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Everything posted by southsideirish71

  1. How does someone who has had a good fastball for all these years, come in this year with a mid 80s to high 80s fastball and no one is saying maybe something is wrong with his arm.
  2. QUOTE(fathom @ Apr 28, 2006 -> 08:16 PM) Weaver's fastball blows tonight, but his slider is nasty. Hopefully they swing at strikes tonight.
  3. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Apr 28, 2006 -> 01:11 PM) As far as I can tell, these things wouldn't be as big of a threat to the U.S., it would just drag out any air campaign longer, because you'd have to go after them first with the stealths. It's doable, but it just takes an extra day or two of sorties. Cruise Missiles...well this system is used by quite a few countries, including China, and supposedly it's moderately successful against them. If the U.S. goes after those, they'll almost certainly go after them with stealths. The real issue here is how much Israel is willing to trust the U.S. as its first line of defense. If Israel is willing to hold off and let the U.S. say "We'll deal with it", then we'll be ok, because there's nothing yet built that's going to find a B-2. But Israel has a habit of not wanting to rely solely on other countries for its security. These sorts of installations would pose a major threat to the IDF, and the IDF would lose a ton of planes in trying to go after them. That's the real problem...if Israel isn't willing to rely 100% on the U.S., they'll have to strike before these things are active or potentially lose their ability to strike. You hit it on the head. The first thing that will happen the minute Iran is attacked, is that Iran will lob something over at Israel to bring them into the frey. You know their rockets are a hell of a lot more accurate than the bottle rocket scuds that Iraq had back in the first gulf war. We started using stealth based cruise missles in this last war. So B52s could come in and stay quite a bit away and do so stand off launches for a first salvo also.
  4. Ohio recalls voter registration CDs; Social Security numbers included Why would you think that putting social security numbers and say a voter cd was a good thing. Dumb.
  5. QUOTE(Wanne @ Apr 28, 2006 -> 12:49 PM) Great read....good stuff! Is it just me...but don't you think they could find a better greeting party? Holly Madison, Bridget Marquardt and Kendra Wilkinson. Guess I'm just not into blonds. I originally had Ms May 2006, however this months Cybergirl blows her away. YIKES. She has clothes on also, sorry this is about as far as I can go with a pic on here. Now this is the type of Hunny Brian should be all over.
  6. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Apr 28, 2006 -> 11:11 AM) So this morning, there was This moderately interesting column in my LA Times by Rosa Brooks, one of their columnists that you probably wouldn't call a major hawk. Her prediction? There will be a war with Iran by September. So, I did a bit of reading into these Tor missiles, and They do actually appear to be quite formidable. They can operate in radar-jamming environments, so traditional anti-radar missiles won't necessarily work well against them. They have a very high kill rate, hitting somewhere between 92 to 95% of airplane targets. They also have the ability to hit cruise missiles, hitting between 60 and 90% of those. It can engage multiple targets simultaneously. Basically we're talking about a missile that is approaching the quality of the current Patriot system. As far as I can tell, once Iran gets these operational, there will be exactly 2 weapons systems in the world (that we know about) which are capable of actually doing damage to the Iranian nuclear program without extreme casualties; the F117 and B2 stealth bombers, which these missiles still cannot detect. So therefore, if Israel genuinely were planning a strike, this author is correct, as of September of this year, the cost of such a strike to the IDF would go up massively. Unless Iran installed more of these missiles, they wouldn't have enough to totally defeat the IDF with just those devices, but it is now officially safe to say that beyond Iran's fortifications on the ground, Iran is prepared to make any attempt to shut down their nuclear programs into a major conflict in the air over their country, involving heavy casualties on both sides. Our first strike MO for the last few engagements has been the same. We hit hard with Cruise Missles and Stealth aircraft the first few waves to take out command and control and also use it to take out Sam installations. Once that is thinned out, we then lauch major operations with the rest of the air fleet. We also have F22 Raptors that have stealth capabilities to add to the B2 and the F117. Also remember that the Russians talk up their techology and their ability to compete, however in the last few wars we have ran up against the Russian technology and have beat it. Remember the Mig29 in the first gulf war, and how supperior it was to our fighters. How the advanced sam installations would take us down. Their tanks and how they would take us out due to numbers. We were ahead of them technologically then and we are now. The only real risk that we have to worry about in a fight with Iran is the following. Silkworm missle attacks on our fleet in the gulf. Balistic Missle attacks from their long range rockets on Israel, and our bases in the gulf. This of course is until we get air supperiority. Suicide attacks. This will be the lingering issue for the long haul. You cant defend the single minded insane person who wants to kill himself and lots of people around him. Iran wants confrontation, at least their nutty leader does. He wants to bring about the 4th imam. He is a religious nutcase. The Iranian people dont want a war.
