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Everything posted by southsideirish71

  1. QUOTE(ZoomSlowik @ Jun 22, 2006 -> 02:55 PM) After I say this piece, I'm out of this. That isn't entirely true. If you wanted to spend the time, he did right a few articles last year when things were going well. He'd get run out of town if he didn't. However, that changed rather quickly around August. There were also a few more late in the playoffs. However, these were the first I've seen of him writing good things about the Sox. In the past virtually every article was bashing Reinsdorf, the current GM, or the current manager. He has a history with the Sox that isn't very pretty, and a half dozen or so positive articles last year doesn't change that. I also haven't seen any in the sampling of articles I've seen/read this year, although I admit I'm not actively looking for them. My favorite douche article is when he warned people to stay away from the cell for their own safety. It was right after there was a public fight in the stands with some off duty cop.
  2. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Jun 22, 2006 -> 02:30 PM) Well, like any good liberal, I guess as soon as I get promoted, I take a 2 week vacation. Or is that like the President. Anywho, I'm off to Xinjiang Province in China for 2 weeks to take a look at the Tien Shan mountain range. Get f***ing Detroit out of first place while I'm gone, PLEASE! Adios everyone. Hopefully have some interesting pictures when I return. I spent some time in Suzhou. Hopefully you will have a better time than I did. It was for work, and there is basically nothing edible. Too much smog also. Fatten up before you fly. Good luck.
  3. I want a coach from either Portugal, Brazil or Spain. If they cant speak english, hire a translator. I never want to see a 4-5-1 unless we are up by 2 goals. We need someone hired just to work on striking. At the end of the game I counted at least 5 balls hit over the upright of the goal. Now that is great if they are working on trying out for the NFL, but not for soccer. Landycakes Donovan needs to man up. He is supposedly the face of US soccer. He disappears in big games. Sure he will score 3 goals against some island country. He had a free kick on the edge of the box and booted it a good 30 feet away from the goal. Then he has one he runs into the box, he has one player that he jukes to the right, has an open goal mouth, then backs it out, only to get the ball taken away from him. A striker with any merit takes a shot. He had terrible possession all day long. He is the biggest b**** we have, all that talent. Then he gets home sick and only wants to play in California. Enjoy your 3 nil win over the NY Red Bulls, but remember that you s*** the bed when you faced Liverpool. Long ball tactics. Since when with a team filled with midgets did we decide to start launching long volleys. McBride, Boca, EJ, and Gooch can outjump people. The rest of the circus people are about 5'6 to 5'9. They cannot outjump people 6 foot or taller. Yet we keep lofting the ball and watching our midgets get outjumped. Back passing. It seems everytime we have some momentum built, a 3 on 2 or whatever, some midfielder gets spooked and does a back pass. The ball winds up getting passed all the way back to the goalie. Maybe this is some sort of MLS tactic, but it doesnt fly in international soccer. MLS. Its a nice place for people who wouldnt get a shot at playing 1st team football in Europe. However if you have a player good enough to make it, sell them off and let them extend their skillset. Donovan might feel great taking on some 39 year old Ukrainian star who played for Barca in 1994, but it doesnt help him extend his skills. Dempsey needs to move on, Adu needs to move on, EJ needs to move on. The MLS is a nice starting point, but a bottom level Premiership team would reak havoc in the MLS. Thanks Bruce for the 4-5-1 tactics. I have followed US soccer since 1990. I have never seen any of our coaches use this format. We have problems scoring goals to begin with. So lets make it harder. Hopefully a whole bunch of people at US soccer lose their jobs and we start over. This is not working.
  4. Now ironic. Ghana wants to play more defensive, have put on a new defensive midfielder and have changed their formation to the defensive 4-5-1. Finally EJ is on.
  5. I hate short corners. We are not creative enough to take advantage, and we suck at shooting. Just get a ball into the box and let something happen.
  6. No one is warming up yet. Slug Arena is holding up a post, trying to figure out how to get his resume ready for the NY Red Bulls. Here is the problem with not getting EJ on the pitch yet. You wait 15 minutes, and you take more and more time away from scoring. At about the 75 minute mark, watch how Ghana will have all of this "injuries", they will stall and delay trying to eak this out. Now finally someone is warming up. QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Jun 22, 2006 -> 10:14 AM) Aren't you supposed to move forward if you're trying to score? We are still playing a 4-5-1. And our best offensive threat is parked on the bench.
  7. QUOTE(illinilaw08 @ Jun 22, 2006 -> 09:53 AM) Is it possible Arena is still punishing EJ for that "war" comment. If he is, that is absolutely ridiculous, but it is the only explanation I can think of for why your best goal scorer in qualifying is not on the pitch. In the last WC our hottest striker was Mathis. He sat on the bench pretty much the entire WC. EJ still not on the pitch. DUMB f*** ARENA WHAT THE f*** ARE YOU WAITING FOR. WE NEED GOALS. PUT A STRIKER ON THE PITCH, YOU KNOW SOMEONE WHO HAS SCORED GOALS BEFORE. STOP WITH YOUR DC UNITED CONNECTION. FIRE THIS SLUG AFTER THIS GAME.
