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Everything posted by southsideirish71

  1. The polls have closed Monster.com and MLB.com thank you for voting.
  3. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Jul 6, 2006 -> 02:46 PM) Well, they probably have the worst pen in all of baseball right now, Weathers, Yan and Merker aren't exacly world beaters. He's probably their best arm now, maybe outside of Coffey. going from a pitchers park like Safeco, to a homer field like GAB will probably help him out, LOL. The only hting going for him is that the NL Central sucks.
  4. QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Jul 6, 2006 -> 02:34 PM) Rally Monkey Humpers, ha.
  5. For your afternoon voting entertainment. From the ESPN Angels board. A sweet thread titled. f***face Is Leading The Final All-Star Vote? My favorite quote. I never thought for one second he'd actually be leading the damn thing Eat s*** Rally Monkey humpers. I have almost 500 votes today for AJ. Keep voting we can piss off more people than the Pods vote pissed off last year.
  6. QUOTE(Athomeboy_2000 @ Jul 6, 2006 -> 01:59 PM) I heard someone call the score the other day saying he had a friend who "hacked" the all star game voting and voted like 800 times. Anyone knwo how this was done? To be 100% honest, I have no intention of actually doing that, the geek in me is just curious how. I have seen some people with some creative ideas, using javascript to autofill in some of the fields, but nothing so far that gets around the validation code. You can autovote, however without the validation code attached to it, the transaction wont be counted. The validation code is a gliph, a randomly generated flash image. Is it possible for someone to write some logic around it, to scrape the image, then have some other logic make sense of it to autofill in something. Sure, is it likely that its some guy who called into a show to brag who doesnt know s***, probably. I am seen some research in the security community and some sample code about gettting around image driven validation codes. But as is it works in real life, most of the people who jockey with the self-proclaimed tag of "hacker" barely know anything about computer security, coding, or how any of it works. Most likely it was some kid, pumping his chest out, making himself seem really cool on a radio show.
  7. QUOTE(S720 @ Jul 6, 2006 -> 09:48 AM) Man, there are someone on the ESPN Message Board going from team to team to rally everyone to vote for Liriano instead of AJ. Those damned jealous Cubs or Twins fans! I checked it out, Its a retarded cubs fan.
  8. QUOTE(Sox It To Em @ Jul 5, 2006 -> 09:34 PM) Three straight K's! Mercy! He recorded 4 outs, all on strikeouts. He gives up a run, but mans up and records the save.
  9. Jenks with the big fist pump celebration as he Ks Javy Jopez. Onto the 9th.
  10. Garland found his sack, and the ability to pitch in. Hopefully they videotape tonights performance, make Jon watch it the night before his next start so he remembers to pitch in. And throw strike one. Lets see Matt light this team up, and get a few Ks and lets hand it over to Bobby for the save.
  11. QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Jul 5, 2006 -> 08:55 PM) Since when did Dusty become the Orioles manager? Cabrera at 168 pitches. That should tell you what they think of their pen.
  12. The fact that he is running that sinker in on the hands of the righties is what made Jon a great pitcher in the first half of 2005 and also in the playoffs. I dont know why he gets away from that pitch. It makes for nice broken bats.
  13. QUOTE(TitoMB345 @ Jul 5, 2006 -> 08:34 PM) And as I just learned, the code means nothing. If you put in 1 single number, it works. Ugh, I could have had so many more votes doing that. Actually it signs the transaction most likely to their database. Just because it doesnt give you an error, doesnt mean that they just put the validation code for kicks. Keep putting in the right one.
  14. QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Jul 5, 2006 -> 08:14 PM) Everyone must be at the game tonight. Hardly anyone in the game thread. Is that Zach Thornton behind the Sox dugout? That looks just like him.
  15. Notice two things. Jon is throwing a lot of first pitch strikes then going with his slider. He is also pounding the righties in. This is what he should be doing every start. Pound in, and throw strikes.