  7. Here is the beauty of our justice system. These two morons will get to view the world in he eyes of the victim when they go to prison for a bit. After they are passed around like rag dolls they will have a new appreciation for being a victim of sexual assault.
  8. Well CC Fatabia did good in his start. They are deciding to either pitch him against us on Tuesday or pitch him against the As. So we are probably looking at facing Cliff Lee on MOnday and then the Snickers Model on Tuesday. Buerhle vs the large one.
  9. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Apr 26, 2006 -> 01:14 PM) Umm, the only problem is that they fired all the hot ones and hired a bunch of below average females. It used to be about T and A, it seems that someone complained and ruined it for everyone. Rock, This one is for you. Remember the 2005 Pride Crew and their contributions to the championship season.
  10. QUOTE(Texsox @ Apr 27, 2006 -> 02:14 PM) Nuts to the left, nuts to the right, here I am stuck in the middle with you. Like many important debates in our society, the fringe groups get the press because it's entertaining, but we really can't take them seriously. Can we start to fire the nuts that are teaching our kids Usually its the fringe groups that start to use violence to get their way. At some point something is going to happen whether its a klu klux klan guy killing a mexican, or its one of these nut jobs trying to resurrect their homeland. The ones that worry me are the the ones who identify themselves with the Palestinian resistance group and likes their methods.
  11. Mexica movement, they will be at the May1st parade This makes me f***ing sick. These are the type of nutjobs that start with a movement, and then start doing stupid s***. This Aztlan movement sounds like a certain Basque separatist movement in France/Spain. They started out wanting something similiar, then boom went the bombs. Stupid
  12. Brian Anderson and the rest of the single guys need to use this opportunity to get them a bunny for themselves. Look at what Pods goes home to.
  13. QUOTE(Mplssoxfan @ Apr 27, 2006 -> 10:47 AM) There definitely should be wind farms of the coast of Cape Cod and Martha's Vineyard, and the Mass dems in Congress and the rest of the NIMBYs are selfish fools for opposing them. We should also have oil rigs off the coast of Florida, but for tourism-related reasons, the Governor of Florida, among other Floridians, doesn't want them there. What's the Governor's name again? I forget. Too bad we care too much about Cariboo, 4 eskimos, a seal, 2 polar bears and a slab of ice in Alaska, because I hear they have oil up there also. Plus a pipeline to bring it home. But santa would be mad if Rudolf had to fly over an oil rig. OMG The poor cariboo
  14. Wind Turbines are a bit too close Teddys home Bass said the Cape Wind project has been treated differently in Congress because powerful lawmakers and special interest lobbyists vacation on Cape Cod and treasure the ocean views. ''It's odd that the people who are against it are the people who have [scenic] views," Bass said. ''I'm sorry about that, but the project ought to rise or fall on its merits." So we dont want oil because its bad, and we dont want nuclear power because its bad also, and now we dont want Windmils. So I guess we are against electricity then. Back up the truck, turn off the internet, lets go back to the caves.
  15. QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Apr 26, 2006 -> 11:40 PM) Curiously enough, I also put RAM into a compuer tonight (my kid's cheap iron Wintel, not one of the mighty Macs) and ran intto an odd thing. On going out to the web, I all of a sudden started getting redirects to porn sites, porn and Brazilian soccer popups, etc., pretty much no matter where I tried to go. This is obviously an issue since this is a six-year-old's computer! I did a few spyware sweeps and I think found the ooffending software. Now my question is, is there anyway the budget RAM I installed somehow has the spyware burned into it in a ROM or something?? I really have no idea, but we never had anything like this happen until I put in the new RAM. Very strange. Your kids has a wintel. For shame. OSX would of kept your child safe for surfing. I doubt its the memory. RAM is volitile, which means the data gets destroyed as you boot and reboot your computer. Nothing is saved in RAM from boot up. So most likely its not that. Make sure you run a few antispyware checkers. The antispyware community is not sharing signatures like the a/v community, so one company might find something, while another might not. Try clearing your cookies to start off. Then clear your DNS cache. ipconfig /flushdns from a dos prompt. mr mac. There is a new class of spwyare that has been lurking, its a brower hijacker that utilizes the autosearch function in your browser. When you mistype a url it will automatically try and send the text to your default search engine for lookup to help you find where you are trying to go. However the default search engine is porn spyware central. You get bombed with popups. Microsoft is a pain in the ass for spyware. Hopefully its just a rogue cookie, or piece of random spyware and not something like a browser hijacker or something more low level. If you still are having problems pm me and I will give you a list of tools to run that may help you identify the culprit.
