota. Our players choked tonight. And wouldn't you know, we're out of the wild-card lead as well with Santana pitching tomorrow. I suppose this begins the fatalism within Soxtalk. "Santana is pitching, there's a "L." They better win. This game is similar to the series in Minnesota with Bonser. First game should have been ours, but instead, was a loss and set the tone for the series. Need to rebound tomorrow. 2 strikes with the twins or tigers. They shorten their swing, they put the ball in play up the middle or to the right. 2 strikes on the sox, either they pose statuesque and walk back to the dugout taking one down the cock, or they swing for the fence and look stupid on a low and away pitch. Its the same approach we have seen for years with 2 strikes. Our team is a f***ing softball team.
  18. QUOTE(cgaudin @ Aug 25, 2006 -> 10:40 PM) We let too many opportunities slip away. I guess no one should second-guess Ozzie for leaving his starters in too long from here on out. That bullpen can't get anybody out. Yeah because putting a guy with an 8 ERA in August is the first thing you do after your guy puts a dude on first. We have a guy named Brandon McCarthy that is pretty tough. And he allegedly is our long guy.
  19. QUOTE(Chisoxrd5 @ Aug 25, 2006 -> 10:36 PM) It was a quality curve ball..thats how. If he was throwing that same curveball to Jason Tyner, he fouls off like 5 of them before he puts it back up the middle. Our approach at the plate since the ASB is horses***. We have a bunch of men trying to play softball. Trying to put every single ball into the jetstream. 2 strikes and they still have home run cuts. I want someone that can teach our hitters how to battle on 2 strikes. 2 strikes is an auto out with this team.
  20. Nice job dumb fan. Our hitters cannot hit a low and away pitch. They can only pull and lift now. The twins just won the series.
  21. And another hitter takes another pitch down the middle for strike 3. A twins hitter battles that and puts it in play. Maybe walker should go back to the old drawing board with our 2 strike defense.
  22. This perdicament tonight is dedicated to our management team and their lack of execution of a game plan. Thank you Joey Cora who would wave a 90 year old granny with a walker around third with the ball just past the the SS with a charging OF. The BS of it takes a perfect throw and a perfect execution. Well we must run into perfection all the time, because our guys are meat left and right because of waving wendell. Ozzie has his pen up in the 6th becaue the pumpkin will go poof at the 6th. Yet he decides to go with Cotts. Cotts who has a 6.23 ERA since the allstar break Cotts. That 2.62 WHIP looks hot also. And his ERA is over 8 for the month of August. So lets ride the crappy hand. Lets use him out of the pen. That makes sense. He gives up a single on cue. Brandon McCarthy has a 3.23 ERA since the allstar break. You need to put his mug on a milk jug because he is missing.
  23. Against the twins you throw away until you get 2 strikes, then bust them in. Against the sox you pitch away until you get two strikes and then bounce one into the left handers box.
  24. 2 strikes and they go back up the middle. Our guys will break their ankles trying to hit it on the dan ryan and K.
  25. QUOTE(Tony82087 @ Aug 25, 2006 -> 10:06 PM) It would be huge for the Twins to win this game. They now have a comback in their back pocket, along with Santana going the next day.... We need to win this game. Must win. Tell Mr. Cotts comes out as my first pitcher out of the pen manager.
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