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Everything posted by southsideirish71

  1. QUOTE(CYGarland @ May 13, 2006 -> 08:27 PM) And here comes Logan to officially put this game out of reach Well Boone cant get lefties out. Its time to bid him adeux, the spring training story was cute, his performance so far sucks. Once Nelson is ready, Boone will be getting less money for his meals.
  2. The twins are one of the better teams at taking something off their swing with 2 strikes, yet we seem to camp out on the outer half only. This is why they can just slap s*** up the middle and to right.
  3. QUOTE(Tony82087 @ May 13, 2006 -> 08:06 PM) Pods grounds out, this blows... He was bailing out on every slider. He wasnt going to get around on anything with the way he was f***ing diving away.
  4. QUOTE(BigSqwert @ May 13, 2006 -> 07:59 PM) Great. Liriano warming up. Flash unzips pants
  5. QUOTE(Tony82087 @ May 13, 2006 -> 07:45 PM) Sometimes the 4th out is the hardest to get..... s***ty pitch selection there. Away, Away, Away, Away
  6. "I'm questioning my pitches too many times,'' Garland said. "It has a little something to do with my confidence. Instead of just trusting, it's just, 'Let it go and here it is, hit it, hit it.' I don't have that feeling right now. It has a little something to do with confidence.''
  7. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ May 12, 2006 -> 07:13 PM) Under the nonproliferation treaty, Iran is allowed to enrich uranium for energy uses. That, as far as I understand it, is all that people have thus far been able to prove that they've been doing. Even the technology that they imported from Khan's network (which we already knew they did btw) has thus far only been shown to be in use for civilian purposes. We shouldn't be surprised by this...but we should take advantage of it now that we have it. I agree in principle with you, but I'll add 1 more thing...by all accounts, time is on our side. Iran simply does not have the equipment to do the job faster than within a decade. Even if they have twice as much stuff as we know about, we still have 5 years. If they're not interested in negotiating, then we'll be able to bring a much greater amount of both diplomatic pressure and eventually force in order to force them to back down. But we have to be willing to sit down first. I wonder if energy starved North Korea would be willing to give crazy I want a bomb the Zionists Iran some nuclear technology for some oil. Sounds like both sides have something the other needs, and a mutual enemy. HMMMM sound like a match made in heaven. We keep pussy footing around the obvious. Iran wants a nuclear weapon, and they want to destroy their buddies the Israelies. I know you have Professor Coles unbiased opinion on this, but I think the huge mountain of evidence that basically says, if it looks like a duck, sounds like a duck, and waddles like one. Maybe its a duck after all. In a few years, if we dont fix this. This will be the only way to solve the Iran crisis if they get a nuke. Glass in the desert.
  8. QUOTE(WilliamTell @ May 12, 2006 -> 10:04 PM) A smoking drunk child at that...... Her mum needs a shovel to the head to knock some sense into her for some of the silly comments she made.
  9. QUOTE(WilliamTell @ May 12, 2006 -> 09:51 PM) So was it actually a rape? It almost sounds like she's looking forward to having a baby. Last week she wanted a pony, a unicorn, and a care bear. I bet you if you ask her next week she may want a doggie. She is a child and has no common sense about ideas of sex or having babies.
  10. QUOTE(soxhawks @ May 12, 2006 -> 09:53 PM) At least we got one win off Santana this year. This loss does not bother for antoher reason, we got to see Montero get exposed for the fraud that he is in a blowout instead of a close game. Montero is Mike Jackson redux.
  11. Hopefully Bmac has a great start on Tuesday. Maybe it will get Ozzie thinking the next time Judy gets rocked.
  12. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ May 12, 2006 -> 09:21 PM) So...which is higher right now, my BAC after social hour, or Garland's WHIP? Judy was at 1.46 with the old whip before the game. You would have to drink yourself into a coma to hit that. Its hard to believe people are hitting .316 against him coming into the game. Judys ERA is now at 6.34. So far this year. He has had 2 good starts against the Royals and their terrible offense. He had a decent start agaisnt the terrible hitting Mariners. But he got rocked by the mighty twins, tigers, the angels and the royals in one game. I know last year was a fluke, but this is his worst season in a while.
