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Everything posted by southsideirish71

  1. QUOTE(Capn12 @ Jun 15, 2006 -> 01:11 AM) Maybe he meant if you hit someone, and get one of your guys suspended, it can cost you games and such... Based on this logic, maybe the entire team should of watched AJ get decked by Barrett and did nothing. The idea of whether or not to plunk a ranger shouldnt be even debated. Its part of the game. The question of who should of plunked him, after vazquez pussed out is another story.
  2. This place is going to go up for grabs if Tracey is traded at the deadline for something. It will be the Ozzie hated him and wanted him gone based on this. Tracey has a great arm. He has good stuff. He needs some better control in the long run.
  3. QUOTE(Capn12 @ Jun 15, 2006 -> 12:52 AM) My god guys...Tracey THREW AT BLAYLOCK TWICE. Don't put a rook in to do that, one with suspect control...but looking at our pen, we don't really have 'veterans' in there, unless you wanna get Cotts or BMac suspended. No thanks. Was a lose-lose situation that could have been EASILY handled had Vasquez manned up and did his job IMMEDIATELY after AJ gets hit the 2nd time. My problem is with Vaz's quote. He said after the first time AJ was plunked he knew it was on purpose. If that is the case, the fact that he didnt deck the first hitter is terrible.
  4. QUOTE(SoxAce @ Jun 15, 2006 -> 12:37 AM) Wow.. looked around some other sox sites and this is really being talked about.. You honestly believe Montero deserves to be here more than Tracey? Not saying I don't agree with you, cause I do believe the sox want to have Tracey have some more seasoning in AAA, but to have an adventure guy, who serves up meatballs rather than a guy who has major league ready stuff (maybe not with control just yet) and who has a future here is going to get the nod? I need to take a s*** cause my stomach just felt iffy... Tracey has better tools than Montero or should I say Mike Jackson/Jose Vizcaino Redux without the stuff. But Ozzie likes Montero for whatever reason. Montero is a reliever. Traceys stuff looks great, the only thing he needs to fine tune is his control. Once he gets his stuff in the strikezone all the time he will be very effective. If Tracey is being sent down for this particular thing, then its stupid.
  5. QUOTE(Gene Honda Civic @ Jun 15, 2006 -> 12:40 AM) You do understand the situation, right? Tracey would have been immediately ejected. Ozzie and Showalter would have been on the field in seconds, if not both entire benches. Who knows how Blalock would have reacted. If Tracey hits Blalock, it only makes an already tense situation worse. Showalter is a card-carrying A#1 asshole, who absolutely hates Ozzie Guillen. You don't play into his hands. The situation was only going to get worse, not better. We have a player that was beaned not once, but twice without any retaliation. You realize that bad blood isnt going to go away just because AJ and crew says its over. You do realize that without getting redemption for our hit batters that if AJ or more so any player on the sox gets beaned tomorrow its more likely to be a flashpoint for a bench clearer than some player getting beaned in retaliation. Blalock and the entire Texas Ranger bench knew with the game out of hand, and the fact that AJ was plunked twice that someone was going to get nailed. Its a part of the game that has been there for a very very long time. I blame this entire night on the fact that Vaz was too much of a pussy not to plunk someone right after AJ was beaned the first time. It would of been over and done with. Now with AJ getting plunked twice this has a higher probablility for flashboil than anything.
  6. QUOTE(Gene Honda Civic @ Jun 15, 2006 -> 12:13 AM) Yeah. You want to watch the Texas feed. Comcast sanatized it. Why isn't Vazquez being sent down? What about Montero? What would Guillen had done if McCarthy failed to get the 'job' done in that situation? Tracey is a lamb for the slaughter of Ozzie's misplaced anger. Sad, really. The blame on this goes to Vazquez tonight. If his quotes are correct and he really believed beyond a shadow of a doubt that Padilla threw purposely at AJ, someone the next inning should of been plunked. Now on the note of Tracey wanting or not wanthing to plunk the hitter, if I am a rookie trying to make a team and I am told by my manage to plunk someone, they are getting a 4 seamer in the ribs no questions asked. Now should of Ozzie made it so blatantly obvious that he was pissed at Tracey, no. Tracey is an adult, if this is the worst thing that happens to him this year then he will be okay. Not executing plunking someone will piss off his teammates more than the little b**** slap he got out there by Ozzie. His job was to plunk the guy, and restore order to the game. Now it is left unfinished, so tomorrow the game is possibly changed. Is Tracey getting sent down because of this. No. Pollite will be coming off the DL, and Tracey was brought up to replace Politte. He goes down. No because of this.
  7. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Jun 14, 2006 -> 11:05 PM) Dude, you're such a meathead and appearantly a caveman too. Hitting people does not win ballgames learn your baseball you meathead. Me try to figure out fire, then me work on winning baseball games.
