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Everything posted by southsideirish71

  1. QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Apr 19, 2006 -> 12:43 PM) I have a feeling next inning will get ugly for Elarton. When Scott has beaten us its the same MO. He throws a high fastball that looks juicy and sweet, and then we get under it and we have a s***load of popups. Make him throw strikes and get the ball down and we will kill him.
  2. We have a pitcher who has no control, yet we cant control ourselves and need to swing the bat. So in inning number 2 we bail out a pitcher who wants to give up an 8 spot. Dont swing until the first strike is called.
  3. Earlton is walking the world. People should be fined if they swing at anything before a strike is thrown.
  4. QUOTE(GoSox05 @ Apr 19, 2006 -> 12:34 PM) Actually Singleton is gettin better. I actually enjoyed listening yesterday Do you enjoy listening to FM 88.1 for the local high school broadcast, because they are about the same.
  5. On the good news side, the sox are up 1-0 On the bad news side, sooner or later I will have to listen to singelton doing PBP today.
  6. QUOTE(Shamrock4Life @ Apr 18, 2006 -> 12:39 PM) I see what you are saying about Garland being a veteran himself, but the catcher can control the pace of the game just as much as the pitcher. AJ can do this better than Widger. AJ will see when Garland is a little of his knocker and go out there to calm him and slow things down. AJ also calls a better a game and will probably set Garland up for success more than Widger can. Now I have no problem with Wigder catching say Buhrle, Contreas (i suck at spelling), or even Garcia and Vazquez, but when you have a struggling pitcher use you number one catcher. Garlands problem is not how the game is being called. Its hitting his spots. If he hits the target and pitches ahead he will be fine. When he gets behind and they start to sit on his fastball then he is meat. Is been the same story for years. Last year no matter what catcher was up, he was 0-1 and 0-2 on every hitter in the first half. He had good control of every pitch including his change.
  7. QUOTE(Texsox @ Apr 18, 2006 -> 12:46 PM) Does the DA have a moral or ethical responsibility to do what the public wants even if he knows it is wrong? I don't think so, but I'm wondering how we view elected officials and following what the people who elected them want. I have seen attorneys on both sides SAO and Defense push cases that they have known are dead losers just to appease either the public or the victims or their clients. Sometimes with a jury those cases still win. The only ethical issue is if you know the person is lying or you know your evidence is tainted.
  8. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Apr 18, 2006 -> 10:09 AM) But a LOT of men were put away for rape prior to DNA testing, on what evidence? Evidence collection is very difficult with a rape case. The first thing they teach you in the police adademy is to isolate and contain the crime scene. However with a persons body that is almost impossible. The first thing that a lot of rape victims do is to shower. Which is the worst thing from an evidencial standpoint. DNA evidence has been around for a while. But even back in the late 70s investigators were collecting rape kits known as Vitulo Kits. Its basically collects pubic combings, dried blood, scrapings from underneath the fingernails of the victim. The pubic hairs were used to match the accused. Its not as foolproof as DNA but its pretty selective. Blood was typed and matched. Other things you need to look at also, does the accused have any wounds that could of been inflicted by the victim. Do they have any scratches or defense wounds. Plus description of the attacker, clothing they were wearing, any details. Most rapes happen amongst people they know, its not the stranger rape that everyone sees on TV. These are all things that help with the evidence gathering. Now in this case a few things are fishy. They have obtained some genetic material obviously or they wouldnt have performed a DNA exam on the players. When a rape victim is interviewed one of the questions have you had intercourse in the last 72 hours. The reason for this is to collect genetic samples and pubic pullings from all those who could match for DNA. You eliminate DNA samples that do not apply. However this is not the case here. They have drawn material and it hasnt matched. This is a huge item that the defense will use to get these guys off. Beyond a resonable doubt is the criteria. The DA is pushing this only because of the political issues at hand. If this was cook county and the DNA testing came back negative for genetic material found in the rape kit then you drop the case. Its not like they didnt get the right genetic drops from these guys, she positively identified them. So if the genetic material doesnt match them, then where did it come from.
  9. I just got back from the game. Cold game. Watching the absolute beat down of the Royals kept me warm. Brian Anderson with a web gem catch, and a hit. He is definately pressing. He will be fine once he relaxes a bit. Conteras was dominating. Crede and Kong started the beat down. Pods with a nice stroke. The team is looking good.
