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Everything posted by southsideirish71

  1. Our pitching so far in the last two games is great. Our O scores 5 or more and then our pitching decides to take a crapper.
  2. QUOTE(jphat007 @ Apr 14, 2006 -> 08:59 PM) They are treating us like we are Matt Clement and David Wells. Mercy. Well like Matt Clement Cliffy threw a major league a meatball about belt high and center cut.
  3. 1st and 2nd, no outs and we f*** ourselves out of the inning. Why would you bunt and put pressure on a kid who is struggling.
  4. QUOTE(Iwritecode @ Apr 14, 2006 -> 12:12 PM) I watched the South Park episode and when they started explaining it they flashed the words "This is what Scientologists actually believe!". I wasn't sure if they were joking or not.
  5. I wonder what their agenda is. So a baby at 39 weeks because it has not gone through the birthing process can not feel pain, however a 36 week pre-me can because they were removed from a C section? This is just more agenda based science to make themselves feel good that this is removing a group of cells and not a life. Its the same syndrome that we saw in Silence of the Lambs when the serial killer disassociated himself from his victims by using the word it. I love the fact in this article is a professor of pyschology. He can interview the fetus and ask it it has pain. But according to other research 1997: Statement by Professor Robert White: Dr. Robert White, director of the Division of Neurosurgery and Brain Research Laboratory at Case Western Reserve School of Medicine, gave testimony before the House Constitution Subcommittee of Congress. He stated that the fetus at 20 weeks gestation "is fully capable of experiencing pain...Without question, all of this is a dreadfully painful experience for any infant subjected to such a surgical procedure." 1997: Statement by Dr. Paul Ranalli: Dr. Ranalli is a neurologist at the University of Toronto, in Toronto Canada. He is acting president of the de Veber Institute for Bioethics and Social Research. He gave a presentation called "Pain, Fetal Development, and Partial-birth abortion" on 1997-JUN-27 to the House Judiciary Committee of the State of Ohio. 2,3 He has concluded that the "spino-thalamic" system is fully developed at about 12 to 14 weeks of gestation. This is the system that conveys pain signals from pain receptors throughout the body to the thalamus. He apparently believes that the thalamus can feel pain, even though a connection between it and the cortex is missing. To support his belief that a fetus in the second trimester can feel pain, he cites three signs: 1.) A fetus will "withdraw from painful stimulation" 2.) Two types of stress hormones which are detected in adults who are feeling pain are also found in a fetus from when a blood sample is withdrawn. He quotes: 3.) Nicholas Fisk of London, England who observed this reaction as early as 19 weeks 4, and 4.) J Partch of Kiel, Germany who observed it at 16 weeks.
  6. QUOTE(aboz56 @ Apr 14, 2006 -> 10:13 AM) One of my favorite things to do is now ruined. The Score has found a way to ruin Sox radio with Farmer as play-by-play, Singleton as Color and Rongey as the pre/post host. Vote and discuss. Hopefully someone from the Score stumbles across this poll. Aboz is on a mission. Singleton is brutal. Baseball can be a fast game. The ball takes a second or so to travel the 60' 6"and then the play itself takes 10 seconds or less. Why that is going on Singelton is studdering, stammering and pausing pretty much ruining the fluid play. Then he gets on a tangent and cant let it go. He has to finish the sentence. No matter how long it takes him, and no matter how many pitches or plays we miss. Here is a brief example of the same sequence done by Rooney and done by Singleton Rooney: Johnson steps and fires, hum baby for strike one. Johnson rocks and fires, Pauly hits it deep to left center, Matsui going back to the track, to the wall, and Its a Goner. Singleton: Still doing the lineups as the first pitch is thrown. Johnson is tall. Farmer interjects and says strike one. The pitcher, Randy JOHN pause SON throws a hard ball, and its hit, the ball is hit to left, pause, its going over the left fielders head, its over the left fielders head, and its yup over the wall, and that would be a home run.
  7. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Apr 14, 2006 -> 09:55 AM) I would be reading his email for sure. LOL As disgusted as I am by his lack of business accumen. I must admire his selection of web sites I got sick and tired of being in the middle of these porn fights at work. So now the web content filter will automatically email the persons boss when a person surfs porn. I set the filter at 30 minutes of porn access just to gleen out the false positives of people getting a rougue link from spyware. His supervisor is the CEO. LOL
  8. Good Friday obviously has a different religious effect on different types of people. One of our esteemed Vice Presidents has been trolling porn sites since 7am this morning. Not too smart. Then again maybe he is just paying homage to Gods creation known as the 18-22 year old naked female.
