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Everything posted by southsideirish71

  1. Make sure you man the f*** up, pitch like the money you were given this offseason, and leave these the f*** at home. just f***ing win already. Bullpen, you are on f***ing notice. Get it in shape, or get the f*** out. When it rains it pours. More Widger action is on the horizon. Garland wont throw one inside pitch tomorrow night if widger calls the game.
  2. We should load up on some power arms this draft. Get some hard throwers who need some Coop time to get their control under control.
  3. QUOTE(AbeFroman @ Jun 1, 2006 -> 05:18 PM) I agree... I sorta doubted that Ozzie would give thome any time in the field. Its not really a decision I totally agree with, but I lean toward giving Oz the benefit of the doubt after 2005 I still dont want Thome in the field. The only team we have to play at an NL park we will have to bang with is the Reds. Our offense sans Thome should be better than the Pirates and the Dorks from Clark and Addison.
  4. IMHO. I could care less if someone keeps a thread on this, but I think it belongs in Diamond Club and not here. That is where the fouler team of the northside is chatted about, made fun of, and torn apart. In Palehose we try to keep it generally about the whitesox. Not about attendance threads, threads about coverage, or the conspiracy threads or all things northside.
  5. QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Jun 1, 2006 -> 04:34 PM) Shortstop. I think you'll definitely see his name thrown around come July, I'd take him but only if it would cost close to nothing cause he's basically Juan with a better batting average but a bit less power. He's not a very good hitter but he is a tremendous defender. But does he spin into the ground as well as Juan.
  6. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Jun 1, 2006 -> 02:44 PM) As long as the X is not Brandon McCarthy, I agree. Brandon is a major leaguer who is on our team. He doesnt qualify as X. But the fields, owens, rogowskis, haegers etc etc etc all qualify.
  7. Carl Crawford would be worth a Fields or other minor leaguers. He has proven he can hit major league pitching. He is fast as hell. As a lefty he hits lefties at good clip(.311). If we can get him, it makes our team much more dangerous if that is possible from an offensive standpoint. On the other hand we need a right handed setup guy more than we need carl crawford. But anyone who claims we cant trade x prospect because x is too valuable is mistaken. Jeremy Reed, Joe Borchard and the rest say Hi.
  8. Took this off another board. Take it for what its worth. There were a bunch of people commenting on the same thing that they had heard, and were running with it. It maybe false. But that means Roman Colon is in their rotation, or Zumaya will come out of their bullpen to join it. Either way this weakens their team.
  9. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Jun 1, 2006 -> 11:49 AM) ^^^^^^ I used to sell Sony, HP, acer, gateway Compaq, IBM. IBM by far makes the best PC laptops, and I would say Dell is in second place. I would stay away from HP and Compaq, and Sony's cust serv seems to really piss people off although I like their units. Dell pissed me off with my last laptop the Inspiron 5150 which was a lemon. Recommended by our Dell Rep for power use. A True Pentium 4 3 Gigahertz instead of the mobile pentium. The heat from the chip would cause a problem when some of the plastic would melt onto the motherboard, when it would cool down it became locked, and the slightest touch on the top of the would break some of the sodering on the motherboard. This of course happened after a year, which means no warranty. When I called into support, they knew exactly what the problem was before I got the words "It just shuts off by itself" out of my mouth. In fact there are websites dedicated to that piece of crap lemon 5150. A new motherboard is required to fix it, or sodder the board yourself. I soddered the board, got a few months more out of it, then just bought my new powerbook. If you have a Inspiron 5150 and have support, pick up the phone right now and make the call to support and get your motherboard fixed. You will run into the problem, its just a matter of time. The new dell laptops are much better, but I am a linux/unix guy who pretty much uses XP only at home. So OSX is BSD Unix and in our tests all of my apps work better on it, than with Linux under Dell. The sad thing is I worked for a company that used NEXT boxes when Jobs left Apple for that period of time. Those wierd things worked pretty well. And to answer SF1, Acers are piles of dogs***, made out of parts built by the cheapest companies on earth. We bought a company that had a s***load of new ones. A year later, we sold those pieces of s*** off, and replaced them with Dells that dont break.
  10. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Jun 1, 2006 -> 01:42 PM) Ron Santo is by far the worst announcer in the game. The guy spends half his time crying for a base hit, and the other half crying about their pitching. Santo sounds like he is taking a dump during some of his broadcasts, the UGGGGHHHH, OOOHHHH BOOY. Then his voice sounds like he gargles razor blades.
