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Everything posted by southsideirish71

  1. You have to go with Buerhle. He is on the bump.
  2. QUOTE(CaliSoxFanViaSWside @ Feb 24, 2006 -> 09:27 PM) I'm glad to see sumone picked up the ball and ran with it. It's easy to say "give me a f***in break" or "relax" when if you were monitored as your employees are would you be able to "relax" ? What you did was for you're own personal gain. It had nothing to do with company policy or the laws regarding the invasion of privacy. I find it funny that someone is so bent out of shape that poor wittle cub fans were denied their rights to get tickets. This is pretty amusing.
  3. QUOTE(Cuck the Fubs @ Feb 24, 2006 -> 09:49 PM) Nothing is wrong with that. You went too far in bragging that you did this to Cubs fans, yet you still allow access to the Sox stuff. If your rationale is that you need to save company resources, then you need to do it to all. Thanks for telling me when I went too far. Oddly my boss didnt think it was a big deal, nor did our CIO who he told because he thought it was funny. They both had a chuckle over it and got a kick out of it. Considering both of them do my review and the CIO reports directly to the CEO, I think I am ok.
  4. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Feb 24, 2006 -> 06:03 PM) If you did the same for other events or mass uses of bandwidth, including Sox ticket time? Sounds good then. If the sox traffic was causing the same type of issues that our cubby fans were doing with opening up hundreds of sessions and it impacted connections to the mainframe, sure. Oddly the same people who were doing these types of activites are the same people that complain the loudest that the network is slow.
  5. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Feb 24, 2006 -> 05:46 PM) You're still missing the point. Your actions were NOT a corporate investigation. They were your own petty motives. That is why its wrong. If you really want to get the letter of our corporate law then. My actions stopped a group of over 100 individuals from stealing company resources. My motives have nothing to do with them not doing their job. The pleasure in stopping the cubby fans from purchasing tickets when they should be working was secondary to my primary job of protecting our bandwidth. Maybe we should submit a bill to each of their departments for stolen bandwidth. We had one cub fan utilizing over 100 virtual waiting room sessions.
  6. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Feb 24, 2006 -> 05:01 PM) Privacy is not black and white - it has gradients. Read here: http://www.law.duke.edu/journals/dltr/arti...01dltr0026.html A few highlights. For one, see in the overview, that law favors legitimate, employer-monitoring practices. Not individual whims. See also that 8 states, IL included, extend privacy laws normally reserved for public sector employees to private employees as well. There is also the federal ECP Act, which may also protect employees from willful or unnecessary interception of data. Point is, you are taking a risk, a risk your company will shoulder. Don't make it seem like your arbitrary use of power is "part of your job". I will have to let the rest of the chicago corporate security investigation community know at the next Infraguard/Facist meeting that we are all at risk. That mainly deals with corporate interception of private email. Like google mail and things of that nature. There are certain protections that I must abide by when I preform forensic investigations. I can retrieve artifacts offline from the machine itself, I however cannot connect the machine online and retrieve their email. We protect ourselves by blocking all personal mail. Note to Mods/Admin: God I didnt think that this thread was going to take this ethics turn. This probably needs to moved to Buster. Next time I wont share with the class. Then I can have rest weigh in on how I am a corporate facist
  7. QUOTE(mr_genius @ Feb 24, 2006 -> 04:54 PM) we had one of our sys admins reading emails he shouldn't. i fired him. Good he should of been fired if it wasnt his job.
  8. QUOTE(southsideirish @ Feb 24, 2006 -> 04:51 PM) It seems to me like you are telling the wrong people to relax. Maybe your company should relax. They sound very high strung about their own employees. Cub fans or not, what you do doesn't seem right. It may be your job and what you get paid to do, but that doesn't mean I have to agree with it and think that it is the right thing to be doing. Welcome to corporate america. They do this at a hell of a lot more firms than you know.
  9. QUOTE(Y2HH @ Feb 24, 2006 -> 04:29 PM) Those types of suits never hold up (wrongful termination)...this is a completely different type of case. Those suits cannot hold up in IL because this state employs the "right/will work" clause, I forget what it's called on a lawful basis, but I know a company CAN terminate employment for ANY reason they choose in IL. A infringement on a persons privacy is a different story. In some cases it could be compared to installing a security camera in the womans bathroom simply because the company thinks it can. Doesn't work that way. Some rights to privacy, in a company or outside of a company, CANNOT be taken away. A bathroom is a place of expected privacy. Where Title III comes into place with electronic survelliance is when you have an "expectation" of privacy. Our acceptable use policies are specific. Our employees have no reasonable expectation of privacy with their email or computer use. We also do not allow cameras, USB sticks, or other times that could be used to remove data or intellectual property. Again these are f***ing cub fans we are talking about. Jesus christ. Maybe we can ban the cubs suck shirts because they might offend their sense of being a cub fan. Everyone relax.
