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Everything posted by southsideirish71

  1. Its not a bad show so far. They are doing decent coverage of the sox on it. The funniest comment so far is when Salisbury stated, maybe the reason the cubs are covered more is the lure of Wrigley. Yeah, thats it. Not the fact that the Wrigley corporation that owns one of the 2 papers, and the superstation in town also owns the cubs. Yeah the reason is the lure of the Urinal.
  2. QUOTE(RockRaines @ May 9, 2006 -> 10:12 PM) wow, one of the best games we have played all year. This team is scary good right now. Lets hope Chuck can keep it rolling. Well I will be there to see the knuckler in person. Hopefully the ball dances crazy for Haeger, and they impatient Angels make this a quick and easy inning for the kid.
  3. QUOTE(klaus kinski @ May 9, 2006 -> 09:45 AM) If the Cubs had a real 21st Century scoreboard and If you were doing a Cubs introduction video, similar to our historical highlites shown before each game, what music would you play? The video should start with a man bringing a goat to the park. Some nice effects, like smoke and a shadowy figure. The shadowy figure is the grim reaper, and he brings a goat with him. Then go into Lee Elias rant. Then start the theme song for the cubs....I am a little tea pot short and stout, this is my handle this is my spout. Then show all the historical losses and bad baseball that the cubs have shown. Maybe side by side towel throwing sessions by their top pitchers near the end. And then to finish the video have the Bartman ball incident, with Alou doing his pout and jump routine. Fade to black and then have it say...wait till next year. The last sound played is Ronny Santo screaming, OOOOOOHHHHH NOOOOOO HE DROPPPED THE BALLLLLLL
  4. QUOTE(Jimbo's Drinker @ May 9, 2006 -> 12:51 AM) Arsenal, Chelsea, Liverpool or Man U???? I am in the Arsenal direction at this point What no SPL? You could go with Celtic. You know, cool guys wear green. If you are looking for someone to recognize the jersey, all of those are good choices. My suggestion is to go with the team you like the best. Do a bit of research if you dont know much about the teams. Try to make a connection to the team. I have a guy at my work that wears an Indian hat. He has for years, when I asked him is he an Indian fan. No, but the hat looks pimp was his answer.
  5. QUOTE(Texsox @ May 9, 2006 -> 07:49 AM) Exacty. Finally something we can agree on. So we speed up the line, there seems to be employers waiting for them, and the problem is solved. Legal immigrants have to go through a process where the US figures out who you are, where you came from. Illegal immigrants didnt provide any of these papers. Its okay to put on the rosey colored glasses and say that all illegal immigrants are here to get the american dream. But just based on logic, some of them are criminals or are here for other reasons. So just because they broke the law and they protest we should just give in. We need to identify who these people are, what their backgrounds are, and what their purpose is in this country. As I have said in previous threads on this subject. No matter how many work visas you give out, there will always be someone on the outside looking in. We cant just have totally open borders. Will they wait for a work visa? Or are they just going to come across and hope for more protests and another wave of immunity. And the comments about the employers waiting for them. Well they are waiting for them, at a below minimum wage standard. Which of course is against the law.
  6. QUOTE(kyyle23 @ May 9, 2006 -> 07:39 AM) No, they are waiting for word on Contreras' response to treatment. We will know tonite. Cooper will be on the Mike North Show around 9:20am for his weekly gig. Mike stated he was going to ask Coop about Contreras. Maybe there is news, maybe there isnt.
  7. QUOTE(aboz56 @ May 8, 2006 -> 07:04 PM) Exactly what I was thinking, especially since Rotoworld is now saying we reported he had a MRI. Hopefully that is confirmed. SI can do another story on us. We seem to be at the forefront for the rumors.
  8. The last time we heard about a SP from the sox going on the 15 day DL, it was with a broken foot and McCarthy was going to the bump. Guess what happened, it turned out to be something that was overblown. The count could wake up tomorrow and his back could feel fine. Lets see what happens.
  9. QUOTE(shawnhillegas @ May 8, 2006 -> 04:40 PM) yeah, hip problems are bad news. id much rather have a sore shoulder. especially if there was an MRI taken and he was so quickly ushered onto the DL. think joey belle folks. The doom and gloom is not needed. He is our best pitcher right now, any injury no matter how minor is going to get an MRI, and about 11 doctors looking at him. He is very imporant to our full season plans. Its better to sit him for 15 days, let his hip heal a bit, than to have him try and tough it out. Most arm injuries are caused by someone trying to overcome a leg or hip injury. They try to tough it out, and then overcompensate with their arms. I think this is a brilliant move, as we have protected the Count from further complications. We have Haeger for the short term, and if it lingers a bit, we bring McCarthy in, and bring a certain old guy we just picked up into the pen.