  13. So if Judy keeps getting raped on a every 5th day status, do we see Bmac out of the pen and into the rotation.
  14. This is why I like the rainout yesterday. Judy probably s***s the bed anyway. We have a hard time beating Santana with a great effort. So his pwning of our O, and Judys crapping the bed can happen the same night. I like the rest of the matchups anyways. We should win the next 3.
  15. QUOTE(jphat007 @ May 12, 2006 -> 08:55 PM) You must have me confused with someone else. I said BUerhle was having a better season at that point last year and he was, but quite a bit. I never once said otherwise. And I'm sure that we would all say that to Terry Ryan. But that's not what I'm talking about. Actually I call bulls*** on that. There are plenty of people that remember your little Buerhle is better than Santana stuff. You changed it to, well he is better at that point after the season ended because I called you on it enough.
  16. QUOTE(jphat007 @ May 12, 2006 -> 08:52 PM) LOL. Uh no. Jose is dominating Santana so far this year. I'm sure Santana will get into Santana-esque numbers, but even if he does, it's not as good as JOse if he keeps it up. BUt who knows if he will. That's why I said it'll be interesting to see where they are. Jose has been the best pitcher in baseball since the All-star break last year til right now though and it's not particularly close. Your the same guy who said you would take Buerhle over Johan. Trust me if Kenny could trade one of our starters straight up for Johan, he would say have your pick TR.
  17. QUOTE(jphat007 @ May 12, 2006 -> 08:48 PM) Might as well let him save our bullpen for the series. Pitch as long as he can. At least if Judy is going to pitch like this maybe we should flip flop him and Bmac. The money he makes now is silly, but he hasnt shown too much improvement outside of facing the mighty royals offense.
  18. Too bad the hunters never caught Manbearpig. Now that is something to have a story about.
  19. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ May 11, 2006 -> 11:55 PM) How many times have we actually sat ourselves down for 1 on 1 negotiations with North Korea in the past 6 years? How high of a priority was it for us when North Korea announced they were going to build the bomb in late 2002, and then we detected signatures of them reprocessing fuel rods along the DMZ in early 2003? Why exactly were we unwilling to offer up a non-aggression pact with that nation? Neither side has negotiated in good faith in those discussions. And it wound up with NK getting the bomb. Where would the harm have been in actually trying? So here's the one argument I will make on Iran. And saying "It won't work" doesn't even do it damage, because it's so strong. According to the current CIA estimates, Iran is 10 years from a bomb. We won't be invading Iran this year, or most likely next year. Our allies are in no shape to do so, and neither is our army. Even if those CIA estimates are off by a factor of 2, we still have 5 years. So what exactly is the harm in trying? If it fails, so what, it fails, and suddenly we find ourselves replete with allies because we actually tried. If it succeeds, we avoid a war, the price of oil plummets, and thousands to millions of lives are saved. There is absolutely no reason not to at least try to sit down with Iran right now, at a summit, face to face, and try to negotiate a settlement that prevents Iran from getting the bomb. If a year from now it totally fails, then all it's done is take a year that we'd spend trying to rebuild our army anyway, and made us look a lot better in the eyes of the countries who might help out. Right now, the price of peace with that country is as low as its ever going to get. From here on out, the price of oil will only go up, which will make Iran stronger and less willing to negotiate, and make China and Russia even more obstinate. Iran will only get closer to the bomb, which will make them less likely to negotiate. And they know the U.S. can't invade right now, which gives them motivation to settle this now before the U.S. army returns to full force. Things will only get harder the longer we wait. And it is absolutely impossible for there to be any harm done to the U.S. by sitting down and negotiating. Those estimates are based on Iran developing all of the technology by themselves. As we have seen with Korea you can get some help from the outside to accelerate your nuclear program. Korea already sends their missle technology over for money, why not some tips and tricks on how to get around the difficult technical problems of nuclear weapons. I have the stomach to sit with the peace process, I hope you have the stomach if we have to detonate a thermonuclear weapon over Tehran in about 5 to 10 years.
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