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Everything posted by southsideirish71

  1. QUOTE(YASNY @ Mar 24, 2006 -> 04:44 AM) FORDLAND, Mo. — Matt Suter can’t get the tornado out of his head — or his ears. Every time a late-night freight train thunders past, Suter wakes up and remembers the vicious twister that pulled him from his home March 12 and landed him in a pasture — a quarter-mile away. Suter’s harrowing encounter has brought him sudden fame, with national media exposure. One tornado expert said he knew of no one who traveled as far as Suter did in a tornado and lived to tell about it. “It’s a pretty awkward record to have,” the 19-year-old senior at Fordland High School said. read more
  2. QUOTE(Flash Tizzle @ Mar 23, 2006 -> 12:18 AM) I'll guarantee this lapse in control is due to Jenks coming to camp out of shape. Some days he'll throw 96-97, others--such as today--92-93. He may not be fully ready by the beginning of the year, and that's a shame. He damn well better learn from this experience next offseason. This team can't afford to not rely on someone as valuabe as he is. This is also about lighting a fire under his ample ass. He is young, came into camp out of shape, thought the job was his. Well under Ozzie, you should realize that none of that is guarented.
  3. Time to start charging double for advertising.
  4. QUOTE(Felix @ Mar 22, 2006 -> 06:14 PM) They claim that SoxTalk started the rumors, so I think SoxTalk would be the only one held responsible. Then again, Clemens and Damon (as public figures) won't have a case of libel against ST even if they tried to bring one up, so there really is nothing to worry about. In all reality here is how I look at it. Actually each poster is responsible for their own actions. The site is just a vehicle, and that vehicle is for sox fandom. Jason and Co do a good job of cleaning up stuff that is over the top, but how can you police rumors. Some people on the site do have some inside information and provide an insight to the whitesox that we as a normal fan cant provide. Some posters are even some of the minor league players themselves. I find it funny that reputiable journalists are so quick to nibble on any rumor that they would take a poster on a fan board seriously without spending lots of time on the site, knowing what type of poster this person is. I found it humorous at best when some guy claimed to be a relative of one of the owners of the whitesox posted some rumor, and then a few days later that same rumor appeared on mlbtraderumors.com. I thought that was some shotty journalistic work, but this rumor jumping to these levels without anyone in the journalistic community checking a source or the facts is funny. It goes to show you how much of the news we see is the truth, and how much of it is made up bulls*** on some blog site.
  5. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Mar 22, 2006 -> 05:13 PM) I cant even believe I didnt get a shout out from SI. Im cancelling my subscription. [NEERG] Greg Walker is the bestest hitting coach in the world. Timo and Willie are the best bench hitters ever, we will sorely miss them. I love everybody. [/NEERG} Good I think I am now covered. For once thank God I wasnt in a thread.
  6. QUOTE(SSH2005 @ Mar 22, 2006 -> 03:18 PM) For a good laugh, listen to Singleton's play-by-play on the Score. Why Rooney, why? the Pauses are priceless. Its like listening to a high school football game. Swing and a line drive, pause, pause, to centerfield, uh, Sweeney, pause, Ryan Sweeney hit that ball, a hot smash to short, pause, Juan hit the ball.
  7. QUOTE(joeynach @ Mar 22, 2006 -> 02:50 PM) Anyone notice MB's fastball, it hasn't hit above 86 on the gun. I dont know if we should be worried about that but his fastball just looks not as good as usual. Just wondering if this is normal and hes still building or if its a cause for concern. MB is usually between 88-90 mph on his fastball. Buerhle will be fine. He is just trying to build his arm up so he can go deep into games. On April 2nd, he will be hitting 88 again. He doesnt really pop the glove at 90 too much either.
  8. QUOTE(SSH2005 @ Mar 22, 2006 -> 02:32 PM) Indeedy. We went from a bench filled with guys who couldnt hit. To a group of guys that rake everything near the plate.
  9. Cintron >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Timo Mack>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>WH Gload>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Blum
  10. QUOTE(jasonxctf @ Mar 22, 2006 -> 12:39 PM) http://www.thestar.com/NASApp/cs/ContentSe...id=970599119419 first paragraph of the story reads... Remember the whiny, insecure kid in nursery school, the one who always thought everyone was out to get him, and was always running to the teacher with complaints? Chances are he grew up to be a conservative. At least, he did if he was one of 95 kids from the Berkeley area that social scientists have been tracking for the last 20 years. The confident, resilient, self-reliant kids mostly grew up to be liberals. So the study came from UC Berkeley and its negative about conservatives. What a f***ing shock. I hear they did a study where they were against the war also.