  16. For those who think that the moral thing to do is to vote for Liriano, you should take a ponder on some of the opposing boards. Minny fans think that Morneau should be on the team instead of Konerko. Boston fans think their entire team should start instead of any whitesox player, and they wish that we would change our names so people dont get confused with whole sox thing. And indian fans are trying to figure out how a travesty that Pronk didnt make it, because he is better than Konerko and Thome combined and they are still waiting for their run. JUST f***ING VOTE FOR AJ, WHO THE HELL CARES IF ANYONE ELSE DESERVES TO MAKE IT. AJ DESERVES TO MAKE IT, AND IF IT PISSES OFF OTHER BASEBALL FOLKS...A NICE PILE OF EAT s*** TO THEM THEN. If you havent voted 1000 times, then you arent doing your job. The fact that bloody sawk isnt making the team, makes me happy inside. Especially after he said he wanted to start. LOL Hopefully his XBOX has the updated rosters, and the allstar feature.
  17. And the funny Keith Law has an ESPN chat going on right now. Josh:( DeKalb,Il): I think that Joe Crede was an All-Star snub. Do you agree? Keith Law: (1:11 PM ET ) No, although Ozzie Guillen has made it clear that he's going to put Crede on the team, even if he has to lock A-Rod in a stall in the clubhouse bathroom to do it. I think it's time to stop letting the managers pick the extra players. This is the All-Star Game, not the White Sox vs. the NL. Todd (Boston): Keith, where's the outrage over naming Mark Buerhle to the All-Star team? Schilling, Mussina, and Liriano are all doing way better this year, and have more appeal anyway. Keith Law: (1:14 PM ET ) I think because Buerhle has some track record, people aren't as up in arms over him making the team despite the fact that he's not having an All-Star year. But yes, all three guys you named would have been better choices. I'm surprised Schilling didn't make it, since he's having a great year, has been there before, and is a well-known name. I cant wait until Neyers chat later today
  18. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Jul 5, 2006 -> 11:44 AM) Is it just me, or did Brian Anderson look like he made a change in his swing to get it shorter? Esepcially on his hit last night, it looked like he made an adjustment to get his hands through quickers, and shorten the movement on his arms. Is it just me? I dont know about his stance, but yesterday his hands going through the hitting zone were the quickest I have seen. When Brian was really slumping, it looked like he was dragging the bat through the zone. Now he is getting the good part of the bat on a lot of pitches in the zone. If he keeps hitting like this, maybe we can silence the X player needs to be our new CF.
  19. And so it begins. US to make a pitch for Klinsmann They had a chance to get Jurgen before. I like it, as he can work with our strikers on hitting the target a bit more. Anything is better than Arena. Its funny that he is now linked to the RedBulls. How the mighty have fallen.
  20. Its real simple for Juan. Whether he does it with a spread stance, or a leg kick. If his front foot is quiet and doesnt fly open and start a spin he can keep on the ball and make good contact. As long as he keeps this through the season he will be fine. Were juan gets into trouble is when he turns into the Tasmanian devil. His front foot flys open and his toe will point to third, his entire body lunges forward and he gets poor plate coverage with the angle of his bat and the fact that his body is threw the zone already. That is when Juan is really poor. I hope he can keep this up, keep his body back, his hands quiet, and that front foot moving towards the pitchers plate. Brian is also looking better behind Juan. Brians double yesterday were the quickest I saw his hands through the zone. Now if he can get his hands through the hitting plane like that, he will get some pop on the ball.
  21. QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Jul 5, 2006 -> 09:17 AM) So, one way or another, he'd be lying? Ozzie doesnt have 100% say in who and what comes to the Allstar game. He has to replace like players/with like players. You would love to replace a 3rd baseman for the OF, however he needs to replace a like fielder/ with a like fielder. So magglio goes. I dont see the problem with it.
  22. QUOTE(whitesoxin @ Jul 3, 2006 -> 10:32 PM) There was really nothing to cheer about at tonight's game Where did Garcias velocity go? Last year he could throw in the 90s. Now he throws as hard as Buerhle. Except Buerhle has been throwing his velocity since he started in the majors. Garcia was at 91-93 last year. Very strange.
