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Everything posted by southsideirish71

  1. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Jun 29, 2006 -> 11:22 AM) Ok, I don't know how the Hell, I'm pulling this off, but it's currently 12:20 local time, I'm in the middle of an internet Cafe in the city of Korla, China, i have 4 large chinese Beers in me, and I've actually got Gameday open for Jose shooting for his 10th win, and I'm posting in the game thread. This is damn amazing. Kick some ass Jose! Actually the chinese have a great internet infrastructure, outside of the fact that you have to run through government controlled content filters, and the central firewall farm. We were able to get DSL at our plant in Suzhou with 2 3 meg circuits for dirt cheap. Their internet access for dialup is funny, you dial a 3 digit number and that is how you connect to the internet. Hope you are away from the big city there.
  2. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Jun 29, 2006 -> 10:22 AM) Duke worries me. If they take him the other way, like they did late in the game they will be fine. If they try and pull everything, this will be a low scoring game. These types of left handers, you have to go the other way. If its a righty who pounds in, then you can pull and elevate. I think facing last nights starter will help us a lot.
  3. QUOTE(Queen Prawn @ Jun 29, 2006 -> 09:04 AM) This morning I was dreaming of watching the Canes play the first game of the Stanley Cup Finals and as the game ended, my dad walked in wearing a Canes jersey and eating a cup of ice cream. At the second I saw my dad in my dream I was awakened by the phone. It was my mom and I needed to go to Christ Hospital to get my dad. My dad is an insulin dependant diabetic. As he was leaving work (at about 1AM), he felt a little light-headed and ate a piece of candy which usually solves things. It didn't this time. As he got off the Orange Line at Pulaski, he felt worse but thought he could make it home. For some reason he passed home and ended up westbound on Southwest Highway in Hometown. Sgt Russell found my dad collapsed on the side of the road (only blocks from the hospital). The only word my dad was able to say was diabetic and apparently kept saying that over and over again (he didn't have his medic alert bracelet on last night). Sgt Russell called an ambulance and it turns out his blood sugar was 26. They got him to the hospital in a matter of minutes and his sugar dropped to 16. Talking with the doctor, had Sgt Russell not found my dad when he did, he would have died within the hour (at the most). We are at least sending a card to Sgt Russell to say thanks - I wanted to send something with it, but really do not know what to send. There has to be a God and I feel an afterlife as well because for my dad to hav gotten where he was and still have been found and yet still managed to say what he did when he was on this side of a diabetic coma as well as starting to have seizures, my dad's parents had to have been with him - I know they wouldn't have left him alone in his time of need. As far as the officer. A card to him, or a note to the chief of police commending the officer for helping your dad is also good. Police get a lot of complaints, but rarely do they get some of the accalades. These small tokens are appreciated more than anything. Police do a great job in our society, and a few bad apples have dragged their image down. I am a diabetic, not insulin dependant. I carry glucose tablets with me everywhere I go, and also my accucheck meter. I would suggest that he keeps those with him instead of the candy. Candy still is a complex sugar, and needs to be broken down where as the glucose tablets are a fast acting sugar and gets into the system quicker. Going low scares me the most now that my blood sugar is in check. I went low once, and the feeling is hard to describe. Its scary. I am glad that your father got help, and I hope that he keeps his sugars in control and keeps healthy.
  4. QUOTE(Gene Honda Civic @ Jun 28, 2006 -> 08:06 PM) Hernandez' GB/FB took a hit tonight Hernadez looked like junk tonight. All I kept on thinking, how far would that fly in the cell. I say pass. NEXT
  5. QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Jun 28, 2006 -> 08:48 PM) Ugly but who cares. The bullpen continues to be awesome. Bobby needs a day off or two, he's pitched in 6 of 7 games now. And great clutch hitting by Ooooooooribe. Give Thornton the 9th tomorrow night if need be. Let Bobby rest it up.
  6. Hopefully the O can give Bobby the night off tomorrow. He has had a lot of work lately. Nice win. It was nice for the O to show up, eventually. Hopefully they take that gameplan against the next two starting pitchers.
  7. It was a poorly executed curve there by Bobby. If it had some bite, he would of got him. Its time to bear down.
  8. QUOTE(beautox @ Jun 28, 2006 -> 08:20 PM) indeed, if we could get Oliver Perez, for say Rogo + mid level pitching prospect would you want Kenny to pull the trigger? The only question with O Perez. Isnt his agent Boras. Hopefully Bobby gets Joker here and starts this inning out right.
  9. Our pen has been looking good lately. The power arms at the end of the pen, might make it hard for people to get good ABs.
  10. QUOTE(jphat007 @ Jun 28, 2006 -> 08:12 PM) Where was that. Everybody was walking back. Everyone except the ump thought that was a strike.