  10. QUOTE(Y2HH @ Feb 24, 2006 -> 04:23 PM) I assure you at the company I work for, although I have the same power as the person we speak of...I never do any such thing unless I have a specific REASON, by and from the company, to do so. I don't think he was being serious about reading e-mails, either, as that would be a 24/7 job in and of itself...however, merely stating it is an abuse of power, which is what I think the poster is getting at with a lawsuit. Just because you "can" doesn't mean you "should", without proper reason, the employee DOES have rights. One thing companies don't understand with most "contracts" is an employee CANNOT sign away their lawful rights, no matter what the document states. There ARE privacy issues at hand... First thing you could have the same rights. However my job is a tad more specific than your. My entire reason for being at my company is to perform security analysis and investigations. I also on the side act as the level 3 support for our cisco environment. The employee has no expectation of privacy. The only countries I cannot monitor is Australia due to their privacy laws. They go out a different pipe on our network. Fire someone for surfing porn. I pretty much guarentee they will sue at some point. It happens. Why were they watching me? Oh poor me. Guess who wins, ever single time. We do. What I do is tried and true in a court of law. I guarentee that the person we will investigate next week, will at some point if they are termainted sue the company. This is how it was at my last company and I am sure if I move to another company. This conversation is going no where. This is what I do for a living. If you dont like it, I dont know what to tell you. A lot of larger companies have a person that performs the extact function. They do everything that I do and some have a hell of a lot more money and time and people to do it. I hope none of you work for a big 6 accounting firm. They have groups of security engineers doing this. And what I meant by I was half joking about reading emails. Part of my job is to investigate people for sending company secrets or our sales forecasts, designs, etc out to our competitors. We have mining tools that perform most of th searches, however at some point. My two eyes have to glance over it before I send it to legal and HR for a recommendation of action. I dont just flippantly go through peoples email reading it for fun. All of my fun time is spent on this goofy site, and that is a bout it. The rest is working. The comment for I read you email is a known IT joke that Y2HH seemed to glance over. They have stickers and shirts that have that joke on it.
  11. QUOTE(Y2HH @ Feb 24, 2006 -> 04:00 PM) I'm an "IT" guy myself...actually I'm more than that, to just call myself an IT guy is weak. I run the lan/wan infrastructure and also the perimeter firewall/intrusion systems...so I have ultimate control, even over the remaining IT guys, since they control servers/systems and I still get to say what traffic goes where...I also get to say if the Proxy server has any actual control. That said...this is a weak display of "IT" power, or abuse of said power. Blocking a persons access to purchase tickets...tsk tsk...maybe it's only me but I find this no different than power ticket brokers using their influence to get tickets off the table before they are available to the public. It's a weak form of brokering, and I dispise brokers and those that use underhanded tactics like them. As for reading other employees e-mail, personal or business...I find this even worse. This is merely an admin abusing power he obviously isnt ready to have. Although some of the others seem to disagree with me here and may feel free to buy you free beer and high-five you for such antics, I do not share in their celebration of this. It's weak. No beers for you. n00b. The line about reading their email was half hearted and half real. I am the security engineer. I perform security investigations on a daily basis. These require the collection and review of email, and I also perform forensic investigations, we also use key loggers to watch traffic, and use network sensors to catpure their conversations. I have assisted law enforcement in this, as a former law enforcement employee. I have testified in court for civil and criminal matters. So I have a firm understanding of what is and what isnt ethical. I was playing a prank on cub fans. Give me a f***ing break.
  12. QUOTE(CaliSoxFanViaSWside @ Feb 24, 2006 -> 02:33 PM) So let me get this straight you police your company's internet access but around World Series time you policed everyone but yourself. So even though company time is to be used for company business that policy is enforced by you for everyone but you. Seems to me that this is akin to a police officer busting a dude for selling drugs then turning around and selling them himself. Absolute power corrupts absolutely and yet many here applaud you. It's no wonder we distrust those in power because once we find ourselves in a position of power we often times abuse it also. When the shoe is on the other foot and we have something to gain personally all morals and ethics we claim to have are betrayed. I also read their email. They sign an acceptable use policy. Oddly I dont have to apply to any of the rules of surfing at my company. When I was hired, I had a policy/waiver that was signed by HR, Legal and the CEO that basically said that I because of the nature of my job I can surf what I want, when I want, without reprecussions. This was something that I thought of due to the nature of what I do. I cant have polices telling me not to have pornography on my machine, when I perform forensics on peoples machines for porn violations. Due to the nature of my job I will have artifacts of porn on my machine. So being a bit creative during my hiring process I had this added to my offer. The only time this is nullfied is if I break any state or federal laws. Which I am not. You can go back to being morally outraged now.
  13. Well remember speed guys like Pods are the bane of SABR metric fans everywhere. I mean everytime Pods gets caught stealing, they are writing a formula based on wasted outs.
  14. Southside places like Lindy's (Chili and Chocolate Malt) on Archer next to McKinley Park Nicky's (Big Baby Special) in Alsip Wonderburger(Wonderburger basket special, curly fries and special sauce) on 111th and Kedzie Nino's Pizza at 115th and Cicero 87th and Cicero there is a greasyspoon hamburger/gyro joint on the North West corner and of course when I worked in Markham John's on 147th and Kedzie ( best damn Cheese Fries I have ever had, and they give you a fork with the fries) These are items that pretty much are southside only and I have not been able to find suitable replacments in the Western Burbs.
