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Everything posted by southsideirish71

  1. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Jul 21, 2006 -> 11:11 PM) Has anyone been listening to the Fuzzy Pink Bunny do the Sox Post Game show tonight? I would LOVE to hear how he's attempted to spin this one. FPB's optimistic spin on this was we played good defense. Of course he must of been at the bathroom when Anderson broke back on the ball and let it hit in front of him. Or when Crede decided to drop the liner hit right at him. I was at this abortion of a game. I had excellent seats, however the product on the field was worth a look from the 10000 foot level Pauly is in his pull only mode. When he gets into this, you see the following. Lots of ground outs to the SS and 3rd baseman. Or the occasional popup to the right side, more or so to the 1st baseman in foul ground. This is caused by attempting to pull a ball away. When Paul gets into this funk you also get him slamming his bat into the ground. One of his bats actually went up the 3rd baseline quite a bit on his slam. This entire team is in a pull mode right now. Right handers are slapping the ball to the left side on the ground, and the lefties are doing the same thing to the right side. We are an easily pitched to team these days. Throw it low and away and you have us. When they start hitting line drives, and trying to hit the ball where its pitched is the minute we start hitting more and more line drives. We currently look like a softball team out there. On the postgame show, Ozzie said he talked to his team about getting down on themselves. That the minute the opposition scores some runs, they feel that here we go again. That is a more damning statement as far the mood of the team. Our pitching is crap. Buerhle has to give up the most back to back jacks I have seen Because he wants to make sure he gets that get me over fastball after giving up a dong to get ahead, they get a cookie pretty much everytime. This is pretty much the first time I heard loud boos with Buerhle at the game. Joey Cora is a moron. Who the fish sends a catcher who hasnt even rounded third on a nearly caught liner to center. He was so out it was embarrassing. Does this guy have a clue on how to be a third base coach. This is about the billionth time he has killed a rally sending one of our slowest guys. Ozuna, Pods sure take the chance. But no he waves his arms when Kong, AJ or Crede are dashing around the bases.
  2. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Jul 21, 2006 -> 05:12 PM) Spectacular I GOT MAD MS PAINT SKILLZ. Well heres to a whitesox winner. My brother just called with tickets for the game. Hopefully I am on later for a nice EAT spiff Rangers thread from Nuke.
  3. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Jul 21, 2006 -> 05:00 PM) It was pretty damn funny hearing Bernstein and a-bat-a-cola ripping on Rongey for being Mr. Sunshine, atleast it's not just the listeners that are sick of his endless optimism and sugar coated pre/post game shows. Ok, from now on Rongey is the fuzzy pink bunny, it suits him.
  4. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Jul 21, 2006 -> 04:46 PM) According to Chris Rongey (he needs a damn nickname, Ranger sucks) 11 White Sox players were out there today taking bunting practice. bout.fishing.time Rongey is should be dubbed the fuzzy pink bunny. Because he is so sweet on the sox and nothing is ever wrong. They could get rocked 99 to nothing, and every starter could be hurt and he would find a sweet point about something that has nothing to do with the game or the outcome.
  5. Dan Bernstein is reporting that several players are out today with extended bunting practice. My suggestion, have them do this more. Not just after they fish up. Edit: Note to mods and admins Can we at least change the swear replacement filter to use the word fock instead of fish. I know its so sox-r-us and all. But at least fock sounds better in a sentence than Fish.
  6. Only a moron would pick having electricity run through them over a shot.
  7. QUOTE(MichiganBorn @ Jul 21, 2006 -> 11:47 AM) I agree whole heartedly. Just like I truely wish that I could see a defensive back pick off a pass or fumble from Terrel Owens or Chad Johnson and do a dance or celebration in the endzone. It think its part of the game. I think its the thin line and of course people will support the players on their favorite teams. Thats just why I asked. I didn't see a big deal but I figured I was being a homer. I think if you look back on history was Fisk's jumping up and down over the top? Maybe but it was in celebration of an amazing moment. Was Gibson's arm pumping too much? Who knows, but its memorable and a timeless image of that moment. (I'm not placing Zumaya in that class just speaking to celebration) Bobby Jenks is obviously one of my favorite players. And he has a signature fist pump on a big strikeout. Emotion carries these types of pitchers.