  11. QUOTE(The Ginger Kid @ Jun 28, 2006 -> 08:07 PM) I think some of the credit goes to the pitcher, IMO. Luckily he started leaving that breaking ball up in the 7th. That and we started to hit the ball the other way.
  12. QUOTE(VAfan @ Jun 28, 2006 -> 08:05 PM) Are the Pirates "showcasing" Roberto Hernandez here? Do we want to light him up, and not trade for him? Or see him pitch well so he seems more attractive? (We could still win the game with the lead we have.) I think the pirates are now showcasing all of their tradeable talent. Roberto had a high fastball, flyball city. I dont know if I want him. I dont know how he would project at the cell in summer.
  13. QUOTE(Greg Hibbard @ Jun 28, 2006 -> 07:53 PM) one would think that the faith in a team that had just won 10 out of 11 games would go a little farther than it did in this game thread but there you have it, we had people jumping off of buildings once again in the 6th inning I just don't understand why certain people's faith in this team is paper thin I'm not putting myself on some high ground here, this looked like a loss to me too, sure but I don't get the perspective of people who want to blow up a few bad innings into a much bigger deal than it is it's happened in numerous game threads this season, especially recently I personally think it stems from the uneasiness of the Tigers constantly being in front of us I have high expectations for our team. I believe our offense should be able to throttle teams like this. I think the team loses focus when they play bad teams. Our team is top tier, and this one is bottom tier. I have had a frustration for years with our inability to beat the crappy teams we should beat. It has been a problem for a while. This year because the tigers are doing well, we need to get some of these wins against bad teams. QUOTE(fathom @ Jun 28, 2006 -> 07:55 PM) Montero in the game? Are you f***ing kidding me? I thought he punched his ticket when he let up all of the inherited runners the other night.
  14. QUOTE(Greg The Bull Luzinski @ Jun 28, 2006 -> 07:48 PM) Bad approach by Thome. He just needed to put it in play, not kill it. Thome is a live by the sword, die by the sword hitter. He swings hard, when he makes contact he kills it, when he doesnt he Ks. He is your throwback, power hitter. I can deal with him King. I was worried more that Marty Party would bean him with his pathetic lefty on lefty control.
  15. Now take this approach at the plate in this inning. And use it for the next 2 games and we will rock the s*** out of the next 2 starting pitchers.
  16. Holy s***, he hit a line drive to right. Everyone get the f***ing memo. Hit the other way.
  17. QUOTE(Greg Hibbard @ Jun 28, 2006 -> 07:35 PM) Road sweeps are incredibly difficult and rare, no matter what the team. Especially when you only get 3 hits off of a crappy pitcher.
  18. QUOTE(Greg Hibbard @ Jun 28, 2006 -> 07:30 PM) Okay, now pay attention...because this is the part no one seems to be getting where did the Royals sweep them? Silly me for thinking that the 2nd best team in all of baseball could sweep the doormat of the NL Central. Minny swept them at home. Maybe they didnt get the memo that the Pirates are great at home.
  19. QUOTE(soxunited @ Jun 28, 2006 -> 07:29 PM) good morning, good afternoon, goodnight Pirates win this one And after we leave, they will promptly go back on their long losing streak. The next start this kid has he will be the average pitcher he is always. We are facing 2 more of these types of pitchers over the next two games. It might be nice to have our guys get a plan. Hit the ball the other way. Now the pitcher gets a hit. Sweet.
  20. QUOTE(Greg Hibbard @ Jun 28, 2006 -> 07:26 PM) The Pirates are nearly a .500 team at home. The Pirates do indeed suck on the road We have the best offense in baseball, we have the second best record. We have our number 2 pitcher going up against a guy who might crack our AAA rotation. The royals swept them.
  21. This pitcher has a 1.72 WHIP. His last start was against the mighty royals and their great offense who tore this guy to shreds. 6 earned in 4.1 innings.
  22. QUOTE(jphat007 @ Jun 28, 2006 -> 07:20 PM) Damn straight!!!! It's not like we're the best offense in baseball by 23 runs or anything. These guys don't know what they are doing! And how does that translate into beating bad teams we should sweep. This team is the worst team in the NL Central. That should tell you something.
  23. QUOTE(Greg The Bull Luzinski @ Jun 28, 2006 -> 07:17 PM) I would have trouble saying it any better. The sad thing, is that everyone including the team agrees that this is going to go down to end. So every game in important. But we drop games to the Royals, we drop them to the Rays, we drop them to crap. While everyone else is just making them sweep and go away. Someone needs to light a fire under this teams ass when they play crappy teams. Freddy is throwing curveballs to get to a full count to the pitcher. Thats sad.
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