  10. Shelton just hit his 9th homer in the 2nd inning today. 1-1 Tigers and Injuns
  11. Thome should hit a dong off of Mays unless they IBB him. I will be at this game. Hell yeah.
  12. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Apr 17, 2006 -> 08:47 AM) hahahahaha I had a nice laugh there. Rock didnt you realize that if you can move Cintron to CF on this.... Ozzie can do it in real life. LOL XBOX position moves 4 evah.
  13. QUOTE(Steff @ Apr 17, 2006 -> 08:40 AM) The real world. Stopping behavior favorable to injury and dress & appearance codes are fairly common. the slip and slide thing is cute and all, until someone hurts themselves then soxtalk is imploding calling for ozzie and kw's head for allowing such dumb behavior. Plus its not like their abilities are tied to a haircut. And if if is, maybe they can all get lockets to put their hair in to remember the hippy days of old.
  14. QUOTE(Jeckle2000 @ Apr 16, 2006 -> 11:17 PM) I bet you all of those players outhit Anderson this year... Well if Harris hits the majors that is... Maybe Jeckle we should of sent Ventura back down when he came up. Because he obviously will never hit major league pitching because he started like 1 for 42. Lets give the kid a few months before we bury him. Your man crush Arow also kind of sucked when he came up. In fact so much that KW traded for CF twice to replace him mid season. Arow is gone, as much as well all love him. Thome + Anderson >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Everett + Arow
  15. QUOTE(kyyle23 @ Apr 15, 2006 -> 02:24 PM) No s***. Thome is a little off right now, and Konerko stepped right up. This team is hitting the crap out of the ball. The funny thing is these two will feed off of each others success. And it really has had an effect on Iguchi. With Thome hitting the way he has, pitchers will challenge Gooch. He has feed more off of a strong 3 hole hitter this year more than anyone. With Thome hitting the way he has, pitchers who are mainly right handed will pitch around him to get to Kong. With Thome on base, Kong will get some more fastballs to hit as they dont want to get into a big inning. And finally Dye will get a lot of pickup work from pitchers who s*** the bed from facing Kong and Thome. This is the Manny - Ortiz effect. Maybe just maybe not as potent, but pretty damn imposing.
  16. If that play by Iguchi is not the #1 web gem tonight then I call Shenanigans. Bobby getting his hook over makes him a hell of a lot more dangerous. His location was on today, and he got the save. Buerhle had a great game, and Kong provided the O. If Kong and Thome are both as dangerous as they appear to be, jesus.
  17. QUOTE(G&T @ Apr 14, 2006 -> 10:31 PM) Sounds right...Maybe there's a space ship behind the comet that we can hitch a ride on. The french needs to call Katy and Tom to find out when the chosen on will be born. Xenu will be defeated only when the chosen one is born. Travolta will fly out and rescue the chosen child before Xenu lobs that comet our way. Now the silly thing is, this is probably the way the scientologist really think.
  18. QUOTE(G&T @ Apr 14, 2006 -> 09:56 PM) All hail Xenu!!!!!
  19. QUOTE(bmags @ Apr 14, 2006 -> 10:04 PM) do you guys remember how crede was when he first came up???? then he tore it up in september that year...but yeah what the f*** is up with our pitching staff? Our pitchers who are struggling are missing with their location. Polittes velocity is still down. Politte with less velocity and less control will equal meat. We have scored enough runs to win tonight. If our pitching does a decent job we are talking about a win tonight.
  20. QUOTE(jphat007 @ Apr 14, 2006 -> 09:55 PM) Might as well let him have a refresher course with Juan while he's here. Uribe is not using the leg kick that he was using at the end of last year as a timing mechanism. It kept him closed off and on the ball longer.
  21. Maybe they can bring Walt Hrniak in to work with Anderson like they did with Uribe last year. Uribe was a changed hitter after his work with Walt late last year. As it has been said before, Walt simplifies things and helps with making good contact. Anderson can work on his power game after he starts hitting the ball with good line drives.
  22. QUOTE(jphat007 @ Apr 14, 2006 -> 09:04 PM) If it continues for awhile, I would imagine he'd just switch Cliff and Bmac. That switch has already been made. Bmac has been in the competitve games at the end. And Cliffy is throwing extended BP when we go down by a few.
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