  10. I am sure the folks at mlbtraderumors.com are typing something up right now after this made a thread on soxtalk.
  11. Bmac comes back with the K. That 2nd changeup he threw that moved back over the plate was nasty as hell. It ran in like a screwball. Then he puts the guy down with the big hook.
  12. QUOTE(Rowand44 @ May 7, 2006 -> 02:11 PM) Matt plays loogy and here comes Brandon. It seems obvious that Matt is the new LOOGY. Get this out Bmac and lets see what we can do against Elmer Fudd in the pen. I cant believe we are still suseptable to the soft tosser.
  13. Here is a picture of my bodyguard Brendan. Dont let his size fool you, he knows Drunken Irish Kung Fu.
  14. QUOTE(Dan @ May 6, 2006 -> 12:50 PM) i wouldnt underestimate the Royals. they are a good baseball team, but their record doesnt reflect it, so many people like yourself just assume that they suck. just look at john buck for instance. he may not be swinging a good bat but he can gun down a runner with the best of em. Pods doesnt have 1 SB(that i know of) with Buck behind the plate and has been caught stealing by him at least three times. if you disect it all and look at every player, they have a pretty respectable lineup. The royals are a good baseball team??????????? They have lost over 100 games 3 out of the last 4 years. They will most likely lose another 100+ games this year. When you break the century mark in losses you are a bad team. John Buck has a fine arm, however outside of Victor Martinez, Pods hasnt exactly been ripping up the basepaths this year. Grudz was the only player in their lineup last night that was decent. This good baseball team is about to fire their GM and maybe their coach because they are so bad. Lineups that feature Dougy Baseball as the 3 hole hitter, and Matt Stairs as the cleanup and Brown as the 5 hole arent exactly striking fear into opposing pitching.
  15. QUOTE(DBAH0 @ May 5, 2006 -> 11:18 PM) We won't be seeing Nelson until June at the earliest IMHO. I think our pen has been made out to be worse than what it has been so far, and over the past few days it's shown signs of settling down. I'm hoping tonight's performance was just an aberration. Nelson needs time to get ready, he needs also a few minor league appearances. Logan has to disappear. Ozzie needs to stop worrying so much about what hand the person who comes to the plate has. He burns through the pen trying to play matchup. Your loogy is the only one that comes in for a true matchup and usually to get one or 2 batters. After that the rest of your pen should be able to pitch to both sides. And contrary to Ozzies belief some of our relievers have pitched better to the opposites side of the plate.
  16. QUOTE(DBAH0 @ May 5, 2006 -> 11:29 PM) So how's Javier Lopez sounding as the LOOGY right now? If anyone's going to be called up right now, it'd probably be him, not Nelson or Tracey I'd say, considering they'd probably send down Logan. Javier actually has major league experience. Give him a shot, why Nelson gets work in extended ST. At least he will not s*** his pants and will go after a hitter. Boone got star struck. And I think Hafners dong scared the s*** out him. He needs more time in the minors.
  17. QUOTE(SoxAce @ May 5, 2006 -> 11:21 PM) Hey.. what can you say... Baseball is a crazy game. And I still remember a poster here who predicted that we would be 23-8 after we were done with the Royals, which I precisely shook my head. Like Ozzie said, every team is difficult. There are no easy teams in the MLB. Period. Some teams might just be alittle less talented than others.. It's crazy though every good team will have a team that they will struggle against (or be the b****.) It's common. That being said let's get a win Javier. Ozzie is giving lip service on the Royals. They are the worst team in baseball. There is not even a close second to how bad they are. They dont hit, they dont pitch, they are bad in every way. When they leave us, the next team will kick the ever living s*** out of them. This bad and horrible team also is missing its only two hitting players. Sweeney and Sanders. Without them, they are an even worse team. A 20-8 coming into this series, with one of the top offenses in the league and one of the best pitching staffs in the league should sweep this team. Instead we made Scott Earlton and his nearly 5 ERA look like Santana, who we actually hit better. We like to make bad pitchers with limited skills look like the next coming of Cy Young. In our last series we had Cy Meche out on the hump. When Hawk starts talking up the opposing pitcher as this amazing enigma. How can he have a 9 ERA when he has stuff like this. You know at that time, we are chasing crap out of the zone, either bounced in curves, or fastballs neck high while we take meatballs down the middle. The league might be hitting 900 against him, but they are not doing it against this stuff. We also made Cy Meche who is terrible look good until we got the memo that he in fact is terrible. The Royals will give the loss record a run for its money. We need to beat the s*** of out crap teams like this, because other teams will. This is like tossing free victories away. We have to focus when playing s*** teams like this, and play hard. We have had problems over the years with bad teams of loosing focus and allows s***ting teams to rack up victories against us. A few years ago when the Tigers were looking to break 120 losses, they probably had 1/3 of their season victories against us. Why because we decided to mail in the game, why f***ing play, its an automatic victory. We are a much better team than this.