  15. QUOTE(sircaffey @ Feb 24, 2006 -> 12:49 PM) Like why he hates Scotty so much... Remember when we did a similiar thing with Rob Neyer. He stated some of the reasons he didnt like the sox, like the uniforms and the park. The funny thing was that he was responding to our emails. I think he was actually invited to come over here for some debate however declined.
  16. QUOTE(Cuck the Fubs @ Feb 24, 2006 -> 12:09 PM) Couldn't they sue you over this? I would if my employer was a Cubs fan who blocked access to White Sox stuff but allowed access to Cubs stuff. I think it's got to be both ways, either allow everyone access, or allow no one access. Just my 2 cents. Even cub fans are not dumb enough to argue this at work. People who argue about this, are people who become suddenly unemployed. Yes I know I am in accounting and that I am behind on my work, but I know that damn IT group is blocking me because I am a cubs fan. Actually I dont have to provide a fair and balanced internet access forum. Technically the Internet is to be used as a tool for work and work only. When they were hired, and this is pretty much standard practice across most companies. Our employees signed an acceptable use policy. On there it says, use this for business use only and we can monitor and block as we seem fit. First they would have to prove that I was doing this and was restricting their access based on the fact that they are a cubs fan. Then they would need to explain to our owner that even though they were wasting company time, it really is unfair that I am blocking them because they are cub fans. Then they would need to access our set of proxy servers and my intrusion prevention equipment(which only I have access to), and then after this they would have to know out of the 1000 filters I have applied looking for our trade secrets going out the door, this particluar line of python regex code is the one that pertains to their cubs ticket purchase. Methinks that I have nothing to worry about. I have applied this to everyone in the company who uses our internet access. Oddly enough my access is a bit different than everyone in the company.
  17. QUOTE(Steff @ Feb 24, 2006 -> 11:07 AM) Our IT department redirected anyone that puts in MLB.Com or Cubs.Com to Whitesox.Com. They turned off internet access to known Cubs fans this morning. They do it every year yet the Cubs fans still scream and holler about it. All soxfan IT workers should strive to add this "service" to their company.
  18. I will have to figure out something to add for next year. Maybe redirecting these people to random websites. Maybe to whitesox.com. I will have to plan next years annual event.
  19. Security Geek fun at my work. One of my responsiblities at work is to control the content filters and general internet access. I basically police our people so they dont surf porn and stuff. Well last year I watched as hundreds of people at one of our chicago locations started trying to hit the internet all at the same time. They were all lined up in the virtual waiting room to get tickets. I of course was trying to get the Sox series tickets and figured if I picked off some of my competition I could have a better chance. So I disabled their access. This year I added some more sport to the event as I would let them live in the virtual waiting room, but would block the actual ticket purchase. I have figured out the URL when they win a ticket, and have listed that as pornography. We have had numerous calls about some "business related" website from our cubby co workers. LOL
  20. How many of the posts started with "EAT s***" Congrats on 10k.
  21. QUOTE(The Critic @ Feb 23, 2006 -> 01:04 PM) Actually, their first show is going to be a 2005 season recap entitled, "Close But No Cigar" After that is a Grady Sizemore juggling show and CC Sabathia's cooking show called "Yeah, I'll Eat That!" They had to cancel the Coco and CC "How to wear your hat like a gangsta" show due to the trade.
  22. Harry Doyle "Welcome to local Access TV 44, Wahoo TV central everybody. We are looking to start another campaign at the Reservation this year against the hated pale hose from the 2nd city. Today we will have an interview from Japanese pitcher Tadano. Who appears to be some sort of cult movie star. We will be showing a few of his clips during the commercials for Big Als Bowl-o-rama. Hey everybody, don't forget about die hard night here at the stadium. Free admission to anyone who was actually alive the last time the Indians won the pennant."
  23. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Feb 23, 2006 -> 11:22 AM) The s*** he injects is f***ing terrible. There are some steroids and substances than can have a positive effect on your body's health if taken correctly. he ignores all of that data. Whats wrong with Horsey Testy Juice. "Follow your dreams. You can meet your goals. I am living proof. Beefcake! BEEFCAKE!!!" --Eric Cartman (Weight Gainer 4000)
  24. QUOTE(aboz56 @ Feb 23, 2006 -> 11:04 AM) Scanned this in, since it's not available online. Each picture goes in sequence, so just continue down after you get done with each picture. This really gives me even more respect for what Bobby has been able to do. The article was by Bob Nightengale. Great article. This was the place for Bobby to be a star. We are a fanbase that appreciates a hard working guy and can forgive the checkered past. In Chicago we forgive the former bad boy because its part of our persona as a city, especially on the southside. We have welcomed Rodman, then AJ, and now Bobby and his checkered past. As long as this kid gives his all we will be behind him.
  25. QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Feb 22, 2006 -> 04:40 PM) With all the corporate deals tied to those getting sweet assistance from the Bush administration, we're likely to know if abortion will be overturned if somebody can dig up facts related to coathanger companies' relationships with BushCo. very classy
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