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Everything posted by southsideirish71

  1. QUOTE(ChWRoCk2 @ Jul 24, 2006 -> 02:26 PM) So if this is a prelude to a bigger the trade, perhaps we might deal him off to other teams looking at him such as the Mets, Yanks, Angels. All of those teams have some solid spects. Then I would take a wild guess one of our pitchers is thrown in with him and we would get some bullpen help and a starter or two. But im just throwin out ideas right now. Guys if we are going for Soriano and giving up Bmac and our top prospects, then guess what we are not spinning him off. Why would we give up our best prospects unless their best prospects are soo much better. We are not spinning him for Arod either. This is for the dagger. Our best in baseball Offense becomes absolutely sick then.
  2. QUOTE(spawn @ Jul 24, 2006 -> 02:19 PM) Jeez Kenny. You've made some great moves the last couple of years. But if true, this one I just don't get. Soriano is not a leadoff hitter. And Pods is not a centerfielder. Please let this all be a rumor... I agree with Pods not being a CF, but look at Sorianos OBP, his steals, his BA and then compare them to Pods and tell me how he is not a leadoff hitter. He is a leadoff hitter who can crush the ball. I dont see how Iguchi would ever see a curveball for the rest of the year. Sandwiched between Soriano and Thome. The only one I dont want to give up on these deals is Bmac. Broadway, Fields they are prospects. Bmac has some major league experience and will allow us to get rid of one of our expensive pitchers in the offseason.
  3. QUOTE(YASNY @ Jul 24, 2006 -> 12:42 PM) That's where a coach is kneeling or squating by the batter and flips the ball up to him and the batter basically hits it into a fence a few feet away. Flips are a great drill. Its something that a lot of coaches should still be having their kids go through. A flip drill can help a hitter pulling off of a ball, or not following it practice keeping their head down. Also if the coach moves back a bit to almost behind them, the flip then works on late movement and keeping back on the ball to drive it to center and right. Batting cages are used by a lot of coaches in lieu of flips, but flips still help with fundamentals the most. Its all about watching the bat hit the ball in the flip drill.
  4. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Jul 24, 2006 -> 12:09 PM) We get Soriano for this season, and then he walks. Fields and Broadway is a pretty steep price for a rental. Unless we had a window to see if we could agree to a contract extension. Soriano >>> Fields and Broadway if we can resign Soriano.
  5. QUOTE(Dick Allen @ Jul 24, 2006 -> 09:36 AM) LA Times reports Alomar can no longer catch at the level required for a back-up at the major league level. He was the Dodgers 3rd string catcher. As bad as Widger was, this is not going to be much better, if its even better at all. In other news the Seattle Post Gazette reports that Thornton will never throw strikes and will fail forever. In other news the San Francisco Chronicle reports that AJ is a cancer and he will destroy any team he goes to. In the New York Post, Jose Contreras will never be able to pitch because he is bad. I trust our scouts and our coaches more than the LA times. He is replacing Chris Widger, so if he gets 2 hits a month he has doubled Widgers production. If you go by what Greg Couch aka Mini-Kotex boy, you would think this team is done and should rebuild.
  6. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Jul 24, 2006 -> 10:33 AM) John Kerry: More sour grapes from the person who lost. I am sure that with Kerry in power, he would of convinced Israel to sit there and let Hezbollah just pound them with rockets daily.
  7. QUOTE(Sam @ Jul 24, 2006 -> 12:47 AM) I think it's safe to say that 5-6 years is not considered a 'rental.' A perfect example of a rental was back in '04 when the Astros traded for Beltran, and only had him for around 3 months before he declared for free agency. Next time you read that post, remember the following definition. sar·casm (sär'kăz'əm) pronunciation n. 1. A cutting, often ironic remark intended to wound. 2. A form of wit that is marked by the use of sarcastic language and is intended to make its victim the butt of contempt or ridicule. 3. The use of sarcasm. See synonyms at wit1.
