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Everything posted by southsideirish71

  1. 29 minutes left before we realize the horror that the team will still be the same, and our pitching is still the same.
  2. Broadway better be really fishing good, or either better get us something good in return. John Manuel : Dan, we just did a scout's view on Matt Garza last week at baseballamerica.com and I unfortunately just missed him yesterday here in Durham, as I was coming back from Cape Cod. our BA staffers who were there report that he basically cruised through five innings working almost exclusively off his fastball, which we've heard has hit 97 mph even as late as the eighth or ninth inning this year since he's gotten to Triple-A. He's one of the top 5-7 pitching prospects in the game right now, and I wouldn't trade him if at all possible if I were GM of the Twins, even for Soriano.
  3. QUOTE(knightni @ Jul 31, 2006 -> 01:28 PM) Is there really a trade out there that can "fix" the White Sox's problems? No, but if a team like the twins get Soriano. That makes our life a lot more difficult.
  4. From the ESPN trade chat.... MLB TRADE UPDATE FROM JAYSON STARK The A's have been told they don't have the bullets to land Soriano. Marlins-Tigers-Washington 3-way looks like it's on life support. Another team was told by Bowden he has two deals he can do right now on Soriano _ one with an NL team (Astros?), one with an AL team (Twins?). And on Tejada, I was told there's only a 5 percent chance of that deal going down now.
  5. This should be good, Lidge is going to be on the Dan Patrick show today. So Brad, your owner wants you out, how dod you feel about it.
  6. Buster Onley was on the Dan Patrick show. He thinks that the Mike McDougal trade will do it for KW. That KW believes that his team is good enough. He thinks that the Twins might get Soriano, but they might back off because they can win without him.
  7. QUOTE(redandwhite @ Jul 31, 2006 -> 12:29 PM) I think thats a miserable trade for the Red Sox, one of the reasons why no local Boston media outlet is picking up on it. You don't trade three major league ready, top flight talents for Andruw Jones. I have full confidence that if Jones is acquired, only one at the most of these three will be included. Well give a call to Theo. Because he is the one who offered Crisp and Hansen. The Braves countered with adding Lester to the deal. Methinks you forget that Andru Jones is pretty good.
  8. Bombs away Levine now is reporting we are interested in Latroy Hawkins.
  9. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Jul 31, 2006 -> 11:44 AM) Lidge would bring a nice slider in the mix. If I was Hou, I would look at Vaz as a possibility, just because he will lose around a point in his ERA at least moving to that division. Think of how our pen would work out. We would have 4 guys that can throw 97 or higher at the back end of our pen. Lidge for the 6th McDougal for the 7th Thornton for the 8th Jenks for the 9th. Get to the 6th with a lead and its over. I think Lidge could handle the 6th inning.
  10. Javy Vazquez after 75 pitches or seeing the lineup the third time through is Danny Wright. Now that you know this you are ahead of Ozzie and company.
  11. QUOTE(Jake @ Jul 30, 2006 -> 04:47 PM) I can't take anymore. What in the fish is PFB? Chris Rongey the post game host for the whitesox broadcast on AM670. He is soft and fuzzy like a mall easter bunny. So he is dubbed the Pink Fuzzy Bunny. He pretty much thinks that no matter what the sox do, its a great idea. If Ozzie pulled Contreras and used Pablo Ozuna to pitch from the 2nd inning on, he would salute it as a brave move and he is saving Contreras for next week.
  12. PFB laying the foundation for Ozzie leaving Vazquez in for his next start. You are tempted to let him pitch the next inning, you want him to pitch the next inning. The score gets a big thumbs down first for not rehiring Rooney over singleton, and then hiring this sugar coated dolt to run the post game show. Anyone that calls into the postgame show and says great show needs to return their sox hat. Nevermind the guy doesnt even realize what our starting rotation is. He probably was a cubs fan last year.
  13. They have to be cherry picking the calls here. Some dude calls up to give Singleton props and he is a delight to listen too. PFB Its a performance loss not an ozzie loss.
  14. Okay PFB, they should sweep the Royals. Anything less is a failure. they are horrible. Stop sugar coating it.
  15. QUOTE(fathom @ Jul 30, 2006 -> 04:23 PM) If you take a step back and think about it, it's absolutely amazing that the thing about Vazquez that EVERYONE complained about after his last start came back and haunted us again today. Even the biggest Ozzie supporters seem livid about his managing today. Well Ozzie is full of spiff. He was quoted in Monday suntimes that he would have the pen ready and would pull him on the first sign of trouble. I call a dong a sign of trouble. But Ozzie had to wait until he was on the verge of a nuclear meltdown.
  16. QUOTE(fathom @ Jul 30, 2006 -> 04:21 PM) I'm surprised we didn't alter our rotation after the ASB to make sure that Vazquez faced the Royals in this upcoming series. Because we would avoid the upcoming epic battle of some bum named Halladay and Cy Wrong Javy.
  17. PFB "I cant blame ozzie for not pulling Vazquez, I mean if he is cruising through 5 and just loses it. Its kind of hard to explain. Lets just get them next time" I dont think that Rongey actually is in the studio, I think he just hits play on the same crap he used from Javys last start, because it looks to be the same to me.
  18. QUOTE(Greg The Bull Luzinski @ Jul 30, 2006 -> 04:15 PM) Chris Rangey sure loves making excuses for Vazquez on the post game show. The guy should grow a spine and disagree with Ozzie once in a while. The Pink Fuzzy Bunny makes hawk seem like fathom.
  19. The PFB is having a hard time with the logic here after this loss on the postgame show.
  20. I blame Vazquez and Ozzie. We are paying the first one like an ace to be Felix Diaz. This game was a head scratcher when I saw the lineup.
  21. Javy Vazquez is a more expensive version of the 5th starter by committe.
  22. On the TV right now Pitch 1-30 5.55 ERA Pitch 31-45 1.83 Pitch 46-60 1.65 ERA pitch 61.-75 3.50 ERA 76 on 10.12 ERA Can someone make about 1000 copies of this and Tee Pee Ozzies house. Because he and Coop are the only ones completely unaware of how obvious this is.
  23. QUOTE(Sonik22 @ Jul 30, 2006 -> 03:44 PM) shoulda left thornton in imo. No it was the right call, you put your closer in. He didnt execute.
  24. QUOTE(DonkeyKongerko @ Jul 30, 2006 -> 03:42 PM) jenks = gassed. He wasnt gassed. His velocity was fine. He threw a few curves over for the first batter, and then tried to overthrow his fastball. He plunked Tejada. Then they realized that all they had to do was look for one pitch. Bad game all around, except for Dye.
  25. And Jenks lost it. Not excuse for Bobby. spiffty spiffty pitching performance by him. Hits a guy that winds up being the tying.
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