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Everything posted by southsideirish71

  1. This is pathetic. The tigers will rape this team, and pound them because they got the message, sweep crappy teams. We fart around and f*** around, and drop this because we lolly gag and sleep walk through a game with a pitcher that everyone else hits, except for us. Why, because he throws a changeup away and our guys are waiting for the hotel bar. Hit the f***ing ball already, this guy sucks. f***ing 2 hits only. Hey world champs, the rain is not that far away. Hit the ball or you will lose a rain shortened game.
  2. QUOTE(Flash Tizzle @ Jun 28, 2006 -> 02:11 PM) If Jenks threw a 97 mph slider he'd never have to throw another pitch. I'll believe Jenks was throwing a cutter at 97mph. After striking out Biggio Sunday night ESPN replayed the strikeout pitch and you can see the movement his fastball had. It moved a good foot over the plate. Imagine Jenks in the starting rotation. If he were in shape (key point), and a replacement was located for a closer, I'd seriously consider it. He's been a starter throughout his career. If Liriano and his odd delivery could manage, Jenks could as well. The reason he will never make it back into the rotation can be seen on his xrays. Its a screw, that he got from a stress fracture. Throwing that hard is murder on the arm, throwing 180-200 innings of throwing that hard would be too much.
  3. QUOTE(mreye @ Jun 28, 2006 -> 09:18 AM) Wow. Everything you said is the EXACT opposite of what Ebert said in yesterday's Sun Times. Ebert on Superman Returns I don't usually listen to critics or even read them. I just happened to read it yesterday. I'm still looking forward to seeing it, though. Thanks for your thoughts. Ebert only likes artsy tartsy films that no one in the real world likes. He should review Independant movies only, and just get on with it. I pay no attention to the fat man with no film taste. If it is anything like batman begins then it will be great. I cant wait to see it now.
  4. QUOTE(Zoogz @ Jun 28, 2006 -> 09:30 AM) Yep, another Detroit fan, but hopefully this message will be applicable for most people here. Firstly, I would like to say that I have also enjoyed the Tigers' start. BUT... posting on an opposing team's BB to brag about it is not my main plan. I don't know how many other Detroit fans may agree or disagree with me, but for all the Tigers fans that come here I do have a question. When your team is playing another team who happens to be 19-6 against your team through the start of 2005 and who has won a World Series just last year, and your team happens to be holding a razor-thin 2-game margin over them, how many of that team's fans do you expect to say that your team will be playing for a World Series? The Sox have been good for many prior years and awesome for the past two. I came here and signed up because it is nice to see what your rival says about your team. However, Tigers fans, please know that you cannot demand pragmatic arguments. This isn't a media outlet, this isn't even a newspaper which has to hold to any sort of journalistic standard. This is a webboard made up of rabid fans of your *current rival*, the team that has the same goal as the Tigers do which in some regards is mutually exclusive; only one team can really win the Central, and only one team can win the World Series. A team which is 53-25 is clearly a good team so far but ultimately has not even played half its games. As a fan of a Tigers team with win totals of 43, 72, and 71 through the past three years getting to 90 is terrific and the playoffs is just gravy. Why go out of your way to pick fights with other fans and then feel antagonistic and crummy about them when something special is finally happening to your baseball team? If you need to talk junk to your competitor to get yourself into the game more, so be it, but don't be surprised if some people don't exactly like it. Ultimately this is just my opinion, but I know I feel better by just taking in the debate and continuing to enjoy the Tigers breaking every *reasonable* projection that was made about them through the past offseason. White Sox fans, thank you at least for the candidness that you provide, and for your hospitality here. I love to hear honest opinions and as many as possible, and while some things on the White Sox (notably their manager) have rubbed me the wrong way personally, I must admit that I have been enjoying everything that this season has brought to begin with and hope that it will continue... and also have found a healthy respect for a club who has been 149-89 since 2005. There's a lot to emulate, even if I don't believe the manager is one of those things (so sorry...). With that said, I hope you White Sox fans don't mind a question as well and I also hope you don't think me too forward... as fans of the White Sox, and taking in account what has happened this year... was last year more fun where you had little doubt all year and little to play for until the end more enjoyable, or has this strange little streak for both teams been enjoyable to watch and follow? I certainly know my response, especially since the Tigers have never really been in the first situation since I started watching them in the early-90s, but I am curious to learn your reactions. Thanks for putting up with some of the more vocal of us, and I hope that I can come here for a long time even when the Tigers return to being bad. (Though I'm crossing my fingers that this won't happen for a while.) Welcome to Soxtalk!!! Nice post. I dont think the Tigers are going to fade that much. My only questions is how the arms will hold up over the full season. Zumaya will probably be promoted to the closer role at some point soon. How will he react to that. Verlander hasnt pitched too many innings in his previous years, and now will be asked to pitch a lot more this year. Rodgers for years hasnt been a second half pitcher. If you get past those issues, and stay healthy I dont see how you cant be there at the end. The twins have great pitching, however their offense is still shoddy at best. They are hot now, but I dont see them winning the necessary amount of games to win either the WC or the division.
