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Everything posted by southsideirish71

  1. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ May 16, 2006 -> 04:05 PM) You know as well as I do that there are 2 obvious comebacks to that...1. that the businesses that employ those immigrants are in fact doing quite well and are then paying taxes because of it, thus stimulating business and all of that, (the article you cite points out that California's agriculture industry is a $28 billion industry, and 2/3 of its workers are illegal) And 2., no matter what, that tax burden doesn't just vanish. If you deport them all, you wind up having a bill in the hundreds of billions for the deportation. If you jail them all, you wind up paying for the jail. In fact, the only zero-cost solution in terms of the federal government's expenditures would be another blanket amnesty. So whats your solution. Just look the other way. Pretend our borders are safe. Hope something doesnt happen.
  2. QUOTE(kyyle23 @ May 16, 2006 -> 04:15 PM) They ripped off their own idea and whored it out to make kids happy. It is so brutally transformed(haha, transformed) from the idea of Voltron that it is a ripoff in my mind. I watch bits of power rangers and it is just wrong. Those guys should be ashamed of themselves for killing off Voltron in favor of The Power Rangers. Voltron >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.Power Rangers The power rangers remind me of the old Spectraman episodes. Some model city gets smashed by some japanese guy in a puffy obviously soft monster outfit.
  3. QUOTE(kyyle23 @ May 16, 2006 -> 12:59 PM) This is equally as cool. I was a big Voltron fan growing up, and was not happy when Power Rangers ripped them off. It wasnt a true rip off. Its the same creators. They just regurgitated the idea.
  4. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ May 16, 2006 -> 02:48 PM) How about a 1% tax increase across the board? Or cutting back of some of those $10's of billions in subsidies to farmers and oil companies? Or allowing Medicare to actually negotiate prescription drug prices downwards? Savings Maybe if we say save the burden that illegal immigrants put on our infrastructure maybe we dont have to raise taxes.
  5. QUOTE(Kid Gleason @ May 16, 2006 -> 11:32 AM) Ah, makes sense now. I guess you have the cool ability to say you have been to some wild places though. I would like to see more stuff in the world, but fear and laziness keep me from it. I am glad I did my travel before I settled down. My favorite place to travel to outside of the emerald Isle is Australia. When my son gets old enough we are going to go there again as a family. What a great place.
  6. From todays ESPN Neyer chat. Here is the other piece thats obvious.
  7. QUOTE(Kid Gleason @ May 16, 2006 -> 10:24 AM) It's statements like that where I realize I am thrilled to more or less be a "shut in". Why on earth would you want to go someplace where you are warned to stay inside at night!?! Well I had to travel quite a bit before I got married to do a global rollout for my company. They say, hey kid want to see the world on our dime. It was a lot of fun. I got to see a lot of the world. You take the good with the bad. For every bridge climb in syndey you have, or for every Hong Kong nightclub you also get your crapholes. Places that I can check on the list of visted and dont want to go back. Sao Paulo - told to stay in at night. Bogota - armed escort took us from the airport to our hotel which was right next to our companies building. I didnt leave that hotel either. On the way out it took 8 hours to get through customs in Bogota. The airport is in a like valley. The takeoff and landings were interesting. China - Disgusting filth in that country. If you want to go on a diet, go there. Korea - Still dont know what I ate, but I have a funny feeling I would of asked it to bury a bone. South Africa - Cool Ocean views. There is this one cliff where you can see the Indian and Atlantic Oceans coming together. Its almost like you can see a line. That was the cool. The silly amount of shots I had to get was one thing. 2 months after I left armed thugs took over the site and stole all the computer equipment. New Delhi - nothing to eat, hot as hell, ate or drank something that made my mexico water pains seem like a walk in the park. Basically all of those places if you drink the water, you get the trots. Drink bottled water. And watch what you eat and you will be fine.
