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Everything posted by southsideirish71

  1. Nice night for Anderson at the plate. He gets a hit off of one of the toughest hitters, and then almost dongs it and drives in a run.
  2. I wonder if Kyle is taking part of the refreshments.
  3. QUOTE(Jeckle2000 @ Apr 21, 2006 -> 05:20 PM) I'm sorry I didn't realize this was the Brian Anderson fan boy site... At least when AROW strugged he always had that short compact swing... Brian has one of the ugliest swings this side of Juan Uribe... Brian has done nothing to show that he's going to turn the corner or improve at all... I'd love to eat crow on this but so far all Brian has proved is that he's overmatched by major league pitching... This coming from Aaron Rowands #1 fan. If Arow had such a short compact swing, why did sliders low and away constantly strike him out. Short compact swings dont strike out in excess of a 110ks with a low walk rate. I loved Aaron when he was here, but lets not get crazy with how beautiful Arows swing was and how terrible and unfixable Brians is. Methinks you are judging your favorites replacement a bit too harsh.
  4. QUOTE(Palehosefan @ Apr 21, 2006 -> 03:44 PM) Rick as well. Jimmy's verbal to ND has been a foregone conclusion for a while. Heck of a pick-up, and he should blossom as a likely 3 year starter under Weis. Weis is probably 90% of why Jimmy is going there. He gets to blossom underneath one of the better offensive minds. I am not a Notre Dame guy by any means but this is a good pickup for them.
  5. QUOTE(kyyle23 @ Apr 20, 2006 -> 10:36 PM) I am fairly sure that Bruce Levine staked his reputation to the fact that the White Sox would sign Omar Vizquel. He was pretty adamant about the White Sox acquiring Ken Griffey Jr also, IIRC. What are you talking about Kyyle he is always on his target.
  6. QUOTE(Sonik22 @ Apr 19, 2006 -> 04:46 PM) Rank Team +/-Rank Mar 06 Pts: Apr 06 +/-Pts: Mar 06 1 Brazil 0 830 -5 2 Czech Republic 0 779 -10 3 Netherlands 0 774 -14 4 USA 1 760 -4 5 Spain 1 759 -4 6 Mexico 1 758 -4 7 France 1 754 -6 8 Portugal 2 753 -2 8 Argentina -4 753 -12 10 England -1 744 -12 11 Denmark 3 738 2 12 Nigeria 0 737 -1 13 Turkey -2 733 -10 14 Italy -2 731 -7 15 Cameroon 0 723 -3 USA #4 w00t w00t This suprised me, but very happy. Doesn't mean we have a cakewalk though. Have both #2 and #14 in our group. Horray! These are based on a few years of overall competition and should be taken lightly. I believe we should be ahead of Mexico due to beating their asses in the last WC and pretty much handlng them when we play them. But Spain, France, England, Argentina, and Italy should be ahead of us. The key to this world cup is keeping EJ and McBride healthy and up front as the strike team and making sure that Donovan doesnt disappear like a little b**** because its real competition. Hopefully Spector and Gooch will get a shot to make this team. Arena gets goofy sometimes with older more experienced players and I have a feeling his old DC United connection will play more than what we need for the final players for the WC. Like Eddie Pope, he needs to help train the team, but not be on the team.
  7. QUOTE(AddisonStSox @ Apr 21, 2006 -> 02:54 PM) Per ESPN News. Brace yourself for four years of Joe Montana compairisons. Clausen has a gun and has been one of the highest pursued QBs in the country. I was sure he was going to play for USC. His brother is/was a QB for Tennessee so that was another thought.
  8. This thread sucks, Now I have to have Chili for dinner. Thanks everyone.
  9. QUOTE(Controlled Chaos @ Apr 21, 2006 -> 11:58 AM) My favorite... http://www.bishopschili.com/ How is it. I love Lindy's chili on t he southside. I drive past that place all the time and have never tried it.
  10. Dammit there goes another one of my great ideas
  11. Lets kick some twinkie ass tonight. Hopefully we can drive batb**** insane with a twinkie beatdown this weekend.
  12. QUOTE(Jeckle2000 @ Apr 20, 2006 -> 02:35 PM) I wish we'd of traded him for Juan Cruz when we had the chance... At least find a decent CF somewhere... I still remember you stroking out when Kenny traded for Lofton/Everett because another CF couldnt hit for s***. Can we give the kid a little time before you bury him.
  13. QUOTE(Rex Hudler @ Apr 19, 2006 -> 09:29 PM) Screw Texas chili, give me Skyline!!! Skyline, YUCK!!! :puke Who wants sweet chilli on spaghetti.