  5. Isnt Oliver Perez's agent the one and only bloodsucker known as Boras. I think he is there to see Roberto and Torres. Keep stockpiling arms.
  6. QUOTE(Hurons @ Jun 27, 2006 -> 11:02 PM) I hate to look as the past as you can see from my posts, but you guys continue to bring up the past in regards to Tigers pitching. So here is my question, What was the SOX second half record last year? Did they fade at all? Were they ever in danger of blowing their huge first half lead? And if so, what did it ultimately cost them? You get the point and you know the answer. The big difference from the position the 2005 whitesox were in, and where you are is the fact we had a 15 game pad on the division, which allowed us to slump and suck and not give it up. We almost did. A 2 game pad, is not as safe as a 15 game pad.
  7. QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Jun 27, 2006 -> 04:00 PM) Ya, he went from making excuses to flat out ripping the US team to shreds following the Ghana game. He was dead on too. He was sick of hearing excuses from Arena and called for the ouster of Arena. He was pretty harsh and Arena was being interviewed later on and pretty much was asked pointedly about the callings for his firing by the ESPN commentators (since they are former US soccer stars). Lalas was awesome and his commentary where he would go off on Rynalda was great. Both really spoke there minds and they differed in opinions from time to time and it made great TV. I've been watching most of the games as I get to wake up to them out here on the West Coast and than catch WC live. I also like the Euro analyst they've had on because you get a totally different perspective of things, since they won't have the US bias that our guys obviously will have. We played fantastic against Italy, one of the best teams in this tourney so I see no reason why you shouldnt' be optimistic. The team was completely jobbed by s***ty officiating yet stuck in, played a man down and got a tie. It was a very impressive and gutsy performance, one in which Donovan actually showed up. How was anyone supposed to know that Donovan would take a completely dive, our coach would be completely inept, and that Reyna (a so called veteran) would make rookie mistakes and f*** our chances. Its not like Ghana outplayed us, we had a s***ty call in the box and a dumbass play by Reyna aside from that the US didn't play bad against Ghana. The Czech game was a complete f***ing joke though. Oh and Keller didn't step up and shine like one of the better goalies in the world is supposed to. After watching Donovan and his pathetic display went he went back to Bayer Leverkusen I knew he would s*** the bed on the big stage. All he did is tell everyone, I will honor my contract with Leverkusen. Then just like he did when he was younger, he cried, b****ed and moaned about being homesick. And then to top it off, he played like s*** in a Champions League game against Liverpool. A few weeks later, he was sold back to the MLS. Landon was happy as hell, I was sickened. Keller was never any good. Howard and Macrus have so much more talent, however our coach who loves his vets decided to go with experience instead of his best player. Hence why the Eddie Popes, and the rest of his DC United boys were on the team.
  8. QUOTE(AbeFroman @ Jun 27, 2006 -> 12:31 PM) I don't mean to start another debate on the merits of the war in Iraq, but it now feels like we've wasted the our military and political capital on invading Iraq when military options in Iran might need to be pursued. I think its really dangerous to let Iran have nuclear technology. Not only is Isreal in direct reach of Iranian missle range, Iran is just goofy enough to start pawning off its technology to groups that actually might strike the U.S. They seem 10 times more likely to hit us (or our allies) than Iraq ever did. Now if just feels inevitable. Iran will have nukes. Scary. Iran will have nukes for about as long as it takes Israel to obliterate their country. They will nuke them back to the stone age before they let that crazy country get nukes. I hope they are building bomb shelters in Tehran. Because the big nasty is going to come down, suck the paint off all of their houses, and give them a permanent green hairdo.