  8. I guess I can thank George that I will be able to keep running 5 to 8 miles a day for the rest of my life to keep my sugars in control. That and the 160 bucks a month in drugs after insurance, and the long term health benefits that every diabetic gets to look forward to. Well it could be that, or some stem cell research could find a cure for me. But fock that, the garbage can is the better place for the embryos. That makes sense. Dumbest focking veto evah.
  9. Hail Hail the Celts are here. The Bhoys are back for another SPL championship, and hopefully a good run into Europe. Hopefully Nakamura can give us some creativity in the midfield. Talk about a classic home kit, the hoops is where its at.
  10. QUOTE(nitetrain8601 @ Jul 23, 2006 -> 09:47 PM) Why don't the Sox hit someone in the ribs? Seriously, stop aiming for the legs, and just flat out hit the guy. I hate this crap about throwing behind a player. No, they hit you intentionally and more than once, so you have to get someone right in the rubs and not let it go. -- Because that is how you are taught to hit someone. You can hit a person without causing a lot of damage. One method is to throw behind a hitter, and let him back into it. That is what garland did. Thats what I did in college also. I was told to aim at the guys ass, and he would back into it. The ball would rise a bit, and you would get something mid rib level. The only problem with this today, is everyone in the world knew Kinsler was going to get decked. He just froze and didnt move. If Ozzie didnt broadcast it as much, Kinsler probably would of did the natural thing and would back away. Maybe he threw it too far behind him. But the plan was the right one, he jut didnt get it done. Its not as easy as you think to plunk someone intentionally. Which is funny considering the shear amount of time I did it accidentially.
  11. QUOTE(Dick Allen @ Jul 23, 2006 -> 05:04 PM) I actually think I was being generous with the .220-.240 prediction. At least Widger may run into one once in a while and hit it over the wall. I'm not going to get too upset with this, it is just the back-up catcher, but keep in mind, there's an excellent chance Sandy is going to go on the DL sometime as well. I think the Sox would have been far better served just calling up Stewart. He's a better player than SA Jr. at this point. I will give you Stewarts defense, but considering that he has never been up into the majors. Are you really so upset that you are wishing to put a AAA Rook into a tooth and nail division/wild card race. They got someone who wont fold under pressure. He is battled tested, Stewart hasnt even proven yet he can hit major league pitching. And you want to put him up against Liriano, Rodgers, CC and Santana. I will take this year with Alomar, and then take my chances next year with Stewart so he can grow into the position.
  12. QUOTE(fathom @ Jul 23, 2006 -> 04:59 PM) Yeah, we just went from a terrible back-up to a very bad back-up. One of the most underrated players on the Tigers this year has been Vance Wilson. He's had a ton of big hits for them, and he calls a very good game. M. Redmond has also been a tremendous back-up for the Twins this year. We went into this year with a 36 year old backup catcher one year removed from the softball league. If backup catcher was such a worry KW would of made a move. A certain Molina brother was sitting out there for all to be seen and couldnt find a team until the Jays picked him up late in the FA signing period. That is the time when you get a quality backup guy. Not now. Not in the middle of the season. We got something, be happy. There were a lot of people pining for Stewart who isnt even a major leaguer to be called up.
  13. QUOTE(Dick Allen @ Jul 23, 2006 -> 04:59 PM) His game calling is very overrated. He is no better defensively than Widger, and offensively he will not continue hitting .323. He will hit .220-.240 with the Sox with little to no power, and the guy doesn't walk at all. He's brutal at this point in his career. Seriously, what was really available from a catchers perspective that wouldnt cost a lot. Do you really want to blow any quality prospects that can get us something on a fishing backup catcher. If he hits .220 with no power, he is still an upgrade over Widger.
  14. QUOTE(fathom @ Jul 23, 2006 -> 04:55 PM) More than half of his ABs the rest of the way will be against the likes of Santana, Liriano, Sabathia, and Rogers. He faced the Twins and Santana this year. He was 1 for 3 with a double.
