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Everything posted by southsideirish71

  1. QUOTE(Heads22 @ May 2, 2006 -> 04:02 PM) I still don't know if our major league hitting coach is the man for the job, but I'll agree with you on the swings. Why every single pitcher just doesn't throw a slider low and away every single pitch is beyond me. Heads watch how a lot of pitchers pitch the sox. I state this in chat all the time, they just setup low and away against us. It seems that this is the scouting report on the sox right handers. Just setup low and away. The minute you get to 2 strikes, try the slider away or in the dirt. Its funny because a pitcher who can hit the low and away spot will silence our right handers.
  2. QUOTE(greasywheels121 @ May 2, 2006 -> 03:54 PM) Honestly, it sounds like you and Flash want the following: An all-star caliber team at the major league level winning multiple World Series, to the point that farm is insignificant. However, the insiginificant farm must be damn good. That makes no sense and is not even close to realistic. Actually I took their points as being the all-star caliber club, that has every so often a good player that can contribute from the minors. Crede came up, and is now contributing. To me there is some flaw in our development in the minors. Because all of our hitters that come up have the same exact hitting flaw. A long and looping swing. Crede - Came up with a long and looping swing. Great numbers in the minors. Came up had a hard time adjusting. Borchard - Long Looping swing Anderson - Long looping Swing Arow came up and swing was long. I know that Jeckle would disagree with this, as the swing is the model for all other swings in the universe. But it was long and looping. He adjusted But why do our hitting prospects come up with the same swing and same flaws.
  3. QUOTE(Flash Tizzle @ May 2, 2006 -> 03:37 PM) I'd rather criticize Anderson. As you've mentioned, Uribe has proven himself capable of hitting major league pitching over an extended period of time. Anderson hasn't. This alone seperate's the two. I'll criticize him EVERY day until he begins showing improvements; regardless of what Uribe does. I'm not giving Brian any benefit of doubt concerning his success in the minors, and how we're supposed to "give him time." His AB's are painful to watch. How will this magically improve over time? It appears his swing is most responsible for early troubles. That's not a minor adjustment Walker can fix. I've accepted the likelihood he'll remain on this ballclub atleast until midseason. By then, no more excuses should remain. If he's hovering around .200--goodbye. Have fun in Charlotte. Whether the option for a replacement lies in on our minors (lol) or outside the team, it's not acceptable for a contending club to have a regular such as Anderson. And people wonder why I criticize our system. For an organization whose strength is outfielders, it's amazing how Anderson is our top prospect. What does that tell you? I know not everyone is Jeff Francouer. Or Matt Murton. Or Minnie Mendoza. I just expect some consistency. Hitting clutch HR's once every 50AB's doesn't change matters. To me Sweeney has a better stroke that will translate better to the majors than Andersons. However that doesnt mean he will hit with power or will he be decent in CF. If he could play CF and play good defense it would be nice. However I dont think that will happen. He has been projected as a corner OF, and I dont know if Sweeney without killer speed can be a corner OF without power. Sweeney needs a full year in AAA at least.
  4. QUOTE(LVSoxFan @ May 2, 2006 -> 03:27 PM) I used to joke that you could throw a frozen ham at Uribe and he'd still swing at it--it's just that bad (like last year). Again, though: his defense has probably won us plenty of games. Anderson I don't know what to say. He seems to instantly get down in the count and then the pitchers just toy with him. I'm assuming that word gets around on that, BTW. Uribe doesnt get down in the count because it rarely gets past a pitch or 2. Anderson needs to shorten his stroke a bit. He has a long stroke, which seems to happen in every hitter that comes up from the minors in the sox system. Right now he is jumping on the first 2 pitches just to get wood on the ball. He is almost afraid to get 2 strikes on himself. That makes for some frustrating ABs. I thought he was coming around after the twins series, however he is back to square one. I would like to see the sox do the same thing they did with Uribe last year, get someone in to work specfically with Anderson. This at least would give Anderson someone to work with him one on one and hopefully it will help him take off. I would like to see the same guy brought in that they did last year, because he would help quiet Andersons stroke a bit. After Anderson gets good wood on the ball, then we can work back towards a power stroke.
  5. I know that Anderson is an easy target, but. How about this, the minute our SS starts to actually hit we can then address our rookie CF who hasnt hit. Uribe has been in the league for years, has had some limited success, however for the most part he just spins himself into the ground trying to park every pitch low, high, bounced in, into the stands. Anderson is struggling. He has the talent, obviously needs some special attention. When we have the full lineup in, he is not so annoying. Because if you can use the well Uribe plays great defense so its okay when he swings and spins like a top, has no plate patience and basically will swing at a ball rolled in, then we can give the same benefit to our Rookie CF.
  6. QUOTE(SnB @ May 2, 2006 -> 02:34 PM) with the amount of travel and a quick noon game after a pretty long game that started at 8pm the past night, I would have expected a few bench players in. Thome was out just because the guy needed a day off, period. Today I figured we would have the crappy lineup. I probably would of rather have seen Gload in at 1st, Konerko at DH. But in general its a bit shocking to only see the starting 9 in 35% of our games. I dont even think we did that last year.