  11. QUOTE(winninguglyin83 @ Jun 1, 2006 -> 11:56 AM) As the number one Chris Young booster around, it's my sad duty to report that he made it four homers in seven games last night. His seventh dinger. also doubled -- his 10th. also stole a base. Also walked. Going to be tough watch when this kid finally gets the call to Arizona. Who cares, he isnt a member of this team. There are a lot of prospects who light up the minors, and get boned in the majors. BTW Jeremy Reed says hi.
  12. Just picked up a macbook pro for work. As a linux/unix guy I am looking to see what this puppy can do. HP or Dell or IBM are solid from the PC side. Acer makes me want to vomit in my mouth.
  13. Calling our offense, Calling our offense, hit the f***ing ball, score some runs. That is all. And before Hawk and Company make Paul Byrd out to be Cy Young. He f***ing sucks, we should rock him into the stone age. The Cy Youngification of crappy pitchers by Hawk and Co is almost Bagdad Bob like.
  14. QUOTE(GoRowand33 @ May 31, 2006 -> 09:23 PM) ok maybe uribe would fit better in the 6 hole pods gooch thome konerko dye uribe mackowiak aj crede Actually Uribe would fit better keeping Gload company on the bench. That is where his bat would help us the most.
  15. QUOTE(Melissa1334 @ May 31, 2006 -> 09:17 PM) wow speaking of the nl, our lineup is gunna be scary... pods gooch pk dye aj crede uribe anderson pitcher....... :headshake we better hope crede countines to play well cuz if he doesnt.... Uribe seriously needs to get some pine time. Cintron at least gives you some sort of resemblance of an AB.
  16. BP. We dont need to get a new SS, we just need to have Uribe park his ass next to Gload on the bench and let Cintron play for a while so Taz can get his brain in order and stop with the Profundo crap.
  17. QUOTE(GoRowand33 @ May 31, 2006 -> 09:14 PM) well think it through, although it seems that Uribe could kill rallies at the 5 spot, their is so much strength behind him I doubt it would lead to a major difference in how pitchers deal with Paulie Watch how pitchers address Konkero when Dye is out of the lineup. He sees nothing at all. Each batter has an affect on the players around them. Thome is a force in the lineup, and therefore he gets walked a lot, and pitchers go after Konerko because a strong hitting Dye is behind him.
  18. QUOTE(GoRowand33 @ May 31, 2006 -> 09:10 PM) heres my reasoning for Uribe at #5 so many times have we had 2 on and none or 1 out and Uribe and Anderson come up and blow the rally I think if we scatter about or weaker hitters their averages will improve, and less rallies will be squandered Ask yourself this question. Why in the world would I ever throw a pitch to Konerko if Taz is behind him. I would walk him on 4 pitches with the bases loaded, so I could throw 3 in the dirt to Taz for the K.
  19. Our lineup is slumping right now. Over the last 7 days we are hitting .268 as a team. Gooch .150 Thome .238 Konerko .192 AJ .182
  20. Freddy better nut up in his next start. Its against the Tigers at home.
  21. QUOTE(GoRowand33 @ May 31, 2006 -> 08:59 PM) I think that we have an amazing offense, but were using it the wrong way sure were winning, but I think with the lineup I propose below we could be even better 1. Scott Podsednik-LF 2.Tadohito Iguchi-2B 3.Jimi Thome-DH 4.Paul Konerko-1B 5.Juan Uribe-SS 6.Jermaine Dye-RF 7.Rob Mackowiak-CF 8.AJ Pierzynski-C 9.Joe Crede-3B I think our lineup is about 100% more balanced, and there is no death stretch at the bottom of the order that could kill any rallies I think we had something going last year with the bottom of the order, lets try it again, instead of batting in order of productiveness You want to put the tasmanian devil in the 5 hole. Thats insane. I am sure Konerko will get a lot of protection with the spinomatic flailing behind him.
  22. QUOTE(Gregory Pratt @ May 31, 2006 -> 08:55 PM) At least tomorrow is Jose's game. The offense better pick it up and score some runs. Jose should of won his last start, but due to the offense sleepwalking, he got a ND.
  23. One more stranded runner to make the night complete.
  24. QUOTE(Heads22 @ May 31, 2006 -> 08:53 PM) That drum guy is sooooo getting laid with those glasses and that stache. Now I know what Ned Flanders does when Homer pisses him off.
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