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Everything posted by southsideirish71

  1. QUOTE(chisoxfan79 @ May 2, 2006 -> 10:21 AM) MB must be going through a dead arm period. Sure Hawk.
  2. Widger catching anyone = 5 runs or more. No matter how good or how bad anyone looks give them to Widger and they look even worse.
  3. The crowd in the background of the score sounds like 1000 screaming 10 year olds at the mall.
  4. Ozuna, LF Iguchi, 2B PK, 1B Dye, RF Crede, 3B Cintron, DH Uribe, SS Widger, C BA, CF I would rather have Cintron at SS, Gload in at first and PK at DH. This lineup screams yuck.
  5. QUOTE(RockRaines @ May 1, 2006 -> 08:55 PM) What im going to take from this game, is the classlessness of Cleveland Indians fans. Booing a player for being forced out by ownership is just plain trashy. He loves Cleveland, he still lives there, he carried your team for years, and is genuinely one of the nicest guys in baseball. Shame on you red neck bastards. Why would he leave america's armpit. Thats why we booed him. He should love to live in a city where the lake lights up on fire in the summer. Traitor
  6. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ May 1, 2006 -> 10:02 AM) Not a clue, but I was actually hoping someone would sit down with him and make some wholesale changes to his swing this offseason. His mistake should be obvious to anyone watching his swing; his head dives forwards like 2 feet every time he swings, so the ball has to absolutely dance to his eyes. IMO, someone ought to try the same thing people did with Andruw Jones on him...spread Uribe's legs out, get his balance better, and teach him how to swing while holding his head more steady so that he can actually see the ball coming in. His swing is not the problem. Its his footwork in the box when he starts his swing. Last year they had him fixed. Uribe has a propensity to fly open. His front leg will step in the bucket towards third, his body commits before the ball is in the hitting zone, and at that point he has a hard time centering up the ball on the outerhalf. It makes him spin out. Last year they had him using a leg kick timing mechanism to fix him. The timing wasnt the issue, its the fact that when he started using this he strides towards the pitchers plate and keeps closed off. This allows him to keep level through the hitting zone and hit with power. For whatever reason so far this year, he has stopped using that same leg kick. In the weekened series, his front leg was stepping towards third and he was opening up completely before the ball went through the zone. On the game last weekend he kept closed off and drove through the zone. Hopefully they are working with him, and he remembers something that made him a dangerous hitter in the back of the lineup.
  7. QUOTE(whitesoxfan101 @ Apr 30, 2006 -> 11:39 PM) He says if he could have ANY PLAYER IN THE GAME.......he'd take Jonathan Papelbon. That could be the dumbest thing he's ever said, and that's saying something. This is the same genius who in the same show that thank god Thome is doing well, because Konerko is struggling. .360BA, 6 dongs, 20 RBI, .433OBP and a .640SLG. Yeah Mullet thats f***ing struggling. So dippy Mullet would also take Paplebon over say Santana from the twins. Whats a perennial Cy Young type pitcher who is a second half unhittable pitcher, but Santana didnt get a Mohawk. That must be it.
  8. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Apr 30, 2006 -> 11:37 PM) And we're even winning now when Thome isn't carrying us every game. And ESPN still doesnt do any research. Mullet Brantley made a comment that Thome is a god send because he was able to carry the sox while Konerko got off to a slow start. Konerko is off to a slow start? If this is a slow start, then the 65 million dollar deal was a freakin bargain.
  9. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Apr 30, 2006 -> 02:07 PM) Nuke, is the chat dead? what happened to the link? http://www.soxtalk.com/chat/
  10. Widger needs to learn how to call pitches inside. Every game this year, he sits like a statue on the outer half. Its a very lazy way of getting your pitcher rocked.
  11. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Apr 28, 2006 -> 10:26 PM) I'm not necessarily pissed off about that, per se, but I do think it's an insult. Being in Dallas, we have a very large population of LEGALS and ILLEGALS here. Most of the legals are pissed about it. I find that interesting. They say it's a slap to what they worked so hard to achieve. Funny how they're offended, but we shouldn't be. Here you go again in Texas. In Houston they get an MLS soccer team. They name it Houston 1836 which is a European like naming of a local soccer team. However they are forced to change the name, after making uniforms, marketing ideas. Why, because the local mexican american community is offended at the name 1836 because that is when the mexican army was defeated. This is the same as people getting offended if a team was named 1776 because the English were kicked out. 1836 to change name
  12. That was the best break he has had on a curve all year long.
  13. QUOTE(jphat007 @ Apr 28, 2006 -> 10:36 PM) Son of a b****. I hate the West Coast. Sure its the west coast. Not the blame of our team at all.
  14. QUOTE(Tony82087 @ Apr 28, 2006 -> 08:49 PM) Bulls*** call there to Thome. Thome is a funny guy, he goes down 2 times in a game, and then usually winds up destroying the next pitch he sees.
  15. Juans front foot flying open. Thank god he forgot what he learned from Hrniak in the second half of last year. f***!!!!!
  16. QUOTE(jphat007 @ Apr 28, 2006 -> 08:30 PM) In the starts I watched he was very good. Well, typical first inning Freddy. Hopefully he'll settle down and we can score a few runs. Not gonna be easy but we can do it. In all the years of watching Freddy, when did he become Typical mid 80s Freddy. He usually gives up runs in the first inning, however he usually can break 90 on the gun once.
  17. QUOTE(SSH2005 @ Apr 28, 2006 -> 08:24 PM) Farmer is talking about scouts' concerns about Freddy's velocity. Methinks its MRI time for Freddy.
  18. QUOTE(jphat007 @ Apr 28, 2006 -> 08:22 PM) So I guess that means he's not gonna hit .054 against us this series, or whatever it was. haha. Well not many major leaguers are going to hit that when someone is getting behind everyone and throwing junk and backing that up with 85 mph heat.
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