  23. QUOTE(Flash Tizzle @ Jul 3, 2006 -> 08:07 PM) I don't care if this is labeled as "reactionary" or "negative," but after watching Garcia's weak fastball and weaker curveball I've already written him off for the year. He's not turning anything around (relating to statistics) unless his velocity returns. If it doesn't, forget about receiving value for him. Runners are going wild, curveballs are hanging left/right; he just can't rear back and fire a 94 mph fastball anymore. I just got back from tonights game. Garcia was throwing 86-88 on his fastball on the gun at the park. He reared back and threw one for 91. But for the most part he was living in the 80s. Bedard was hitting 93-94 most of the time. Bmac was at 90 with his fastball, and Thornton was at 97-98, Cliff Politte was at 90-91. Outside of the pitching performance. My only question how outside of a medical issue, what happened to Garcias fastball. He has been a 91-94 guy for years. Then all of a sudden this year poof. Nothing. Its very very wierd.
  24. All of our pitchers are just a bit off. Not the major disaster that everyone is making it out to be. Javier Vazquez: Javier gets a lot of hitters into 2 strike situations, probably as many as Contreras does. His problem from what I have seen is making quality pitches on 2 strikes. He has a nasty slider that he doesnt throw enough to right handers. He faced Derrick Lee and in 2 consecutive ABs he attacked the zone differently. He got ahead 1-2, then the first time he threw a slider that started on the outside corner and went away. Derrick fished for it, and it was a K. The next time he threw a two seam fastball that ran back over the plate. Derrick hit the ball into left field. It was two things a poor pitch call by AJ, and poor execution by Vaz. Getting cute and trying to back door a guy with a 1-2 count is dangerous. IMO if he threw another slider away, its either a strikeout or a popout to right and the inning is over. After the mistake pitch, Ramirez hits a homer 3 runs scored. He was 1 pitch away from getting out of the inning. Its just execution, and picking the right attack model. Garland: He has to do 2 things to be successful. One is to throw 1st pitch strikes. He gets that first pitch over and he can then get them to hit his sinker. When Jon is 2-0 on hitters he doesnt have the fastball to blow people by. When he throws strikes he is a much more effective hitter. Secondly he needs to start to throw in more to righties and away from lefties. When you pitch into righties with his down and in action, he gets a lot of pounded into the dirt balls and broken bats. Its what he did last year to be successful in the first part of the year. Also you cannot throw down and in to the lefties. That is the sweet spot for a lot of lefties and they handle that pitch very well. Buerhle: Buerhle needs to run his cutter in on the right handers. When he doesnt establish the inside corner, we see what happened yesterday, a lot of guys diving over the plate and hitting his offspeed stuff away hard. When he pounds that cutter in, they cant dive like that. When he goes away, away, away he gets hurt. Garcia: His fastball is pretty much a different pitch than last year. He needs to mix a two seamer in. He is another guy who needs to establish his fastball to make his breaking pitches better. For the years of Freddy having a great fastball, he would start every game throwing a ton of breaking pitches. He would get a lot of strikeouts earlier, and with throwing breaking pitches that take some time to get into a groove, he would give up a lot of early runs. Then later in the game, he would use his sinker more and his fastball inside more. He needs to almost pitch backwards. He needs to use his sinker and fastball more early on, then go to his breaking pitches as the game progresses. He is someone that gets hurt now, because his breaking stuff is excellent, however when you see it 3 times in a game, you get a gage for how to hit it. Plus as breaking stuff goes, he has a propensity to hang it the more he throws it early in a game. Just a few things separate a consistant starter with his new found lost velocity. He also needs to throw more strikes. Without having the big fastball, he cannot get into 2-0 counts because his fastball is now pedestrian and will get him hurt in those situations. Contreras: Stuff nasty nothing more to say. He just needs to get on top of his fastball more and keep it down. Coop was saying on the radio that he currently is between arm angles and is letting the ball fly. This would explain why he is now easier to hit and has been getting hit more. If Jose throws early fastballs and can get different angles his forkball will be unhittable. My only question is why did he add a 3rd arm angle after his last DL. Adding a major change like that makes for more mistakes and being in between of your mechanics. Kind of what we have been seeing. Again, these are things that can be ironed out. Its not a major overhaul. Its just minor tweaks that need to happen, and our pitching will be fine.
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