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Everything posted by southsideirish71

  1. QUOTE(CWSOX45 @ May 28, 2006 -> 02:24 PM) Well at least he didnt swing has hard as he could three times and corkscrew himself into the ground. I swear to god, if you put the Tasmanian Devil from Looney Tunes in a White Sox uniform you have Juan Uribe... And to think I got yelled at for those comments back in 05. He is the tasmanian devil. Not only that have you heard him talk. Its OOOOGH BLAAAAH,
  2. QUOTE(Rowand44 @ May 28, 2006 -> 02:24 PM) Nope, but you seem to think Ozzie can do no right. Despite his in game managing problems, we don't get near the ws without him last year. You practically rip the guy every time he makes a pitching change or doesnt. You just don't need to hammer the point in after you've already made it in the thread. So in your opinion Ozzie has been great with his handling of the bullpen and matchups out of the pen this year.
  3. DJ is taking pointers from Hawk on how to overhype a flyball.
  4. QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ May 28, 2006 -> 02:19 PM) Despite what BMac just did, he's been a terrible reliever this year. bmac is not a reliever. He is a starter. Judy is a thief.
  5. QUOTE(chitownsportsfan @ May 28, 2006 -> 02:17 PM) Why BMAC didn't just start the inning is beyond me. The bullpen only has 3 guys that can be counted on right now: Jenks, BMAC, and Cotts. Thornton is shakey, Politte is s***, and Nelson is washed up. Ozzie needs to start using BMAC as the "bridge guy" in the 6th and 7th. How the f*** is Thornton shaky.
  6. QUOTE(Ndgt10 @ May 28, 2006 -> 02:16 PM) So you want to move Garland into the pen? Talk about a great deal for Garland. Making all that money to pitch a couple innings a week. How about this. Lets keep him out there as the 5th starter and we can hope that we outbomb the team every 5th day. Because that worked well for us in 2004. Judys ERA is in the 5th starter mess range that the old tee ball stand by committe worked with.
  7. QUOTE(chitownsportsfan @ May 28, 2006 -> 02:13 PM) I have confidence in him. I have a hell of a lot more confidence in Bmac than I do with Judy. Judy has no stones. Bmac has stones. Jerking Bmac around with his role doesnt help You give Bmac the same amount of starts Judy has over a season and the numbers are well in bmacs favor.
  8. QUOTE(illinilaw08 @ May 28, 2006 -> 02:12 PM) I'm baffled that Ozzie brought Jon back out there, that is inexcusable. Leaving him in through the 6th I understand and can get behind, but after 97 pitches and a very tough inning is unbelievable. The same reason he had Bmac face a lefty with a man on second with Thornton in the pen ready to go. The same reason Boone Logan faced Hafner.
  9. Hawk must take some sort of mind altering drugs. This should put him right mentally. What strolling right along, and then the bombay doors open and you get KABOOMED.
  10. QUOTE(Rowand44 @ May 28, 2006 -> 02:04 PM) Are you watching the game? His stuff looked much better, he was jamming the hell out of hitters, pitching inside, he looked very good before that inning. Numbers don't tell the whole story. The story I remember pre 2005. Is that Jon would look like a world beater, then the 5th inning would happen and then he would f***ing implode.
  11. QUOTE(Rowand44 @ May 28, 2006 -> 02:01 PM) f*** those numbers, he was looking fantastic until that inning. He is a sinkerball pitcher who has given up a ton of dongs this year. What happens when the clock strikes June and we have these lovely 90 degree days at the cell. How is this going to work if he is giving up fly balls at a higher rate than ground balls.
  12. No more f***ing with this game. Put your best of the pen into the game and try to win this. Garland needs to be done after this. If he strolls out in the next inning and we lose this game, then ozzie should rant at himself in the mirror.
  13. QUOTE(winninguglyin83 @ May 28, 2006 -> 01:57 PM) we ain't going nowhere unless Garland gets through this, regroups and has a solid final 2/3 of the season. Or we stretch out Bmac and put him in the rotation, and put Mr I detonate after the 5th inning into the pen.