  16. QUOTE(WCSox @ Apr 26, 2006 -> 11:51 PM) Given that we haven't hit Moyer well in recent years and we were riding an eight-game winning streak going into Monday night, I don't fault Ozzie for sitting a few regulars. We should be able to score more than one freaking earned run off of Moyer, even with Dye and Crede on the bench. Usually you dont have good numbers against a teams number 1. That is the time to have all of your best in. The 8 game winning streak is nice and all, however take a good look at our record on the West Coast over the last few years. Now say to yourself, against their best pitcher I think we still have a shot after taking out our number 5 hitter that provides protection to Konerko, Kong will still get the same pitches, our best defender for a pitcher who is a ground ball guy, and our leadoff guy. Take a look at the back of Mondays lineup and then ask yourself again, why didnt we score more runs against Moyer.
  17. QUOTE(WCSox @ Apr 26, 2006 -> 11:38 PM) Um, no. Chalk one series loss to our lineup not being able to hit Moyer and Washburn. I think we have a better chance to hit moyer when we have the regulars out there. Not many teams can expect to do well when you take 1/3rd of the order out including 2 of our hottest hitters. Sure whatever potatoes potahtoes.
  18. Well this happens from time to time to the Sox after a big blowout win. We jacked a ton of homers last night. Tonight we were out of sorts at the plate. This year we have been very patient at the plate, hitting line drives and putting pressure on the pitcher. We havent take a lot of bad swings, making pitchers throw strikes. Tonight we chases pitches out of the zone, took pitches down the middle, and had long swings fouling off the other pitches. When we connected on something it was either a Washburn belt high and higher fastball away which shot straight up for a popup, or we took out the 9 iron and golfed the breaking pitch in the dirt for another popup. My inital thought tonight was that were were going to rock wash. He is a good pitcher but relies on his fastball at lot, and tries to pound in. However a lot of pitchers would of looked great tonight due to our undisciplined approach. Hopefully we get back to business in LA. Garcia needs to nut up and throw hard and have a good game. Our hitters need to try and hit line drives again. And no more mass group 4 sightings for a week or so. Thome hits like s*** against Weaver .179BA , and so does Konerko .231. So we need Freddy to pitch well, we need to get into hitters counts and make Weaver get the ball up.
  19. QUOTE(Tony82087 @ Apr 26, 2006 -> 10:27 PM) I think we might get made look silly by Santana on Sunday, but I really like the matchups on Friday and Saturday. 2 of 3 will happen. Hopefully Garcia thinks that the Angels are good so he can bring a fastball with him. If he thinks they suck, he will try and finese him and get rocked.
  20. Ozzie never makes mistakes. He made water into wine last week, for the rest of the year we will play scrubs and will win every game. If we do happen to lose a game, its because I want to make sure that the other teams dont file an antitrust lawsuit for perfect team.
  21. This is probably more of a reason that we were impatient at the plate tonight than Cy Washburn. Maybe Mrs Pods can give them the tour.
  22. QUOTE(jphat007 @ Apr 26, 2006 -> 10:03 PM) How do you know that. None of them had had much success, if any, against Moyer. And one of those starters you were just complaining about saying he isn't doing anything to get the offense going. How much sense does that make? Two of those reserves manufactured 2 of our 3 runs. I will take our regulars over Ozuna in Left, Mack in RF, and Cintron at 3rd any day of the week and twice on sunday. We lose with our best with our best effort fine. We play the Sunday lineup and just come up short then f*** us.
  23. Why are we calling sliders. After he shows he cant catch up with heat. Stupid f***ing call.
  24. QUOTE(Tony82087 @ Apr 26, 2006 -> 09:58 PM) Not our night tonight. BTW, even before this series started, would anyone be dissipointed with a 3-3 road trip with the M's and LAAA? No more resting 3 f***ing starters. We would of won game 1 and this game would of meant nothing.
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