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Everything posted by southsideirish71

  1. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Apr 12, 2006 -> 11:25 AM) Crede tries to pull a low and outside pitch, grounds out to 3rd base. Obviously their gameplan is to make us hit the ball the other way, which we have a hard time doing. This is how a lot of pitchers throw to us. They spot outside lower half on our hitters, who forget how to poke the ball the other way.
  2. Today Anderson will go deep for the first homer of the year. Kick some kittie ass.
  3. QUOTE(Texsox @ Apr 11, 2006 -> 03:52 PM) If we decide to pay billions of dollars to increase our border security, where will the money come from? Another massive tax cut? Soon to have all this money, we'll have to skip paying taxes totally for a year. What problem are we actually trying to solve with this increased expense? We are chasing the boogey man. Read the first post in this thread. They are allowing trucks with no inspection drive right in. And all these posts later, we are trying to link immigration to security. Tex they shouldnt be allowing trucks unchecked on either border. I want the same enforcement on both borders, I also want them to check cargo coming in our ports. Our security is going to catch us sooner or later. We act like the country is secure because we go through a few more security checkpoints on the way to our plane, but that is just 1 part of our security picture.
  4. QUOTE(Soxbadger @ Apr 11, 2006 -> 03:50 PM) There is a great irony that today we sit at a fork in the road, where ex-immigrants are trying to make it harder for future immigrants. No matter how high and mighty I may become, I will never forget that if it were not for the leniant immigration policies of the 19th and 20th century, my family may never have had the chance to come here. So give us your tired, your hungry, your poor, because it is the American way to accept them. Let them take jobs, let them compete, because that is American. It is only those who are lazy, those who are drains on society that fear the immigrants. Because can an immigrant that can not speak my language, that has not gone to high school, college, etc, really compete for my job? The answer is no, and the reality is not one illegal immigrant has ever taken a job that I have wanted. They take jobs from those who are no longer deserving, because they will work harder and for less. Its time to stop crying and asking for a bigger govt to come and protect us. As an ex-immigrant I am very much in favor of giving those a shot at the american dream. However you cannot just have open borders without any checks and balances. No country no matter how open and free can take on a endless amount of people who will sit undocumented underneath the veil of society. I am for a guest worker program. But even that will have limits. And when the lmits for the guest worker program are reached we will still have those who decide to come here illegally. I know you dont want to pick tomatoes, and the illegal worker does that for a very small wage. But let me paint you another picture. Here is the guy that is illegal that worries me, and its not the terrorist. Its the MS-13 gang member who is ex el-savadorian army who moves through your neighborhood without any documentation. MS-13 is one of the most organized gangs and probably one of the most dangerous. This is one of the gangs that scares the FBI and your local law enforcment the most. Its not because of the color of the gang members skin. its because it contains a lot of ex-military/ex-paramilitary who have a bit more knowlege of warfare than you average suburban cop. its the guy who slips in and out of our country. its also the Russian mobster, the IRA gunman, the Colombian cartel, the other list of illegal immigrants who are exploiting the weak borders of our country to exploit people. Its the people who make money on the trafficking, the cattle cars, the fake passports who are linked to organized crime. That is what I am worried about. Not the farmer who has come here for the better life. This is why I am worried. Not just the terrorists. We need to know who is in this country, we need as many of them accounted for. I can tell you, that in the 80s a lot of money was filtering back unchecked to the IRA from undocumented Irish workers. This is not a debate about immigrants, I am all for immigrants and their right to come here and work and find a better life. This is a story about security and sovereignty.
  5. QUOTE(SleepyWhiteSox @ Apr 11, 2006 -> 01:40 PM) Tell that to the large numbers of companies and such who profit from the work of immigrants. I bet they'll consider their gains a positive. Which is why I'm in favor of a guest worker program along with the opportunity to earn citizenship for those deserving folks... As I always like to play devils advocate sleepy. I have to pose the following to you. Say we establish a new guest workers program, with an aggressive citizenship path. There will still be a limit on how many people that will support. If this has some sort of clemency attached to it, it will put a mass invasion of people who want to be grandfathered into this rule. I mean how do you tell if this guy was here before or not, all illegals have no port of entry documentation. Even with this there will be people who will be on the outside looking in. This is inevitable. There will also be a group of people who dont want to be put on a waiting list for guest worker visas and will want to cross over illegally, in hopes of getting a future clemency as we already bent to the demands of politcally pressure. These people will be violating the law just like before and we will still have illegal immigrants in the US. Its just the nature of supply and demand. What do you think we should do about illegal immigration after the guest worker program, how aggresive should our border security programs be? IMO any guest worker program has to be mixed with a rock solid border security program. I am all for giving people a chance at the american dream. I however want to make sure that our borders dont become swiss cheese on those who think that because we relented once, that just a some protests and political pressure will make it all go away again. There will be lmits on the guest worker visas, that is just part of the game. Guest workers should also go through a screening process, violent criminals should not be given the same free pass that good hard working immigrants should get. This will take time and resources and also cooperation with foreign governments and interpol. There will also have to be some sort of taxation that will have to take place on wages earned. This will have a two fold affect, there will be those companies who will still reach out to illegal immigrants as the new wage will hit into their profits, and as the salary will rise, the ammount of jobs will be less due to financial restraint by those companies who wish to work legally. This will still create an environment for illegal immigrants and their employment by business. I think that guest worker programs are a good way to go, but there are a lot of other issues that we need to streamline and work through to make this process not only work, but make our borders safer and more secure.