  14. Its kind of fitting that Garland gets donked right after Hawk into a THIS IS VINTAGE JON GARLAND OF 2005.
  15. QUOTE(Tony82087 @ May 28, 2006 -> 11:39 AM) I guess Oz is giving Uribe a chance to redeem himself, but I dont understand why Anderson is out. I really hope Ozzie has not made up his mind already.... Tony A bigger statement would of been to sit him down for today. We have a lot of tough games up ahead. This sends a wrong message. Brian gets the Gload treatment, while someone who hits just as bad and also has been bringing his bad play to the field gets a pass. I was proud of Ozzie for trying to get this team off their butts. But letting Uribe start after his terrible performance yesterday is the wrong thing to do. Ozzie has to be consistant in his views. You cant damn one guy for not hitting, then give someone else who has the same issue a pass. At least Brian gives it his all.
  16. So the rant that Ozzie had was basically a waste of f***ing time. The guy who cant hit, cant put down a bunt, and then has concentration problems turning double plays is still in the lineup while Brian is getting threatened in the papers. This makes no f***ing sense. Gooch sits, while the tazmanian spin o matic gets a pass. I smell bulls***.
  17. QUOTE(whitesoxmanager @ May 28, 2006 -> 10:50 AM) Ozzie represents himself, his family, his country of Venezuela, the WhiteSox organization and alot of former Sox players & coaches with his words....thats all....is it ok for a 11 year old sox fan to yell the same obscenities aimed at the sox dugout for poor play & good games? i dont think so! Give me a f***ing break. So out of everything that happened, what you took out of it is that Ozzie s a potty mouth. Are you for real. Go back to your amish community if you want to shelter everyone from all things evil.
  18. I like Brian Anderson. I think Brian Anderson has great defense. I dont understand why he is so out of sorts at the dish. However for all of the, well x player plays great defense so they must play everyday no matter how bad their batting average is. We currently have 2 players well below the mendoza line. One is a rook, the other is a vet. I would like someone to explain how many contending teams over the years had one regular player below the mendoza line more or less two below. And the "well if we need x player to hit at the bottom of our lineup" then we are in trouble comments dont fly. At points in the season, you will need your bottom part of the lineup to work a bit. This is not the national league where you have a sub 200 hitter at the bottom of everyones lineup. I have seen some comparisons to Joe Crede on well everyone was all over Joe when he struggled. Joe wasnt hitting below 200 for a good part of the season. Think 2 Joe Borchards in the lineup at once. Having 2 autoouts at the bottom of the lineup doesnt kill you when you face a crap pitcher. Its when you face a good pitcher and you have them on the ropes and then Juan comes up after 2 guys draw walks and pops up on the first pitch thrown, and then Brian Ks leaving men on. We need both Anderson and Uribe to get their head out of their asss. I am absolutely disgusted with Uribe as opposed to Anderson. Uribe is a vet who has hit before. And having Farmer constantly harp on how Uribe says he is going deep before the game, every game and then watching him corkscrew himself into the ground doesnt help any. I would put Cintron in at SS, keep Anderson in CF with a platoon until they can make a move for someone in July if Anderson is still lost at the dish. Cintron doesnt give you the same D, but at least it gets 1 of the two autoouts out of the lineup.
  19. This was the perfect time for this. Yes our record is good. But we cant rest on our laurels from last year and just pray that Detroit is going away. I think this was a targetted call out of Juan Uribe, and the rest of the team. Mr. Uribe is going to ride the pine soon if his Tazmanian devil ass doesnt start to play better. Winning teams dont let little things like this get out of hand. Great Job Ozzie. This is what I expect out of Ozzie. He said in his press conference when he was hired that if you dont play the game the right way, hussle and play hard you will sit. This sounds a lot like another rant that happened in September. The we stink rant.
  20. Nelson is there to face a righty or 2. Not to run 2 innings against a lot of hitters. If you want a goat for the game, his name is Taz and he has a problem hitting and bunting and lately turning the DP. Nelson giving up the walkoff was just the punchline to the joke that the game was already.
  21. Hopefully Jeff throws strikes that arent hit over the fence in this AB. Cue Jabronis splooge attack.
  22. Lets also cut off the Taz s***, because its an insult to Tasmanian Devils everywhere.
  23. QUOTE(Ndgt10 @ May 27, 2006 -> 06:08 PM) How the heck did Dye get thrown out at 3rd base? Well the same guy who had Bmac pitch to a lefty, is waving his arms like a windmill over at 3rd.
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