  8. First transformers now this... Voltron Movie planned for 08 This movie will be by the same producer of the Day After Tomorrow. So the special affects should be awsome.
  9. QUOTE(Rex Kickass @ May 16, 2006 -> 09:14 AM) On May 1, I bought tickets for my vacation in Brazil. I'm flying into Sao Paolo. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20060516/ap_on_...zIyBHNlYwMxNjk2 At least the violence is "slowing down." Remember bottled water only. All Central and South American countries will give you the trots if you drink their water. I went to Sao Paulo for work a few times. We were told not to leave our hotels at night as we were right near the slums. Lots of poverty. The beaches are awsome, nice hot girls in little clothing.
  10. Just picked up 2 for Friday. I love the release method. This is how I picked up last years cubs/sox series.
  11. QUOTE(greasywheels121 @ May 15, 2006 -> 05:16 PM) Yeah. It's just day-to-day though; I haven't seen anything to where they think a DL stint is necessary. We'll have to wait and see. If the pitch matchups still hold through. It will be Garland vs Zito in the first game.
  12. The cops should of taken out their service revolver, shot them both in the knees. A half an hour later, one in the belly. Then let them slowly bleed to death. There are no words for how terrible this is.
  13. QUOTE(RockRaines @ May 15, 2006 -> 03:02 PM) I hope they put nathan in, I think we will smoke his ass today. Play the lottery tonight.
  14. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ May 15, 2006 -> 03:01 PM) Cuddyer is hitting .391 in May. Both Nathan and Jenks are up. His largeness will get the 9th unless we put some points up on the board this inning.
  15. QUOTE(DePloderer @ May 15, 2006 -> 02:26 PM) 3901 W. Madison Ave. But wats the problem past 2000 west? Just remember your west side survival kit.
  16. QUOTE(greasywheels121 @ May 15, 2006 -> 02:21 PM) Steak n Shake. They just opened one up on 75th and Fairview in Downers Grove.
  17. QUOTE(Jimbo @ May 15, 2006 -> 02:21 PM) bah you gotta go to sonic. I was in champaign this weekend and got steak and shake and sonic.nice Sonic is great, I wish they had that and Chic a fila near here. There are like 500 white castles in the chicagoland area.
  18. QUOTE(DePloderer @ May 15, 2006 -> 02:12 PM) Excuse me for going right off of the game thread but along with Lou Malnati's deep dish, we are planning on trying the ribs at Millers Pub ( next door to our hotel ). Wise choice? You also have to try a white castle, or 10 of them. Its another item for 2 in the morning. Preferable with a few pints.
  19. Joe Crede up the way he likes it, bases loaded.
  20. Mid game humor. Luke (Fort Dodge, IA): Will the Cubs even make it to the playoffs this year. SportsNation Buster Olney: (2:23 PM ET ) Luke: Sorry, don't think so. They're digging a big hole, and while Derrek Lee is a terrific player, it can't be that great of a team if they simply get wiped out game after game in the absence of one player. What moronic cub fans thinks they have a chance to make the playoffs.
  21. Freddy hangs one, and Torii bangs one. f***
  22. LOL You could hear Hawk in the background yelling You can put it on the board, YES!! on the radio.
  23. QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ May 15, 2006 -> 12:54 PM) Rodriguez robs Konerko of a single after Thome whiffed. This may be one of those days where Thome goes down 4 times. I think this will be one of those games where Thome goes 1-4 3Ks and a monster Dong.
  24. QUOTE(Melissa1334 @ May 15, 2006 -> 12:44 PM) i think so too. lirianos stuff is so filthy,he could end up being better than santana, if thats even possible I dont think he will be better than Santana. Santana's motion with his fastball and change are identical. Thats what makes him so great. Liriano has a better slider than Santana, a faster fastball. But is not the same pitcher. Lets also see what the grind of a season will do for Liriano. Lots of innings. King Felix looked unhittable last year. This year not so much.
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