  8. QUOTE(whitesoxfan101 @ Jun 14, 2006 -> 10:52 PM) *Sighs* I didn't ever even say nobody should be beaned. However you don't have your announcer b****ing about it, have your manager (in plain view of everybody) b**** at somebody for "missing" the guy that was supposed to be hit, and then have your entire fanbase b**** because nobody was taken out. That's a sad attitude, and the way people seem to think this will affect the team and cause us to get less respect is laughable. You making a siggy based on this is laughable. Retaliation is part of the game. Before the armor, and the mound charging this was taken care of quickly and it was over. You beaned someone, someone on your team got beaned. The incident was over, and they moved on. Now the fact that this wasnt taken care of tonight, there will be warnings probably tomorrow it affects the game. Now does buerhle get to pitch inside or does he have to go away in fear of accidentally plunking someone. Now this will hang over tomorrows game when it could of been taken care of in one hit.
  9. QUOTE(whitesoxfan101 @ Jun 14, 2006 -> 10:29 PM) Aww, no fun. You and this guy are the only ones that believe someone shouldnt of been beaned tonight for plunking AJ twice.
  10. QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Jun 14, 2006 -> 10:01 PM) Anyone think Buehrle retaliates late in tomorrow's game? I think if one of our starters would do it, it's him. When he is already coming out, sure. I dont want him doing it in the first inning though. All this sets up, is for Buerhle to pitch inside. Run that cutter inside and tie these b****es up. Hopefully our guys get the f***ing memo on Rhinepecker and hit the ball the other way.
  11. QUOTE(winninguglyin83 @ Jun 14, 2006 -> 09:58 PM) sorry if this question seems silly, but .... What was the reason for Padilla to throw at AJ? That's what I don't understand. Padilla is a mangina.
  12. QUOTE(fathom @ Jun 14, 2006 -> 09:54 PM) I don't understand why Tracey gets in trouble for not doing it, but Montero wasn't asked to? Thornton easily could have come in for relief in the 8th. Because most likely Tracey was going down when Politte comes off the DL. It was a gut check for a young kid. Ozzie shouldnt of had a s*** fit noticibly over that. Its a tough situation to be put into, to throw at someone you aim behind them and aim for their ass. the ball rises up, and the person backs into it.
  13. QUOTE(whitesoxfan101 @ Jun 14, 2006 -> 09:47 PM) Amen. I'm giving up on this thread though, the meathead attitude is pretty sickening. I'm expecting everybody to call Jason Grimsley a rat next. Someone on the Rangers should of been plunked, plain and simple. You have to stick up for your teammates, unlessy you like constantly getting plunked with a 90 mile per hour fastball. Then be my guest.
  14. It might be nice if someone actually figured out that Padilla is going outside on 2 strikes. Instead of standing like a statue admiring the placement of the pitch low and away. It has to be in the scouting report, pitch our players low and away.
  15. QUOTE(whitesoxfan101 @ Jun 14, 2006 -> 04:01 PM) I root for Italy when the U.S. is eliminated since I am pretty much 100 percent Italian in background, but I can't do that since the U.S. plays Italy next. However after Italy wins that game and finishes off the U.S., I'll probably root for them. But then again, I don't know your ethnic background, so I'm sure that did nothing to help I wish the Irish got into the tourney. Damien Duff can cause havoc in the midfield. And so can Robbie Keane. The irish have the talent, but seem to just come up short in qualifying. But we had to tie the f***ing swiss at home to miss the playoff on the last matchday.
  16. Wow anything hit in right center might roll for a while.
  17. QUOTE(WCSox @ Jun 14, 2006 -> 10:31 AM) With no disrespect to the outstanding play that Rogers made last night, comparing it to Tad throwing out a guy while flipping over in mid-air is ridiculous. Plus the Gooch throw was in t he 9th inning against the Jays with the game on the line.
  18. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Jun 14, 2006 -> 02:36 PM) that sounded strange to me. How is this is guy not on a team with a nasty splitter and a 94 mph slider. Because most likely he cant hit the side of this with that great stuff. Another reclamation project, which is our MO. Great arm, not a lot of success getting it in the strikezone most likely.
  19. QUOTE(Steff @ Jun 14, 2006 -> 01:19 PM) Watch out for security.. We see everything you know.
  20. QUOTE(BDavisFutureHOF @ Jun 14, 2006 -> 12:41 PM) Quick question -- what kind of pitches does Ortiz feature. I know he had a pretty lively fastball a few years back but did he rely on breaking stuff at all? He threw a 4 seam fastball 91-94 up in the zone. He was an extreme flyball pitcher. How would that work here you ask, badly I would say. He had a slider/hard curve I believe and maybe a change.
