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Everything posted by southsideirish71

  1. Anyone that thinks that Pods defense is passable needs to reassess what they think passable is. We all knew he had a noodle arm and used his speed to get over his bad jumps. But this year he is dropping fly balls. This year he plays on the warning track and his speed is not the same, so he winds up coming up a dollar late on every duck snort that should be catchable. Just look at the Royals series where the ball skirted to the fence because Pods misjudged a ball. His defense is terrible. No question.
  2. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Aug 6, 2006 -> 09:22 AM) I ABSOLUTELY think that the WBC had an effect on Freddy... ESPECIALLY Freddy, because he pitched into almost November. His velocity was there in WBC, and was there in April, and now it's not. He's tired. And rightfully so. I agree that it most likely had an effect. But Hawk and DJ were spinning the whole, Freddy is now a finese pitcher all the way back in spring training. His velocity was not there from the beginning. And he was rebranded by Hawk and DJ as a new type of pitcher. So they knew something right away, and the way they spun it was that it was a career choice.
  3. QUOTE(dasox24 @ Aug 5, 2006 -> 07:29 PM) I heard during the MLS-Chelsea game that there are rumors that Chelsea is looking to sell Hernan Crespo Btw, how 'bout the MLS All-Stars' perfermance today? I know this is preseason for Chelsea, but I still think it's pretty impressive. The MLS really played quite well. Plus, you've got to consider the MLS didn't have the likes of Landon Donovan, Eddie Pope, and a couple other all-stars. They had to have soaked the field before the game. The ball was moving like it was a water logged pitch. The ball would move out and then would stop. The best move of the game was Albrights bump in of Bridge and then to take a shot in the box. Just missed. That was a class move, and a class shot.
  4. QUOTE(Heads22 @ Aug 5, 2006 -> 04:31 PM) spiff, not the back. Well you know what this means. He wont play tomorrow, because of Ozzies you come out of a game for injury you dont play the next day crap.
  5. Happy Festivus everyone. We get the blown pick off play, a hit and run, and then a score on an error.
  6. QUOTE(whitesoxmanager @ Aug 5, 2006 -> 03:31 PM) 1-0. thomes walk puts runners at 1 & 3. PK base hit scores pods 1-0; thome to 2nd & PK on first. dye lines into dp thome out at second. how did you come up with 2-0? you should be sent to instructional league for scorekeeping. LOL! Nice witty remark. Mensa is calling you.
  7. QUOTE(CWSGuy406 @ Aug 5, 2006 -> 03:28 PM) Gosh damn. At-bats like THOSE are why I still hold out a little bit of hope for Javy to turn it around. His pure stuff is nasty, and right there, that was a great job of attacking Cat. Couple of fastballs away, good movement to the corner, and that nasty slider down and in to finish him off. :sigh So much f'n potential... His stuff is as nasty as it gets. If he can keep his brain focusing on the game and not let things ouf of his control bother him he would be fine. His slider looks better today, and he is keeping on top of things driving down. The Jury is out until we get to > pitch 75.
  8. QUOTE(Chopper2Hopper @ Aug 5, 2006 -> 03:25 PM) Anybody notice a difference in Javy's delilvery? Seems he might be following through differntly, though I could be just looking too hard. Talk to me after the 5th inning about Javy. I have seen the Javy ace of the staff before 75 pitches before.
  9. We had a pitcher on the ropes in the first inning and could of put a 3 to 4 spot up, but thanks to some retarded thoughts we only get one.
  10. How does a championship level team or a team not named the Royals or Devil Rays make so many fishing dumb base running mistakes. Who the gosh darn sent Thome and why didnt Joey sent him back when it was going to be caught. Nice coaching and nice running. QUOTE(whitesoxmanager @ Aug 5, 2006 -> 03:22 PM) that base hit by PK put the pods mistake as a no effect on this inning...just he learned a very important lesson for free! i am assuming that glaus wouldnt have made an error on the throw to first. It would be 2 to nothing. He can learn about baserunning in the intructional league.
  11. QUOTE(whitesoxmanager @ Aug 5, 2006 -> 03:18 PM) ok first of all why is he stealing 3rd with none out and the heart of our order coming up especially when it is a young pitch who isnt throwing strikes? very questionable decision...then the play at home was just rediculously illadvised! poor mental decisions are costly and should have no tolerance...period! His baserunning mistake is something you see in some Freshman high school games, you may see it from time to time in a sophmore game, but I dont remember seeing it much in a varsity game. Yet we have had a lot of runners do it this year in the majors.
  12. QUOTE(Greg Hibbard @ Aug 5, 2006 -> 03:15 PM) Hopefully Ozzie benches pods right now, and never plays him in another game again the guy has lost his ability as a major league baseball player, and I don't want him fishing over my team any more than he already does Pods should be running foul poles after the game, just like in high school or college for a mental mess up. He tards us out of a man at 3rd with one out.
  13. The only thing I can add to this is the following. Mike pretty much summed it up. I always used a cover letter with my resume, and brought both to the interview. The cover letter personalizes you more than your resume does. Usually HR has their version of your resume. Sometimes they run it through a resumex system that crops it, and only prints what pertinent to the applicable job. But its always a good thing to bring copies of it. I was always told to ask some sort of question about where they see growth in the position. It shows ambition that you take this as a career as opposed to a 1 year job gig. There are times you wont hear anything back. The silent rejection I call it. Some of the HR departments handle the call backs instead of the hiring manager and they dont bother with notifying people with the bad news. Dont take it personal, its just a dumb way some companies deal with the hiring process. Hiring processes can be quick or it can be drawn out with follow up interviews. Just be patient, and if its the right job and the right fit it all works out. Good Luck Alex and I hope you get it.
