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Everything posted by southsideirish71

  1. QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ May 31, 2006 -> 12:51 AM) Fields has a superior approach at the plate and despite his High K totals has a good eye. I have no doubt Fields would come up here and hit (especially if he gets a little more seasoning in AAA) and he wouldn't even be the problem in left (he is good enough of an athlete to handle it if he was able to play a few months in AAA to adjust). Its Pods playing CF that would be scary. I think Fields will have a nice high ceiling. However he needs more seasoning in AAA. If we do decide to move him to LF we will need to have him play there a bit so he can get used to the position. We just cant dump him over there for a few games, then run him up here to play defense in a packed house for a pennant race. Its not fair to him or his development. I still think the next move up should be sweeney. Fields is a 07 target.
  2. QUOTE(BHAMBARONS @ May 31, 2006 -> 12:50 AM) His long causes him a lot of problems and especially when pitchers throw him breaking pitches on the outside corner and Josh gets into a pull happy mode if he uses right field he will be a special hitter. He does have power to all parts of the park (If you can hit a 425 ft shot to the opposite field in August at the Met then he can in any park). Shocking that one of our prospects would be pull happy. Well how most pitchers have approached our right handed hitters over the last few years is to target low and away. Then nibble away with breaking stuff, maybe dump on into the other batters box to see how anxious our hitters are. If he is pull happy, then he will get owned pretty quickly on this team. He will need some time in AAA to work on going the other way a bit more.
  3. QUOTE(Thunderin @ May 31, 2006 -> 12:44 AM) I think the .329 average. the 9HRs, the 29RBI's, the .598 slugging %, the 1.021 OB% and the 98TB will translate alot better to the majors than Anderson's numbers. Brian hit .295 in AAA last year with a .469SLG% and a .829 OPS over the course of an entire season. He struck out at a lower rate than Fields with a 25% rate of King last year. So he almost hit 300, he had a good slugging percentage, he k'd less than fields will this year. And look at him now, overmatched. Yet you think that Fields coming up will solve all, why again. Fields will come up, and will be overmatched.
  4. On another note, Ryan Sweeney only has 24ks in 135Abs. Or 17% of the time. His swing probably projects more as being not overmatched like the long looping swings that we have brought up before. But then again, he is another left handed bat and we are trying to get more right handed in our lineup.
  5. QUOTE(Thunderin @ May 31, 2006 -> 12:38 AM) All I can say is Kenny is thinking about doing it. And he knows alot more about baseball than any of us. I was (and still am) a big supporter of Brian Anderson at the beginnning of the season, but I am just tired of watching him either swing and balls in the dirt and strike out or hit the first pitch and its an easy, weak two-chopper to the infield. Something is wrong with the guys swing/mecanics, so let him go to the minors and figure it out. Fields strikes out 31% of the time he goes to the dish. 52ks already. How is that going to translate to the majors.
  6. QUOTE(Gene Honda Civic @ May 31, 2006 -> 12:22 AM) He's striking out in 33% of his at-bats in AAA. Anderson, the player you're dying to get rid of struck out at a rate of only about 25% of his at-bats. Big league pitchers will exploit Fields hole-filled swing even more than Anderson's. A better question is, why does all of our hitting prospects come up with long and looping swings. The first hitter to break the long and looping swing streak will be Sweeney when he comes up.
  7. This is based on the comps that the appraiser used to define your value. Maybe the appraiser can list the comps he used to appraise the condo and see if they are a true representation of your market value. If you can find condos in the same complex that went for about that price you are okay. But if everything in that complex is lower then you will have a problem.
  8. Well the big key to hit CC is to try and lay off that sweeping slider that breaks down and in to righties. If they can do that, and make him throw strikes they will have a good chance to get to him. Mark needs to keep his momentum going and have a good start tomorrow.