  15. QUOTE(Dick Allen @ Jul 23, 2006 -> 04:52 PM) I don't even think its an upgrade. Alomar is done. What's with KW's fetish of acquiring guys named Alomar during the season? Sandy has hit alright this season with no power, but he always tails off, and you might as well have Carlton Fisk's statue behind the plate. He is hitting .323 this year including a .500 spot against lefties. I could care less if he is 70, if he can put the ball in play fairly once and a while and call a decent game, he is an upgrade over widger.
  16. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Jul 23, 2006 -> 04:50 PM) That makes absolutely NO sense. Well once this Alomar finally retires and Carl Everett retires, we wont have anyone to trade for.
  17. Widger was a class guy. I like many was frustrated with his performance this year. He is an older player who gave us one hell of a year of lightning in a bottle. Thanks for 2005. For them to DFA Widger they have to have a trade just about wrapped up. There is no way that they would do this without a safety net. Hell Ozzie barely likes to use one of the catchers to pinch hit due to possibly having problems with no backup catcher. So who hits lefties good and calls a good game. Thats pretty much what we are looking for.
  18. Manager Ron Gardenhire said that due to Thursday's day off Scott Baker will have his turn in the rotation skipped. By skipping Baker the Twins will have Francisco Liriano, Johan Santana and Brad Radke lined up to face Detroit next weekend. Baker struggled in his start against the Indians on Saturday. Jul. 23 - 10:55 am et
  19. Well its about time we start winning. The twins are doing their best part to help us knock off some of the Tigers lead. They have realigned their rotation for next weekend, skipping baker. Manager Ron Gardenhire said that due to Thursday's day off Scott Baker will have his turn in the rotation skipped. By skipping Baker the Twins will have Francisco Liriano, Johan Santana and Brad Radke lined up to face Detroit next weekend. Baker struggled in his start against the Indians on Saturday. Jul. 23 - 10:55 am et Lets win today, take 2 out of 3 from the Twinks, and then start a roll.
  20. QUOTE(kyyle23 @ Jul 23, 2006 -> 07:33 AM) Get the silk screen press rolling, SSI71, this Irish laddie needs one of those shirts. Did you really make a shirt like that? I didnt make it. Go up to whitesox.com and go to the shop. Go under mens tee shirts.
  21. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Jul 23, 2006 -> 12:40 AM) There ain't a chance in hell Ozzie would allow for his outfield defense to become that dangerously pathetic, it's a Whitesox.com article, I'd hardly believe much that's written in anything being put out by MLB.com. I really don't see any scenerio in which Brian Anderson is traded this year or in the anytime in the immediate future for that matter. I really think the organization is down on Scott Podsednik right now, he's become a liability on the field and isn't producing the way they expect the table setter to, Soriano would be a HUGE upgrade over Podsednik and I really think that's the way KW sees it. Alfonso Soriano makes $10M this year, prorate that for the last 2 months of the season and he'd make approximately $3.33M if traded. For the Nats Pods being in the deal makes sense. He is under control for a while. You package that with Broadway and another pitcher and that wouldnt be a bad deal for the Nats.
  22. I am wearing my new shirt tomorrow. Luck of the Irish and all. Its got to help.
  23. QUOTE(fathom @ Jul 22, 2006 -> 09:21 PM) Don't worry...we face a pitcher tomorrow who destroyed us by throwing only to the outside corner last time we faced him. This is same old story for years against the whitesox. Get any pitcher, no matter how bad, as long as they can locate a fastball on the outer half, and throw a slider or curve into the dirt they will run through our lineup like a pack of wolves. How does our team who has video review, scouts, and coaches not see a simple pattern. If you are getting dominated by someone throwing crap away, go with the pitch. Its not rocket science. I know its slow, I know the pitch looks like a beachball, but not all our our hitters can pull and launch a slider away. But fish they will try.
  24. We lost today because we couldnt hit a crappy pitcher who walked the world and was begging for a beating. I love it when our O goes into forget hitting line drives, lets go for the fishing fence everytime. Enough with the popups. If a pitch is on the outside corner, dont fishing pull it. For the love of god, actually go with the pitch.
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