  8. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Jul 21, 2006 -> 11:12 AM) Thanks to the elections though, Hezbollah is a major part of the government in that country. They also provided some non-trivial amount of the country's public services. At some level, doesn't that fact wind up almost requiring him to take their side, because without their support, his government may very well fall? And once again, this just proves my point; you can't bomb people enough to make them like you. The only way a U.N. force would work is if the U.N. force went in with teeth. Literally tens of thousands of soldiers, with heavy equipment, armor, etc., and a direct mandate to force Hezbollah to disarm. Thus far, there's been no where near a large enough U.N. presence in that country to even make a dent in Hezbollah's arms supply. The U.N. literally would have to go in as if it were going to war, because that's what it would be if it wanted to do an effective job. The only way the middle east problem gets fixed either two ways. The arabs realize that Israel will exist and will be there and gets used to it. Or we pack up all the jews and move them somewhere else. Thats pretty much about it. The goofy terrorists that makeup Hezbollah or Hamas dont want a Palestinian state. They want the jews out, and then Israel to become Palestine. How else do you explain over and over that Hezbollah is lobbing missles over for years. You have a group of people that will always want to drive the jews into the sea. No matter what you say thats pretty much a big feeling over in the middle east.
  9. QUOTE(MichiganBorn @ Jul 21, 2006 -> 10:46 AM) Guys, I'm a Tigers fan so I feel like I'm probably bias here. I was reading an article in Sun-Times about the game yesterday. I'm not rubbing anything in. I'm just wondering if the Sox Fans on here agree with the article that Zumaya got too excited after the strike outs in the 8th. Again I'm a Tigers fan so short of the guy full out taunting I'll probably let it slide. That being said I don't mind celebration. As long as it isn't ridiculous or for routine things. Heres the article Sun-Times Article Thanks. No problem at all. I am sure that the next time Konerko hits a dong off of him, when Konerko flips the bat or stares at the ball going into the dark of the night that Zumaya just remembers that its part of the game.
  10. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Jul 20, 2006 -> 12:08 PM) Given that the Israeli bombings have targeted the Lebanese army just as much as they've targeted Hezbollah, this is simply not going to happen. Not a chance in Hell. You want someone other than the Israelis to work to dismantle Hezbollah, your ONLY option is going to be some sort of international force. There's just no one else. Remember this simple fact; bombing people does not make them like you. Israeli jets bombing the Hell out of Lebanon don't make the Lebanese army go "Yeah, let's go help those guys out". International Forces have worked so well previously in other parts of the world.
  11. QUOTE(LVSoxFan @ Jul 21, 2006 -> 10:37 AM) Totally agree. The only hope I hold out is that Contreras had the "stuff" 1st half last season but couldn't get it done. Now look at him. I like Javy's pitching; he gets some good movement on that ball. You just want him to get over the damn hump already--ya know? Remember the problem with Contreras was that he would rely on his forkball too much and wouldnt throw his fastball. Now we have Vaz who has a mid 90s quality moving fastball and he is afraid to throw it in clutch situations. Very similiar. Hopefully the turnaround is the same.
  12. QUOTE(iamshack @ Jul 21, 2006 -> 10:32 AM) You know, this is funny, because supposedly, the Mets "refuse" to deal EVERYONE they have of any value whatsover. We have now heard the Mets will not deal Wright, Reyes, Milledge, Pelfrey, Sanchez, and now Heilman. Well something's got to give. They've got to trade SOMEONE to get a starter back. Who would they rather have. Rodrigo Freakin Lopez, who is just bad all the way around. Or Freddy Garcia who would be good against the NL.
  13. QUOTE(LVSoxFan @ Jul 21, 2006 -> 10:30 AM) "Vazquez's tin head." LMAO! Its so sad to see players with all the physical talent in the world, and not the mental makeup to take the next step. He has good stuff. He just needs to stop getting goofy, when something doesnt go his way. He shut down the tigers for most of that game, and then a few bloops and he couldnt overcome it.