  9. Even when you know that they are getting close to the end of life its still hard. I am sorry for your loss.
  10. Into the 9th in Detroit. 4-0 Yanks. Time for Rivera.
  11. Laws would have to change as far as testing if a driver is impaired. Currently if a driver is considered under the influence, the officer performs a field sobriety test. If the driver fails that test, the person has to submit to a breathalizer. If they refuse they get nailed usually in court and on their driver privileges. Now after a person fails a sobriety test, how do you mandate that the person gives a urine sample or blood test. Every lawyer in the ACLU will throw a s*** fit if you do that.
  12. QUOTE(SSH2005 @ May 29, 2006 -> 01:39 PM) At the Cell, it's a homer if it hits the yellow line. But not here. At the cell that is in the stands by a bunch.
  13. QUOTE(tigerfan @ May 29, 2006 -> 01:27 PM) Should have never happened. Ump screwed us over. Giambi walked on a 3-2 pitch that was so strike three. But the ump called it ball four. Then before that even on a throw to first by Pudge it looked like the guy was out but the ump called him safe. So everytime a run goes against the tigers its the umps fault or luck. But when you are beating the other team its just the superiority of your team. I got it. LOL
  14. QUOTE(TitoMB345 @ May 28, 2006 -> 09:27 PM) He sucks in general now, not just hitting. His leg kick is his key, he needs to use it. Im sick of his s***. Get him down and let him work on it, or bench him. The leg kick kept him striding towards the pitchers plate, it keeps his body balanced, his hands back and his swing level. Without the kick, his front foot pivots and slides towards third base. His hips fly open and he strikes the ball at a bad angle. When he keeps closed off, he squares up the ball just fine. Its just sad that he forgot to use something that was so successful for him. Last year he hit 286 in April then he was in the 220s with a blip at 250 for one month until he had the leg kick. After the leg kick he hit over 300 for a month, and had a bunch of homers. QUOTE(That funky motion @ May 28, 2006 -> 09:54 PM) I thought it was Walt that taught this to him. Bring him in and let him work his majic with Uribe. It was, they should bring him in to work specifically again with Uribe for a refresher course. And then while he is up here see what he can do with Anderson. Maybe he can help get him going also.
  15. Happy belated Birthdays guys!!!!! Hope you had a good one.
  16. QUOTE(rangercal @ May 28, 2006 -> 01:48 PM) vonage along with my cell vonage for long distance in the US. SKype for international long distance for work. And my cell phone.
  17. How Mexico deals with its Southern Border and Immigration Interesting.
  18. Anderson needs to be patrolling CF. And Jenks needs to be on the bump.
  19. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ May 28, 2006 -> 02:44 PM) They're both in there. It's up to Garland to figure that out at this point. Maybe we can have an exorcism.
  20. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ May 28, 2006 -> 02:41 PM) Right now I think some of us are just looking for hope from this kid. The guy who threw those pitches last year is still in there somewhere. We saw some glimpses of him today. He still has the fastball, the sinker, the changeup, etc., but he just hasn't been able to actually do what he wants to with them. Even if he had a s***ty outing today...just showing some positive signs is something to latch onto. We're gonna need Garland if we want to stay ahead of Detroit. Which guy is the real guy. The guy who pitched like an ace for the first half of last season. Or the medicore guy who would give up the big inning and you would have to make sure your bullpen was on alert the minute the 5th inning started for most of his career.
  21. QUOTE(SSH2005 @ May 28, 2006 -> 02:39 PM) Are you joking? Well its all in definitions: Arnie Munoz and Felix Diaz and Jason Grilli were stoppers circa 2004.
  22. QUOTE(chitownsportsfan @ May 28, 2006 -> 02:33 PM) Bench Uribe! They should of. One double play makes up I guess for the 2 games that he has f***ed up routine ones in the last week.
  23. QUOTE(Rowand44 @ May 28, 2006 -> 02:31 PM) I hope Neal is enjoying the Canadian sun cause whatever reason I don't think he's going to pitch. He, Gload and Anderson can start a club. Anderson seriously needs to be in this game now for defensive reasons.
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