  6. QUOTE(Son Goshin @ Apr 11, 2006 -> 10:15 AM) i don't think i'm the only one who has gotten crap from cubs' fans, even though it's barely over a WEEK INTO THE SEASON! of course the counter we white sox fans use is, "Who the hell jsut won the world series? US." but i've noticed that it's not enough sometimes. i got plenty of friends who are cubs fans, and plenty who are sox fans, but it seems that whenever i'm talkin baseball, my sox friends are nowehre to be found and i have no one to abck me up agaisnt moronic cub fans. so i'm asking,what the hell can i do? just ignore their idiotic and meaningless comments? or shoot right back at them with more insults? if you have some comebacks, post them here and it'd be much appreciated. i just want to put some annoying cubs fans in their places, and i'm sure i'm not the only one who feels this way The only comeback you ever need with a cub fan is 1908
  7. Never to look too far ahead, but when Santana who makes this team look like a bad high school team is on the horizon, I keep track of where he lands. If this is true and holds up. We would miss santana in our first twins series. He would face the Angels instead. It would be Baker, Radke and Silva
  8. You dont have the pitching to be as good if not better.
  9. My wife is an oncology nurse. Cancer is a horrible disease, and when it takes someone so young the tragedy and loss cannot be measured. A child is a shining light of youth, promise, and hope. When you are young you look to each day as just another adventure. When you see something like this, it really shows you how everyday is a gift and you should enjoy your life, your family and your friends. My prayers go out to Brook and her family and friends. The loss and pain they are feeling I cannot put into words. A parents worst nightmare is the loss of a child.
  10. Kong showing he can turn around on a 98 mph fastball impressed me. He has been one of the better fastball hitters in baseball. If he can start hitting behind Thome, he will provide Thome protection who will get more pitches to hit. Pods needs to get going. He isnt hitting , and now he is having problems in the field. They should of retroactively put him on the DL at the end of ST to allow him to play in extended ST so he could work out the kinks there.
  11. Konerko can still rock a fastball no matter how fast it is.
  12. So Pods isnt hitting, and isnt running, and now isnt catching fly balls. Great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. At some point our speedy fast porshe will start to hit the ball on the ground and use his speed to get to tirst. Instead of hitting fly balls.
  14. Worst home run call ever. I had no clue it was a home run until the very very end. Its a line drive, over the left fielders head, its uh over the wall for a homer.
  15. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Apr 10, 2006 -> 12:27 PM) JD k's on ball four Maybe someone should hypnotize him so he thinks its June.
  16. Hopefully Farmio takes over the PBP soon. I am getting quicker updates in the game thread.
  17. Runners on the corners for Thome. LOL now they have to pitch to him.
  18. Farmio needs to do more play by play. Singleton doesnt paint any picture when he does play by play. The only way you know if the ball was a hit or not is by the crowd reaction.
  19. QUOTE(Dick Allen @ Apr 10, 2006 -> 11:52 AM) When your leadoff hitter has not scored a run, the offense tends to look bad. That and when you leave leadoff doubles stranded.
  20. Bonderman broke more of a sweat warming up than he did in that inning.
  21. QUOTE(Y2HH @ Apr 10, 2006 -> 11:43 AM) Wow aren't you all a bunch of kool-aid drinkers. Before Thome came up you were all singing Cubbie doom-and-gloom songs about how much everyone on this team sucks, and how much life sucks. Then Thome comes to bat. What's going on around here?! We lose a couple of games to start the season and you guys turn into Cub-like fans. What a difference a year can make. Is this the first time you have posted in a game thread? Cub like fans sound more like. Well even though we are down 190-2 we are still the attendance champs.
  22. Thome is our offense. Gooch at least was on base for him. 2-2 folks.
  23. Hanging breaking ball slammed over the fence after his walk.
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