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Everything posted by southsideirish71

  1. Leyland goes for the throat here. He goes with Zumaya here. Just like using Nathan in a non save situation for the twinks. Now our manager likes to use hybrid lineups without using the starters. He likes to use our best reliever in the 6th inning of a blow out, and our crapiest reliever in the 8th of a tie game.
  2. Well the Cleveland Indians who are not in it this year because of their pitching, will be passing our pitching numbers by the end of the week. This is with gascan Carmona closing things out.
  3. QUOTE(klaus kinski @ Aug 21, 2006 -> 07:56 PM) A trade deadline Yankees get Abreu-get hot Dodgers get Maddux-get hot We get nothing-thats 17-22 folks It would be explainable if we were good at the deadline But KW asked Paulie and company if they needed anything. And they looked around and said we can win it with this.
  4. QUOTE(CYGarland @ Aug 21, 2006 -> 07:55 PM) I dont think their choking, they just don't have IT right now. It has nothing to do with IT. Its to do with a mathmatical formula. Our hitters are trying to pull everything in sight for whatever reason. Our pitchers are throwing low and away, its almost like they are trying to pitch to our hitters. And with Mackowiak in CF do we really believe in D. Our young CF is hitting over 290 since what June, and he needs to rest like every 3rd day
  5. QUOTE(CWSGuy406 @ Aug 21, 2006 -> 07:53 PM) If McCarthy doesn't even warm up tonight, I'm going to start thinking that something is going on. He wasn't used in the Minny series, despite the fact that there were plenty of times to do so. He hasn't been used since August 16th. God bless Kenny, Coop, and Ozzie if they're actually stretching the kid out. God bless 'em. Keith I think you are giving them too much credit. The 2006 Bmac === 2005 Ross Gload. Ozzie thinks that this rag tag group of guys with 4 plus ERAs is better than anything the kid can give us. I want whatever they are smoking.
  6. QUOTE(Jordan4life_2006 @ Aug 21, 2006 -> 07:52 PM) And I won't believe a single one of them. Plus someone needs to ask the question at soxfest, Ozzie and KW what happened to Freddy's velocity.
  7. QUOTE(Flash Tizzle @ Aug 21, 2006 -> 07:44 PM) Someone else posted my exact thoughts (I'm too lazy to back track on this thread and credit you, sorry ) concerning McCarthy's odd absence from consistent work. I wonder if he's currently conducting side-sessions. His work lately has been far too sparse. It's either he's injured, in Guillen's dughouse, or currently pitching on the side. I realize it's unlikely, but not entirely out of the question. This isn't something you'd want to mention in the media and risk further clubhouse issues. Ozzie is too stubborn to put Bmac in. Remember last year he decided to use Timo at 1st base, instead of calling up Gload. In his revisionist history Bmac was bad last year, Timo was great, and we won everythin due to him resting our starters every other game.
  8. When we s*** the bed against the Royals at home, and our great O got shut down by Runnynose Hernandez and a AAAA bum, we should of knew that warning signs with this team was going off. What I love is the adjustments. Pretty much every team throws our right handers away away away And they keep pulling it. Occasionally, someone leaves one over the plate and its gone. But for the most part Crede pops it up, Konerko does his suicide shrug, and its over. Now our pitchers pretty much go away away away. yet the opposition figures it out, and slaps the ball oppo and beats us. How f***ed up is this. And why does our 24 year old young centerfielder need rest every 3 or so games.
  9. So why in the hell are we wasting our back end reliever in the 6th inning of a blow out. This makes no sense. This is where Matt pitches, and then Cotts will come in to a tie game in the 8th tomorrow night. WTF
  10. QUOTE(CYGarland @ Aug 21, 2006 -> 07:33 PM) Looks like their heading right into the dump....Our starting pitchers have lost velocity, and our power hitters cant hit Hr's.....This is bad Well in 2004 we got raped by the twins when Carlos Lee was doing his windmill impersonation at home plate. And then we went into Detroit and couldnt beat them and lost like what 7 or 8 in a row. This kind of feels like then. Danny Wright = Vazquez Felix Diaz = Garcia Conteras = Contreras
  11. QUOTE(CYGarland @ Aug 21, 2006 -> 07:32 PM) looks like the Tigers hitters figured out how to hit our starters, take 2 strikes than swing at the meatball coming after that. Remember when Contreras was an ace. Keep throwing away to the tigers on 2 strikes. Our team doesnt scout at all.
  12. Does our team actually scout the other team. Why would you throw Pudge an away pitch. He loves to go to right field. Hey look, Cotts is a 8th inning pitcher, and our good lefty Thornton is now a scrub pitching in the 6th. Ozzie needs to figure out there bullpen roles.
  13. QUOTE(CYGarland @ Aug 21, 2006 -> 07:29 PM) Uribe would have made that play easy Well considering our starting 9 from opening day plays in about 22% of the games, we may see it at least once this series.
  14. I see the pull and lift offense is in full effect. Clear your hips, make sure you dip your back shoulder, and then extend. The official swing of your 2001-2004 and now back by popular demand....2006 Whitesox. Our offense this year actually did hit line drives. Then the allstar break happened. And our guys are now pull and lift homer or nothing machines.
  15. QUOTE(Wanne @ Aug 21, 2006 -> 04:41 PM) Like I said...I don't know how he's gotten by with a torn rotator cuff and all. His fastball tops out at what...85 now. He rely's strictly on location of a curveball, his 85 mph fastball and changeups that range from 75 to 80mph...that and cortisone. We have 2 guys in our rotation that fit that bill. And they are both healthy .
