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Everything posted by southsideirish71

  1. QUOTE(fathom @ Aug 12, 2006 -> 02:12 PM) Yes! Great job by Sandy. I wouldn't be shocked if we see the squeeze now. He had a few walk-off sac flies for the Sox. Well you, Pinella, and Leyland all got it right. The pitch out happens, and Crede is hung up.
  2. Somene must be maning a laser turret over on the 1st base side. Only a green laser in the eyes could explain how 2 different teams had the same play at the same point in the game with the same result.
  3. Dye hits a liner to right. This is what all of our right handed hitters should of been trying against junk away.
  4. Take the gamblers change up to right, and if he does lay a fastball in there tear it apart. Trying to pull that outside changeup makes the Gambler look like Cy Young.
  5. Do my eyes deceive me, one of our starting pitchers threw a complete game shutout.
  6. QUOTE(fathom @ Aug 11, 2006 -> 09:45 PM) No walks! If 2 guys reach base this inning, Jenks should get loose. Jenks arm is going to fall off after pitching an inning last night and almost 3 a few nights ago. Let McDougal close this out tonight.
  7. QUOTE(fathom @ Aug 11, 2006 -> 09:41 PM) It almost went over the fence. By my calculations, Anderson leads the team with 115 homers over the first base dugout. During practice he has a bunch, he just hits them to our LF and then runs around the bases.
  8. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Aug 11, 2006 -> 09:39 PM) Leave the predictions to the professionals, kid. My magic 8 ball was wrong.
  9. Detroit Right handed, throwing over the plate. He is going to get torched.
  10. Who the hell brought a trombone to the ballpark. Is this Oakland or a soccer match.
  11. QUOTE(Butter Parque @ Aug 11, 2006 -> 09:23 PM) just got home, how good has Count looked? Terrible, after throwing 5 good innings, he gave up 2 hits. I mean why even bother.
  12. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Aug 11, 2006 -> 09:11 PM) Took him long enough. At this point Rex is sitting at Cubcon 2, the injury warning status for a player like Mark Prior. If he got hurt bad on that play, then we need to elevate him to Cubcon 1, which is the status for a Kerry Wood. Hopefully our number 2 can keep healthy, or we may have to see a return of the bearded drunken bandit
  13. I dont care how hard you throw, you challenge this team over the plate and you are going to get destroyed. Now pitchers like Kenny Rodgers frighten me more than Zoolander every could due to him being a junk ball pitcher.
  14. I figure Dye and Crede will dong off of Zoolander. And Konerko will send a Zumaya shot doinking off the foul pole for another dong. We win 5-3
  15. QUOTE(longshot7 @ Aug 11, 2006 -> 12:03 PM) Can't wait til this stupid paranoia is over months from now. BOOKS are now banned in the UK? Because if you rub the pages together, you can start a fire? And all nice Americans can't bring water on your flight - talk about overreacting. This will change in about a month, but until then, what a pain in the ass. I remember immediately following Sept 11, you couldn't even pick someone up at the curb after their flight - what the hell good did that do? None. Now we've gotten smarter and changed that rule and have stupid new ones. Well maybe we can go back to the good old days where you can get your knives and weapons on the plane again.
  16. This is a good matchup for the sox. Verlander is a fastball pitcher who challenges over the plate with his stuff. This is the type of pitcher our offense was made to hit. Now on the other hand the soft tossing Rodgers tomorrow scares me more than the other two. We can hit anyones fastball, and we know this kid will be challenging us. But Rodgers is crafty and wants our team to pull everything. Lets start this series off right, take tonight and get momentum going back towards our club.
  17. Now its about time to pull Mr. Dergan and put Mack in LF. Bmac needs to roll nicely. Well everyone, I will have to pick this up in the winners thread. I need to go to lifetime, and run for a bit. At least they will have the game on the TV.
  18. QUOTE(GoRowand33 @ Aug 10, 2006 -> 11:02 PM) can I atleast have a summary of how ozzie got ejected jeeze you guys aren't very helpful tonight Ozzie ran out on the field, and speared Cooper. Then gave him the mandible claw. Then Cooper came back with a backbreaker, and then he and Gorman beat him for a while, until Hawk jumped over the wall came over and cleared house.
  19. QUOTE(Friend of Nordhagen @ Aug 10, 2006 -> 11:01 PM) Eric Cooper may have the Marte Virus. Different malware. He is infected with the Hunter Wendlestedt Trojan, a variant of the Froemming Trojan.
  20. QUOTE(fathom @ Aug 10, 2006 -> 10:57 PM) Yes, that was one of the worst calls I've ever seen. He also had that series in Detroit where he blew a call on Thomas, Thomas turned around and jaw jacked with Cooper, then cooper started calling neck high strikes on the big hurt. Then tossed him after he rung him up. Then Maggs just had 3 pitches no matter where they were, they were strikes. Cooper is a punk.
  21. My favorite Eric Cooper blunder was the home run that Joe Crede hit in Baltimore, up about 10 rows, over about 30 feet. Cooper called it foul. Manuel came out, didnt get tossed, and the whitesox wound up losing that by a run or 2.
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