  11. QUOTE(Steff @ Mar 22, 2006 -> 10:43 AM) Daddy will be right back... :headshake http://www.wgal.com/news/8182833/detail.ht...sp=nationalnews Dad Arrested After Toddler Wanders Into Strip Club Boy Claimed Dad Said Monsters Would Eat Him POSTED: 8:28 am EST March 22, 2006 Email This Story | Print This Story TULSA, Okla. -- A Kansas man was arrested at a Tulsa strip club after police said his toddler son was left in a cold car and found wandering into the club. Christopher Greg Killion, 31, of Sabetha, Kan., was arrested Saturday on a complaint of "encouraging a minor child to be in need of supervision." He posted $500 bond and was released from jail. The boy told police that his father told him to stay in the car, and that if he left it, "monsters would eat him." A manager at the club had called police to report that about 30 minutes after Killion entered the club, a 3- to 4-year-old boy came inside looking for his father. Officers determined that the boy had been left alone in a car in the strip club's parking lot. The car was unlocked and parked about 20 feet from a four-lane street. It was raining and 45 degrees outside at the time, an officer noted in the police report. I think he forgot to tell his son that the monster is daddy. How do you explain that to your son. Well come on son, you know I was just kidding, it was 2 for 1 lapdance hour and sparkle promised me a nice bump and grind. You forgive me right.
  12. I guess my first name is not Irish enough. Thank our Irish lucky charms we named our son Brendan or he wouldnt have any Irish heritage. I agree with FlaSoxxJim on Black 47. They are not traditional but I do like their wierd sound. I also like the Fenians, the Pogues, and the the Larkin and Moran Brothers. They all put on a good show. Not all Irish music has to be some old man with a beatbox behind him, singing the rebel songs.
  13. QUOTE(Controlled Chaos @ Mar 22, 2006 -> 09:12 AM) What the hell is so hard about voting and counting votes? I voted yesterday with the electronic machine....a 5 year old could do it. In the past, I have used those scantron types and a 5 year old can do that. So why is there a f***in problem every time we vote? And what's the deal with couting the votes? They have years to test the machines and get everything right and the there's always f*** ups come election time. I just dont get it. I dont get it either. I have been an election judge before and its a hell of a lot easier now. The vote is scanned right away. There is no question if the vote will or wont scan. Its done right there in front of the person. Before you would have lots of issues running the ballots through at the end of the night, something wouldnt scan, people would on each side would b****. Then its about the slow printout of the strips. You need so many, to fix to the official tablet of votes, then there are scavangers representing some of the local politicians trying to get copies of the strips so they can take them back to headquarters. Now its just a matter of printing them, and then transmitting them.
  14. I refuse to go to this show until Alice and her large breasts are back in the show.. Where is the ACLU to protect the rights of the big breasted. Who here will help me fight this discrimination against those who have big breasts. Write your congressman to help file legislation to protect those of the larger cup size.
  15. QUOTE(Rex Kickass @ Mar 21, 2006 -> 06:34 PM) But an open doctrine of preemptive warfare is something that was not readily used in the past. Which is why the doctrine that we articulated in 2002 was so dangerous. When the big kid in the sandbox starts using it, it lets the smaller mean kids to start using it too. Even the short goof that runs Korea has to know that any missle that comes from his little land will immediately mean that Korea is gone. I mean gone like there used to be a country known as North Korea, gone. A nice 10 megaton weapon detonating over his house would probably wake him up.
  16. QUOTE(joeynach @ Mar 21, 2006 -> 04:48 PM) It looks to me like this guy tips his pitches pretty bad. You can see his grip on the ball during his wind up when he brings the ball back behind his lower back (ass). For a second or so the ball appears out to the side giving the batter a quick peak at the ball and his grip on the ball. That is called tipping your pitchers and its really obvious with this guy. Oh yeah and he doesn't seem to have anything else beside a fastball, his breaking pitch he never throws and its terrible. This guy is worse than adkins. There are plenty of pitchers that break the hand out of the glove during the pitchng motion. That isnt tipping your pitches. Tipping your pitches for example is when you wiggle your glove when you throw a curveball, then have no motion when you throw a fastball. Picking up the grip on a pitch that is behind a pitcher, popping out just a bit would be a serious talent.
