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Everything posted by southsideirish71

  1. QUOTE(RegionSox @ Mar 15, 2006 -> 03:02 PM) It looked he was throwing the same pitch everytime If you see something like that and he looks like s***, I dont worry because its just a pitcher working on a specific pitch. If you see the whole asortment and the guy is laboring, and has a few more like that then we can worry.
  2. QUOTE(Tony82087 @ Mar 15, 2006 -> 02:58 PM) 4-3 Rocks...... Jenks getting rocked. Everything has seemed to have some kind of break on it... I think they have him working on something. He still needs to throw strikes.
  3. Walks kill. Throwing strikes is a key for the relievers. Game tied.
  4. QUOTE(SHAFTR @ Mar 15, 2006 -> 02:39 PM) anymore updates to this game? Konerko tags a double off the wall with 2 down. 1-1 so far. Someone else needs to take over PBP my boss is bugging me. Damn work.
  5. QUOTE(SSH2005 @ Mar 15, 2006 -> 02:29 PM) Santo=dorf was the first one to bring up Osuna and he has to be better than the rest of these gas cans vying for the job. anything is better than the pile of dung that has been the lefty hopeful group.
  6. QUOTE(SSH2005 @ Mar 15, 2006 -> 02:27 PM) Borchard with a 2-out RBI up the middle! Keep raising that trade value, Borchie! 1-1 tie. Nice avatar Jabroni. LOL
  7. AJ singles Crede Singles man on first and 2nd. Borchard up.
  8. Konerko grounds out to SS That was quick Rox coming to bat.
  9. Kick some high altitude ass. Cotts vs Cook Anderson CF Uribe SS Konerko 1B Dye RF AJ C Gooch 2b Crede 3rd Borchard LF Cotts P
  10. Herm was on the radio(670 the Score) talking about the different injuries. Tendanitis in the triceps for the Count. They think it will be fine, and they believe he should be able to throw on Friday. Tendanitis for Pods. He will throw on the side later this week. Nothing major to report. He didnt say anything about hermansons back. Which pretty much tells you what is going on there.
  11. Dont get too excited from some mocked up shots on a game website. The 360 has great graphics, but as everyone knows the game never looks exactly the way the promotional screenshots have it panned out to look like. Plus most people dont play these games in that 3rd person close up mode like that. You are usually set back a bit so you can get the view of the entire playing field or at least the infield.
  12. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Mar 15, 2006 -> 12:43 PM) I don't know what to do...congratulate Kenny, curse at the WBC, insult Marte, or blame this on Dusty Baker. Well played Balta Everyone should remember that 2 times last year marte was having some sort of arm issue and didnt tell Ozzie. Starting Marte's downfall with Ozzie. I remember one of those times was in Colorado when his velocity dropped big time and he was stretching his arm out on the mound a bunch of times.
  13. Soxside I picked up one of these at the Southside Irish parade on Sunday. They were pretty cool. There is a store that sells Fire and Police gear right next Quigleys(used to be Reilly's Daughter) on 111th and Pulaski that sells these in Black or Green.
  14. QUOTE(Kid Gleason @ Mar 15, 2006 -> 09:52 AM) Here is a list of the Celebrity nut-jobs: http://www.scientology-kills.org/celebrities/celebrities.htm I guess this explains why Parker Lewis has vanished. My favorite quote from that site. Sounds like Mr. Spock has influenced these sheep more than their parents. These people are stupid
  15. QUOTE(quickman @ Mar 14, 2006 -> 09:14 PM) I say bring him in now. 1 out away from Garcia being back Dominicans win 2-1. Garcia is back.
  16. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Mar 14, 2006 -> 03:03 PM) Jizz-can, I will kill you if you hit one more guy. He just needs to do his Thriller impersonation more and throw meatballs up there for our hitters to launch.
  17. QUOTE(SleepyWhiteSox @ Mar 14, 2006 -> 12:13 PM) So you were brought over illegally? There's a few people on here that don't want you here. LOL, My mother was granted permission to gain a work visa also. I couldnt work at 1 1/2 so I was allowed to tag along, LOL.
  18. QUOTE(SleepyWhiteSox @ Mar 14, 2006 -> 12:05 PM) Great post. I basically agree, especially in your belief of giving deserving immigrants the proper chance to be citizens. By the way, can I ask how you got here as a baby? My father came over here on a work visa in the early 60s. He then joined the army to fast track his immigration. He went back and forth in the 60s between Ireland and the US and then brought my mother and I over in 1973. I was 1 1 1/2. He worked multiple jobs growing up. It took a while but we got our citizenship. I still remember it even though I was a child. It was one of the best days of my life. The american flag never was so beautiful to me on that day.
  19. QUOTE(southsideirish @ Mar 14, 2006 -> 11:49 AM) Not all Irish spoke English. Many only spoke Gaelic, which is nothing like English. When was this. My grandparents spoke perfect english. My great grandfather spoke english. We lived in a town in Kerry in the South were Gaelic is still spoken today. I learned gaelic growing up, however we learned english first.
  20. I am just going to throw my opinion into the frey on this, however I am a person who is a immigrant and a person who had to go through the naturalization process. Thank God I was able to overcome the families use of Gaelic and learn english I am a unique immigrant as I was born in Ireland and came over here when I was a baby. I dont have the typical Irish accent so no one knows that I am an immigrant unless I tell them. I am for a guest worker program. I believe in giving people options to become an american citizen. I think its a great option and will help curb some of the illegal activity. However the people who will be against this are the companies that utlize the lower pay of the illegal immigrant. This is who will fight this, not the immigrant and not the average american citizen. The immigrant wants a better life. Ireland up until they joined the EU had a piss poor economy. Many of my relatives have left and have sought out better opportunities all over the globe. I am however in favor of legal immigration only. Bottom line, if you cant come to a country legally, you must abide by the Sovereignty of the Countries Borders. For every person that comes here illegally with the proper dream, there are others who are using this as a way to bring drugs, gangs, and illicit goods into/out of this country. I see international gangs like MS-13 who jump back and forth across the border who have figured out how to utilize illegal immigration to further their gang activies. And as hard as it is for people to believe, there are irish and polish and others who come over here illegally. If you earn money in the US you should abide by the laws of the US and pay taxes. Rewarding people for breaking into the country is setting a bad example. So no drivers licenses, etc. If the government knows you are illegal you should be sent back. I dont care if you are Irish, Polish, Meixcan, Peruvian, or whatever. Our borders need to be secure. I do find it funny that the government of Mexico is openly handing out pamphlets on how to cross the border safely. The Irish are working on a similiar thing, it involves a tunnel that connects all the Irish pubs. It was scrapped due to too many irish not wanting to leave the first bar they hit. My only fear is that if some terrorist group uses the mexican border to get in and perform acts of terror, the repercussions to the Mexican-American relations will be grave and dramatic.
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