  9. Kotex boy's Daddy thinks he is treated unfairly by the fans and media. Your son can eat s*** Papa Kotex.
  10. QUOTE(Hurons @ Jun 26, 2006 -> 09:32 PM) Chicago is Chicago...... OK I'll play along...Speck was from the South Side. Anyway, the only reason I evven went there is fools dogging Detroit, not the Tigers, but the City. Why? Cause they cant dog the Tigers... Back to baseball. If you want to get back to baseball I suggest you stop with the serial killers, and linking them to the city. Thats not going to win you any friends here. You had some people trashing a city they have never been to. I have been to Detroit, some areas are nice some are not so nice. You can say the same about any major metropolitan city. Why get so thin skinned. If you have problems with the posters PM a mod or an admin if you feel that you are getting attacked.
  11. QUOTE(Hurons @ Jun 26, 2006 -> 09:26 PM) Your correct it's nicer.. Back to baseball.. Nice picture, Gacy however lived up in Northwest Chicago.
  12. QUOTE(CrimsonWeltall @ Jun 26, 2006 -> 06:46 PM) I don't understand when "pro-life" people make an exception for rape. It just show that their focus is not on saving the child (which is the same whether conceived through consentual sex or rape), but on punishing the mother. Actually most pro-life people are against abortion for any reason. The hyper-catholics that protest outside of clinics believe in saving the life no matter what. I just have a more open spin on the pro-life stance than some of my fellow lifers. Your conclusions on my views punishing the mother are misguided at best.
  13. QUOTE(Steff @ Jun 26, 2006 -> 04:49 PM) I know, I know. I just wish for one second some of these folks with penis' would stop to think how they would raise a child with no quality of life. It's sad to see such closed minds. If the child has medical issues, or in the cases of rape/incest, or in the cases of the mothers health. Sure, I am not as closed minded on the subject as a lot of people are. However there are tons of people getting on planes to fly to remote destinations all over the world who cannot have children that would love to adopt a child.
  14. QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Jun 26, 2006 -> 04:45 PM) Do my eyes deceive me? Did Pappelbon blow a save today? Thats impossible, Papleboner is like teh best evah.
  15. QUOTE(South Side Fireworks Man @ Jun 26, 2006 -> 04:37 PM) Are you saying Dye is not a real RF? Because he wouldn't have gotten to that ball either. The only way anyone gets to that ball is if they are shading him towards the line. He cued that ball, and it couldnt of been thrown better in that spot. The only comment I will make, is Dye would of played that ball in front of him, and limited to a double. Gload who is a poor, OF made things worse by throwing himself on the ground trying to make sportscenter, and then coming up and just standing there. He didnt know where the ball was, and did seem to care to look. Having a guy at 2nd is a big difference than having a guy at 3rd.