  14. 5.5 games are not insurmountable. Remember the scary twin duo of Santana and Liriano also get to matchup against the tigers a few times in the second half. We are not the only team that has problems with those two. If our starting pitching pitches like they are capable of, then we are fine.
  15. As stated numerous times in this thread. The problem for the 2006 Whitesox starts and ends with our starting pitching. The bullpen was in flux for the first month or so of the year. But Kenny has stabilized the pen with Thornton and Riske. Another right handed arm would be nice, if we move Bmac into the rotation. That is about it. Our hitters are going to slump. It happens year in and year out. Our pitching needs to man up, and start to pitch like they are capable of. Garland and Count gave us some nice innings this week. Vazquez and Garcia and Buerhle need to get better results from their starts. I have confidence that Buerhle will return to form. However Garcias velocity issues, and Vazquez tin head still worry me. Our team needs to also play better fundamentals. Getting the bunt down, being selfless with RISP, breaking up the double play, and playing good D. These are the hallmarks of last years team. We will find out what this team is made of over the next few weeks.
  16. QUOTE(GoRowand33 @ Jul 20, 2006 -> 04:46 PM) the whole season it's been about how were still better than the Tigers, how were the defending world champs ect... well this past stretch, and especially today should be a big slap in the face to the team that they aren't Mr. Incredible I hate to think it, but I get the feeling from our team (pitchers mostly) that the don't care as much as last year, and they just think they can cruise along right back to the world series Ken Harrelson kept saying how the series was good for the psyche of the Tigers, well now their riding on the top of the world after winning the series, and the Sox are trailing behind now that we've gotten a taste of losing, we should start to realize that we need to step it up to keep competing in the AL so I think this loss will actually help our team get back together and hit a stride for the rest of the year 2001-2004 must of be positively refreshing for you. A few years of getting that taste of losing after the allstar break really gets a team perspective. This team doesnt need any more motivation. When you are 4 1/2 games behind a team and you are playing them in late July, that should be enough of a motivating factor. l
  17. QUOTE(LVSoxFan @ Jul 20, 2006 -> 03:32 PM) Not to be a contrarian here but don't you usually bench some of your A guys when a day game follows a night game? Usually you dont do that when the team you are chasing is the team you are playing. Leyland didnt use his bench. But hey we can rest our team. We will be the most rested team in Spring Training next year. Maybe Freddy can be throwing 88 mph by then.
  18. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Jul 20, 2006 -> 03:27 PM) I don't have the radio on anymore, what retarded spin is Rongey putting on this loss? He is defending the decision to play the B team.
  19. After the game Guillen will tip his hat to Detroit and Kenny Rodgers. Kenny will get rocked for like 5 runs in his next start, but we like always cannot hit a soft tossing lefty. Mark Redman, Kenny, anyone who cant throw hard and has a change from the left side.
  20. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Jul 20, 2006 -> 02:48 PM) Farmer talking about how Crede didn't like Zumaya's celebration after the K. I'm telling you, Zumaya is the AL's Zambrano. We cant talk about relievers overcelebrating. My boy Bobby does his little shimmy and shake when he gets a big strikeout, no matter if its a save situation or not.
  21. QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Jul 20, 2006 -> 02:45 PM) But we still have the 2nd best record in baseball. Why is everyone so down? Maybe because the 3rd place team will be closer to us than the we are to the first place team.
  22. Well if Widger hits in the next inning,then Ozzie is betting on the game.
  23. QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Jul 20, 2006 -> 02:40 PM) Our record with all the starters is insane, is it not? Why doesn't Ozzie have all the regulars for like 3 straight games, and then throw a garbage lineup together? Why does he insist on throwing away meaningful games? He likes to make it challenging. We can win with with our starting lineup. But its much harder when we start 2 or more scrubs.
  24. QUOTE(Felix @ Jul 20, 2006 -> 02:38 PM) Both he and Uribe have left 4 on base, while Ozuna has left 3 on. Ozuna, Iguchi, Thome, and Konerko are also hitless. So 2 of the subs Ozzie decided to start have left 7 men on base. Uribe who cant hit also left 4.
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