  18. I will agree with another poster in this thread. The pitch calling tonight in the 9th was absolute horses***. We get caught up with sitting on the outside corner, especially against the Royals. You need to bust in once in a while to setup the outside corner. Ozzie needs to figure out the roles on this bullpen and figure it out soon. If Ozzie started Thorton to shorten the game for Bobby because he pitched a few games, whatever. But if you are worried that Bobby is tired, then send out someone else. Dont dink and dunk the ninth. Boone Logan needs to go. He is a LOOGY who made this team based on one thing, his ability to attack the zone and throw strikes. All he has done is had one good game when it was a blowout. He came into one game where the ball hasnt landed yet, came into another were he walked the world, and then tonight he again came in to perform the LOOGY function and got PWN3d. If the LOOGY cant do it, then send him down. His ERA looks cute, however he just allows nearly all of his inherited runners to score. Thorton should be the LOOGY, until he proves the can throw strikes consistantly. Because of his velocity he is less likely to get hurt, when Boone gets behind he will get f***ing rocked. Where is Neal Cotts? Bmac is also missing in action. No major league teams at all mix and match the 9th like this. They either start with their closer, or if their closer has come into a lot of games, they turn to one of the setup men. Now Bobby is unavailble for tomorrow. What a f***ing mess.
  19. Its the f***ing royals, the worst team in baseball. We shouldnt be leading the season series 4-3 on a 20 loss team in the first week of may. I dont want to hear Hawk talking about how even though Runny Nose Hernandez is a crappy pitcher on a crappy team, tonight his s*** is crisp. We were able to get 2 runs on the great Santana, yet dogs*** pitchers like Earlton shut us down. We also need to get Dye healthy so we can stop with the 3 scrub lineup. Putting 3 or more backup players in the lineup is the cause for half of our losses. 1-5 with the 3 dog lineup. Memo to the Sox MAKE THE ROYALS EAT s***
  20. We need to THOMINATE The Royals. Dear Royals,
  21. If the team is batting .230 and only scores via the dong, then worry. But when we are hitting at a good clip, have a real good OBP then dont. The homer is just a nature of our team. Especially with Thome, Konerko, Dye and Crede in the lineup.
  22. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ May 5, 2006 -> 09:15 AM) Interesting that the 4th of July is more of a family type, cook out, laid back kind of celebration. Shouldn't that be our huge drunk fest? Instead, St. Patty's and Cinco de Mayo are. Its a conspiracy to keep the mexicans and Irish from ruling the world.
  23. QUOTE(Kalapse @ May 2, 2006 -> 09:19 PM) So it went from 1-3 days a few posts ago to 2-4 days at the beginning of your latest post to 3-4 games by the end of your post, at this rate the site will be down for a week within the hour. The small amount of time that this will take in the long run is worth it. As the team keeps winning, more and more people will be hitting this site. I would rather have them take a few days extra and get it all taken care of, then have them feel pressured to bring it up quickly and then we suffer from it in the stretch run. People like Jabs and Mike might be twitching from not being able to post. Hopefully a cool chat is part of the upgrade or is being thought of as a future upgrade path.
  24. QUOTE(aboz56 @ May 2, 2006 -> 04:05 PM) Also, of note in regards to Anderson, Charlotte has been giving Sweeney some time in CF recently. Aboz I would say that if any of our prospects doesnt have a long and looping swing in our system its Sweeney.
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