  8. Bulls*** weak call. Mother f***ing s***head ref. Gooch on a 50/50 gets called for a penalty in the box. f***. 2-1 Ghana Momentum gone. Boca with a s*** clearance. He got cute. And got burned. If EJ doesnt make the pitch as a 2nd half sub and he is healthy. Arena needs to be fired before the post game interview. Our best attacking option has been sitting on the bench for most of this WC. He came into the Czech game and made a huge difference in the attack. We are now down a goal. Its time to abandon the 4-5-1 and attack.
  9. Holy s***, Beasley jumped over a tackle. Ran the ball towards the box, then passed it on to Dempsey. Thats how a break is supposed to be played. Get EJ onto the pitch. GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. First sub, Ben Olsen(one of Arenas former DC United players). What a shock. JOB should of been in there. Basically if you ever played for DC United, you have a shot at making the US roster with Arena on the team.
  11. There is an example on why the US has no clue on how to play WC football. When you get a counter or a mismatched attack, you drive towards the goal. You do not use a back pass, and wait for you to setup. You drive into the box and make something happen. These are our supposed playmakers dropping back passes.
  12. WTF is EJ not on this pitch. He has had a good amount of our goals in qualifying. Yet he sits on the bench. Landon with a field goal attempt. Its wide. I would like to see a shot actually go near the goal. That would be nice.
  13. Italy just went up 1-0. Nice job boys. The formula to advance has revealed itself. However we s*** the bed. Claudio with a s*** pass right into a Ghana defender. Then one of our defenders gives up on a ball, and Ghana gets a shot off. Nice effort so far boys. We want to go home.
  14. f*** you Reyna. Dribbles the ball out of the back, gets his pocket picked like a noob and then its a 3 on 1 break, goal Ghana. Its time Arena to lift the 4-5-1 now. It hasnt worked the entire cup. Put in the 3-5-2 and go balls to the wall attack. EJ needs to come in.
  15. Kotex boy wants a 2 week suspension. He can eat s***. 2 weeks, go f*** yourself jay.
  16. Dips*** Arena with the 4-5-1 again. We need goals and creativity, yet f***nut goes with the conservative formation with only McBride upfront. No EJ.
  18. QUOTE(Flash Tizzle @ Jun 21, 2006 -> 06:30 PM) Abattacola is arguing whether or not Guillen's apology was actually an apology. Guillen regretted his remarks, and is willing to apologize to anyone offended -- yet somehow this isn't an apology? Now I'm getting to the point where I hope he says nothing and further enrages Matt. It reminds me of George Costanza in Seinfield not satisfied because technically what the man apologized for wasn't the correct one. Too bad. Should be satisfied with any sign of remorse. Matt Abattacola is a self richeous douche. He is also the guy who stated that he didnt understand the whole old school baseball thing. He also stated that he doesnt understand why AJ doesnt realize why he got punched and he gets pegged, almost like he deserves it. He is a foolish cubs fan and a dolt.
  19. QUOTE(rangercal @ Jun 21, 2006 -> 04:41 PM) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Around_the_Horn Wikipedia is updated frequently
  20. QUOTE(SleepyWhiteSox @ Jun 21, 2006 -> 04:01 PM) Down boy!!!!
  21. QUOTE(Dick Allen @ Jun 21, 2006 -> 03:51 PM) I'm not saying that. I'm just telling you if this continues and Ozzie keeps calling people politically incorrect names and just saying whatever he wants, eventually the White Sox aren't going to be able to protect him, and their hands are going to be tied as to what they can do about it. The only way Ozzie is replaced as manager are the following scenarios. 1.) Aliens park their ship over the Cell and take the man approaching the mound making a wide sign for bobby jenks. 2.) Lighting strikes Ozzie on his way to the mound to replace a pitcher. 3.) We suddenly suck for a few years. 4.) He gets arrested for murder or gambling. 5.) He quits.
  22. QUOTE(beautox @ Jun 21, 2006 -> 03:48 PM) I can't wait for PTI, Tony and Mike both hate Jay, but im sure on ATH everyone will be coddling this fool. ATH is a tool show. You have members of the hated media all together. Skip Bayless and his fake bake. Woody, who outside of a bartender at cheers or a bad disney doll goes by woody anymore. And then Kotex boy. The entire show is based on which tool can mouth over the preceding tool.
  23. QUOTE(Dick Allen @ Jun 21, 2006 -> 03:45 PM) Winning doesn't last forever. Offending people left and right and using lame excuses will eventually lead you into very hot water. I really think if this was anybody but Marriotti we are talking about now, it would be even a bigger deal, not grounds for dismissal, but it seems to me Ozzie keeps pushing the envelope farther and farther. And who do you want to manage the sox. You want sleepy back. So he can sleep through another home run by Crede being called a foul ball.
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