  14. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Apr 20, 2006 -> 11:22 AM) Yawn. Its such a shock that Aboz would write an article in favor of bringing Buerhle back. When we trade Freddy maybe we can get Freddy and Ozzie vonage so they can have unlimited long distance calling so they can keep in touch.
  15. There are some other side affects of people who are here illegally. Some of them try to fit in, so they create or steal identities. Sometimes its a dead person, sometimes the person is alive. Identity theft is not a victimless crime. There was a story on NBC in January where a legal mexican immigrant couldnt buy a house because her credit was ruined. She had worked for years and had saved for the american dream. She was a single mother, who had finally had enough to get a house for her children. NBC tracked down the person(in a nice big new house in Zion) who stole her identity , it was an illegal immigrant who lived here for years. The son stated that she had done nothing wrong but just had problems making payments. Well that person has ruined another persons right to the american dream because they were a bit short sighted on the cause and affect of identity theft.
  16. QUOTE(fathom @ Apr 20, 2006 -> 11:01 AM) For Joe, it was only enough so that his hair wouldn't show under his hat. He still has a lot of hair, according to the radio. As demonstrated by mullet imagery. I believe that anything below the black line was taken off as it would protrude from the baseball cap in the back. But the top was probably left alone.
  17. QUOTE(Steff @ Apr 20, 2006 -> 08:41 AM) If the shoe fits. Did I say stats...? I'm trying to say you're consumed with s***ting on him for whatever reason yet accuse others of slurping him, and tell them to get over him. What is the obsession with what the hell Frank is doing? Thome is the Sox DH. Who gives a s*** if he hits .100 points better than Frank? Is there some sort of award between the Sox and the A's for this accomplishment?. Anyone with half a brain cell knows it was the right move.. so who are you trying to convince? It's not you specifically. The Frank watch is beyond stupid, IMO. I thank Frank for everything he did in a whitesox uniform. However now he is no longer a whitesox. So when he plays against the rest of the AL Central I hope he hits at a 700 clip and beats every team with a dong. When he plays us, I hope he goes 0-15 in the series with 15ks. At this point I am very happy we have Thome, he is providing a presence we havent had in a while in the DH role. This Frank watch is funny. We have people trying to convince themselves one way or another that we made the right decision based on stats. We made the right decision because we needed a left handed power bat to balance our right handed power bats. Have a great Career Frank, but when you play the sox I hope you strikeout everytime and I hope we sweep the As.
  18. QUOTE(aboz56 @ Apr 20, 2006 -> 07:59 AM) 17 K's in 38 at-bats. This cannot continue. I'd feel a lot better if he were at least making productive outs. I know he's always had high strikeout totals, but I am beginning to get concerned about him. Hell, those are Borchard like strikeout totals. I'd like to see some improvement over the next couple of weeks from BA. I think the best solution is to bring Walt Hrniak in to work with Anderson directly. This is the same approach they took with Uribe last year. Walt can help Brian simplify his swing process and get him a better timing mechanism.
  19. QUOTE(Buehrle>Wood @ Apr 19, 2006 -> 01:55 PM) :puke :puke :puke :puke I blame you. LOL
  20. Singelton seriously needs to abandon the PBP. Its terrible.
  21. For your midgame entertainment. Dumbass award of April. My father in law might be going to the emergency room. Its all due to easter you see. You see he made some eggs for my son to find on Easter. He made those on Saturday night. So what did he decide last night, hey I am hungry and those blue/green/red colored eggs look mighty yummy(why didnt he throw them out on Sunday is another question). So he ate them. He woke up this morning feeling like someone was stabbing him in the stomach. The pains have gotten worse over the day and I just got a cal l from my wife telling me they may take him to the emergency room. She of course was a bit upset when I started openly laughing on the phone when she told me he ate 5 day old red/blue/green hardboiled eggs at room temperature. So what have I learned from this. 1.) My father in law is a dumbass 2.) Eggs go bad after a few days out in room temperature. 3.) Everyone knows number 2, so see number 1 4.) Learn to use the mute button on the phone before laughing.
  22. Singleton needs to learn to think and speak at the same time. The pauses are caused by him trying to collect his thoughts mid stream.
  23. QUOTE(fathom @ Apr 19, 2006 -> 01:07 PM) 9 of our 12 outs have been on pop/fly outs. This is the same MO he has had against us. He throws a crappy high fastball and we try and hit it hard and all we do is get underneath and put it straight up.
  24. So far we are sleep walking through this game. Getting underneath everything. AJ gets a hit. Lets go O.
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