  9. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Apr 13, 2006 -> 09:41 AM) I workout. It always makes me feel better. Same here. I go up to lifetime and workout or I will go out for a long run. Either way you are too tired when you come back to be upset still.
  10. Garland will be fine. All he needs to do is to start attacking the strikezone again. Any pitcher no matter how great of stuff will get rocked if they continually get behind hitters and walk people in front of power guys. Good hitters become great hitters when the count is constantly 2-0 and 3-1. Also good hitters can flat out swing from their asses when down 8-1. 8-1 f*** I would swing for the fence. They got hitters counts and hit Garland coming back in the strikezone. I am not happy that he s*** the bed, but he will be fine. It wont be the first pitcher nor the last that will s*** the bed this year. At least our O can pick up our pitching when they fail. Last year we would of lost this game like 9-2.
  11. Jon is getting behind everyone of these hitters. His success last year was based on getting ahead of the hitter and staying out of the big inning.
  12. I have been saying this for years. Fastball pitchers who challenge our hitters are meat. Crafty guys who can barely hit 88 are the ones that cause us fits.
  13. Inge said I hope that Justin puts the fear of god in them. LOL Well Gooch proved that Justin is not perfect. 1-0 Sox
  14. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Apr 13, 2006 -> 11:01 AM) Silent Birth and Infant Care Based on Hubbard's writings, Scientologists believe that mothers should keep as silent as possible during birth. This stems from the belief that birth is a trauma that may induce imbalance onto the baby, who may also absorb his mother's trauma. Hubbard also wrote that for the first 24 hours after birth, infants should not be touched, cleaned or spoken to, and that mothers should refrain from speaking in the presence of their babies for the first week after birth. He further claimed that babies should not be breastfed, advocating instead a diet of barley extract supplemented with corn syrup or honey. [citation needed] It should be noted that honey given to infants under 18 months can be lethal due to the traces of botulinum spores in honey. This is a group of people who think that the original inhabitants on earth where held by a galatic warlord named Xenu, who blew them up over volcanoes by use of thermonuclear weapons and spread their theatons across all life. I bet if you put rubbing oranges on your ass, makes you live longer, and put it in an L Ron Hubbard book. Tom Cruise would have an orange farm and would be sliding down the branches bareback.
  15. QUOTE(SoxPride56 @ Apr 13, 2006 -> 09:41 AM) From the blog: Today's Lineup Pods, LF; Iguchi, 2B; Thome, DH; PK, 1B; Dye, RF; AJ, C; Crede, 3B; Cintron, SS; Anderson, CF. The last time Anderson faced someone that had this type of stuff, he took King Felix deep twice.
  16. Of course there are loads of pics on the internet. These however are the only ones that are relatively work safe. Edit: Removed the first pics found one better. Here you go.
  17. This guy is going to challenge us with a fastball. My prediction today is we bring out the bats big time. Konerko will have a huge day. So will Dye.
  18. QUOTE(Tony82087 @ Apr 12, 2006 -> 01:58 PM) I have a feeling this place could get ugly tomorrow. Verlander looked GOOD last time out. This is a guy you have to be patient with. He is a rook that can get wild at times. You have to make him throw strikes and elevate his pitch count. He is also someone that you need to look oppo on because his high 90s heat is something hard to get around on. Konerko should do well as this guy will challenge our hitters with a good fastball. The benefit of this is we will face a similiar type arm in AJ Burnett this weekend. So this will help us get ready for that.
  19. Well we get a taste of high 90s heat tomorrow.
  20. QUOTE(Dan @ Apr 12, 2006 -> 01:49 PM) dont give up on bobby this early! things would have to go completly to s*** if we were to ditch him. we've seen what big bad bobby could do against teams like the huston astros. give the kid some time and let him work his way into the season with coop at his side. the key to bobby is control and his curve. If he has those, no one can touch him. H
  21. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Apr 12, 2006 -> 01:28 PM) wow, im excited for the "should we worry about jenks" threads. LOL He just needs to throw his breaking pitch for a strike. That is what balances it all out. As long as he is mid 90s and up with that hammer he will be okay. It would also be good if he could get ahead of the hitters and then go up the ladder. His high 90s heat is a lot harder to hit at the belt and higher and it makes his curve even more attractive.
  22. QUOTE(jphat007 @ Apr 12, 2006 -> 01:21 PM) Bobby still perfect on the season. Great win!!! I am a huge bobby jenks fan, and cant even spin it like this.
  23. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Apr 12, 2006 -> 01:20 PM) whew 1st series win!!! Our bullpen held on in a one run game.
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