  16. QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Jun 26, 2006 -> 04:17 PM) I'll bite on the death penalty stuff. I know I'm likely to be flamed and the difference is in philosophy. For all the people proclaiming that religion is being taken out of schools and the public arena, it is amazing how so many of the so-called "conservatives" (I don't even want to slander actual conservatives by putting them in with the cult of Bush personality since his ilk is anything but conservative) fail to mention capital punishment in their case. Its "Thou shalt not kill" It isn't "Thou shalt not kill, except when..." or "Amend Section A". If you're going to say that life is sacred and it is wrong for an individual to kill -- then how can it be right for the state? And these stats are not specific to the case, but I figured they'd work in a better over-arching discussion of capital punishment (remembering that the US is the one Western industrialized nation to still continue the practice) Over 80% of people executed since 1976 were convicted of killing white victims, although people of color make up more than half of all homicide victims in the US. A defendant who can afford his or her own attorney is much less likely to be sentenced to die. 95% of all people sentenced to death in the US could not afford their own attorney. Also: Murder Victims' Families for Human Rights When you add in that there is no deterrance effect from capital punishment, that the trials cost so much more than life without parole, the numerous times that prosecutors have been "thrown under the bus" and caught for hiding exculpatory evidence and that there have been innocent people both executed and released from death row -- it adds a few bumps to believing that the social and economic costs of the death penalty are worth paying for. I love the irony of this debate. Thou shalt not kill used also. Thats great. So let me get this straight, Its okay to kill an innocent baby because up until it comes out the vaginal canal, gets slapped, and cries liberals think its a collection of cells. Maybe the baby could get some representation by the ACLU before it gets its death sentence. Yet the murdering thug gets a pass, because they have come to some sort of agreement that stabbing people in the neck is wrong. Maybe they write a book, Jimmy doesnt stab strangers anymore. I love it. You want to change my view on the death penalty. I am willing to give a little, to gain a little. Outlaw abortion, unless the health of the mother is at risk or in cases of rape, and then I will buy the eliminate the dealth penalty argument. Otherwise let the murderer fry.
  17. No love for the closer huh. What about Bobby Jenks. He is probably at the top tier of closer right now in the league.
  18. QUOTE(SoxFan1 @ Jun 26, 2006 -> 01:30 PM) Diving and acting is a part of the game of soccer and it has been for a long time. The reason for the s***loads of yellow and red cards this year is because the referees were told to be more stict and to protect the players. Take that FWIW. Diving and acting has been part of soccer for a while, however its provides nothing to the game at all, and should be eliminated. QUOTE(SoxFan1 @ Jun 26, 2006 -> 01:45 PM) When the US develops it's own international superstar, it will become more popular. IE, when the US get's its own Pele, it's own Beckenbauer, it's own Luis Figo, then it will blow up. And don't you dare say Demarcus f***in Beasley or Brian McBride. They will say Freddy Adu. Which they will be wrong about. I still thing that Rossi will be better than Adu. However he wants to play for Italy instead of playing for the US.
  19. One of the biggest things that will hurt the game being popular in the US is the theatrics. You get a guy taken down, he rolls on the ground like he is in the most painful agony in the world, a few minutes of rolling on the ground, and the mash unit comes out. They drag him off on the stretcher. About a minute later the player is jumping up and down on the side, trying to get into the game again. its a f***ing miracle. You get near the box, and everyone is diving all over the place on close plays. These are the reasons that people call the sport a pussy sport here in the US. Soccer can be very physical, however the actors diving all over the place, and the injury fakes tear the entire sport down. I would rather see a guy try and nutmeg a guy in the box, than fall down when the guy gets near. The gooch penalty against Ghana for example. The guy is barely touched and he falls down. These refs giving out yellow cards like there is a sale on them is also a joke. A yellow card for a misplaced tackle in the WC is sad. You should only give a card if you feel that the play was malicious. But the refs are flinging cards out left and right like they were given a quota. But no one is getting a card for diving.
  20. He single handedly won us a game where we had one hit, his and it left the park. I thought the old man screaming strikeout king on Tuesday when Thome got up was the only Thome basher, then Hangar enters the thread. Thome makes everyone around him better. Last year our offense was brutal. We had 2, count them 2 months outside of hte postseason where we hit good. They were when we had a thumper, who had a poor average and some homers in the lineup named Frank Thomas. This year we add a thumper who is hitting better than that, and everyone around him is having a banner year. Coincidence?
  21. QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Jun 26, 2006 -> 12:05 PM) Forza Italy Oh that Dutch game yesterday was bulls***. Screw the Portugese players and there dirty ways. Wait till they try that crap on England. The premiership is probably the most physical league in Europe. England goes through to the semis is my prediction.
  22. QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Jun 26, 2006 -> 07:04 AM) That was against a Czech team without their main striker in Jan Koller, and Ghana in the 1st game. No doubt we're the underdogs though. Socceroo's put in a valiant effort, but a late penalty kills them. 1-0 Italy in 90+.
  23. QUOTE(Dan @ Jun 25, 2006 -> 11:41 PM) dye was 0-3 and crede 1-3 Against Roy Oswalt. There is a big difference between their starter and their bullpen.
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