  21. QUOTE(Credepopsup @ Jun 14, 2006 -> 11:36 AM) He got injured against Portsmouth in April - He was stretchered off with a f***ed up shoulder. He's since had an operation to "strengthen" the damaged shoulder, but it pretty much put paid to his world cup chances. SPECTOR OUT OF WORLD CUP EDIT - Add link Bruce only had him out at one Friendly just to cap him. He wasnt in the heart of qualifying so even if he was healthy he would of been a long shot. Spector Boca Gooch would of been a nice backline. Tall, athletic, and quick. Pope is well past his prime, Lewis is not a defensive player at all. I figure the next Bruce thing will be to get Ben Olsen his other pet project into the starting 11.
  22. QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Jun 14, 2006 -> 02:43 AM) f*** Bruce Arena. The prick needs to go. He went out and pretty much completely called out Beasley. I have no idea where Arena gets the balls to call out a guy who was placed completely out of position (that would be Arena's fault). And Beasley's response was correct, there was quite a few ocassions where he was one of our lone players to come back and play defense and Beasley helping out on the defensive end probably saved another goal. What a joke Arena is. He had a total cluster f*** of a lineup out there in game 1 and now he's going into a war with words over Beasley (who I guess is who he is going to use as his scapegoat). Bruce was going to use this world cup to get him a sweet club deal. Well now that isnt going to happen, unless he wants to coach the New York Red Bulls. In the last World Cup we played a 4-4-2 in qualifying and then went to an attack minded 3-5-2. We shocked Portugal by just going for their throats in the first game. Before they knew it, we were up. In this world cup, Bruce who is conservative and isnt a good offensive coach, decided to lay in the weeds by launching a 4-5-1 formation. Thats nice if you have a super play making Forward, but we dont. All that the 4-5-1 did was to have our players bunker down on defense and he was hoping for a draw. His goal in this world cup was to draw the Czecks, and draw the Italians and go for a win with Ghana. This is a piss poor way of playing European teams. Beasley is hardly the scapegoat, he is coming off of a serious injury that doesnt allow him to accelerate like he did before. He is playing on the wrong side of the pitch, and should be coming off the bench right now with how his injury is. Having Donovan play as a forward is a bad thing also. Donovan is a playmaker, but not an up front striker. He should be running free up the field, and distributing to EJ and to McBride near the goal mouth. Dempsey should be starting on the right side right now. And Bocanegra, Pope, and Gooch should be our backline with Howard in goal. BTW Keller is now 0-4 in World Cup games. Italy plays a better defense than the Czechs, they have some good forward play, their midfield is not as good as the Czechs. The key is to attack them and make them bunker down. If you let their forwards get free to run, we are screwed. When the 4-5-1 led to a 1-0 Victory over the minows of Lativa, a 2-0 over the terrible Venezuelean team that we throttled during qualifying, and a 1-0 loss to Morrocco another bad team this should of been a wakeup call to Bruce that his tactics of the ubber defensive formation might not be good. But he didnt learn, played some of his pets on the team and we lost plain and simple because our talent was not as good as it should of been. Taylor Twellman should of been on this team. Spector should of been on this team. But he had to go with some of his DC United connection and thankfully after this world cup disaster Bruce will be gone. Hopefully we can get it through our heads that we need to go ourside of the US system to get someone attack minded that can take us to the next level. Someone who is from the Portugal system, the Spanish system, or Brazilian would be nice. Also we need to start to play better friendlies. No more of this lets play Jamaica in a friendly. Lets play the Dutch, the Serbs, the Italians. I dont care if we lose our ranking or lose every game. You get better by playing against better competition.
  23. QUOTE(BDavisFutureHOF @ Jun 14, 2006 -> 10:58 AM) Looking at the game log it doesn't look like he has trouble getting guys out -- WHEN he gets the ball over the plate. The following stat line is pretty telling: IP 5.0; H 4; R 3; ER 3; HR 1; BB 5; K 7 106-56 (June 6th start) Interesting to note that the 2 of the 5 walks were responsible for the 3ER (2 walks then a HR). We do have (arguably) the best pitching coach in the majors -- I dont see why taking a chance on this guy would hurt. When we got Contreras most people didn't think that he would ever pan out (mostly noting his inability to get the ball over the plate). The big difference was that everyone in baseball agreed that Contreras had top of the rotation stuff, just not the head to go with it. Russ has medicore stuff at best. Even in his good year with Atlanta his ERA was high and he was winning games by people outslugging the opposition.
  24. I hope the cubs dominate the AL Central, which wont happen. Hopefully Zambrano can pick off the occasional team. However when they play us I hope a f***ing goat interferes with a play that allows us to win game one, in game 2 bartman takes out the cubs pitcher, and in game 3 all of their bats break and we sweep their sorry asses.
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