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Everything posted by southsideirish71

  1. Ozzie in 2006 is what happend to Tony Pena after his miracle season. He needs to check his gut and go with making sound baseball decisions. f****** retarded.
  2. Now you havent been getting that call all f****** night long. So keep going out there, maybe the ump will change his mind.
  3. QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Aug 7, 2006 -> 07:57 PM) I'm still wondering why Mark is still pitching in this game. The same reason Count pitched into the 7th yesterday, and why Garcia pitched into the 7th in KC.
  4. Is he going to f****** ask Buerhle how he feels. Is this a joke.
  5. The fuse has been lit on this bomb. The only one that doesnt smell smoke is Ozzie.
  6. QUOTE(SoxHawk1980 @ Aug 7, 2006 -> 07:50 PM) Another hard hit, Rivera almost got it out. Please, please, take him out Ozzie. This is long enough. Ozzie doesnt know when to pull a starting pitcher. All he knows is x starting pitcher must go 7 innings for 2005 formula to work. However X pitcher usually gives up > 5 runs in that period.
  7. What Joe Crede was thinking at that AB. You know he has been pretty much been going away away away on me. Lightbulb. Maybe I should go to right. Line drive single to right.
  8. QUOTE(Heads22 @ Aug 7, 2006 -> 07:42 PM) Oh dear God. Away and another one of our right handed hitters s***s the bed. Clue to our right handed hitters, this is not lob league, right field is not out, I repeat right field is not out.
  9. QUOTE(The Ginger Kid @ Aug 7, 2006 -> 07:33 PM) jim's due for a tater...just sayin His last dong was on the 25th of July.
  10. QUOTE(Brian @ Aug 7, 2006 -> 07:27 PM) Sucks that Mark can't a call on the outside corner to save his life. Well they need to adjust. When the pitch isnt there, you either can keep going there getting into hitting counts then going back over the middle of the plate, or you can adjust.
  11. QUOTE(fathom @ Aug 7, 2006 -> 07:22 PM) How about this....the Angels are playing good baseball right now, and the White Sox aren't. We better start playing better baseball, or this week is going to really suck. Another strikeout on an away pitch. Dont we have a video guy who reports trends in the game. Dont we have our hitters coming back, so what did you strikeout against, low and away slider. What about you. low and away fastball. What about you away fastball. I mean come on.
  12. At what point in the game should our hitters and our coaching staff recognize that Escobar is pretty much going away away away on our hitters, especially our right handers. He is living and dying on the outside corner and we are gong up there looking like we are shocked to see a slider away. When Buerhle or any of our hitters do it, we get killed because the other team adjusts and attacks to what they are giving them.
  13. QUOTE(MichiganBorn @ Aug 7, 2006 -> 11:02 AM) I don't think so but Boras could be part of this group
  14. QUOTE(The Ginger Kid @ Aug 7, 2006 -> 05:01 PM) update on right now: crede's in the line up tonight. I guess they flipped for the limber chinese girl to walk on his back for 10 minutes then.
  15. Crede has been giving us production in the low half of the order, he gives us a power stroke who hits clutch shots late in the game. Hopefully he can get better without going on the DL. He will be missed if he goes down. If he is down, you bring up Fields. Lets see what the kid can do.
  16. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Aug 7, 2006 -> 04:34 PM) Except that if you institute the draft as you hint at here, you will NOT have the same capabilities. Drafted soldiers and volunteer soldiers are not interchangeable - they aren't pods. There is a difference. Besides, you need a lot more than bodies, training and knowledge as well - you also need a ton of hardware that we don't have yet. We aren't ready. Well if we arent going to fight this war conventionally, we will be fighting it later with nukes. Because nutty that runs Iran, wants to see mohammed. And he figures if he makes Tel Aviv glow in the dark, that his buddy is on his way back. You are fighting this now or later. Later releases a lot more radioactive dust into the atmosphere than now. And how long before Al Queda or some other nutty islamofacist organization gets their hands on one of the iranian nukes. Nice shipping container with a 300 kiloton weapon in it would make for a big bang on the east or west coast. The time to stop these morons is now. Not after they have the weapon. We tried this approach of using the UN, giving in to some of their demands and look where it got us with North Korea. Clinton gave them an appeasement, and he was getting the bird from them and didnt know it. Look at North Korea, at what point do you think that they decided to invade South Korea and hold the west hostage saying well if you respond we will nuke Los Angeles. I hope all of the liberals have the stomach for what is about to happen. Because if a nuke goes off in the US, that country needs to be destroyed, no ands ifs or butts on the matter. If we pussy foot around this, every country will have a nuke and will hold us hostage.
  17. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Aug 7, 2006 -> 10:59 AM) But here's the problem...if North Korea were to actually ship Iran a bomb or two, what exactly is there that we can do about it? We can't bomb the Hell out of Korea, because South Korea and Tokyo will cease to exist. We can't bomb Iran to tell them not to buy things from Korea, because all that us striking them will do is strengthen their government and give them even more reason to deal rapidly with the Koreans. And 2/3 of the U.S. army is currently not in any way, shape, or form ready for deployment, with a decent chunk of the rest tied up in Iraq. If Israel even so as sniffs Iran getting a bomb or thinks its near, Tehran will glow in the dark for the next 1000 years.
  18. QUOTE(MichiganBorn @ Aug 7, 2006 -> 10:09 AM) To move away from the quipping and arguments I was reading about the Miller contract that the Tigers just signed with their 1st round pick. http://www.baseballamerica.com/today/draft/news/262119.html I'm not the best person to judge this because I have only seen Miller throw three pitches (in the CWS this year) but does he have the stuff to join the Tigers in Sept? Its not a good move in the long run. The quicker he gets to the majors, the quicker his arbitration clock starts to tick. Isnt he a boras client.
  19. QUOTE(Steve9347 @ Aug 7, 2006 -> 09:41 AM) The Twins just straight up know how to scout pitching... And considering we took Broadway instead of Garza what does that say about our scouting. I remember Flash's comment during that draft, well whomever the twins pick will be here to dominate us in a few years. Garza is ready to come out with a 97mph fastball.
  20. QUOTE(fathom @ Aug 6, 2006 -> 03:58 PM) Norton keep us in the WC lead for another day! Oddly enough the KC Royals can be swept at home. Even in a 4 game series.
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