  14. QUOTE(My Dixie Normus @ Aug 5, 2006 -> 11:41 AM) Agreed. He looked great last night. Buuuut, after he got the last out and he and AJ had done their thing, he turned and walked toward the center field camera. The look he had on his face was like he was having a heart attack. He was pale as shiot. I thought he was going to drop right there. He said something to AJ too. He had his glove over his face like "I don't think that last one was a strike" or something. (Which it wasn't.) He was more upset probably at giving up the dong than anything. Closers are emotional creatures that live on adrenaline. When they get 3 outs its expected, when they give up a run its the end of the world.
  15. QUOTE(stretchstretch @ Aug 5, 2006 -> 11:43 AM) http://chicagosports.chicagotribune.com/sp...-home-headlines I heard this before. I will believe it when I see it. He said the same thing before the Orioles start and what happened, 5 runs later the Javy damage is done. He still left Garcia in the other night too long. Still worrying more about the starting pitcher getting the W instead of the team. Nice idea and all, lets see if he actually follows through with his words.
  16. He looked nasty last night. He was getting his curve and slider over and was throwing 98 and he struck out 3. The ball Glaus hit, you tip your hat to that. The pitch was 98, up and away. Now the other night against Berroa. He was just throwing his fastball. For Jenks to be effective he needs to get that breaking pitch over. But I do see a pattern with him. Pretty much they call fastball for the first 2 strikes, then go to the breaking pitches for the out pitch. Maybe an early curve might open things up more for him. Closers go through funks at some point in the season. I think Bobby is just coming out of his. His stuff last night was as good as it has been.
  17. I am waiting for the minister of red sawx propaganda to tell us how this move was proof that Theo is a genius and then this is one of those moves that puts them over the top for the WS.
  18. Garland just needs to pitch ahead, pitch inside, and let his sinker run. He does that he can give us a chance.
  19. Maybe the UN can ask Hezbollah from executing civilians 18 civilians killed. Oddly if this was an Israelie bomb that tore through a house, every news outlet would have it. But when Hezbollah kills 18 people, its just internal cleanup.
  20. QUOTE(Gregory Pratt @ Aug 3, 2006 -> 02:14 PM) That is the worst-case scenario, indeed. But no, you're a bit wrong about the Pakistani scientist and North Korea. Pakistan admits scientist gave North Korea nuclear tools
  21. QUOTE(Gregory Pratt @ Aug 3, 2006 -> 01:57 PM) By most estimates, Iran is a few years off of getting nukes. I very much doubt that Mahmoud is President for that long, or that the situation remains as it is until that time comes. We'll see what happens, Badger. The North Koreans were a few years away from getting Nukes, then this pakistani scientist who needed some extra cash came by. Now we have these same North Koreans who have nukes, and what do they need. Maybe some Oil. Oil sure is getting expensive especially for a communist isolated state. But what could they barter for oil, maybe some technology transfer with a like minded country. The Iranians and the North Koreans are already working on missles together, why not a helping hand with some of the difficult technology issues of building a nuclear weapon. And you realize that Iran isnt going to fly a plane over to Israel to drop a single bomb like at Hiroshima. They arent going to also fire a missle. The same way that the rockets that Hezbollah is getting came over, a crate will come over, and maybe a van will park somewhere in downtown Tel Aviv and just boom. Mushroom cloud, and no trace and plausible deniability.
  22. QUOTE(fathom @ Aug 3, 2006 -> 01:53 PM) Neither pitcher feels comfortable pitching up and in on a lefty. Thornton's slider is coming around, but it's still not reliable. Cotts, on the other hand, seems to have completely lost his offspeed pitch, and that's why he's getting smacked around. Thornton has been real good this year. He pretty much gets 2 quick strikes on just about everyone, then for the most part blows the guy away with heat. With his kind of fastball when he goes up with it, its hard for anyone to get ahold of it. I wish he and Jenks would let their fastball fly more up. The big thing between the two of them, just pitch ahead and throw hard. If they keep out of hitting counts I take my chances with their stuff. Their only achiles heel is when they start walking guys and then have to aim their fastball. Thats when they get hurt. It doesnt happen that often for them. Cotts I dont know whats up with him. His fastball still looks good. His location is not good though. Unlike Thornton his fastball isnt as explosive. So when he throws it up and over the plate he gets hurt early in the count. On lefties he has a similiar pattern to Marte last year, not throwing in, and getting behind hitters. With his 3 quarters motion he should be owning lefties. I would like to see Cotts learn a cutter over the offseason. Its the one pitch that I think can help him dominate as a reliever. If he has one, then he needs to throw it more. Running that cutter in on righties hands would be nice.
  23. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Aug 3, 2006 -> 01:44 PM) So dont pitch inside or outside, and we will win? Just dont pitch to a specific pattern. Pretty much on 2 strikes with a lefty on lefty we seem always go low and away. We need to mix up the pattern a bit. After 2 strikes, the hitter is looking for a zone just to put the bat on the ball. When they know what the zone is already, its just looking for roation at that point.
  24. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Aug 3, 2006 -> 12:44 PM) The pitch Teahan deposited in RF was up an inside to my eyes. That was the homer, the one in the 7th inning was low and away. He hit that one to left center.
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