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Everything posted by southsideirish71

  1. I wonder what our stat is for our bullpen allowing inherited runners to score.
  2. QUOTE(Melissa1334 @ Jun 2, 2006 -> 09:31 PM) damn he walks mathews RUH RO BULLPEN TIME Garland pitched inside, and did what he had to do. Best effort of the year. Now the pen needs to the throw strikes and get ahead.
  3. QUOTE(SoxFan1 @ Jun 2, 2006 -> 09:29 PM) I do not recall. Nor do I have Tivo. You are awarded no points. No tivo, and you think acer laptops are good. You are docked 10 points for being behind the times.
  4. Garland is up to 108 pitches. So its up to the gascan, I mean bullpen to finish it up.
  5. QUOTE(ottawa_sox @ Jun 2, 2006 -> 09:26 PM) Ozzie is insisting they play proper baseball - they better get used to it or get used to sitting. Uribe cant bunt. So you think we should keep bunting him. BTW Konerko cant steal. But its proper baseball to steal, so lets send him.
  6. QUOTE(fathom @ Jun 2, 2006 -> 09:25 PM) Uribe knows he needs to hit the ball to the right side in that situation. What does he do? Yep, he gets out in front of the pitch, and rolls over to the left side. Uribe steps in the bucket flying open on every swing, what do you expect him to do.
  7. QUOTE(fathom @ Jun 2, 2006 -> 09:23 PM) Well....that was disappointing. It's really mind-boggling how infrequently Anderson gets a hit. Why was Uribe bunting ahead of Anderson. Its not like Juan can bunt at all. And its not like Anderson is lifting fly balls to the outfield.
  8. Its time for more Cintron at SS. Uribe is worthless with the stick. Man on 2nd, no outs. No runs. Nice execution.
  9. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Jun 2, 2006 -> 05:45 PM) I for one think having Uribe spread his legs out and try to steady his head on his swing (a-la the changes andruw jones made before 05) would do wonders to help him see the ball better, but I just haven't seen anything that suggests he's actually spreading his legs out or balancing more at the plate this year over last. His front foot is the bulk of the problem. The minute it flys open and he starts to spin his hips if he makes contact, its for s***. When he keeps closed off, he hits a lot better.
  10. QUOTE(aboz56 @ Jun 2, 2006 -> 05:42 PM) The real question is which pitcher will show up tonight: OR Considering that this texas team has destroyed garland in the past, he better pitch his ass off and keep the ball down. It would be really neat if our sinkerball pitcher, actually introduced some grounders. Jake Freakin Westbrook has us hitting enough on the ground the other night.
  11. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Jun 2, 2006 -> 05:35 PM) Is there a difference between driving past a school/driving a block away from a school and actually being stopped next to it? Well what if he is just asking directions, what if he is lost and needs the teacher to tell him where to go, what if his job is 2 blocks from the school, what if on lunch breaks he just gets confused and winds up in the swingsets. Who knows. lets give them as little wiggle room as possible.
  12. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Jun 2, 2006 -> 05:29 PM) I'm afraid I don't know what an acceptable range would be, it would make sense to me to actually look at a map and see what sort of area that would actually cover. If it's covering all of downtown indy, it's too far. If it covers just a few sparse blocks, then it's fine. 1000 feet does seem a bit far. Or, the law could have been written with a more specific exemption, like allowing travel down interstate highways or something like that. But again, this would be the reason to see how it's enforced. If someone gets lost and drives a block or two away from a school that they can't even see, a cop runs the plates, and the person winds up under arrest for being lost and too close to a school that they didn't even know was there, that just doesn't make much sense. But of course, that's a hypothetical, so who knows whether or not that would actually be enforced like that until the law is actually in place. That excuse can work with any distance limitation. Well I just turned the corner and there was the school. Oh and the child in my trunk, he needed a lift, you mean he is 8. He told me he was 18. And as a person who worked in law enforcment for 7 years I can tell you, that we actually heard something similiar to that. The child he was giving a lift to, was in his back seat. He stayed at the treeline just behind the school, out of sight. When the kid was leaving from school to his house, captain pervert jumped him from the bushes, then told him he was going to kill him and his parents if he didnt be quiet. When he was asked why he was near the school, he said well I couldnt see the school with the big trees around.
  13. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Jun 2, 2006 -> 05:09 PM) Well, the good news is that the "Barry Lynn" you mention is no longer a legislative council for the ACLU. The bad news is that the ACLU every so often does pick the wrong group as a cause. This is a potential such case. Here's the one question you do have to answer though...the ACLU argues that a 1000 foot ban is simply too much, as it cuts across a significant amount of Marion county. If that made just entering the county or traveling down major roads illegal, that'd be a bit much. Not to have sympathy for those folks, but a county just can't ban people from staying inside it if they're not posing a threat, can it? The law as written does sound a bit vague. It'd be nice to at least see how it is enforced first before filing the suit though, as sometimes the undefined temrs can be defined in sensible ways. Well whats an acceptable range then. We have similiar laws in Illinois that keep perverts away from the kids. You have to have a safe haven. So there is no mistake, of well I didnt know that this was really 500 feet. Just because I was on the swingset, that isnt near the school. This makes it absolute. We also have similiar distance limitations for additional penalties on the sale of drugs and the use of handguns near schools or playgrounds. I wonder if the ACLU would represent the parent of a child who decides to spray the brain matter of a pervert against the wall when they catch them hurting their kids.