  16. QUOTE(beck72 @ Aug 21, 2006 -> 03:50 PM) Detroit's recent slide seems an awful lot like Boston's. Some of their weaknesses are now coming out when they play against a good ball club [and Texas isn't half the team the Yankees are]. And the young players who carried them so far now seem to be hitting a wall. I know 5 1/2 and 6 1/2 games are a lot to make up for both teams. But the Sox seem to match up a lot better vs. Detroit than Minny. I don't see the Twins fading at all. But the Tigers run seems to be coming to a halt. The sox take care of the Tigers and they're right back into it. Minny keeps on winning and has an easier rest of the yr than most teams. IIRC, the Twins play only 20 or so games vs. teams with a winning record. As long as Detroit fades--and the sox 4 game series starting today can do a lot of damage to Detroit's chances---I don't care about the Twins. Even with their injuries, the Twins keep plugging away and don't seem to be fading one bit. As long as the sox win 2 of 3 the rest of the way [i believe the sox are on just that pace from the run vs the Yanks, Tigers and Twins--6-3 overall], the sox should get into the playoffs regardless of what the Tigers and Twins do. But I will root for the Tigers to lose every game the rest of the way. I hope to god that the Twins dont make the playoffs. If dont matchup well with them at all.
  17. QUOTE(Hangar18 @ Aug 21, 2006 -> 10:11 AM) Heres the thing ...... Do we want this particular team, playing the way they are, in the playoffs? The answer to this question, is yes. I want any of my whitesox teams in the playoffs. Once you are in, anything can happen. Its about who is the hottest over a 3 week period.
  18. Its too late to fret on what could of happened this year. We need our pitchers to pitch better, and our O to score more runs than our pitchers give up. We have the lead in the WC. But we need to hit, pitch and play better or we are screwed. Once in the playoffs anything can happen. We just need to fight, claw and get into them. I figure we have a 3 to 4 year window on a championship here due to our star players age and contract status. We need to work on the following next year to make up for some of the problems we see this year. We have the talent its just fundamentals that are killing us. Here are thing we need to work on in ST next year, and should of worked on this year because they obviously have these massive issues with these small parts of the game that create big innings more than a single error, or a specific play. Next ST someone needs to teach all of the whitesox players on how to hit the cutoff man, and also which bag is appropriate to throw to in what situation. Our throws cause more problems than the Paul Koneko error did in that inning. The safe play is to hit the cutoff man, and make sure the trailer stays at first. It keeps the double play in order, and keeps another runner out of scoring position. All year long I have seen OF make throw after throw allowing the trailer to advance. Its maddening. In ST we need to work on better 2 strike pitches. Focus on a waste pitch. Grooving 0-2 or 1-2 pitches that get hit hard are a killer. Maybe a sports psychologist to discuss with our pitchers on how not to melt down when something out of their control happens behind them. No pouting, stomping of the feet, destruction of private property when the following happens. A infielder doesnt make a play, a walk on a close pitch, a bug flies to close, someone farted, the umpire looks at you funny. All year long we have seen pitcher after pitcher throw little fits and then a big inning. What happened to pitching over it, picking your teammates up. Bunting practice. We need to teach our guys how to bunt and direct the bunt. Situational hitting. Too many times I see when we need someone to hit to the right side, or make contact. A Strikeout, and infield popup or a GIDP. We need to work on line drive hitting. Making solid contact. And my favorite. Protecting the plate with 2 strikes and men in scoring position. Watching strike 3 go by, or better yet taking a huge cut when you have 2 strikes is non productive. Teams like the Yanks, As, Boston, the Twinks are good at fouling pitches off, being a tough K. It has 2 effects One is running the pitch count of the starting pitcher, and the other is the pitcher may make a mistake.
  19. QUOTE(fathom @ Aug 20, 2006 -> 02:30 PM) Paul Konerko is the goat of this game so far. He's the only one who looks like he has no clue, and his error more than likely directly led to us losing this game. It was a lack of good fundamentals. the error wasnt bad. Its the throw by Pablo on the next play into third that allowed the trailer to advance to second. Then Javy nibbles and nibbles and walks the next guy. then grooves a pitch down the middle on pitch one to Mike Redmond. Things that need to be addressed in next years ST. Baserunning, and where to throw a ball on different plays. We have too many guys throwing the ball into the wrong base allowing trailers to follow and we turn a single run, into multiple runs by bad fundamentals.
  20. QUOTE(kwolf68 @ Aug 20, 2006 -> 02:25 PM) Sad thing is we are doing a decent job on Santana...we already have 6 hits, only a couple Ks and are working his pitch count up. Santana is a great pitcher, but we look absolutely like little leaguers against him. Not everyone struggles to score a single run against him like we do. We make him look this way, because we are only looking for a single pitch and trying to just hit it hard. We need more line drive swings and a lot less of the lets hit a dong off of Santana routine and we would succeed better.
  21. Anderson has the proper approach, hit the fastball to right, and pull the change. Memo to the rest of the team. Watch the kids approach and stop trying to pull every single pitch.
  22. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Aug 20, 2006 -> 02:21 PM) He got absolutely torched his first stint up. When he came back in September, he was decent, but he won't do it again this season for two reasons - 1 - he isn't stretched out, and 2 - he's been scouted now and he will be eaten alive in a starter's role if he's put there this season. Kap Bmac was a bit better than decent last September. He cant be stretched out this year, its too late.
  23. Keep pulling and lifting. It works well against Santana.
  24. The guys who get hits on Santana, watch them they are purposely trying to take his fastball into right. When they get a change they pul it and still put good wood on it. Guys who only pull for the most part, the Konerkos of the world look foolish because they are still trying to pull and park the fastball.
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