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Everything posted by southsideirish71

  1. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Apr 8, 2006 -> 02:03 PM) this is why baseball is so frustrating. Without this horrible wind, we would be winning be several runs. But instead we are losing to one of the worst teams in the game. Rock our hitters know the wind is blowing in. Yet they keep teeing off trying to park it into the stands. You have to play to your conditions. When the wind is blowing in hitting homers are going to be difficult so you need to manufacture offense. Vaz has pitched well and doesnt deserve this outcome. Hopefully our hitters get their head out of their asses and start to try a new thing and string a few hits together. We have had the leadoff man on for the last couple of innings and havent done a thing with it.
  2. Its nice to see a terrible team with one of the worst pitching staffs in baseball completely shut down our supposed good offense. 2 f***ing hits. Wait till we face Santana
  3. QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Apr 7, 2006 -> 10:12 PM) No guarantee that Gload would have gotten that ball with the wind whipping around like that. We should figure out how the Royals left fielder was able to get to balls hit to left.
  4. QUOTE(SSH2005 @ Apr 7, 2006 -> 10:04 PM) They just didn't find the holes dude. Bad luck. Its kewl for our leadoff hitter to constantly put the ball in the air for power. Very major league II. Think about how rested his legs can get just doing to home run trot.
  5. QUOTE(SSH2005 @ Apr 7, 2006 -> 09:44 PM) I have a feeling that Podsednik's nagging injuries will be around all season. Frankly, I'm pretty sick of it and I wouldn't mind starting Mackowiak in LF against all righties and trading Podsednik off. Just get a righty hitting outfielder not named Ozuna that can play some defense to platoon with Mackowiak in LF. How about someone that can catch a ball in left. That would be better than Ozuna. Ozuna did the same thing last year with Jon on the bump here in a day game against the Royals at third. He kicked the ball around, Jon got rattled, and then got rocked. If Pods is hurt, DL him, put Mack out in LF and bring up some help. We cant play every game short staffed.
  6. The funny thing is that people are saying. Well this doesnt matter we have plenty of games left. In how tight this division will be we cannot afford to give s*** away like this. We do not play well in August for the last few years. We will have to play lights out at that point against some tough competition if we s*** the bed in April. The more the Indians and the Tigers and the Twins win, and we play like this. The more they believe that last year was a fluke and they are the better team. We should be 3-1 now.
  7. We are about to give the Royals their first victory of the year. We also will be tied with the Royals for last place. KEWL
  8. QUOTE(Dick Allen @ Apr 7, 2006 -> 08:42 PM) The good news is Vazquez has a 1.20 career ERA against KC. He will keep that ERA if our starters are playing and playing well defensively.
  9. Well we are playing the same way as the last time we played the Royals in September.
  10. 2 men on no outs, no one scores against garbage. f***ing sick.
  11. QUOTE(SSH2005 @ Apr 7, 2006 -> 08:21 PM) Because they swing at it. Actually this has been a pattern for years for the white sox. The game plan for opposing pitchers is start on the outside half and move further away. Our hitters have a hard time adjusting to it, and their plate discipline is bad enough where they chase away or take resulting in strikeouts, lazy popups or turn on your wrist grounders. Our hitters during the playoffs dealt with this better. I was hoping that they would of taken that approach that they had in the playoffs into this season as a learning opportunity. But it seems that old habits are hard to shake.
  12. Why is it that every single team in the majors seems to pitch our righties low and away?
  13. Maybe once everyone is a bit more healthy Ozzie can give the Sunday lineups a rest for a bit so we can actually start to win some games.
  14. Hopefully the swinging for the fences crap doesnt start with them being down a few.
  15. All that Wood has to do now. Is to throw low and away to our righties and let the magic happen. All that the royals need to do with the stick is hit the ball to Left.
  16. This is embarassing. 9 f***ing runs to the worst team in the majors. Wait till we play the Tigers next week. A team that can hit.
  17. Hey look their LF can catch a fly ball. Maybe the wind only happens when we are in the field.
  18. Nice lineup tonight, :puke Konerko has good numbers career wise against Affedlt and so does Crede. Hopefully Crede can provide some protection for Paul so he can hit something. Hopefully Affedlt challenges Paulie. Hopefully Jon comes to play tonight. We need him to provide a nice solid start. The key to success tonight is IBB Sweeney every single time he comes to bat. Dont challenge him, make someone else beat you. If you take Mike out of the lineup, you can pretty much shut them down without a whimper.
  19. QUOTE(Brian @ Apr 7, 2006 -> 12:15 PM) Did they raise there Attendance Championship banner? After the game the drunks can give the new bricks on the outside their first coat of urine.
  20. Joel Zumaya's myspace site Thank god he can throw a fastball, because his myspace site makes him look goofy.
  21. QUOTE(greg775 @ Apr 6, 2006 -> 09:35 PM) Affeldt scares me. He's capable and another lefty. We need to face a righty so Thome can blast 3 or more hrs off the stiff Royals. Affeldt is a power lefty. He will try and go in on our right handed hitters who will smoke him. He doesnt have the velocity in the starters role he has when he relieves and his control is not good enough to consistantly get ahead. These are the types of pitchers that the sox tee off on.
  22. Well the Knights are making Ledezma seem like the reincarnation of Randy Johnson. Ledezmas line so far. 4 innings 3 hits 1 run 9ks. Sweeney goes down again 0-3 3ks so far. He looks like he has happy feet up there, like he doesnt want to settle in.
  23. QUOTE(trottime @ Apr 6, 2006 -> 12:51 PM) I was very impressed with the Indians' pitching the last two days. True, there were some hit batters, but they seemed to have great location and were able to pitch to spots that their scouts apparently had told them were problems for our hitters. They were pitching outside to Anderson and he had a very difficult time, including striking out twice. Paulie seemed to have a hard time as well. I hope this is not an indication of what the Indians' staff will be like this year. Pretty much what a lot of pitchers did last year was to spot the fastball on the outside corner, and then nibble away. Our right handers have been having problems with that for years. Our plate discipline needs to get better. If we force pitchers to throw strikes we will help ourselves out big time. Westbrook was good. Mota was good. We should of killed a few of their other pitchers. They gave us too many opportunities that we didnt cash in on.
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