  14. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Jun 2, 2006 -> 04:57 PM) Why is it everytime I see Anderson's name in there I smile? I just love it when he plays, maybe it's because I don't have to worry about the OF defense for a game. I bet you that Garland is more relieved than you are.
  15. ACLU fights child molester 'banishment' Just when you think these f***ers have gone goofy with their lawsuits, they one up themselves. I could care less if Joe the rapist or child molestor is inconvienienced on his way to work. Lets try a novel idea, lets protect the kids from the evil that stalks them. The friends of nambla and child molesters, perverts and child pornographist keep doing their f***ed up work. Some more "great" work that the ACLU has done on the befalf of perverts and molestors. The ACLU’s position is this: criminalize the production but legalize the sale and distribution of child pornography
  16. QUOTE(Yoda @ Jun 2, 2006 -> 03:05 PM) For a sinker baller, he has given up too many homeruns. What I want to see from Jon this evening: Don’t give me that “He looked like the Garland of ‘05 for a few innings” bulls***. I want to see him look like the Garland of ‘05 for the whole game, not just for a couple of outs. Start making it look like you earn that money you’re receiving. He like the rest of our starters need to start pitching inside with the hard stuff, then going away with the junk. Nibbling on the outside corner all night long allows the hitters to get a comfortable ab, where they can extend their arms and take good hard cuts to the ball. garland of pre-allstar 05. Threw a heavy sinker down and in, which setup his change down and in as an out pitch on right handers in tough situations. Garland of 05 hit his spots, pitched ahead and broke bats. For that Buerhle is a much better pitcher, when he is pounding cutters in on the hands of right handers, then going away with his junk. Same with Garcia. Lets f***ing nut up and start to pitch inside.
  17. QUOTE(SoxHawk1980 @ Jun 2, 2006 -> 02:48 PM) Ozzie is obviously a good manager, but he does have some failings. One of them is his Pablo Ozuna fetish. He has little OF experience and has been awful in LF this season, and now Ozzie is going to put him in CF??? That's one of those Ozzie decisions that absolutely boggles the mind. Ozuna can't read a fly ball to save his life and now he's got 50% more ground to cover. I know Podsednik is not exactly a GG caliber OFer, but he'd be a hell of a lot better CFer than Ozuna. Ozzie said he didn't want to move Podsednik to CF because he hasn't played CF since he came to the Sox. Well, where has Ozuna been playing since he came to the Sox. This makes no sense. Hopefully Ozuna won't have many chances. I will put money on it, that Ozuna gets a shot during the Anderson suspension. Say what you want about Ozuna, that guy hussles his ass off. And Ozzie loves him for it. Is he a starting CF no, is his defense suspect sure. Will he get a chance because he busts his ass on the field day in and day out, you bet. And lets get is straight ahead of time, I am not for Ozuna going into CF. I think he is an adventure in LF, but Ozzie loves this kid as a sparkplug. And Ozuna hitting 9th gives the sox 2 leadoff hitters.
  18. QUOTE(jackie hayes @ Jun 2, 2006 -> 01:04 PM) You fool! That's not private -- those cans were made by corporations! There's bound to a microchip feeding all conversations back to Karl Rove's cell phone. The ironic thing is that people assume that the phone system is the old 1950s hardwired system that sits on a closed network and no one can crack it. A lot of the traffic is bounced off of a bird in space. Some of the traffic is send on point to point microwave. Some of the traffic is over a carrier network using data lines. People act like its some FBI guy with an aligator clips on a phone line running a jumper, when you can just use a spectrum analyzer and pick up the same thing in your backyard. In fact I was at an Infraguard meeting where someone showed the FBI that they could break into the local Cell Tower using some parts they got from Radio Shack. The kit cost under a grand, and it was able to hijack cell phone communications. BTW their "encryption' was cracked in about 15 minutes. Again if you are sooooo paranoid that someone is listening to you, have you and your friends use Skype which is encrypted by a AES cipher. Make sure you pull down the shades in your house, because they might employ lip readers with binoculars. Use a spectrum analyzers to identify all sources of electronic radiation in your house, make sure there are no bugs. Sweep daily. And if you can pull the covers over your head and close your eyes and chant "its all ok, the boogy man cant hear me"
  19. Here is the only way your phone conversations are private. You can use this state of the art technology marvel that keeps your conversations point to point.
  20. QUOTE(jackie hayes @ Jun 2, 2006 -> 06:32 AM) I think the "GESTAPO" remark qualifies it for tinfoil hat status. DING!!!! Plus again if they want to know what I read from my last library visit. Da Vinci Code - Much better than the movie Hacking Exposed IV Edition - Skoudis does a better job in his books than these guys do Reverse Engineering Malware - Lenny Zelster has a nice approach on decompiling encrypted binaries Perl Bible - Good Reference And a few Tom Clancy books I like the Tom Ryan character.
  21. Superstitious s***, yeah. I have a better idea, instead of the Crede banner, maybe we can get the bullpen to stop imploding, the team to start hitting with men in scoring position, and s*** lets get a few guys to catch the f***ing ball. But then again it must be banners, and s***.
  22. They better fix this s*** soon. Having our pen implode more often than not is going to make this team miss the playoffs. Our bullpen is our new 5th starter from 2004. BTW our team might want to start hitting with men in scoring position. Just a f***ing thought. Thank god Dye and Thome carried the team tonight. QUOTE(Melissa1334 @ Jun 1, 2006 -> 09:39 PM) i just dont think therye pitching will last or is good enough against the good offensive teams Our pitching isnt holding up against good offensive teams right now. We go up against good hitting teams, and then we get rocked.
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