  17. QUOTE(fathom @ Mar 21, 2006 -> 04:28 PM) I still wish Borchard would have made the team. I trust him in the outfield more than I do Gload. Borchard got his shot when Maggs went down. He couldnt hit the ball unless you told him it was coming down the middle of the plate, and then it was a 50/50 shot if he would make contact. If was their poo vs our poo.
  18. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Mar 21, 2006 -> 04:18 PM) I said to throw the eliminator, not the masterbator.
  19. QUOTE(hi8is @ Mar 21, 2006 -> 04:04 PM) All right Matty, lets see a first pitch meatball HR!!! Ask and you shall receive.
  20. Premiership, smermiership. Why look when you have the Bhoys up North. I follow Celtic in the Scottish Premership. I have been watching some Bundesliga, some La Liga, and some Eriedeversie lately. Its interesting to watch the different styles of football. I dont have a favorite Premership team, I usually follow the Americans playing.
  21. southsideirish71

    I'm back!

    QUOTE(mreye @ Mar 21, 2006 -> 11:11 AM) I've been gone for a few weeks due to the "bug" or virus. My IT department told me to stay away for a while. I saw SS on the train yesterday and he said it's safe again, so here I am! Is there a link to the explanation? Anyway...the news: My wife and I are expecting baby number 3 at the end of September. For my sanity's sake, hopefully we can get a boy this time, please God, please! Congrats to you and your wife on the future addition to the family.
  22. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Mar 21, 2006 -> 10:14 AM) There's a lot of people out there that basically say the "muslim version" of the Crusades is what the Quran calls for. Everyone is to be purged that are "non-believers in the profit Muhammed". Meh. Tom-ah-toe, tom-ay-toe. MAN MADE religion is horrible. What they did in the Crusades under the flag of Christianity was wrong back then, and what they are doing today is wrong now. The religion is not the problem, its the people and their interpretation of what they believe God wants. The true clergy of any religion is going to push non-violence, and being good to one another. You get some other people who decide to push their agenda of what they interpret their religious text to be. Religion should never equal Violence. In Christianity Jesus gave his own life, without a fight, and even told his apostles not to resist with violence. A few hundred years later a few power hungry morons decide that they need to reclaim the holy land from the evil muslims. So they twist the words to incite the weak minded to kill a bunch of people for Jesus, the peacemaker. Now we have some weak minded people who think that their religion is telling them to eraticate all those who are the infidels. People should use that brain of theirs a bit more, and ask Does Allah, the merciful, really want the death of the entire world that isnt muslim?
  23. QUOTE(Rex Kickass @ Mar 20, 2006 -> 11:54 AM) This is what we're fighting for? http://abcnews.go.com/International/wireSt...TC-RSSFeeds0312 Nice religion of peace. If you draw cartoons of our prophet, you must die. If you are another religion, you must die. I am surprised that they just dont rent some lions so we can go back to the good old Roman days.
  24. QUOTE(Jordan4life_2006 @ Mar 21, 2006 -> 12:53 AM) I like your optimism. I hope you're right. Well I get a kick out of people who all of a sudden forget that Joe Borchard has pretty much sucked for a few years. Remember how many people were calling for KWs head when he sent Reed instead of Borchard for Freddy. Now that we finally have unloaded him, everyone is all of a sudden attached to him. His chance happened a few years back when Maggs went down. He came up and couldnt handle major league pitching. He had a terrible start last year. HE GONE!!!! Now Thorton has a good arm, if Coop can fix him great, if he cant, we didnt lose anything. People act like we traded away something good.
  25. QUOTE(Flash Tizzle @ Mar 20, 2006 -> 10:28 PM) That's one hell of a September. When Williams suggest he's been following Thornton for awhile, it must have dated back to this specific time frame. Three straight games of 10+ strikeouts against quality opponents is quite an accomplishment. It must have been maddening for Seattle fans/management to watch a pitcher with so much potential continually struggle with control. When the White Sox suggest (per whitesox.com) Cooper notices a mechanical flaw, you wonder what could it possibly be? And if it's so obvious to him from viewing video tape, how didn't Seattle's pitching instructors--with several seasons of interaction--notice it? If Cooper corrects any perceived flaws in Thornton's delivery and he actually improves, I'll jump aboard the "Cooper is a golden god" bandwagon. Remember Conteras was also listed as garbage. His mechanical flaw was fixed. This after having the Yanks go to all sorts of extremes to get his head and his mechanics fixed. Sometimes a change of scenery and the right coach can fix things like this. If KW was truly after this guy for a few years based on Coop being convinced he can fix a mechanical flaw, then I say maybe he has the inside info.
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