  7. QUOTE(wsox08 @ May 2, 2006 -> 02:26 PM) It's so hard coming here after a loss.. It's so depressing and people talk like we are horrible... Our team is great and our offense rocks. Some of us are just upset that we only seen the full starting 9 in 35% of our games so far. Considering that 35% number and looking at our record, I am happy as hell. I would like to see Uribe pick it up a bit, so we can take some more pressure off of Anderson.
  8. When we face teams, I never see 3 or more subs in at once. It will be nice if we ever run into someone using this type of lineup so our pitchers can have an easy game.
  9. I lifted this from Southsidesox.com It was a gamethread post that quoted SHAFTR's diary entry. Interesting stats. All Starters: 9-0 One Bench: 4-3 Two Bench: 4-1 Three Bench: 1-4
  10. QUOTE(T R U @ May 2, 2006 -> 12:45 PM) I really dont think we should ever put out anything less than our best lineup against Cleveland.. especially with the team they have Hopefully. We need full lineups for the Tigers and the Indians this year.
  11. And end game, Cintron strands 7. 21 run ducks still left on the pond.
  12. QUOTE(knightni @ May 2, 2006 -> 12:44 PM) Mack extends the game. Crede singles and now the black hole today of baserunners starts.
  13. QUOTE(Allsox @ May 2, 2006 -> 12:36 PM) Buehrle giving up 3 runs in the 1st inning wouldn't have helped the regulars, let alone the subs. This loss I pin solely on Buehrle's performance and he'll be the first to tell us that once this game is over. Plus, JD's was trying to play hurt and it was a good move by Ozzie to take him out when it started raining. No need to keep playing him when it was obvious early on this wasn't the Sox' game to win. 19 men LOB is also an issue today. We had guys and then turned it over the back end of our lineup, who did nothing. Cintron 5 left on Uribe 4 left on Widger 3 left on
  14. QUOTE(Rowand44 @ May 2, 2006 -> 12:30 PM) Ross Gload lives. And he quickly is out. f*** 4 pitch inning for Graves. That should tell you how bad our O was today.
  15. QUOTE(Allsox @ May 2, 2006 -> 12:28 PM) Wouldn't have mattered who was in the lineup today as Buehrle was simply not good anyway....Plus, Uribe's a regular and he's left about 8 on base so can't blame that on the Sunday Lineup.... You take our normal lineup, we can absorb the two non hitters in it. When you sprinkle the 3 to 4 subs with that, you take out Dye and Thome, its a formula for crap.
  16. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ May 2, 2006 -> 12:20 PM) Without the Sunday lineups, we would have not had the gas we did in the post-season. Therefore, no championship. Konerko got how many days of rest last year. How did that affect him in the playoffs, was he tired, was he lacking in the ABs.
  17. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ May 2, 2006 -> 12:19 PM) We were on certain days. We weren't playing the starting 9 every single game against CLE and MIN, thats for damn sure. Maybe after we won the series we would relax a little. The formula last year was win the first game of the series to take control, if we won two then we took the foot off the pedal because mission was acocmplished for that series.
  18. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ May 2, 2006 -> 12:15 PM) You guys with the "Sunday Lineup" complaints kill me. Seriously, you sound like you live in a video game. In the real world, human beings need this little thing called "rest", to help prevent "injuries". And the subs need playing time, or else when you do need them, they suck. And they came in yesterday from the left coast, and now have a day game after night game, and will travel again today to play tomorrow. And oh yeah, WE WON A F***ING WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP THIS WAY. It works. Its proven. And we often win games with the "Sunday Lineup". Enjoy it! As for Buerhle, well, can't help you there. Maybe Ozzie wanted him to get his 6 in. We won the division last year because we attacked our division. Our sunday lineups were for other teams. We changed our rotation middle of the season so the top of our rotation would face our division more. We were not resting 3 and 4 starters against the Indians and the Twins last year.
  19. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ May 2, 2006 -> 12:06 PM) Just tuned in 6-1? Yikes. Sounds like Mark caught the dick, eh? Mark Sucking + Sunday Lineup + = big time spanking
  20. I also love how we leave our pitchers in, who are not having their best days, so they can get f***ing destroyed for about 7 - 10 runs.
  21. QUOTE(Rowand44 @ May 2, 2006 -> 12:00 PM) That is Juan Uribe. The guy is a streaky hitter and always will be, we've known this since 2004. Any offense that Juan adds(which will be plenty) is a bonus considering he's an absolute stud at short. Actually they made a change to his mechanics last year and he started hitting the ball like crazy. However that mechanic is now missing. How hard is it, for them to look at video and say, hey he spun around and hit like crap, then we changed this and he started to hit. Now he is spinning out of control again and not hitting again.
  22. QUOTE(KevHead0881 @ May 2, 2006 -> 11:56 AM) Use the B team excuse all you want, but we are losing because our A teamers have looked like crap today. I am sure Konerko got the same pitches to hit without Thome in front of him. I am sure as the game progresses with mack providing protection that they will still go after Konerko.
  23. QUOTE(rudylaw @ May 2, 2006 -> 11:54 AM) 24 runners LOB over the last 15 innings. That is no good. Uribe has stranded 10 on his own over that spand. Maybe Uribe can watch a f***ing video of how he hit late last year, because right now Uribe is hititng like he did in the begininng of last year. The spin-o-matic needs his front foot nailed down.
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